Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, chapter 168.

Shaking her head helplessly, Hydra would spit at Black Chastity's approach, but would not be forced to correct him. Everyone had their own personality, and while Black Chastity wasn't a traditional side of Jeanne, even so, Black Chastity already represented another kind of Jeanne under the world line. In a sense, this Black Chastity was more to Hydra's liking than the great, glorious White Chastity.

At least Black Chastity would still help stoke the fires when Hydra got into things, instead of preaching with a serious face like White Chastity....

Leaning back on the couch, Hydra didn't care about her image.

Although she had a book in her hand, Hydra's attention wasn't focused on it....

"I don't know what Skaha and the others are doing now..."

As she thought about it, Hydra hitched a breath. Skaha and Hydra had been allies for some time, Skaha had joined Sparta after the angelic divine right invaded Celtic mythology, and was considered an old man in a sense. For Skaha, Hydra could be said to have unconditional trust, and even the Spartan city-state had been spoken to Skaha to manage.

Even though Hydra didn't care about the Spartan city-state now....

As I was thinking about it, Black Chastity poked Hydra with a fork on the side.


Hydra's eyes were filled with confusion as she looked at Black Chastity who was in front of her who was inexplicably stabbing herself with a fork.

Ignoring Hydra's confusion, Black Chastity pointed to the books in Hydra's hand as she ate the fruit plate.

"The books were taken down without even noticing. What, is it your little lover that's missing?"

At the news, Hydra smacked her lips, then indifferently set the book aside. Relaxing on the couch. This feeling was very enjoyable to Hydra.

In the bit of one's own body, the things one had to think about were always so much. But in the midst of this strange world, she was more relaxed instead.

Perhaps it was because there was no threat, or perhaps it was the modernity that made Hydra feel tired. But how exactly who could say?

Looking at Hydra, who was lying on the side, Black Chastity shrugged her shoulders indifferently. Although he didn't answer his own question, if Hydra didn't want to answer Hei chaste wouldn't force it. No matter which Hero, it was pathetic.

A hero, O hero, a title of greatness. But as far as Black Chastity knew, if one really chose a hero in the traditional sense of hero, then ninety percent of the heroes were pieces of a hero's name in vain.

Because the word hero stands for being perfect no matter what....

As in the legend, Perseus Perseus attacked and killed the sleeping Medusa, while Hercules Perseus killed the music teacher who was teaching him how to play the violin, because Hercules' fingers were so thick that the music teacher couldn't help but say something to Hercules, and then Hercules killed him by mistake. In the end, however, Hercules was acquitted on the grounds of "self-defense".

All heroes of that era are more or less tainted. It is inevitable and undeniable.

But under the glory of the word "hero," those stains are buried in the corners of history.

In a sense, to be able to be invisible is a kind of fortune for the heroes, which means that other people do not know your weaknesses, but also represents the ability.......

After all, not everyone is able to hide in the corners of history.

As I was thinking, a knock suddenly sounded from the side of the door.

"Please come in."

As Hydra's voice trailed off, Mamoru Yoriya dragged his already half-crippled body in.

"Sakura, where's Sakura?!"

Looking at the Manticore Goose Night in front of her, Hydra shook her head after a moment of silence.

"...Another loli control."



Volume 2: Episode 26 - The Wrath of Maito Yanyan Night

Hydra stroked her chin as she looked at the Manticore Goose Night in front of her.

Not that it was surprising that Mantong Goose Night would find this place. The truth was that Hydra hadn't deliberately hidden his stronghold, and basically anyone with a mind could find out where Hydra's current stronghold was staying. But magicians were a group of creatures that were less courageous than rats, and when they saw Hydra openly revealing their location they would instead be more cautious....

In a sense it was considered a kind of empty city trick, but in fact, for Hydra, if she was really in danger, Hydra could always activate the spatial jutsu hidden underneath the big villa to move it to the other side of space....

The reason why Hydra was so surprised, it was more that Maito Yanye would actually come to him so early in the morning, according to Hydra's expectation, it should be at least three days later....

"Mamoru Goose Night... I've heard Sakura mention you, and if I remember correctly, you should be the imperial master of the berserker in the middle of this Holy Grail War, right?"

Upon hearing that, Mantong Yangyu nodded stiffly. The left side of Manticore's face and the left half of his body were basically half-crippled. The skin had taken on a cement-like earthy gray color with time, and disgusting insects could be faintly seen saving under the atrophied muscles.

"Can I... can I see Sakura?"

Manticore Goose Night almost begged to speak.

Looking at the miserable gaze of Mantiri Goose Night, Hydra nodded after a moment's thought. Clapping her hands, Sakura, who was finishing brushing, took off her apron and walked over to Hydra.

"Uncle Goose Night?"

Sakura was somewhat surprised to see the Manticore Goose Night in front of her, but saw a safe and healthy Sakura. There was also a tinge of joy rising on Manticore Goose Night's face.

"Sakura, Sakura, it's really good that you're okay!"

But before he could get up, he crouched down in pain due to the muscles involved in the distance movement.

The insects that were moving underneath his skin felt the pressure of his muscles and struggled like frogs in hot water. It was because of this struggle that the pain was almost overwhelming Manticore's nerves....

For a long time, the insects that had been saving under Maito Yanyan's skin stopped struggling, and the tide of pain receded, as if Maito Yanyan had just been pulled out of the water. The thin sweatshirt had been wet with cold sweat, and the jaws were covered with mucus that wasn't sure if it was saliva or sweat....

"As long as you're okay...that's enough...that's enough..."

Continuously repeating a phrase, there wasn't much change in Maito Yangyu's gaze due to the pain, instead, whenever his gaze was placed on Sakura, the depths of his eyes would rise with an intense amount of celebration.

Standing up, Manticore Goose Night returned stiffly to his original seat, and turning his gaze to Hydra, Manticore Goose Night spoke huskily, "Thank you, thank you for freeing Sakura from the evil cave... thank you... thank you..."

As he said, the tear ducts of Mantiri Yanyan, who did not leave a single tear, collapsed instantly as he said thank you one after another as if it were a confession or a celebration.

Hydra didn't have a bad feeling towards Masterson Goose Night, but to be frank, she didn't have a good feeling either. Hydra wouldn't be swayed by other people's infected emotions.

To put it bluntly, what Maito Yanyan was enduring right now was self-inflicted, and the act of surrendering the happiness of a woman you liked to someone you hated for the sake of her happiness was not commendable in Hydra's eyes.

For Hydra, what she likes, she has to fight for, with the idea that "no one else can make her happy!". The idea of taking to do your own thing was Hydra's way of thinking. It was cold, but here at least it was better than failing where it was lonely and remorseful.

The present, the past, the future, and basically all the suffering suffered by Mantiri Goose Night could be predicted.

Mantong Goose Night hated magicians, so he didn't practice magic, hoping to fight the old insects. Then, faced with a desperate situation, he can only look to the old bug for strength. In the future, to make Enzaka Aoi happy, Manticore Goose Night gave up on competing with Enzaka Tokimatsu, and it was because of this abandonment that almost all of its future misery was foreseen.

After a moment of silence, Hydra looked before her at the indifferent chin leaning on Maito Yangyo.

"The most basic reason for your participation in the Holy Grail War if I remember correctly should be to save Sakura from it. Now that Sakura is safe, what are you going to do?"

After hearing that, Maito Yangyo suddenly fell silent, and after a long time, Maito Yangyo raised his head and gritted his teeth and said, "I'm going to make sure that the suffering that Sakura endured will be suffered by Tokiyo Enzaka as well! It's all because of him! It's all because of him that everything is the way it is! If I hadn't let go...Aoi wouldn't have, wouldn't have stayed with the man who couldn't even give her! If he hadn't sent Sakura to the old worm, things wouldn't be like this at all!"

There was a pause, and the still intuitive right half of Manticore's face was filled with fierce anger.

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