Smog was relieved when he saw himself scolding the Five Old Stars in the video, but after he relieved his anger, he realized that there would be trouble in the future.

And he didn't think there was anything wrong with what he did, let alone an image of the future, even if such a thing really happened, he still said that.

Smog won admiration all over the world for teaching them how to eat shit, and he also replaced the hat on his head with a real man.

It has become a rare good navy among the navies in people's hearts.

At the same time, the image continues, and after Smoker, the image cuts to another place.

Like a tunnel, Spandam was pulling Nico Robin, who was handcuffed by Hai Lou Shi, towards a certain place, and it seemed that someone was chasing them behind him.

Spandam scolded angrily as he walked, "Hurry up!

Damn! Why did the pirates come back here? "

Even though Spandam didn't say where it was, people who saw the video guessed that this was Judiciary Island, and the pirates should be referring to the Straw Hat Pirates.

Spandam took out the phone bug and said, "Hey! Everyone in CP9! Quickly answer me!

What are you doing?

How could there be pirates chasing me?

Hear, hurry up and answer me! "

However, no matter what he said, there was no answer from the other end of the phone.

At this moment, Nico Robin suddenly said anxiously, "Wait a minute, the one in your hand..."

Hearing Nico Robin's words, Spandam subconsciously looked at the phone bug in his hand, it was a golden phone bug.

This phone bug has also appeared before. It is the golden phone bug owned by the Admiral who can launch the slaughtering order.

Seeing the golden phone bug Spandam's eyes widened, his snot came out of his nose, "No way... Yellow... Gold!"

Seeing the scene of Spandam, everyone cried stupidly because of his actions.

They thought about 10,000 possibilities. Maybe Judicial Island was occupied, maybe Judicial Island encountered an unprecedented powerful enemy, and some people even guessed if the Revolutionary Army was helping behind the scenes, so Judicial Island could not cope with launching the slaughter of demons. make.

However, they never imagined that the Demon Killing Order was activated in such a way of cerebral palsy.

I got it wrong... the phone bug...

PS: The fourth update.

Chapter 118

This made all the people who saw this scene could not laugh or cry, and then it was very uncomfortable, uncomfortable that something that could control their life and death was used so casually.

Many people feel a sense of sadness inexplicably.

Their lives are not in their hands, but are controlled by others at will, how can this not make them despair.

The Navy Headquarters, the Warring States period, and the others did not expect that the demon slaughter order, which was enough to destroy the country, would be launched with such a thing.

Qing pheasant's face was very ugly. That was his authority to slaughter demons, and it was handed over to such an unreliable guy.

Fortunately, this guy launched a demon slaughter order on Judiciary Island.

If he took the wrong golden phone bug in other places, such as the Capital of Water, then the guilt of the green pheasant would be unclear.

Warring States glanced at Aokiji and said it again, "The authority to kill demons can't be easily given to people. If people are crossed, the consequences will be unimaginable."

When Sengoku was talking, he felt regret and guilt in his heart. He felt guilty for arranging Akainu to participate in O'Hara's Demon Slaying Order. From launching the Demon Slaying Order to selecting candidates, one must be careful, because this can be very difficult. It's about the lives and deaths of thousands of people.

Aokiji nodded.

But since the Demon Slaying Order was launched like this, it has nothing to do with the navy. At most, they are just unknown people.

29 And the biggest fault was the stupidity of this Spandam.

At this moment, Spandam is a little sluggish. He lost the Judiciary Island because of this. Once this kind of thing is exposed, not to mention whether he will be punished, his future will be worrying!

How could this happen!

Just when Spandam was worried about his future.

The image still continues.

As the golden phone worm pressed down, the silver phone worm received the signal, and the navy headquarters immediately took action. Five lieutenant admirals and ten warships and tens of thousands of navy officers were ready to go, heading towards Judicial Island.

On the other hand, Spandam was a little furious.

"Damn... This is the phone bug! I was so careless that I pressed the button of the golden phone bug.

I actually launched a demon slaughter order! "

As soon as Spandam panicked, the phone worm on the Judiciary Island broadcast got through, and the whole Judiciary Island heard his words.

This complicity operation fooled the people who were watching the video, but just when they were thinking about whether this guy would let people evacuate by the way.

In the end, the guy didn't find out that the radio was connected, and instead quarreled with Robin.

"You actually did such a thing, quickly cancel the request!" Robin's voice came from the radio, "Otherwise, it will be difficult for the matter to end."

However, Spandam didn't care about the appearance of the Judicial Island being slaughtered by the demon, and he was more concerned about his own face.

"What did you say?

Want me to cancel the request?

Do you know who you are talking to? "

Spandam laughed and said, "Wow, haha... What does it have to do with the slaughtering order? I didn't do anything wrong!"

The navies on Judiciary Island listened to Spandam's voice in confusion.

"That's right, it doesn't matter, I'm the commander of CP9. In order to safely hand you over to the government, I launched the Demon Slaying Order, haha... What does it matter?

No matter what happened here, in the end, I could definitely kill those pirates! "

"What nonsense are you talking about?!

Didn't I say things aren't that simple? ' said Robin loudly.

"That kind of attack has no emotion at all, everything on Judiciary Island will be burnt to ashes, whether it's buildings, people or the island...

Sacrificing everything in order to achieve the goal is like a nightmare of concentrated artillery... That is the slaughter order.

Because you have no idea what happened to O'Hara twenty years ago! "

Robin's fear has been written on his face. People who saw this scene were very able to understand Robin's feelings, because they also saw what happened to O'Hara with their own eyes.

"It does not matter.

This represents the world government, this is a case that must be concealed.

Because that idiot burned the blueprint of Hades, your existence has become the only clue to ancient weapons.

This is related to the military power that can subvert the times.

If those idiots who want to take you away are to eliminate them, even if they sacrifice thousands of people, this is a last resort sacrifice for the glorious future! ' said Spandam with a grim smile.

Seeing Spandam's appearance, people all over the world couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts, followed by a surge of anger like a tsunami.

Again...and again!

Whether it is Akainu of the Navy or Spandam of the World Government, they are all like this!

Regardless of the life or death of ordinary people, Akainu did not hesitate to kill all the refugees in O'Hara in order to completely exterminate O'Hara's scholars, claiming that this was a necessary sacrifice.

Now Spandam has staged another version of O'Hara, and this is still on Judiciary Island, and it's all the people of the World Government and the navy!

However, Spandam still said that in order to eliminate those people, even if thousands of people are sacrificed, for those glorious futures, this is a sacrifice of last resort.

In the past, there was Akainu who didn't take the lives of civilians, and now Spandam doesn't take the lives of the soldiers and the navy in Judiciary Island.

These powerful people in the world government can even sacrifice their own people at will, how can they expect these guys to put their lives in their eyes.

What's more, this demon slaughter order was completely caused by Spandam's mistakes, and it was not necessary to launch it at all. Now, in order to cover up his mistakes, he could sacrifice thousands of navy and soldiers on Judiciary Island at will.

Is this still a person? !

Now people can't stand it anymore. Before, it was only the navy who showed that they didn't care about human life. Now the officials with power in the world government are also like this, and the Tianlong people don't even think of civilians as human beings.

These kinds of things all prove one thing, that is, the world government, from top to bottom, from the navy to the CP to the Tianlong people, is all rotten.

They never took the lives of ordinary people seriously, not even the lives of ordinary soldiers in the world government and the navy.

This is the real face of these people.

This makes people who understand this both angry and helpless. The people above are like this, how can they survive!

Brilliant future, Spandam, you bastard, come and tell us, what is Brilliant Future? !

What is the bright future of TM!

All they have in front of them is darkness!

Not to mention that the civilians were in an uproar, even the lower-level personnel of the Navy and the World Government were deeply horrified.

Look at the shock and fear on the faces of the Judiciary Island soldiers wearing navy uniforms and black suits in the video.

They felt angry and frightened as if they were there.

It turns out that the so-called sacrifices are not only civilians, they are also the objects of sacrifice, and they are sacrificed because of such ridiculous things!

It's not that they can't sacrifice. From the day they became the navy, they put their heads on their belts, but sacrifice can't be sacrificed because of such a ridiculous mistake.

Now they are also angry!

Before O'Hara's demon slaughter made them silent, because they were from the navy and not from O'Hara.

Now, the slaughtering order of Judicial Island has actually fallen on their ordinary navy and ordinary soldiers, which makes them unable to stay out of the matter anymore, because the situation of Judicial Island in the video may be their tomorrow.

They could also be one of the thousands of sacrificed figures.

If they don't speak now, do they wait for them to be sacrificed and expect others to speak for them?

There was an uproar in the square of the Navy Headquarters.

The faces of the warring states and other navy generals changed drastically. They all understood what this meant. Once this kind of thing was exposed, it was enough to shake the hearts of the soldiers at the bottom of the navy.

Come to think of it, they worked so hard with their hearts and minds, that the people above regarded them as objects of random sacrifice, the emphasis was on randomness, and for such a ridiculous reason.

How could they calm down.

Sengoku and the others knew that if this matter was not dealt with properly, it would not be the case that the civilians were angry before.

The anger of the civilians can only be anger, and there is no way to fight against the huge navy.

However, if the navy is shaken, they will be in chaos and collapse before the hostile forces attack.

They must give them an account of this matter, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!

All the admirals of the Navy Headquarters looked at Spandam in the video angrily. How could CP9 be controlled by such an idiot? If you want to harm your CP9, just harm your CP9.

Now even their navy is suffering, if the navy is in chaos, they will never let this stupid pig go!

At this moment, the five old stars who saw this scene couldn't help but change their expressions, how could this idiot cause them so much trouble!

PS: The first update.

Chapter 119

The reason why the world government can sit firmly in this dominant position is because the world government has three knives in their hands, a navy, a CP, and the other one is their national treasure, but national treasures cannot be easily used, so they mainly rely on the navy and the military. CP.

As a result, this guy Spandam has shaken the hearts of the Navy and CP at the same time.

I'm afraid this guy is not digging their roots.

Even the Five Old Stars suspected that this guy was either really stupid, or that he was an undercover agent sent by the revolutionary army.

Specially to engage in the mentality of the Navy and CP.

Wu Laoxing has a lot of headaches, why do they have so many things here.

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