31. That’s His Sect-Brother!


Translator: Antonia


Yuxing Tianrui didn’t seem to understand what he said and took another two steps forward.

As he moved, every soldier around raised up their weapons, in case that he might attack.

However, he just squatted in front of Ashina Yi, “The scheme is started by you, and I just practice an eye for an eye. How does it feel? If you withdraw now, you still have the chance to rid of the poison.”

Ashine Yi gritted his teeth and took a ferocious glance at the soldiers around, “Are you all dead wood? Catch him!”

Surely he knew he was poisoned. However, in a life-risking danger like this, he didn’t care to cure the poison right now, because Yuxing Tianrui would tell him what the healing medicine anyway once he caught him.

Yuxing Tianrui was stunned for a moment. Obviously he had underestimated Ashina Yi’s ruthlessness to himself. His staying still in the eyes of Du Chuxuan, who was standing behind, was sheer stupidity.

Was that man a fool? Even if Ashina Yi wasn’t a very smart person in his impression, he was a living person. Even a fool wouldn’t give up this chance when the fruit of triumph was right before his eyes.

At the moment when the enemy started to move, Du Chuxuan also took actions immediately. So did Ada, for whom protecting the Prince had become his instinct engraved in his bones. No matter what condition he was in, as long as he was still alive, he would try his best to save the Prince from any peril.

The two people desperately rushed towards Yuxing Tianrui. The several steps’ distance became extremely difficult for Du Chuxuan, whose understanding of Ashina Yi was taken to another level.

The formerly a little foolish sect-brother who followed him around all day long was now a man of plots. All the soldiers here were excellent martial artists. But for their shifu had been strict while teaching martial arts, Du Chuxuan was afraid he would really be killed by his sect-brother.

Fight started. Yet, Ashina Yi and Yixing Tianrui, in the middle of the perilous situation, were the calmest. Ashina Yi was too painful to move. He wondered what poison Yuxing Tianrui had used on him that there seemed to be thousands of ants biting and chewing on his body as long as he moved a little.

Yuxing Tianrui was a little caught by surprise. This outcome was really unexpected. The ancients were right. Biting dogs never barked. This Ashina Yi was truly someone that he should be so merciless to himself. Yuxing Tianrui regretted not using a more vicious poison.

If Ashina Yi knew Yuxing Tianrui’s thought, he would be pissed off to death. Snorting, he struggled to get to his feet, “Hurry. You fools can’t defeat two people?!”

After saying this, he nearly ran out of strength and fell back to his chair. More people swarmed over, and Yuxing Tianrui suddenly took out from his sleeve something like a dark coal ball and threw at the place he had decided after calculation.

With a bang, an opening of the entire formation was created. The Shenglan soldiers and general came to the realization that it was Yuxing Tianrui and cheered, raising up their arms, “His Highness took the lead and tears an opening for us. Let’s fight! Shenglan men!”



Everyone became zealous. Some, seeing their peers falling down one by one, could no longer bear the stimulation and sank into crazy killing. Others were merely furious and kept waving their weapons.

Du Chuxuan was also taken aback by the explosion. He heard about the thing before. It was the secret of Shenglan’s imperial family and a reason why the ancestors were able to conquer the world and ascend the throne.

Yet, many believed that the powerful thing had disappeared after so many generations. Surprisingly, it made its re-appearance here today. If their master shifu knew it, he would have run over here to watch it with joy.

But at the time being, Du Chuxuan had no time to think much. He was fighting against a row of people behind Yuxing Tianrui, and Ada could barely resist. Du Chuxuan grabbed Yuxing Tianrui by the hand.

“Later, when I say run, you run forward. As long as you didn’t die, don’t look back!” Du Chuxuan said seriously to Yuxing Tianrui. Probably encouraged by the surrounding morale, Du Chuxuan now had a heroic feeling that it was worthwhile even to die here sacrificing for the country.

Yuxing Tianrui was stilled for a while, and before he could say anything, Ada shouted, “Watch out, Your Highness!” He was already at the end of his rope. Ashina Yi exactly took advantage of it and ordered people to desperately attack Ada.

In the split second when a saber was going to land on Yuxing Tianrui’s body, Du Chuxuan grit his teeth and pushed Yuxing Tianrui away, blocking the saber with his flesh back, “Run!”

A small-sized bow hidden in Du Chuxuan’s sleeve began to shoot arrows ceaselessly, making a road for Yuxing Tianrui to run out. Wherever the silent arrows reached, there were splashing blood, deterring the Turkic soldiers from approaching Yuxing Tianrui.

Ashina Yi had been sitting and waiting for the prey to be brought to him, but at this scene, he momentarily forgot his pain and suddenly stood up.

How could he not recognize this thing? It was something personally made by their shifu and given to his kind lazy elder sect-brother when they finished learning and left the mountain.

Shifu said there would be a bloodshed suffering in his sect-brother’s life and exhorted him not to give it to others or use it unless in a deadly situation.

Thinking of this, Ashina Yi brought his eyes to carefully scrutinize Du Chuxuan’s body. At the sight of the flat chest and those eyes, he was startled, a mixture of numerous feelings rolling and roaring like ocean waves in his heart.

This wasn’t Du Chuyue—the woman who was supposed to be the Crown Princess. It was exactly his sect-brother who didn’t have much brain or guts.

However, as the thoughts surfacing in his mind, more waves of attack fell on many parts of Du Chuxuan’s body. His white robe was instantly stained with horrible blood.

Ashina Yi saw it and hurriedly grabbed a handful of tealeaves and threw at the blade aiming at Du Chuxuan.

A burst of wrath and anxiety erupted in his heart. Those stupid blind soldiers letting go of the one they should catch and attacking the one they shouldn’t! What were their brains for?!

It’d be better to cut them off and feed them to pigs!

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