Who exactly was and who was chosen to answer the question?

Warring States and the others focused their attention on the live broadcast, and then several figures appeared in front of them.

Seeing the people above, everyone's eyes widened.

"¨"Teacher Zefa?!"

PS: The third update.

Chapter 125

A surprised voice sounded in the square.

They didn't expect that it would be Zefa who participated in the answer this time.

And other people around Zefa also appeared in front of them.





"These are all members of the pirate guerrilla team. Did you choose Mr. Zefa's warship to answer the question this time?"

Seeing that it was the Navy who answered the question, everyone in the Navy Headquarters was very happy.

The same is true for the Warring States period, but when he saw the newspaper in Zefa's hand, the Warring States Period's expression suddenly changed.

What did he think of.

It was only through the newspaper that the Warring States period learned that the Five Old Stars had recruited Weibull as the king of the Seven Wuhai.

The Five Old Stars didn't even mention it beforehand.

The World Economic News Agency knew it one step ahead of him, the Admiral of the Navy.

When Warring States saw the newspaper, his face instantly became ugly, and then he immediately called and asked Wu Laoxing why he did this?

However, Sengoku got the answer from the five old stars to Marshal Akainu in the previous video.

This is an order from the government, and you have no right to question it.

Do what you have to do.

Rather than come and question us, you'd better take care of the navy. We don't want to see any trouble with the navy recently.


Such words made Sengoku feel deeply powerless.

And the Five Old Stars also deliberately broke this matter first. They know that this matter must be resolved quickly, otherwise the longer it drags on, the bigger the rebound on the Navy side will be, and everything is confirmed, do they still Can you stop what has become a reality?

As the Five Old Stars expected, the Warring States period was thinking about how to appease Ze Fa after realizing that the matter could not be undone.

When Weibull became Qiwuhai, other people would only be surprised and dissatisfied, but Zefa's side is not easy to explain. The hatred between him and Weibull is too deep. The right arm that Zefa lost is Weibull's. masterpiece.

And the Pirate Guerrilla was founded because of him.

Now Weibull has become Qibukai, and he has turned into a serious pirate holding a license. How can Zefa, who had his right arm chopped off and killed his disciple, accept this result?

Just when the Warring States had a headache and how to explain to Zefa, the live broadcast started.

Then he saw the torn newspaper in Zefa's hand.

He realized that the problem seems to be a little troublesome, and this live broadcast will not be as simple as they thought.

I'm afraid there will be things that they don't want to see come out again.

Qingzhi looked at Zefa with worry in his eyes. He also learned about Weibull becoming Qiwuhai. He wondered how Teacher Zefa would feel about this.

As for Akainu and Kizaru, they watched the live broadcast at the naval station on Marijoya's side. They were stationed in Marijoya as resident generals. Aokiji was not welcomed by the Five Old Stars, so he didn't go.

Recently, the two of them are not dealing with each other. Akainu is angry that this guy is stealing his house and even dares to take his position as the marshal, but Kiabou always has an expression that doesn't care about me and has nothing to do with me.

Naturally, the two of them also learned about Weibull's affairs, and they looked at Zefa with some complicated meaning in their eyes. They had already vaguely felt the attitude of the Five Old Stars towards Zefa in Mary Joa.

If Teacher Zefa really did something irrational because of this incident, the consequences would probably be very bad.

This is probably what all the navies don't want to see.


At this moment on the warship, Zefa and Smog looked at everything around them and the screen that suddenly appeared in the air, and immediately understood what was going on.

The live broadcast of the quiz started, and the place where the quiz was answered this time was right here.

This situation makes everyone in the Pirate Guerrilla a little wary.

Because the relationship between Roque and their navy is not very good.

It can be said that the humiliation suffered by their navy is all caused by the live broadcast of Luo Ke and his answers.

And Luo Ke seems to target them every time he answers the live broadcast.

So when the live broadcast of answering questions appeared, they did not show any surprises, but were vigilant and deeply vigilant.

At this moment, a figure slowly appeared on the warship, revealing his appearance.

The person who came was Luo Ke.

Zefa, who had just been filled with the anger of Weibull becoming Qiwuhai, immediately suppressed his anger over this matter after seeing Luo Ke.

His still somewhat red eyes looked at Luo Ke, with alertness and inquiry in his eyes.

"Welcome everyone to watch this live answering question, long time no see, the long-awaited answering live broadcast has finally started.

The respondents we invited this time are the pirate guerrillas from the Navy. "

When Smoker and the others heard Luo Ke's words, they couldn't help but complain in their hearts. Are you asking? You are forcibly trapping them here!

"The pirate guerrillas may not be very clear, but everyone should have heard of their leader.

That's right, it was this purple-haired man. He was the former admiral of the navy, Zefa the Black Wrist, who was once as famous as the Admiral Warring States and the naval hero Karp.

Young audiences may not have heard of his name, because he was basically in a semi-retired state more than 30 years ago, but the three major naval admirals, Aokiji, Akainu, and Kizaru, as well as the absolute top of the current navy Most of the navy is basically all his disciples.

It can be said that he is the man who trained the entire naval headquarters. "

After Luo Ke's introduction, people from all over the world also knew that the man in front of him, who had traces of years on his face, was well-mannered, had a burly stature, and had a strange machine on his right arm, had such a big identity.

Having cultivated the entire navy by himself, this man is truly incredible.

But thinking of the virtues of Akainu, Aokiji, and Kizaru, many people think that the teacher Zefa may be here to teach people how to fight, and he doesn't teach them well in terms of morality.

At this time, Zefa was not as non-mainstream as he was in the future. He was still dressed in a navy uniform and looked very decent. At first glance, it gave people a feeling that the navy should be like this.

Everyone couldn't help but think that each answerer selected by Luo Ke had something very special hidden in them.

Why did Roque deliberately choose Zefa this time?

Everyone looked at the live broadcast curiously.

Everyone in the Navy Headquarters nodded secretly when they heard Luo Ke's evaluation of Zefa. They were also worried that Luo Ke would be rude to Teacher Zefa.

No matter what Luo Ke did to Akainu and Aokiji, they respected Mr. Zefa from the bottom of their hearts, so they also felt sorry for his experience from the bottom of their hearts.

They didn't want to have so many unfortunate Zefa, and then be humiliated by Luo Ke in the live broadcast of answering questions, which eventually led to the failure of the evening.

But now it seems that Luo Ke's attitude towards Teacher Zefa is not bad, which makes them a little relieved.

They sincerely hope that Teacher Zefa can gain something in this live answering question, and even get the life-returning potion obtained by Whitebeard or the potion that can heal the right hand.

Although there is no way to heal Zefa-sensei's wounds in his heart, it would be good if he could heal his body.

If this can cheer up Teacher Zefa, then Luo Ke has done a good thing.

People all over the world looked at Zefa in the live broadcast, and at the same time found Smog next to him, which made them relieved. They were still worried that Smog would be scolded by the five old stars after he said that to the five old stars. Star to kill it.

After all, the Five Old Stars are from the Heavenly Dragons, let alone curse the Heavenly Dragons, even the slightest disrespect to the Heavenly Dragons will bring disaster.

Now Smog is still standing there. It's fine. There are not many navies in the navy that can make them feel good. Only when such navies stay in the navy can they continue to hold a little hope for the navy. As for despair.

At this moment, the big figures in the new world, Kaido, BIGMOM... They are watching the live broadcast. They can't figure out the purpose of Luo Ke's finding Zefa to answer the question. became like this.

This can't help but make them feel that now and then, they were just crew members of the Rocks Pirates, and Zefa was indeed a general of the Navy headquarters.

Now they are the four emperors of the new world, but Zefa has become an old disabled person. I heard that his arm was cut off by Weibull.

This can't help but make people sigh, the former admiral has ended up like this.

BIGMOM and Kaido couldn't help but think of today's report and laughed out loud.

After working for the world government for so many years, that's all?

How pitiful!


And Zefa himself had the same idea as them after hearing Luo Ke's introduction. He worked so hard for the world government for so many years, and he actually got this?

Is this the navy that he has been striving to cultivate new recruits to support?

Why did the navy he has cultivated for more than 30 years become so unfamiliar!

Is this the navy in his mind?

A strong sense of unwillingness, anger and betrayal lingered in his heart.

The painful look flashed in Zefa's eyes.

On the other side, Luo Ke continued:

"Let's officially start answering the questions now. I have repeated the rules many times before, and I will not repeat them now.

I hope you will follow.

There are five questions here, let’s start with the first question now.

Question: Zefa used to be known as an unkillable general. He never killed any pirates in the process of catching pirates. Now he has not only established a pirate guerrilla team, but also personally led the team to hunt pirates. why is that?

The time limit is one minute, and the timer starts. "

PS: The fourth update.

Chapter 126

Luo Ke's question immediately aroused Zefa's memory, making his face gloomy.

This memory is a pain that he will never forget in his life.

The members of the pirate guerrilla team and the navy headquarters felt pain in their hearts when they saw Zefa's face.

All of them don't want to see that the former general who does not kill has become what he is now. If they can, they would rather Zefa be the general who does not kill all the time, rather than see him become what he is now.

However, things are impermanent, and sometimes life is so unexpected.

Many people around the world don't know about this past. After hearing Luo Ke's question, and seeing Zefa's face and other navy's appearances, it is obvious that there seems to be a very sad thing in it.

What is it that makes them look so sad.

Everyone waited quietly for Zefa's answer.

Seeing that the teacher was so sad, Binz and Ain couldn't bear to let him answer by themselves, and opened up the wound that had never healed.

They looked at each other and decided to answer for the teacher.

But Zepha was the first to speak before they spoke.

I saw that Zefa had already sorted out the emotions just now, his face was calm, his tone was calm, and he described as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him:

"Answer: Thirty-four years ago, I became an admiral, got married, and gave birth to a son the following year. Originally, my family was happy and my career was going well. However, three years later, my family was killed by pirates, which made me heartbroken. Feeling cold, want to resign.

However, I was retained, so I kept the rank of admiral and became an instructor, and began to train the next generation of the navy. Among my first class students were the Akainu and Kizaru you just mentioned.

Twenty-three years have passed in this way. In the past 23 years, I have cultivated many excellent navies. They are my pride, and I have also rediscovered the meaning of life in the process. "

Hearing Mr. Zefa say that they are his pride, the eyes of the pirate guerrilla team and many generals of the naval headquarters were a little wet.

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