3. By All Means?

Translator: Antonia

Yuxing Tianrui was self-disciplined since childhood. It was rare for him to drink wine and get drunk unexpectedly. Du Chuxuan put him in bed, sat at the table and began to carefully sort out what had happened.

It wasn’t until dawn when Du Chuxuan worked out a general plan for the future and what he should say the next day did he go to bad.

Yuxing Tianrui even behaved himself in sleep, facing upward, hands placed on his chest. He had a delicate face, skin like jade, starry sculpted eyes, and also, strangely, something like a child.

Du Chuxuan didn’t forget to cut his arm a little to distain the bridal cloth with blood. Changing into a lighter daily makeup and normal clothes of a girl, he took a pillow and slept in the corner of the bed far away from Yuxing Tianrui.

He wasn’t as well-behaved in sleep and feared that he might do something offensive to the Prince. However, he still underestimated his destruction. In sleep, Du Chuxuan rolled to the middle of the bed, and the cuddled up limbs gradually unfolded and reached outwards.

Du Chuxuan’s long arm pressed against Yuxing Tianrui’s chest and caused him to have nightmares over the whole night. When he struggled to wake up, he felt bad from head to toe.

Just when he discovered Du Chuxuan was the root cause and was about to scold him, he happened to spot the blood-stained cloth. The Crown Prince, whose memory blurred by alcohol, freaked out.

“Du Chuyue! You…you…you unscrupulous woman!!”

Poor prince. He lived in such an innocent surroundings that he couldn’t even think of a cursing word.

Du Chuxuan had just fallen in sleep and sprang up on hearing the name of his sister, but he didn’t realize what was going on yet and blankly stared at Yuxing Tianrui.

Yuxing Tianrui blushed from face to ears and neck, pointing at him with trembling fingers, saying with both shyness and anger, “You tried to get me by all means and seduced me when I was drunk! Do you think we did that last night?”

Du Chuxuan, “?” What? Does the Prince misunderstand something? Should I explain about the cloth?

Yuxing Tianrui, “No! I didn’t!”

Du Chuxuan, “…” That’s right. You didn’t. But why are you yelling?!

Yuxing Tianrui, “I mistook you as Qing last night!!! You’re just a stand-in for Qing!!!”

Du Chuxuan, “?!!” What the hell?! Don’t add plays for yourself okay? What mistook? You slept like a dead pig last night! Your clothes are still on. Be sober, okay!

Du Chuxuan wanted to explain, when Yuxing Tianrui already stumbled his way out of the door, hands covering the chest, in an expression of having been raped!

Du Chuxuan numbly remained the posture, standing where he was, of hand reaching out far. He had wanted to discuss with the Prince about his plan, but it already ended before it started.

From whom did the Prince receive sex education?! Feed that guy to a dog!

Du Chuxuan was worrying while the palace maids treated him as a walking dead and did his makeup to get prepared to meet and greet the Empress.

He did see the subtle expression of the maids and eunuchs. If he was an on-looker and heard that the Prince ran out of the bridal room with both shyness and anger on the first day after the wedding, he would also be gossipy.

Surprisingly, before he got out of the door, the Prince appeared, dressed up, bashful.

As their eyes met, the unnatural face of Yuxing Tianrui instantly turned solemn, and he said seriously, “Girl, don’t think that your little trick works. I just don’t want to see the news that you have a bad time in my palace spread to others!”

I’m not fearing you will be looked down upon but worrying Qing might be concerned!

Du Chuxuan responded with the same seriousness, “I understand!” In fact, he already burst into laughing inwardly.

It seemed that the Crown Prince was a dishonest man, in a cute way, out of pride!

Out of courtesy, Yuxing Tianrui held Du Chuxuan by the hand. This was the first time the two got so close when they were sober.

Yuxing Tianrui stared at Du Chuxuan’s face and was shocked to find that…he wasn’t as tall as his Crown Princess!

“You! Why are you suddenly so tall!” Yuxing Tianrui even pulled up the hem of Du Chuxuan’s skirt to check whether he was wearing high heels.

“Uh…” Du Chuxuan struggled to recite what Master Du had made up, “After accepting the marriage, I was blessed and grew taller! All of my families find it amazing! Your Highness is indeed an extraordinary person! Haha, hahahaha, ha.”

Du Chuxuan forced some laughter dryly.

To his surprise, Yuxing Tianrui accepted this explanation.

“Of course you were. Originally, you didn’t have this blessing. This kind of things will be more in the future. Ignorant.” Yuxing Tianrui proudly waved his head and no longer wanted to hold him in the hand. After all, it was strange that his bride was taller than himself.

The two went to greet the Empress together. Du Chuxuan meekly curtsied and offered tea. Fearing that his crammed etiquette wasn’t perfect, he stumbled a little on purpose, as if the female part was hurt. The Empress smiled understandingly and asked Du Chuxuan to sit down.

As he walked, the Empress was also confused about his height. Yuxing Tianrui volunteered to answer her question, and the Empress also readily accepted the explanation!

Du Chuxuan, “…” Am I the one with an abnormal mindset?

The Empress said kindly, “Since my son has married, it’s time to go to the battlefield.”

Yuxing Tianrui nodded seriously, “I’m going to discuss it with father later.”

Du Chuxuan was perplexed. ‘Will the country be in war soon? Great. Less contact with the Crown Prince, lowers the chance I give myself away. How nice it is!’

The Empress looked at Du Chuxuan with a smile, saying softly, “I guess Yue never had this kind of suffering. It’s better to make more preparations in advance, so that you won’t find everything is a mess at the battlefield.”

“Go to…the battlefield?” Du Chuxuan was dragged out of his beautiful daydream about the future. On hearing the words, his mind turned blank. ‘Is it the battlefield as I think? Dear heaven! Seriously?’

The Empress replied, “Yes, certainly you should go with my son on the first expedition.”

Du Chuxuan wanted to roar. ‘I’m just a weak woman. Why should I go to the battlefield? Why?!’

But everyone present took it for granted. He feared this was a blind spot of his knowledge, so he just swallowed it back and forced a smile to the Empress.

“Hahaha…yes… I’m wondering if your highness is ready?”

Yuxing Tianrui stood upright and replied in confidence, “I have long hated the Turks in the west. I’m ready to expand the territory of our country Shenglan!”

Do you mean the western warriors like starving wolves?

“But haven’t the Turks pledged loyalty and pay tribute on a yearly basis?”

“What do you know?” Yuxing Tianrui gave him a scornful glance, “Those people are ambitious and only surrender on the surface. In recent years, as their strength recovers, they keep invading on our borders. They just need to have a taste of our fist!”

Du Chuxuan understood that it was useless for him to say anything. But he still wondered, ‘Is this real? The Crown Prince looks so naïve and foolish. Won’t he be offering his head to the enemy?’

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