
Frigga, the Queen of Heaven, was a little dumbfounded. Okay, all the employees in Xueyuan City knew about Li Ang’s skills, and his other The abilities are equally outstanding, countless enemies are confounded by his set of astronomy, geography, and complicated science. Finally, they are perfectly clear and convinced.

But can he solve the problem of the collapse of the body?

Frigga is still a little unbelieving. The matter involves her husband and Asgard's heavenly father. Concerns are chaotic. You have to ask questions.

Thinking about this, Frigga hurriedly asked: "Sorry, I didn’t question what you mean, but is the body collapse really also a way to continue lifespan?

As far as I know, no matter what Is it the Eastern traditional cultivation Sect, nor Indian Buddhism, there is no way to deal with the natural death of "the five decays of heaven and man".

Even if it is there, it is only with the use of "Yuhuadengxian" and "entry into nothing". Blink's vague and vague words like "color world" can't solve the essential problem at all."


Li Ang picks it up in surprise. Eyebrows, I took a look at Frigga. This milf-like Asgard diva has a wide range of careers.

If she can be thousands of years younger, maybe Li Ang really wants to be with her. Participate in activities that love learning.

"What you said is not wrong. Yuhuadengxian is indeed unreliable."

Li Ang said calmly: "To some extent, I am also half a living fossil. The early alchemists knew the entire development process of the Wudou Mijiao established later.

The Huaguo Taoism stretches for thousands of years. It is a theoretical system formed by cultivators and stacked houses in all dynasties. The content is complicated and cumbersome. the open sea,

The so-called "Tao Zang", the so-called Master Who Embraces Simplicity, and the so-called "Xianjing", there is a thousand years of knowledge gap between the original and contemporary.

There is a self-cultivation, self-examination and self-policing , Comprehend Heaven and Earth Dao’s serious cultivation method,

Naturally, there are also divergent paths, dirty, dirty, ignorant, similar to the dregs of witches and ghosts."

Li Ang As an ancient cultivator, he is naturally qualified to criticize Taoism dialectically—he is more senior than Zhang Daoling and the others.

If he had the idea of ​​establishing the sect and teaching dísciple, he might still have his inheritance in the world today.

"Whether it is the pre-Qin alchemist of my contemporaries, or later Taoism, there are essences and dross.

There are alchemists in the world, and my king has incurred it. At the beginning, Lu Jiang had Zuo Ci, and Yangcheng had Qie Jian. Shi was able to practice Qi Yin, be kind to the house, be frugal and bigu, and was hundreds of years old.

During the Three Kingdoms period, there were alchemists.

The demon Zuo Ci, who is good at the main branch, is good at bigu and extends the year.

Zuo Ci and others can be labeled as "Masters" and they can be regarded as "sages" today. .

Later Master Who Embraces Simplicity, in the "Xianjing" written by him, there is also "immortality, first with the female drama, drinking jade syrup, jade syrup, mouth water." and so on. Divine Immortal Biography.

It is said in the "Divine Immortal Biography":'The person who has no hole, his surname is Li Mingxiu. The scripture says:'The weak can control the strong, and the yin can harm the yang. Ride the ride, the way of longevity.'

More than 400 years old, the color will not fade. He has written forty books. The name is "The Source of Taoism", and he will ascend to heaven.

Sun girl, surnamed Zhu name wing. She plays Dao of Five Elements, adds thoughts, and works in subtle ways. She is very fast. She is 280 years old, she looks like a peach blossom and her mouth is like a pill. The skin is full and the eyebrows are picturesque, like those of seventeen or eighteen.

Serve Juedongzi. With the gift of Dancheng, the immortal will ascend to heaven.'

The story tells the story of a male cultivator, under the guise of monasticism, to confuse female believers to enjoy the joy of fish and water, so as to obtain the medicine pill rewarded by the male cultivator and serve them ascend to heaven.

As for what they understand,'ascend to Heaven and "Become Immortal", in fact, is the "imperial ride". In other words, it is the straddle posture dominated by a male cultivator.

The "Divine Immortal Biography" written by Master Who Embraces Simplicity is like this. Others are at the same time. The cultivator of the modern era can be seen.

If you think about it carefully, it’s better than those of native Indian Buddhism, Aztec religion, big bald donkey, Snow Mountain big bald donkey, Semitic Three Sects, and other messy ones. sect is a bit of it.

It can be regarded as a group of crows, a little white pigeon."

Li Ang blunt expounded the facts. He himself was a witness of that era. When smashing the mountains and breaking the temple, not only exterminated the witches and ghosts, but also killed a lot of so-called deceitful and deceitful people. Orthodox cultivator".

"Yuhuadengxianben is a concept created by speculation. If you can really establish a god through the method of Dual Cultivation, should you still use the deep mountain and old forest to clean and cultivate?"

Li Ang shook his head and said, "As for Indian Buddhism, it is even more talkative and brainstorming. I am afraid that the degree of vagueness is second only to Semitic Three Sects.

Religion is basically human interpreting natural phenomena, cognizing people and The relationship between the world and the understanding of the world is a way to transform the world.

There is no essential difference from modern science.

Limited by the confinement of knowledge, the truths figured out by the ancients always Some of it is subjective and idealistic, not objective and material.

The objective, materialistic, and quantitative modern science is better than traditional sect in the two things of understanding the world and transforming the world. How much."

In Li Ang’s view, "the end of science is philosophy, and the end of philosophy is theology" is a complete shit,

He is an ancient, but his thinking is not rigid. On the contrary, Li Ang also respects and cherishes the scientific achievements of modern humans.

If the rule of "older, stronger" really exists, then those chimpanzees who were still holding bone sticks millions of years ago, I am afraid that all the moving mountains and suppressing seas can be called Immortal Emperors. Heavenly Venerable.

This world is not "When humans think, God laughs", but "When humans think, God panics and trembles."

The theory of evolution has broken God's creation of man. Heliocentric theory smashed the lie of God’s creation of the world. Every scientific theory put forward is a victory of mankind over "God".

Every time mankind takes a step forward, the mysterious realm dedicated to "God" will retreat by one point until mankind overcomes own ignorance and completely removes the fig leaf of religion.

If Li Ang is really allowed to manage the world, then he should be guided by the principle of "no matter what the Black Cat white cat, it is a good cat that can catch mice",

Quantify the cultivation method , Making it like modern science, establishing a complete, rigorous, and dynamic system,

Finally lead mankind to flexibly use the two methodologies of "science" and "mysterious" to run towards the stars. .

As for now... the Milky Way is like a Dark Forest, with civilization standing in great numbers and powerful enemies waiting in sight. It is not the best time to carry out the "Spiritual Qi Recovery".

"The traditional mystic method cannot save Odin, but modern science can solve this problem."

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