"It seems life has opened its hands to me again.

However, just seven years ago, fate played a joke on me again. I met a pirate who attacked the trainee ship I was leading at the time and slaughtered the recruits who were still trainees. In the end, I only Save Ayn and Binz.

That arm was cut off at that time. "

Having said that, Zefa raised his right arm with the robotic arm and exposed it in front of everyone.

"After that, I asked the scientists of the science troop to transform my right arm into a mechanical arm smasher equipped with sea towers. During the past five years, I thought about it a lot, and I began to reflect on my past behavior.

In the end, I came to the conclusion that kindness to pirates is cruelty to innocents.

Only when pirates completely disappear from this world can this world achieve true peace.

So I set foot on this sea again and formed a pirate guerrilla team. My purpose is only two, that is, in my last life, to destroy as many pirates as possible for this world!

And to kill Edward Weibull to avenge my students.

Are you satisfied with my answer? "

Zefa looked at Luo Ke and said.

After listening to Zefa's description, people from all over the world really realized what kind of man the navy was in front of them.

The general who does not kill has never killed even a pirate, but such a benevolent, righteous person has his family slaughtered by the pirates.

Even so, he did not blacken and start to take revenge on the pirates, but decided to retire and stop interfering in the affairs of the sea.

He didn't want to give up or deny his past beliefs, and couldn't let go of his anger towards pirates, so he finally decided to give up being a navy, which is enough to see that this is a man with firm beliefs.

However, God is too cruel to such a man. Once the family broke down and failed to destroy him, it came a second time.

Looking at the student who was killed and his broken arm, he finally made this man walk the path he tried so hard to refuse.

This made everyone sigh and sigh. It turns out that there are still excellent navies in the navy. Zefa is the best navy they have ever seen. Both in terms of strength and morality, they are far superior to the three current generals.

His faith in justice, benevolence, and kindness was exactly what they longed for in the navy.

However, such a navy has suffered such a blow, which makes them annoyed at why God has given such a big setback to good people. Do good people have to suffer?

And those bad guys live so freely one by one.

Do you have to push good people to extremes to be satisfied?

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but admire Zefa as a real navy. Even though he suffered two heavy losses in his life, he still maintained the belief in justice and did not go astray.

Looking at Zefa's captured right hand, they scolded Weibull, this bastard.

However, at this time, many people suddenly remembered one thing, that is, the front page headline in today's newspapers is that Edward Weibull was recruited by the world government and became the king of the Seven Wuhai.

Thinking of this, many people's expressions suddenly changed. They looked at Zefa with anger and sadness, and exclaimed, "No way!"

Knowing that Edward Weibull had done such a thing to Zefa, they could even recruit him as their king.

What is the world government doing?

What exactly is in their heads?

Is it shit? !

Many people watched the live broadcast in disbelief. How could the world government treat the great hero of the navy like this?

During the live broadcast, Luo Ke nodded after listening to Zefa's answer.

"The answer is correct. Sure enough, this kind of question is not difficult for the client, but I am very satisfied with your answer.

You are indeed an excellent navy. After going through these things, it is no wonder that you will end up on the road of Akainu.

Now, please listen to the next question.

Question: What did Zefa do after Edward Weibull became King Shichibukai?

The time limit is one minute, and the timer starts. "

Luo Ke's question didn't make people ponder, but Luo Ke's question shocked many people's ears.

Zefa embarked on the path of Akainu? !

What does it mean?

People all over the world looked at Luo Ke in astonishment.

Akainu's path is basically unknown now.

This guy has absolute justice. In order to eliminate evil, he will do whatever it takes. He would rather kill a thousand by mistake and not let one go. It is a kind of justice that makes people horrified.

Such a path is something they would rather not see than they want to see.

Luo Ke said that Zefa has embarked on the path of Akainu. Does this mean that Zefa has finally become like Akainu and will do anything to destroy the evil? !

At this time, they thought of the second question posed by Luo Ke, Weibull became the king of Qiwuhai, what did Zefa do?

Weibull is the murderer of Zefa's students and the pirate who Zefa is determined to kill.

However, such a pirate was recruited by the world government to become the Shichibukai, which is undoubtedly a betrayal of Zefa.

This incident will definitely have a huge impact on Zefa!

The ruler chooses the minister, and the minister chooses the ruler.

What will Zefa do? !

People all over the world suddenly had a bad feeling in their hearts, the road of Akainu is not good to go!


The faces of the Navy Headquarters, Warring States and other navies have changed greatly, they have already heard the meaning of this topic.

In other words, Zefa couldn't accept Weibull becoming a navy, what did he do!

Moreover, the previous two blows did not make Zefa go to extremes. Up to now, Zefa is still very rational. He just hunted pirates, and did not take the same path as Akainu.

However, after Weibull became Shichibukai, Zefa actually took the path of Akainu.

This is definitely not what they want to see.

Everyone in the Navy Headquarters remembered today's report, Weibull has become the king's Qiwuhai today.

They all looked at Zefa in the video, their eyes were full of grief and hope, don't become reality!

The faces of Marijoa Kiwi and Akainu also sank. The thing they were most worried about happened. If Teacher Zefa really did something irrational, then they were destined to be enemies.

Although Akainu didn't think there was anything wrong with Zefa following his path, why did Luo Ke say his path was the same as Mr. Zefa went astray, but it seemed that this matter was still going in a direction they didn't want to see developed.


And in another part of Mary Joa, the Hall of Power.

The Five Old Stars looked at this scene with an expression of ease and everything was as planned.

What they most want to see is that Zefa is out of control after learning the news. If it is out of control, then the Navy and the government will have reasons to remove this dangerous factor.

They are now waiting for Zefa to go to extremes as planned and in the future.

But at the same time, they also looked at Luo Ke with some concern, hoping that this time Luo Ke would not interfere and ruin their plan.

At this moment, Zefa's face suddenly turned black and red, and everyone could see that his anger was about to be suppressed.

In fact, Zefa has been suppressing his anger since the moment he saw Weibull becoming the king of Qiwuhai before the live broadcast started, but it was temporarily interrupted by Luo Ke's answering live broadcast, so he suppressed it.

However, when Luo Ke mentioned this matter, his anger finally couldn't be suppressed.

Who can accept this?

He worked hard for the government and the navy for decades, but in the end he treated him like this. He didn't care about him. He could endure it, but where did the Five Old Stars put those dead recruits?

If their dead souls heard that their murderer was not punished, but also got a legal license to become a legitimate pirate, their previous sins were written off, and they could continue to rob, rob and kill legally in the future.

How sad should they be? !

Perhaps in the eyes of the world government, the world is divided into member countries and non-member countries, and the people are divided into members of member countries and people of non-member countries.

However, in Zefa's eyes, the world is the world, and the people are the people. With a legal license, Weibull can justifiably rob and kill non-member countries.

This is a blasphemy against the righteous red fruit.

The Qiwuhai system has already made him somewhat unbearable.

And now Weibull has become Qiwuhai, how can he accept this?

He could endure all those kings who went to the Qiwuhai before, but Weibull couldn't bear it when he was the Qiwuhai.

After Edward Weibull became Shichibukai, what would he do? !

Very simple.

Zefa looked at Luo Ke and said solemnly, "Answer: I will leave this fallen navy under the control of the world government, form a real navy, and destroy all pirates."

PS: The first update is below.

Chapter 127

Hearing Zefa's words, the faces of the navy officers in the Navy Headquarters showed sadness and such expressions.

They were not surprised by this result. In other words, after they discovered that Weibull had become Qiwuhai, the idea had already appeared in their minds.

Since Mr. Zefa formed the pirate guerrilla two years ago, he has basically been in a loner state.

I don't take part in the navy's mission, I only focus on hunting pirates at sea.

In fact, the pirate guerrillas have become the private army of Mr. Zefa, only under the command of Mr. Zefa, and are already in a semi-independent state.

As long as Mr. Zefa is willing, this pirate guerrilla can leave the navy at any time and establish its own business.

This kind of behavior is naturally nothing to them, the navy, anyway, they are hunting pirates, and the purpose is the same.

However, they who have climbed to the top of the navy understand that things are not so simple, and Mr. Zefa will face the government sooner or later.

An uncontrolled navy is something the government doesn't want to see.

If Mr. Zefa is in the navy, it's okay to say, but if you leave the navy, then the situation will be different.

The emergence of another navy on the sea is provoking the authority of the government. The government will not sit by and watch the growth of another navy.

This also means that sooner or later, they will fight against each other.

What makes them even more sad is that Edward Weibull is the king of Qiwuhai, that is to say, he is from the government's side. If one day Teacher Zefa and Weibull face off, and the government asks them to support Weibull, they will only can do it.

Thinking of this scene, their hearts were blocked, and they helped the pirates deal with their former teacher.

How hilarious and ridiculous this must have been!

However, if Mr. Zefa really left the navy, then there is no doubt that this scene will happen, but the time of occurrence is uncertain.

Thinking of this, everyone in the Navy Headquarters felt a little sad. Why did they come to this point?

Maybe this is life.

If Mr. Zefa's family hadn't been killed back then, he would still be the general who didn't kill.

If Weibull hadn't attacked the trainee ship, then Zefa-sensei wouldn't have had a big change in her temperament.

If Weibull hadn't become Shichibukai, then Zefa-sensei would not have left the navy and headed for this ending that they didn't want to see.

However, there is no if, life encounters in a room have led to the current situation.

They could only helplessly look at Zefa in the live broadcast with a hint of the idea that this could be changed in the future.

Sengoku and Karp also became sad and helpless, did things still develop to this point?

At the same time, when the five old stars heard Zefa's words, the color of success flashed in their eyes. It is not easy for them to freeze their hands if Zefa does not leave the navy. As long as they leave the navy, the former apprentices are still CPs. You have two packages. You can choose one, or you can have all of them.

As long as this dangerous factor that has a profound impact on the navy can be solved, then the old thing of the Warring States period will be replaced, and the young and unstable newcomer will be put on the position of marshal.

Then the Navy Headquarters will be firmly in their hands again.

Sengoku and Zefa have too deep an image of the navy, and they have already begun to shake their dominance. They will never allow this situation.

The navy is the Tianlong people, the army of the government, not Zefa or the private army of the Warring States period. At best, they are just the management of the dogs below. They must recognize their own identity. Those who do not know their identity are not worthy of sitting there. position.

Since Zefa has already said that he will leave, he obviously already knows about Weibull becoming Qibuhai.

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