10. Wise Advice

Translator: Antonia

Du Chuxuan narrowed his eyes. He knew he had a soft temper but still was unwilling to be forced like this by Yuxing Tianrui. The corner of his lips raised, making an angry expression which yet was charming, “Your Highness is so unappreciative. I’ve reminded you before. Why am I the one to break a way out?”

“I know my limit. I’m afraid I can’t take your order.” Finishing this, he smugly watched as Yuxing Tianrui’s face changed slightly.

Last time, Yuxing Tianrui had threatened him with the whole Du family so that he had to agree to join the army. But now, with so many watchful eyes around, he knew that Yuxing Tianrui couldn’t use the same trick.

“I understand, dear, you aren’t well these days. It doesn’t matter. Our soldiers will take a rest and wait for you.” Yuxing Tianrui’s face turned from grim to smiling again.

His eyebrows turned into a curve, and slyness flickered under his eyes, which irritated Du Chuxuan so much that he turned away not to look at him. But anyway, the man remained the same waiting-for-you-to-deal-with-it look.

He didn’t care. He would just lie down here. He was supposed to be a fragile little girl in the name of his sister and wait for the triumph. Now the plot was different from what was in novels. Yuxing Tianrui deserved the failure to marry eldest sister.

As Yuxing Tianrui released the message, the follow-up troops all began to rest, sending a few small-sized teams to check the surrounding terrain. Soon they came over to report it to Yuxing Tianrui.

“Your Highness. According to the march map, the lake is located on the east side which is higher. If they plan to lead over water, they don’t need to dig channels. Blowing up the east side of the valley will do.”

Du Chuxuan, bored, looked at soldiers came to report and subconsciously glanced to the east. There were thriving trees over there, some of which were so thick that they could only be surrounded by three people standing hand in hand. Tut-tut. What a pity to ruin these nice trees!

“What wise advice do you have, sweet?”

He was still lost in his mind wandering when he heard the question. Turning back, he found everyone was looking at him, which instantly gave him a headache, “What? I’ve no advice. Just let them blow up the area.”

Yuxing Tianrui wasn’t upset at the setback, clapped his hands, looking very delighted, “Now everybody relaxes. Our Crown Princess has announced so. She must already have a plan.”

What the hell?! Du Chuxuan simply wished to find a needle and sew up Yuxing Tianrui’s mouth, but when he turned to discover the guards’ admiring faces, he couldn’t take it out.

Lips twitching, he grumbled something through gritted teeth. Then, he shut his eyes, determined that as long as he could get out of here alive, he would let Yuxing Tianrui be too scared to say a word with him!

Seeing Du Chuxuan pissed off, Yuxing Tianrui seemed more overjoyed. He no longer wanted to analyze the situation with others and just waved to let them leave.

At this point, half a day had passed. Even if they hadn’t fought against the enemy, riding consumed much of their energy. Therefore, in a while after sitting down, Du Chuxuan’s belly growled.

“Oh, what’s that? Didn’t we just have breakfast?”

Du Chuxuan was in anger, hugging himself. Over there, Yuxing Tianrui took out a pie, ready to eat. Smelling it, Du Chuxuan turned and found he was eating happily. He was so annoyed that he almost kicked him down.

“Woman. Pay attention to your manners.” Patting off the dust that didn’t exist, Yuxing Tianrui smugly waved his pie to Du Chuxuan, “Want it?”

Du Chuxuan put on a solemn face and was about to shake his head, when his stomach rang awkwardly again. He flushed immediately. “Why do you have food? Shouldn’t everyone do?”

At the sight of his showing-teeth-to-bite look, Yuxing Tianrui burst out laughing for long, without ordering to get him anything to eat. Other people sat far away and watched them, hiding their laugh behind hands.

Just when Du Chuxuan was going to grab over the pie, the horse next to him suddenly sneezed loudly and gently rubbed itself against Du Chuxuan.

“What are you doing? A horse also bullies me?” He sniffed and avoided the horse’s intimate movement. He turned around to say something, and when spotting the complacent face of Yuxing Tianrui, he seemed to get it suddenly.

“Hahaha, I’m so clever. I knew there couldn’t be food only for you.” As he said that, his hand fished in the march bag. However, after a long while, he found nothing except a water bag.

Looking at Du Chuxuan’s cracking expression, Yuxing Tianrui snorted and kicked him with his toes, “Woman. You have to pay for the food. Do you figure how to get out?”

A wise man submits to the situation. A good woman doesn’t argue with bad men! Du Chuxuan kept comforting himself. This spoiled man would suffer sooner or later.

“It’s easy to get out.” He mumbled, eyes fixed on the pie in Yuxing Tianrui’s hand, “But you have to give me some good first.”

Yuxing Tianrui made a brief sound like “ts…”, which scared Du Chuxuan to open his eyes wide. The barrack was such a good place that a prince who only received elite education should learn such a vulgar street word.

Uncomfortable by Du Chuxuan’s intent gaze, Yuxing Tianrui snorted, face cooling down, “It’s what you should do. Don’t ask for too much.”

Meanwhile, the military advisor already brought over the march map and waited to listen to Du Chuxuan’s opinions.

He didn’t want to waste words with them, reached out to grab over the pie and leaned languidly on the rock behind him after taking a delicious bite, saying, “Are you stupid pigs?!”

The object of the words also included their honorable Crown Prince. Instantly, some guards stood up. But for his identity as the Crown Princess, Du Chuxuan would have turned into a honeycomb with numerous holes from stabbing.

Threatened, Du Chuxuan retracted his neck unwillingly, “You said that in order to drown us, they must have set up explosives on the east side. Then, their people must be there too. We could just rush out from the west.”

Due to the threatening, the imposing words was subdued. Du Chuxuan pursed his lips and couldn’t help despising the prince in secrecy when he saw Yuxing Tianrui’s eyes were lit up.

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