9. See Through the Enemy’s Tricks

Translator: Antonia

Du Chuxuan felt that Yuxing Tianrui had put too many flags on himself and that this battle was going to be ominous.

Originally he had planned to stay in the tent in the pretext of suffering a headache, but to his surprise, Yuxing Tianrui readily agreed and urged him to rest when he lied about all his discomfort.

Then Du Chuxuan suffered a guilty conscience. If there was going to be a trap, wouldn’t he be in a greater danger without him?

The result was he still decided to eagerly follow him.

Du Chuxuan breathed a long sigh for his resolution. Yuxing Tianrui came over on horseback and asked him in a low voice, “You still unwell?”

Du Chuxuan was flattered because he didn’t expect Yuxing Tianrui to take his condition so seriously, “I’m okay. I feel much better.”

Yuxing Tianrui frowned, “You girl take care of yourself during your period. Don’t push yourself. If you fell ill at this time, it may affect your fertility.”

Du Chuxuan, “…” What in heaven’s name is going on in your clever little brain?!!!

But on a second thought, it was quite strange if he displayed no signs after they got married for over a month. Hence, he could only recall and imitate Du Chuyue’s irritated and fragile expression during her period and lean on horseback poorly.

“Actually I’m okay. I’ll be fine after drinking some warm water…”

Yuxing Tianrui looked all what-I-can-do-to-you, “How old are you to play the woman?”

Du Chuxuan, “…” No, I’m not. Don’t talk nonsense.

Yuxing Tianrui took over Du Chuxuan’s reins, and the two horses advanced slowly in tandem. He gently placed his hand onto Du Chuxuan’s belly, self-composed and totally ignoring the mocking glance from the generals and soldiers.

Du Chuxuan complained inwardly like crazy. Aren’t we going to kill the enemy prince? Why is it so much like a spring outing?!

Yuxing Tianrui’s hand was a little colder than his belly. Heaven knew who was being warmed. Du Chuxuan reasonably doubted that he would suffer a diarrhea due to the coldness.

Although the two tall steeds walked side by side, they weren’t very close, or they couldn’t move their legs. Therefore, Yuxing Tianrui was struggling in keeping the posture while maintaining balance. Although he grumbled a lot about it, he treated Du Chuxuan quite nicely in action.

Du Chuxuan felt a sudden surge of guiltiness at the thought that he had been cheating Yuxing Tianrui all this time. Hence, he placed his hand on Yuxing Tianrui’s to warm it.

Du Chuxuan: My conscience hurts!

After some time, Yuxing Tianrui took back his hand, “In fact, previously, your period didn’t come for a month, and I thought…”

Du Chuxuan pondered on his words for a long while and finally realized that this little prince thought he was pregnant! Oh dear heaven. It’s hard for me to get pregnant based on the sex education you’ve received. Let’s talk about it later after I have a chance to teach you something, little bro.

But Du Chuxuan saw a ghost of regret and pity on Yuxing Tianrui’s expressionless face and somehow comforted him, “It doesn’t matter. I’ll be pregnant someday, as long as we work hard.”

Yuxing Tianrui was dazed for a second and flushed scarlet to his ears, spurring his horse, “What are you talking about in bright daylight?! Shameless!”

Du Chuxuan got a mouthful of dust, “…”

Yuxing Tianrui took eight hundred light cavalries to launch a secret attack at Mount Mowang. The rest of the troop loomed up from the other side at the same time.

When they got nearer, there was indeed elite soldiers guarding the hideout. Yuxing Tianrui led the cavalries at a breaking momentum and rushed right to the center of the tent. A person looked like Ashina Yi rapidly led his guards to flee deeper into the mountain.

Although Mount Mowang wasn’t big, there were dense bushes and woods which constituted obstacles for the cavalry. It would be difficult to catch him again once he managed to escape.

“Burn the mountain! Encircle him. Don’t let him get into the woods!”

Under the chase and siege of the cavalry, Ashina Yi had to flee to the other side of the valley. There was only one entrance but no exit of the valley. Now he was heading for his own death!

“Catch him alive!”

Yuxing Tianrui led his people to dash into the valley. Ashine Yi and his guards retreated to the innermost of the valley step by step, resorting to arrows as the final struggle.

Shenglan soldiers practiced how to avoid arrows all year round, and every cavalry was equipped with a light shield. With the planned deflecting, no one was injured.

Yuxing Tianrui shouted loudly, “Ashina Yi. To this point, just throw up your hands in surrender!”

Hearing the words, Ashine Yi should raise his sword and killed himself without hesitation! The rest also did the same and took their own lives one after another.

Everyone was shocked. A general who had met Ashina Yi went over to check, “Your Highness, there is trace of disguise. He is not Ashina Yi!”

Yuxing Tianrui was startled. Finally, Du Chuxuan’s ominous feeling became a real thing. They were in the trap!


The Turk soldiers soon swarmed up around the valley. The only entrance was tightly blocked by a huge stone blown down by the Turks.

Du Chuxuan said with annoyance, “I knew that General Longwei was unreliable. See? It’s obviously a scheme!”

Yuxing Tianrui thought of the undercover that hadn’t been figured out and didn’t speak. He wasn’t flustered. Since he dared to rush into the valley, it meant he had some preparation.

The valley of Mount Mowang situated at a low altitude, but it was possible to climb up along the rocks. Besides, the open land was big enough for his people, in a small number, to avoid rocks rolling down or arrows shot at them from both sides.

The Turks had relatively few people. To create such a siege, they must have dispatched a large part of their main forces, which would only make it harder for them to fight at the front. If Yuxing Tianrui didn’t come back at night, their troops would advance in this direction and break the siege within two days.

This siege was meaningless!

At this moment, the real Ashina Yi appeared up there leisurely, laughing complacently, “I heard that you Shenglan people love to be clean. Now, I’m preparing you a large bath. Just take a nice bath here. Don’t worry, water will arrive soon.”

After saying this, Ashina Yi left without taking a look at them.

Yuxing Tianrui’s eyes lit up on his words.

Du Chuxuan suspected that he got out of his mind from frustration, “Why do you look so happy? Do you have follow-up plans known to no one?”

Yuxing Tianrui said, relaxed, “Do you know the rule that a villain dies from talking too much? If he didn’t say anything, I wouldn’t know what his plan was. Now, I know his purpose and can of course crack it.”

“What’s his purpose?”

“There is a lake on the mountainside. Although I don’t know the connection between the lake and this valley, I know he’s going to lead over the lake water to drown us by saying the bath thing.”

Yuxing Tianrui deciphered Ashina Yi’s plan in a few words.

Mount Mowang was special in that there was a lake on the mountainside. The lake was much deeper than it appeared to be, and its bottom was close to the valley. Ashina Yi had had channels dug, explosives prepared. Yet, the explosives were still on the way and would be set off in the next morning. By then, the lake water would flood into the entire valley.

Du Chuxuan nodded, “Your analysis makes sense. So how should we crack it?”

Yuxing Tianrui gave him a meaningful look, “It depends on you.”

Du Chuxuan was dumbfounded, “What? What the hell? I know nothing!”

Yuxing Tianrui gently patted on his shoulder and said softly, “My dear, you’re such a great martial artist, and now it’s time for you to lead us to break a way out and achieve great feats! Since you didn’t like to tell me about you, then now keep the difficulties from me.”

Du Chuxuan, “What?!!!” This stupid man is still grudging about that?!

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