Me, Hydra

I, Hydra, chapter 120.

The pale orc shaman shouted in a frenzy.

None of the surrounding tribal chieftains pleaded for the centaurs.

In fact, although the war between orcs and humans had improved somewhat because of the Centaur's participation, it was just like the shaman said. The Centaur clan was unproductive and brutally low-minded. This caused them to often charge indiscriminately and without command, and it couldn't be denied that the Centaur clan had excellent talent in warfare, but their brutality and low intelligence had reduced the tolerance of the orcs of other tribes to a limit....

The barracks were drunk and disorderly, disobeying orders and defying officers. All of this had dealt a blow to the Centaur tribe's reputation.

In fact, many tribal chiefs had already proposed kicking the Centaurs out of the Beastmen tribe, but due to the Centaurs' role in the war, the matter had been repeatedly shelved.

And now, here was the opportunity.

"Long live the turning of the heavens! Long live Mein Kuijl! Let us prove our devotion as if we were reincarnated! Kill the Centaurs! Make them disappear from the Orcs! And then removed from Azeroth!"

Hearing the words of the Great Shaman, the tribe's Grand Chief-Sal nodded.

"Deliver the orders of the elder shaman! From now on, the centaurs will no longer be part of the Orcs, who from now on descend to the Orcs' common enemy! Kill them! Don't let any of them go! Let Heavenly Father know! Exactly which race is the most deserving of being a member of the Mynequil!"

Hearing Sal's words, the rest of the tribal chiefs nodded their heads without any objections.

Looking at the backs of the tribal chiefs who went down to deploy their troops, Sal's heart sighed helplessly.

Sal had been trying his best to maintain the balance between the tribes, and they did not want the tribes to descend into civil unrest. But putting the Centaur clan had clearly touched the bottom line of all the tribes....

And now the centaur had actually offended the reincarnated Heavenly Father....

"This is the end of the road you seek-"

As he said that, Sal also slowly walked out of the tent. As the Great Chief, this kind of thing that showed his loyalty to the transmigration heavens could not be done without himself.

The moment the Orcs decided to come down, the Stormwind City Fortress also opened its gates.

Soldiers called out slogans and set out from the fortress.

"In the name of the Father!!!"

Volume 1: Text-154 - You have the Zhang Liang plan, I have the dwarf boat.

"In the name of the original tree -"

The lavender-skinned Priestess of the Moon, Tyrande, quietly bowed to the Eternal Ancient Tree in front of her.

Glancing back at the Naga messenger who had come to deliver the news, Tyrande nodded gracefully.

"I understand what you are saying, but the Tree of Origin did not say that no other races could participate in this hunt. As a family member of the Tree of Origin, I can understand your desire to be given the opportunity to express yourselves to the Father. But that doesn't mean that we can't join. This hunt is the test of the Original Tree... The Night Elves will never withdraw from this hunt!"

Hearing Tyrande's words, the Naga messenger nodded his head and then spoke calmly to Tyrande, "I have accepted your words, may the Great Father bless you."

As he said that, the Naga messenger gave a due salute to Tyrande in front of him before twisting his body and leaving the great forest where the Night Elves lived.

Nodding, Tyrande looked to the side of the shadows after a glance at the departing figure of Naga's messenger.

"Mafario? What are you doing here?"

At the words, Mafario, who was standing in the shadows, stepped out and looked at Tyrande beside him, Mafario reverently performed the highest salute of the Dark Elven race to the Eternal Tree before him.

Rising to his feet, Mafario looked at Tyrande beside him.

"This hunt should never be without the Dark Elven Clan."

Upon hearing that, Tyrande nodded as well.

"I also think so, this hunt is a trial given to us by the Original Tree, if we can show our two eyes in this hunt, I believe that we Night Elves will become even richer and stronger!"

At Tyrande's words, Mafario nodded his head.

"You're right. The reason why the Naga tribe is so rich and powerful besides the ocean given by Lord Eternal Tree is the three original rune stones. Now the priests among our Night Elves have mastered the Moon Rune, and the Druids have mastered the Nature Rune as well. If we can make Lord Primordial Tree take notice during this hunt...we even surpass the Naga Clan's position in Lord Primordial Tree's heart."

Nodding his head, Tyrande looked to the Eternal Ancient Tree beside him. Although the Eternal Ancient Tree grew from a part of the original World Tree's legacy, because of the Night Elves' careful cultivation, the current Eternal Ancient Tree was now several dozen meters thick.

Compared to this it could still only be considered an infant, knowing that the width of the original World Tree's branches alone would be counted in kilometers.

Relying on the power of the runes, Tyrande quickly summoned the inherent regiments of the Night Elf clan, and all the druids as well as the priests and warriors were already in full gear, except for the part that remained behind.

In their understanding, this Hydra's action against the centaurs and flanking Olympus' regime had turned into a test given by Hydra. In the midst of this trial they had all tacitly agreed to stop the war, and although the war on the surface had stopped, it did not mean that the war on the dark side would stop....

"What? The Night Elves are also on the move?!"

Hearing the report from the Mage Tower, Varian frowned, and after a moment's thought, Varian then quickly ordered, "This is a trial given to us by the God of Resurrection, and it will take at least three days for that group of Night Elves to make it from their great forest to us, making all the barriers along the way off-limits to foreigners. If that Mafario guy asks just tell him that there's a spy from within our ranks that secretly passes other races and is investigating thoroughly. Anyway, do everything you can to organize their speed of travel!"

At the news, just as the mage was about to return to the mage tower to pass on orders like the other city-states, Varian Anon called out to him again.

"Wait a minute, have the dwarven craftsmen seal the mountain path, if they can't seal it, then blow it up with explosives and introduce it to the lake, if there's no lake, make it with magic. Anyway give me any way you can to interfere with the other races' speed of travel! Everything centers on hunting battles!"

Hearing Varian's words, the Anduin on the other side was dumbfounded for a moment at first, and when he heard about the hunting war his eyes instantly showed a sudden realization. Then, with a gloomy face, he gave a thumbs up to his father.

"Long live the Holy Light! Learned!"

And even as Varian gave his order, the Night Elves who were speeding up their march also felt the magic fluctuations of the magic tower in the human capital transmitting messages.

Frowning, Mafario said with a heavy face.

"Oh no, although none of the races used in hunting battles will fight each other, it doesn't mean that they can't interfere with each other's speed of travel. With Varian's sex, it's estimated that all human city barriers have now banned other races of the same sex!"

At the news, the Tyrant on the other side frowned, then sighed helplessly.

"It can't be helped, our capital city is one of the few races farthest from the target location, and we were among the last to get the news. There's no way to face this current situation..."

Upon hearing this, Mafario closed his eyes for a moment to ponder before saying with a heavy face, "All Druids prepare Eagle Form! The priest is ready to do a stealth dive at night. Others take shortcuts or go around long distances. Also druids and priests prepare to deal with the forbidden air barrier as well as illumination. Everything is focused on accelerating to the front lines!"

Hearing Mafalio's order, all the members of the Night Elf Clan nodded their heads gravely. This was the largest time in the history of the Night Elves....

No, it should be said that it was the largest collective action of all the intelligent races in all of Azeroth.

Orcs, humans, night elves, naga, dwarves, and other races that couldn't even be named, all the races began to converge like a gathering of centaurs.

The orcs who were close to the water, on the other hand, were already shattering the area around them with seismic techniques.

Sal nodded his head as he looked at the seismic zone in front of him that was simply impassable. Such an extensive seismic zone was enough to keep the human race walking for an extra day or two.

"Rexar! How's that paralyzing trap you made!"

Upon hearing that, Lexa, who was busy setting traps, gave Sal a thumbs-up.

"Don't worry, there are so many paralyzing traps that a man will become impotent!"

Hearing Rexar's words, Sal nodded in satisfaction.

"Now I see that group of! What's that in the sky?!"

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