Marvel: I Have Severe Mental Disorder

Chapter 191 Little King Kong: Just a little bit, there will be trouble!

Heichao smiled, looked at Zhou Ran, and said in a very gentle tone: Zhou, I can't blame you, I know you are very kind, you are very bright!

No one in this world understands your kindness better than me, because I am the purest kindness in my heart.

If you are not kind, how can there be me?

Zhou, you can't blame you for the clown's murder, he did it without your awareness!

When you are unconscious, you don't have any thoughts, which gives the clown an opportunity. You don't have to blame yourself, don't feel lost, don't have to be sad, it's all the clown's fault.

Well, Zhou, if you really want to blame one person, then blame me Clark Kent. As your kindness, I didn't see the clown who symbolizes evil. This is my fault.

Hei Chao spoke with incomparable sincerity.

Hearing Heichao's words, Zhou Ran suddenly felt a little ashamed. He felt that he might not be as good as Clark Kent said!

No wonder there are so many Kryptonians, but only one Superman Clark Kent!

This delicate kindness, this pure quality, and this radiance brighter than diamonds are really attractive.

Worthy of being the most perfect superhero, worthy of being the son of DC!

He is so kind, he is like a light without darkness.

Shining, incomparably shining; stalwart, incomparably stalwart!

Zhou Ran nodded, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said very sincerely: Okay, Clark, I see, thank you for your enlightenment!

I will learn from you and become a person like you! A bright and stalwart person like you!

Hei Chao nodded gently, and said with a smile: Zhou, you have to remember what you said, and you must always maintain the kindness and justice in your heart, so that you can use my power well.

In order for you to perfectly inherit my power and become a real superman, I will conduct a trial for you,

You need to complete the tasks in the trial.

These missions will make you grow. Every time you complete a mission, you will get part of my power. When you complete all of them, you will become a real superman!

Of course, these tasks will not be difficult, and you can do them with your own abilities.

In addition, you can still use my power for half an hour every day, but this power will not be all of my power.

After hearing this, Zhou Ran coughed lightly, and asked curiously, Clark, what level of strength can I use during that half hour?

Heichao smiled, and slowly said: 50-50, you are 50-50 with the Hulk in terms of strength, 50-50 with Captain Marvel in terms of speed, and 50-50 with Thor in terms of destructive power. In terms of defense, you are 50 to 50 with Mirage...

Zhou, this level of strength is enough for you to defeat most people on this planet!

But, Clark, what if I meet a more powerful enemy? Zhou Ran frowned, and said slowly: For example, Odin, Ancient One, Black Phoenix, Tianqi... what should we do at that time?

Hei Chao pointed at himself and said with a smile, If you really encounter such a powerful enemy, I will control your body and help you defeat them.

Zhou, you can understand it as a high-level agent! If you can fight, you will come, and if you can't fight, I will come. Before you complete the trial mission, let's protect the world together!

After going around for a few times, Heichao finally revealed his purpose. Once Zhou Ran made this contract, when the power exceeds that level, he can control Zhou Ran's body and become the master of this body for a short time. .

As the time of control becomes longer and the number of times of control increases, in the end he will completely replace Zhou Ran, imprison Zhou Ran's consciousness in the darkness, and become the main personality of this body.

This is Heichao's conspiracy!

After listening to Heichao's words, Zhou Ran didn't feel that there was anything wrong.

He Zhou has always been kind and generous, and he is a well-known good man in New York. He will not offend strong men like Odin and Ancient One!

And for a bright existence like Clark, if he is in charge of his body, he will be in charge, and he will not do bad things, nor will he damage his character.

Zhou Ran nodded slightly, and said, Clark, I agree to what you said, and I agree to you, a senior agent.

Now can you tell me what kind of trial tasks you have prepared?

With Zhou Ran's agreement, the invisible contract took effect.

Heichao was overjoyed in his heart, the most difficult first step has been completed, and the rest will be left to time.

As for the trial mission, just edit it casually.

Of course, the task should not be too difficult or too simple, but also meaningful.

Heichao smiled and said: Zhou, Superman is the embodiment of kindness, the protector of mankind, and the symbol of justice and truth. What makes Superman powerful is not only his strength, but also his precious humanity!

The trial mission is related to these. The purpose of the trial mission is to make you grow into a real superhero and learn the valuable character of a superhero.

The first task I give you is redemption. It was not your intention to kill the clown, but your hands are indeed stained with the blood of innocent people. You must make up for them through your actions.

This is your salvation, and it is also the salvation of those who died innocently.

As for who the clown has killed, you need to ask the clown.

After listening to Clark's words.

Zhou Ran was taken aback for a moment, he had already received the memory shared by the clown last night, and he already knew who the clown had killed and who he had killed.

Do something to make up for those people?

Redeem yourself? Redeem them?

But I really have no feelings for them!

Who would have feelings for some unknown passerby?

Who would have feelings for those dispensable npcs?

I clearly knew that it was a wrong thing, that it was a bad thing, but I didn't blame myself, and I didn't feel sad!

I don't care who the clown kills?

I only care about whether the clown will affect me after killing someone?

Am I too cold-blooded?

Is this me really me?

Clark Kent is right, I do need to do something to make up for them.

If I maintain that indifference, I will never be a superhero!

In the past, I didn't have the opportunity to become a superhero. Now that I have this opportunity, I must cherish this opportunity and seize this opportunity.

Zhou Ran took a deep breath, nodded solemnly to Heichao, and said with a smile: Clark, I have accepted this trial task, and I will redeem myself and them.

After Heichao heard this, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said: I look forward to your performance. After completing this first trial task, you will gain my original power, and your body will become that of a Kryptonian.

You can forge a body of steel by absorbing the sun's rays.

Zhou Ran nodded and said with a smile: This is really a generous reward. Don't worry, Clark, I will be worthy of this reward.

Heichao nodded lightly, and said with a smile: Zhou, our conversation is over, when you want to use my power, shout i aan!

After all, Heichao's figure slowly disappeared, and the bright golden light also dissipated little by little.

Zhou Ran also sat up from the bed. Looking at the strange clothes on his body, he frowned and whispered, Who could you be? I'm curious...

I still remember what the clown said last night. When you want to see me, you will naturally see me.

Suddenly there is an inexplicable expectation. I don't know what other guys live in my body?

Superman, clown...could they all be from DC! One side is the Justice League, and the other side is the villain organization...

Forget it, no matter who it is, there will be a day when we meet, you can't hide from me forever, can you?

Zhou Ran took off the unfamiliar clothes and threw them into the trash can.

Then, he opened the closet and looked at the clothes in the closet.

Zhou Ran was taken aback for a moment, then gritted his teeth, and said angrily, Damn it! There is one piece of clothing missing in the closet, and there is an unfamiliar piece of clothing on my body.

Where did the missing dress go?

Could it be... Could it be that this personality manipulated my body to do lewd things! This is the boy body I've kept for twenty-eight years!

Huh, huh, huh... I hope you don't do this kind of thing... Boy, don't let me know who you are!

Zhou Ran took a few deep breaths to calm down his nervous mood.

He didn't want to lose his virginity in such a vague way, and it would be really interesting to mention a child when the time came.

Zhou Ran hurried to the bathroom, turned on the shower, and rubbed his body hard.

It took more than half an hour to finish this shower.

Zhou Ran put on a bath towel, walked to the mirror, plugged in the hair dryer and began to dry his hair.

He frowned suddenly, a strange thing happened to him.

There is a hair standing up on the top of his head. The shape of this hair is very strange, and it is very similar to the dumb hair described in anime works.

Zhou Ran remembered that he pulled out one a few days ago, why did another one appear now?

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Zhou Ran feels that this stupid hair seems to be much longer than the last one.

Zhou Ran stretched out his hand and gently patted Daimao on the top of his head. Daimao was very stubborn, no matter how he patted him, he would never fall down.

Seeing this, Zhou Ran raised his eyebrows, gently plucked the stupid hair from the top of his head, and said with a smile: Only beautiful girls in anime can grow stupid hair, and a man like me doesn't need this kind of hair. thing!

Then, he casually threw the dumb hair in his hand into the trash can.

After his wet body dried, Zhou Ran opened the closet, picked out a black suit, and then took his cell phone and car keys.

After all the preparations were completed, Zhou Ran glanced at his watch. It was already seven fifty, and he quickly walked out of the house.

Where is Zhou Ran going?

And of course Stark Industries.

No matter what the time of day, there is always work to be done.

To complete the redemption mission, he also needs the help of Tony and the help of Stark Industries.


In the golden spiritual space.

Fulu Little King Kong, who had been sleeping all this time, opened his eyes suddenly. He frowned, stretched out his little finger to pick out his nostrils, and said, Oh, I was scared to death. Fortunately, I only complained after pulling out the stupid hair!

Otherwise, just relying on this sentence, only beautiful girls in anime can grow such stupid hair, and the entire Queens district of New York will be blown up!

Well, it's been twice, and now it's only the last time.

Tucao Xingren's energy collector [Daimao] was refreshed on Zhou Ran's head twice. This is really lucky. If it is refreshed on a stranger's head, then I will be in big trouble!

Well, I should never have the attribute of a crow's mouth...

Little King Kong, what is a Tucao star? Sakyamuni blinked and asked very curiously.

Little King Kong rolled his eyes and explained: Tucao stars are a very strange kind of alien. Every Tucao star has a dull hair on the top of their head, which is their energy collector.

That stupid hair can absorb the energy generated by Tucao, and thus realize various weapons. This is the fighting method of Tucao stars.

However, the energy of complaining is too unstable. There was once a young man who destroyed the whole world with a single complaint because of his big brain.

In the end, that young man found me and asked me to save the world. It was really a very troublesome thing.

Oh? Save the world? That must be very troublesome! I have saved the world before, and saving the world is really not an easy task. Sakyamuni smiled and asked very curiously: Little King Kong, how did you Save the world?

Little King Kong frowned, stretched out his fingers to pick his nostrils, and said, Oh, I pressed the world restart button, and then I saved the world.

Huh? Is this troublesome? Sakyamuni was taken aback and asked very puzzled.

He remembered that in order to save the world, he had fought a battle with Zero Fortune at the ruling conference held by the gods.

Although that battle was easy for him, it was really a battle!

In the end, when I arrived at Little King Kong, I just pressed the world restart button and said it was too troublesome!

Hear Sakyamuni's question.

Little King Kong nodded very seriously, and said solemnly: It's really troublesome!

Ahem, okay! Sakyamuni was very helpless, coughed lightly, and said, Little King Kong, you said that you have refreshed twice, and these two times are safe.

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Wouldn't it be bad if the stupid hair reappeared on someone who loves to complain the third time?

If he accidentally destroys the world, how can you save the world at that time?

After hearing this, Little King Kong showed a smile, looked at Sakyamuni and said, Sakyamuni, if I remember correctly, you said that when the world is destroyed, you will come out to save the world.

If that day really comes, I'll leave it to you.

After all, I don't have a restart button for this world... It's too troublesome to deal with...

Also, I really want to see your methods...

Sakyamuni nodded lightly when he heard the words, and said with a smile: Okay, little King Kong, I will help you with this task. It is my duty to protect the world.

However, Little King Kong, I still want to remind you that I am only responsible for dealing with disasters that can destroy the world, and the troubles that have arisen before that are out of my control.

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