34. Yield to Fate

Translator: Antonia

Instinctively, he called out in a husky sound. He was still in the dizziness, hands reaching out randomly. Yuxing Tianrui was in shallow sleep next to him, already exhausted from taking care of Du Chuxuan nonstop for many days without good rest.

However, he still reacted fast and poured some water from the bottle onto a lotus leaf and fed him bit by bit. He didn’t deliberately make it so troublesome, but over the days when Du Chuxuan was in a coma, it was hard to feed him with water. Therefore, Yuxing Tianrui thought of such a way that worked out.

Having had some water, Du Chuxuan felt much more comfortable, closed his eyes satisfactorily, either falling asleep or passing out again.

Seeing this man so comfortable, Yuxing Tianrui was more or less upset, and held out a finger to poke his face, “Did I owe you in the last life so that I don’t know what to do with you in this life?”

He really didn’t know what to do. His first reaction on knowing Du Chuxuan wasn’t Du Chuyue but a man, he simply wished to stab him to death. How many men in the world were able to bear such deception? It wasn’t as simple as wearing a green hat.

But after the tide of his anger was out, he suddenly felt powerless. This man seemed to have drugged him in this short period of time. He was lying right here in a coma, and Yuxing Tianrui could easily ended with fingers this man who had brought him a lifelong humiliation, but he just couldn’t do it.

Du Chuxuan lying here lifelessly always reminded Yuxing Tianrui of how vigorous he had been when he teased him. Yuxing Tianrui almost suspected if he was crazy or if he really had the potential to be gay?

To this day, his powerlessness turned into worry. Just now in his sleep, he had had a nightmare that Du Chuxuan died because he didn’t receive proper medical treatment and he became a lonely person without anyone around in this world.

Yuxing Tianrui had always known that he was a selfish person. Making clear of his own feelings, he wouldn’t let such a tragedy happen. He coldly stared at the unconscious man, arching his lips, “To be fair, it was you who seduced me first. I won’t buy it if you say you don’t like me.”

If Du Chuxuan had a little consciousness in this moment, he would cry out with grievance that he had done everything for his family in a great sacrificing spirits. How could it become a purposive deed for romance in his mouth?

This was the second most honorable man in the world. No matter how stupid Du Chuxuan was, he didn’t dare to cast greedy eyes on this expensive pie. Yet, after all Du Chuxuan couldn’t know his thoughts, and when he did, everything had been settled forever, as if there weren’t rights or wrongs between them and they were destined to be together.

Another two days passed like this. Yuxing Tianrui didn’t have too much medicine with him, except for the little bottle that Ada had prepared him. And the medicine was used up on Du Chuxuan as early as two days ago. In these two days, Du Chuxuan could only, based on his shallow knowledge of medical herbs, pick some plants and apply to him.

The common folks always said that the doctors treated randomly while they took medicine randomly, and life continued randomly as such. It was sheer fortune that Du Chuxuan came to wake up.

“Where is this?” He asked as he slowly opened his eyes. He remembered that he seemed to have escaped from the battlefield before he passed out. Did he die? Where is this place that is so dark? Hell? He trembled at the thought, and as he moved, the wounds hurt.

Yuxing Tianrui just returned from outside and quickly stopped him seeing he tried to move, “Don’t move. You’re injured. Don’t shake the herbs off.”

Hearing this, Du Chuxuan, surprised, turned to look at Yuxing Tianrui, “Didn’t you escape, Your Highness? I died in vain?”

Yuxing Tianrui suffered a headache from his rich imagination and, not wanting to waste breath, pressed him back. He had hunted around before the sky was completely dark.

His martial arts weren’t as good as Du Chuxuan, so naturally he didn’t get good things. Back in the imperial hunting field, the animals were mostly put in by guards. Now, alone, he didn’t dare to kill anything.

But he had been quite lucky. When he was picking herbs, a silly hare came over and ran into a stump next to him, dead. Probably heaven wanted to give it a lesson.

Certainly, he wouldn’t tell these to Du Chuxuan. Calmly pressing Du Chuxuan down to the ground, he took aside the clothes on his chest in a natural way and placed smashed herbs on it.

Yuxing Tianrui did it naturally, but Du Chuxuan couldn’t be as self-composed as him. Pretending to be Du Chuxuan for so long, he reflectively crossed his arms before the chest.

However, when he looked up, he saw Yuxing Tianrui’s teasing eyes. He teased, “What? Marry one lady of the Du family, and get one penis for free. If this is known to the public, who will dare to marry a Du lady again?”

As expected, he already knew it!

Du Chuxuan, heart sinking, parted his lips but didn’t know what to say. Hence, he just quietly waited for Yuxing Tianrui to apply herbs on him, not daring to say a word even if the process was painful.

Until Yuxing Tianrui clapped his hands to finish it did he find his weak voice, “You already know, Your Highness?”

Yuxing Tianrui raised his brows with an of-course look but didn’t say something, only poked the fire with a branch.

During the days when Du Chuxuan passed out, Yuxing Tianrui’s skills to survive in the wild were truly enriched. Not to mention other things, when Ada was around, he had never built a fire on his own.

But now, with only one lighter, if he couldn’t keep the flames on, they would have died here in coldness, and there wouldn’t be this big fool who asked questions. Thinking of this, Yuxing Tianrui was quite complacent, and his whole person relaxed a lot.

Feeling Yuxing Tianrui’s joy, the reason of which he didn’t know, Du Chuxuan was also relieved a little. Based on this boy’s temper, he wouldn’t be alive now if he was angry with him. So…it meant the great Crown Prince gave him the grace to live on?

One must admit that at this moment, Du Chuxuan’s brain worked well.

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