56. Conspiracy

Translator: Antonia

Bored staying alone in his own tent, Yuxing Tianrui randomly picked a book on the shelf to kill time. He happened to touch a book wrapped in cloth. For an instant, he remembered Du Chuxuan’s complacent face when he had given him this book the other day. Frowning, Yuxing Tianrui wondered if there was anything else that he didn’t know about Du Chuxuan.

Since no one was around, he pulled out the book and took it to the candlelight, carefully removing the cloth on it.

The cover of the book was nothing unusual, which was why Du Chuxuan was so complacent about the book. It was a unique copy which couldn’t be told from the cover what it was even if it was openly showed to others. How could him not love it?

Yuxing Tianrui saw the book looked solemn but there wasn’t a word on the cover. He opened it. At the moment when he understood the meaning of the pictures and texts, his entire face flushed scarlet and his eyes blazed with fire.

His burning gaze shifted to the door of the tent, through which, if it was open, he could see Du Chuxuan’s tent. “Ridiculous!” He snorted and instantly threw the book away. But staring for a while at the book lying lonely on the floor, he secretly picked it up again.

After confirming that Ada and others had been dispatched out and there was indeed no one around, he was relieved. After all, this was the first gift that Du Chuxuan gave him. Fighting back the discomfort, he carefully put the book back onto the shelf. Out of sight, out of mind.

On the second day, rumors began to spread in the barracks that Her Highness wasn’t a woman. At first, everyone took it as a joke, but as more people joined the gossiping, the rumor sounded like something. When it was passed to the ear of Yuxing Tianrui, that was already a good story.

Ada began to shed cold sweats. He wouldn’t be so sure before, but ever since His and Her Highness returned together, he could sense that even though they weren’t a real couple, some chemistry had developed between them.

To stir a trouble over this was nothing but bearding the lion in his den. Thinking of this, Ada couldn’t help worrying about the rumor-maker.

At the same time, Ashina Yi also received this news. He sat there, eyes narrowed, not a bit surprised, “I don’t care what rumors are there. Just tell me, did you really see Du Chuxuan—Yue?”

“Yes, Your Highness. We really saw her bandaging injured soldiers. It can’t be fake.” The person replied in a convinced tone. He was very restless at the thought of his mission on this trip. This Turkic prince didn’t seem like a nice person.

Ashina Yi suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. Good. It was good as long as he was still alive. Subconsciously, he stroked on the little grasshopper hidden in his sleeve, a touch of warmth playing in his eyes.

“Tell me, what do you want by bringing over this news? Your lord still wants to catch me for military merits, right?” Relieved, Ashina Yi had nothing to fear anymore. He lowered to look at the messenger, a ghost of cunningness flickering in his eyes. Although the man didn’t state his identity, Ashina Yi figured it anyway.

Cold sweats began to run down the cheeks of the man on his knees. Gritting his teeth, he pretended to be relaxed, “You’re thinking too much, Your Highness. Our lord just finds you a respectable rival and couldn’t help but exchange moves with you. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have asked me to bring you the news.”

Ashina Yi rested his chin in one palm, regarding the man from head to toe. He had already learned that Shan Zhongli had been imprisoned by Yuxing Tianrui and wasn’t interested in the schemes or plots behind it. However, he was clear that if Shan Zhongli was set free, it would only mean troubles for Yuxing Tianrui.

“Go and tell your lord it’s not enough to show this little sincerity to work with me. He’d better figure out what I really want, or I can stop the deal at any time.”

Saying this, he gestured to let the man leave. He didn’t have much time to waste on this person. Supposedly, the result of the battle must have been sent back to the palace. If his father still remained unmoved, he would feel that his good eldest brother was already dead.

He didn’t have the time or mood to play house with Shenglan people. Thinking of his good brother, he snorted coldly.

Previously when the battle was progressing heatedly, he had gotten the news that his brother was setting off here to take the credit. But for this reason, he could have worn out Shenglan Army bit by bit.

He just pulled his thoughts back when someone came to report, “Your Highness, news comes from the capital.” The messenger cautiously handed the letter to Ashina Yi. Seeing there was no one in the hall, he daren’t stay to witness Ashina Yi’s reaction and hurriedly slid away.

Ashina Yi sneered and unfolded the letter, his eyes cooling down immediately. Days ago, he had laughed at Yuxing Tianrui, but now it was his turn. The letter said there would be a military advisor, which, as everyone knew, happened to be a follower of his good brother. His father really biased towards his brother not in a way that could be called everything but subtle.

Not to mention other things, both sides were now put through undercurrents. No one could tell for sure the scale of the battle would tilt to which side.

On the next day, Yuxing Tianrui had Shan Zhongli taken out for interrogation. Du Chuxuan was sitting next to Yuxing Tianrui. And the two looked very harmonious, as if they had never heard the rumors.

In fact, the rumors vanished as it passed down. After all, Du Chuxuan had disappeared to save His Highness. Now, after she returned, she had helped a lot in the medical care of the wounded fellows. Many soldiers were at least very grateful, so they would never talk ill of her behind her back.

Seeing the two sitting together, Shan Zhongli laughed, “What a harmonious couple. Don’t you feel ashamed?”

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