Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, chapter 121.

Before Sal could finish his delight, a group of dwarven warriors in a dwarven airship appeared in the sky.

Looking down at the blindfolded Sal below, Muradin Copperbeard couldn't help but laugh.

"Good thing I'm smart!"

Volume 1: Text-155.Transmigration of Heaven and Centaurs

It was still a sunny day, and the Centaurs who had come to disrupt Northern Europe were now living a comfortable little life, having lost the presence of Olympus and other forces against them.

After the early morning penis exercise, the Centaur chieftain, Brandewalden, came out from his tent.

The Centaur's territory was a grassland, rich and fertile with lush green grasses.

It was the most natural food, and relying on the well-developed appendix in their bodies, the centaurs could fill their bellies with the pasture. Because the cecum of a centaur is full of microorganisms, the microorganisms can convert cellulose into sugar, which can then be digested. Other omnivores and carnivores, on the other hand, have a cecum that has degenerated into a small appendix and therefore cannot digest cellulose.

Of course, grass and vegetables are two different things. In the eyes of the rabbit the bitter chicory is the vegetable, and the bok choy the grass....

That said, the fact is that because of their well-developed taste organs, centaurs in general don't eat grass....

Feeling the gentle breeze, Brandwalden's eyes were filled with sadness.

"O my dear friend... Karon, how much better it would be if you were here..."

While talking to himself, Blandwalden's eyes were filled with sadness, although Blandwa and the others had inherited the roughness of the centaur clan, it didn't mean that Blandwalden's intelligence would be as low as the other centaurs.

If it was fine to be alone as a tribe, but now it was a large tribe united by several tribes, and while the centaurs under his command would do what he wanted, what if it was out of his sight?

With the centaur's nature, how could they wait to make peace with the other beasts....

"What the Four Tribes really need is a wise man like Karon who can make the centaurs live in peace with the surrounding orcs, not a warrior like me..."

Brandwalden's voice was filled with determination. After experiencing many events, Brandwalden was not as reckless as he had been in the beginning, but nevertheless, teaching and fighting were completely different things, and thus, Brandwalden was filled with bitterness about the current situation of the Centaur Tribe....

Just thinking about it, Brandevalden suddenly felt some trembling sensation on the ground.

No, it wasn't a feeling!

Looking at the faintly trembling forage, Brandevalden swallowed.

"Centaurs assemble!!!"

The roar that contained magical power soon spread throughout the entire Four Tribes, and when they heard the chieftain's call, all the centaurs came out of the tent with their weapons on their faces in confusion.

"What's going on?! Did something happen?"

As he said that, the pale centaur sorcerer frowned.

Looking at the Centaur Wizard in front of him, Brandwalden held the Rune Battle Axe tightly in his hand. In the meantime, while looking into the distance, Brandwalden said with a heavy heart, "Something is wrong, the ground can feel obvious vibrations in the past few days, Sal said that he is creating fortifications to defend the human race again. But now the more I think about it, the more wrong it is. With the human race occupying the most fertile land in Azeroth, there's absolutely no need for further expansion. And now all the tribes have cut off their trade with us, even risking a breach of contract to disassociate themselves from us..."

Hearing Brandwalden's words, the eyebrows of the centaur sorcerer on the side also grew knitted. Then he wondered, "But what are they doing this for? Did another one of the kids get into some kind of trouble? But what kind of misfortune is it that can cause public anger?"

Upon hearing that, Brandwalden nodded as well. But then again, ever since coming to this world, the Centaur Tribe had been going along smoothly without encountering any major setbacks....

As I was thinking, the tremors on the ground became even more violent.

Then in the distance there had appeared armies formed by various tribes .

Troll headhunters with stone knives in their hands and wearing leather armor, green-skinned orcs riding kodo beasts, wolf riders with long machetes in their hands....

Not only the ground, but the air was also covered with troll bat riders and many other beast soldiers....

Eyebrows knitted together, Brandwalden raised his battle axe after looking at the frostwolf clan that had rushed to the front.

"Sal! What do you mean!!!! Are you trying to start a tribal civil war?!!!"

Hearing Brandwalden's words, Sal shook his head regretfully, then said aloud, "No! It's not to start a civil war between the tribes!"

Upon hearing that, just as Brandwalden's eyebrows were slightly lowered, Sal continued, "Since yesterday, the Four Tribes have ceased to be a part of the Beastmen Clan."

Hearing Sal's words, Brandwalden's pupils instantly contracted, and then asked after him with a great sense of discomfort, "Why?! Did my people get into trouble again?"

Sal's gaze was still icy cold when he heard Brandwalden's inquiry.

"It wasn't your clan that caused the trouble, but because your actions offended the Transfiguration Heaven."

"Transmigration Heaven?! Are you going to wield a knife at us because of an ethereal thing?"

Nodding, Sal spoke softly.

"The great man of transmigration has brought our world back to life, so to speak, and we can say that our existence, everything we are, has been given by transmigration. Land, pasture and sheep and cattle! If it weren't for the transmigration days, we'd still be living in the dark underground feeding on scorched earth that's hard to swallow."

Sal's bland voice was filled with indifference, as if he was speaking to a dead man....

"As a former friend, I'll tell you the news at the end. Brandwalden. It's not just the Orcs who want to destroy you this time, all the races across the continent are sharpening their swords and coming here, and in a few days, even the Night Elves guys will be back. Do not presume to seek help from the Naga, they are the blood dependents of the reincarnated heavens. They should have landed by now..."

After a moment's silence, Sal took one last look at the grim-faced Blandwalden before him.

"Orcs! Charge!!!"

Hearing Sal's order, the troll headhunters who had long been unable to hold back shouted out in excitement.

Trolls were also known as cannibals, and except for a very few tribes, most of the troll tribes practiced cannibalism. And centaurs, a creature with an extremely low body fat percentage, these head hunters had been coveting for a long time. And now what was placed in front of them was the only chance they had!

"Reincarnate heaven above! Mynequil!!!"


There's another shift tonight, but the update will be a little late because of the late study....

Tickets, please...

Volume 1: Text - 156 - Escape

"Gather! Assault! Don't fall in love with war! If you can go, go!!!"

While saying so, the four tribes of Brandwalden temporarily combined into an abbreviated conical formation, which was obviously only copied from the Spartan forbidden army as it looked like a cat, but it was obvious that they didn't understand the central meaning of the formation.

But even so, relying on the Centaur clan's natural talent for battle, the crowd still managed to kill their way through the closing ranks of the orc infantry.

A surprise attack was underway, and the remainder of Brandwalden's eyes saw the leaping figures of the Wolf Cavalry.

Wolf cavalry was one of the very important components of the Orc army, not just any wolf, the specially cultivated wolves were three cups the size of the average wild wolf, and while their size became larger, their bone density and a series of physical qualities had been sufficiently improved. Especially in terms of their foot strength, their fastest travel speed was even faster than that of a war horse.

And what's more, wolf cavalry had almost no natural enemies on land. The tough and powerful limbs could allow the wolf to climb slopes without any hindrance, and its natural swiftness made the wolf rider nimbly toss and turn in the dense forest.

And more importantly, wolves are carnivores.......

The nearly two-meter-long broad-backed machete looked easy as the orc put it away, and the ever-approaching wolf cavalry caused constant unease to rise in Brandwalden's heart.

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