Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, chapter 167.

Hearing Li Shuwen's invitation, Illya nodded excitedly, but because she was an artificial human, Illya's strength was incredibly weak. Not to mention a three-meter long gun, she couldn't even hold a two-meter long wooden stick....

So, Lee Shuwen got bamboo sticks for Illya to start learning the technique of shaking a big gun....

Illya was a quick learner, and it didn't take long for her to be able to master a big gun twice her own height, but Illya's fate was one that Lee Shuwen seemed powerless to change....

Looking at Lee Shuwen in front of him, Hydra shrugged her shoulders.

"It's quite simple isn't it? It all came about because of the Grail War."

As she said that, Hydra leaned back in her chair, one hand resting on the armrest while the other hand kept gesturing where it was.

"Don't you feel it? The so-called Grail War was a monstrous product born out of an accidental experiment. The Third Law was successfully realized by "Hustisha Rizlach Von Einzberen", an artificial human being and the Virgin of Winter during the Shinyo period, who joined forces with the other three houses of the Mikado. Afterwards, the three houses broke up due to the unfair distribution of profits, and the story of the Third Law spread to the upper echelons of the Inner World, which led to the current Grail War. To put it bluntly, the initial knowledge was just a conflict over the uneven distribution of benefits. I'm sure they never expected it to develop into what it is now either."

Taking a long breath, Hydra said with a serious face.

"So ah, put an end to this farce once and for all. It's not necessary to exist, is it? Let this Holy Grail War be the last Holy Grail War to completely destroy the Great Holy Grail System."

Hearing Hydra's words, Li Shuwen fell silent, and Hydra didn't hurry, but sat quietly waiting for Li Shuwen's reply.

For a long time....

"Why? Is not the reason you descended to fulfill your wish?"

Hearing Lee's questioning, Hydra had to laugh.

"No, no, no. You might be mistaken about something."

As she said that, Hydra began to gather magic in her hand.

"I am not a being of this world, and for me, it is the knowledge contained within the Holy Grail that is truly raising my interest. The Third Law - Soul Matter Law. Magic that affects reality with thoughts...I'm curious about the composition of this magic. His magic alignment formula, magic equations are all existences that I want to get."

Saying that, the magic power collected at Hydra's hand had reached a threshold, the peaceful magic power had become a black hole-like existence under extreme compression, the fragile space began to fail to bear the mass of magic power and as a result, fine cracks like spider webs appeared....

"Behind the depths of space lies a future that we cannot foresee. In the face of the unknown, there is only fear and trepidation in people's hearts. And there is a handful of people who rise to incredible excitement in the face of the unknown and are desperate to start exploring..."

Plainly, Hydra's eyes shone with the same glow.

"Behind the quest, they may be more afraid than anyone else. They may die on the path of discovery. But this thirst for knowledge will never, ever be broken. Knowledge is power, and I must and must master that knowledge!"

Looking at Hydra, who looked serious but had a different kind of crazy face in front of him, Li Shuwen swallowed his saliva. Somehow, Li Shuwen felt that the calm guy in front of him was instead the one who most resembled a madman....

Hydra shook her head and laughed as she looked at Li Shuwen in front of her...

"No need to be so tense, we don't have a conflict of interest do we? You want to change Illyria's fate, and I want access to a more expansive knowledge and power. We could have joined forces and I would have taken the Great Grail System out of this world, and without it, the Grail War would have lost its meaning of existence. I can even reshape your body so that you can live another life in one flesh and blood. Don't you want to spend more time with Ilya? Look at the purity of her eyes, the loss of use, the darkness of the world inside you know better than I do, don't you?"

As she said that, Hydra pointed her finger towards Illya who was playing with Sakura's butterfly, her bright red eyes sparkling with a different kind of vitality, her pure and kind heart also touching the life around her all the time. Even Sakura was touched by this kindness and liveliness, a warm smile on her face.

"She's just a child, she doesn't know how dirty the place where he stays is. Born a prop, his fate was sealed from the start. And before her, how many more bones of failures were buried long in the back garden of the magic workshop? People aren't just plants and trees. This will be more profound for you than for me..."

Said Hydra, collapsing once more into the recliner.

There was a moment of silence, and just as Lee was about to say something, Hydra interrupted him.

"There's no need to rush to reply to me yet, it's not too late to think about it. There's no going back..."

Looking at the garden in front of her, Hydra smiled abruptly.

Looking at Lee Shuwen beside her, Hydra smiled.

"Don't you think Sakura and Illya are playing nice? This villa is the perfect magic workshop, and it will serve perfectly as a fortress to shelter them from the elements after we leave."


God damn it for six chapters for you guys...if I give you an extra zero wouldn't I have to pay you back a few hundred chapters!

No, I should say that if I had an extra would absolutely ask for that!

It's hard to ensure quality and quantity at the same time.......

Volume 2: Extra - 25 - Another Lori Control

In the end, Li Shuwen had not given Hydra an accurate Great Father, and Hydra had not been in a hurry, but had given Li Shuwen plenty of time to think.

Hydra believed that with the wisdom of Shuwen Li, he would be able to make the best choice for his own interests. After all, Li Shuwen was only a follower, able to exist in this world to resolve the duration of the maintenance of the Great Holy Grail System. If he could live another lifetime....

I'm sure no matter who it was, they wouldn't refuse.

Looking at Sakura sitting next to him, Hydra's lips quirked up slightly. Covering her palm on Sakura's head.

"How about it, it looks like you're dating that little girl named Ilya pretty well."

Hearing Hydra's question, Sakura nodded her head.

But didn't say anything, although the knot had been untied, Sakura was naturally the kind of child who was silent. This kind of thing would undoubtedly be a bad thing if it was placed on someone else, because the first thing one had to learn in modern society was to be sociable before being human. But if one were to look at it as a magician, then there was no problem.

After all, no matter what, within the bizarre group of magicians, there would be no shortage of perverts of any kind....

It was already past nine o'clock when Lee Shuwen left, and by the time Hei Zhen woke up the time was almost noon....

Wearing a thin sweater and with short shoulder-length hair, Kuro Sadao crawled out of bed with a lazy face.

"Sakura-san! I'm so hungry! I want to eat!"

Hearing Kuro Chaste's call, Sakura good-naturedly stood up and ran to the kitchen.

Looking at the well-behaved Sakura and Kuro Chaste, who looked like a jerk second son, Hydra helplessly covered her forehead.

"You guy, why don't you have a little kid who understands? Are all the English spirits nowadays so depraved?!"

At the words, Kuro Chaste glanced at the corner of her mouth disdainfully.

"Che, and you're talking about me, I was all ready to get up, but who knew you'd be out there sneaking around with the other Mikado family hanyou. It was all because I was reluctant to stay in bed so as not to reveal our adultery!"

Hearing or not Kurotan's self-justification that was full of misunderstanding towards, Hadera went to the kitchen with a blank expression and picked up a kitchen knife and threw it at Kurotan.

"Don't make such obviously false excuses for being lazy..."

With a well-documented sound after that, Kuro Chaste came out of the bedroom with a tired face.

Sakura was ready to eat, and although she was a bit pressed for time, the good news was that Western-style breakfast was easy to make.

Two strips of bacon, an omelette and two toasts. A little sprinkling of black pepper would be just about right if it wasn't enough.

Windsweptly finishing her breakfast, Black Chastity stretched a great deal.

"The state of the follower is just good, so I don't even have to wash my face and brush my teeth in the morning~"

"Exactly how lazy do you have to be..."

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