In this scene, the people of Alabasta and the rebel army turned ashen and clenched their teeth. They almost killed each other just like what was shown in the video.

Here, Crocodile's plan has entered the final stage, Crocodile and Luffy fought, and Robin took Cobra to the royal cemetery.

Here, people also see the historical text preserved by the Nafirutali royal family.

Everyone's eyes widened, trying to see what was written on it. This is the historical text that records the whereabouts of Hades!

However, the words on the picture are a little blurry. Even if they can see it clearly, they can't read these mysterious words, and they can only sigh in amazement.

Nico Robin stood in front of the historical text and read it. Not long after, Crocodile also appeared in the tomb, with blood on the corner of his mouth. Obviously, it was not easy to win just now.

"Now, tell me the above." Crocodile said excitedly.

Nico Robin glanced at Crocodile, and then read it, but it was all about the history of Alabasta.

This made Crocodile, who was eager to know the whereabouts of Hades, interrupt her angrily.

"The history of this country is none of my business! I want to know where the strongest military power in the world is on this continent?"

"It's not written on it, the stone tablet only records history." Robin's words made Cobra's face beside him a little stunned. Obviously he didn't expect this, or that Robin didn't tell Crocodile. .

She really didn't tell Crocodile the truth... The people watching this video thought to themselves.

And when Crocodile saw this outside the image, his eyes were cold, and this **** Nico Robin actually betrayed him at a critical moment!

Betrayer, die... Crocodile looked at Nico Robin in the image with murderous eyes. Since it can't be used by him, then he will kill it.


In the video, Crocodile was very calm when he heard Robin's words, "Really? It's a pity.

You used to be my very good partner, but unfortunately I still have to kill you.

The agreement we made four years ago has ended here. We agreed that I will take you to the place of the historical text, and you will tell me the information about the weapon, but now you have broken our agreement. "

"The historical text of this country doesn't have anything related to Hades at all." Robin wanted to explain something, but was injured by Crocodile.


Crocodile sneered and looked at Nico Robin, "But I'm not mad at you, do you know why? Nico Robin, you and I have worked together for four years, how could you not know what action you will take against me? ."

Speaking of which, Crocodile avoided the water bottle thrown by Nico Robin, but what he didn't expect was that a hand grew out of his neck, caught the water bottle and poured it towards Crocodile.

However, at this moment, Crocodile turned into a puff of sand and disappeared in place. The next second, a golden hook pierced through Robin, and then threw the severely injured Nico Robin to the ground.

"I can forgive you everything, Nicole Robin, because I never believed in anyone from the beginning.

Looking at Cobra's reaction, I knew that Pluto does exist. It doesn't matter if I don't rely on the historical text. I can find it myself, as long as I take this country, I will find it sooner or later. ' Crocodile sneered.

At this time, everyone realized that Crocodile had this important purpose in capturing Alabasta. If Nico Robin is not obedient, then he will find it by himself.

However, this also revealed a piece of information, that Pluto is likely to be in Alabasta.

Everyone who was planning to go to Alabasta showed excited expressions.

Unlike in the image, Crocodile became anxious.

He does have such an idea, double insurance.

However, the current situation is different from the situation in the video. People all over the world now know that there is Hades in Alabasta. Before long, countless people will come to grab it, and there must be some big men who he can't deal with.


There is not much time left for him.

The only way he can now is to find a way to pry out the whereabouts of Hades from Nico Robin's mouth, otherwise he has not waited for him to find Hades. This land is full of navies, four emperors, and CPs. At that time, he even had shit. Less than a mouthful of hot.

Crocodile stared at the image, thinking in his heart, hurry up, hurry up...


In the video, Crocodile is waiting for the preset bomb to explode, killing everyone who gets in the way, waiting to take over the kingdom.

However, the person who surprised him appeared again, Luffy, the guy who had been defeated several times by him appeared in front of him again.

Crocodile was also irritated by Luffy who was beaten and beaten again and again, like an immortal Xiaoqiang sticking to him all the time.

Everyone looked at Luffy and couldn't help but sigh. This guy's vitality is too tenacious. He must have died two or three times. Victims of tenacious vitality.

The two sides disagreed and started fighting again. Inside the tomb, the royal army and the rebel army were also fighting.

I don't know how long it took, but when the screen changed, Crocodile was punched directly from the ground by Luffy and flew into the sky, landing on the ground.

And with the fall of Crocodile, it miraculously rained in the sky, and both the king's army and the rebel army who were fighting stopped.

Immediately afterwards, I saw MR.2 pretending to be Cobra's child stood up and announced the truth. With the announcement of Crocodile's plan, the war was ended.

And Crocodile was also arrested by the Navy.

Immediately afterwards, the screen turned to appear on the warship, and Smoker was on the phone with someone.

"This is the Navy Headquarters! Are you Colonel Smoker?"

"I am." Smoker said.

"Regarding the crusade against Crocodile this time, in order to commend you and Sergeant Dusky's attack, the high-level government has decided to present two medals!"

"A crusade? Hey, wait a minute, it wasn't us who defeated Crocodile, didn't I report it?" Smoker said.

However, the phone worm continued to say, "Besides, the government has decided to upgrade the rank of the two of them, so...the two of them will be invited to attend the ceremony..."

Hearing this, Smog was furious, "Hey! Listen, it's the Straw Hats who are fighting Crocodile!"

"It's useless, Smog, the government intends to erase the truth!" Tina next to him said, "The crisis in the kingdom of Alabasta, which caught the government by surprise, was saved by pirates. Do you think the government is willing to tell the world such a thing? Is it true... Disobeying high-level orders will have unimaginable consequences."

However, Smoker said with a cold face: "We defeated Crocodile?

It's a joke, my subordinates cry because they can't do it.

Hey, help me tell those old men at the top of the government! "

Colonel Tina seemed to have sensed what Smoker wanted to say, and quickly stopped him, "Smog!"

However, Smoker still spoke out, "Tell them to eat shit!"

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone, and the picture stayed on Smog's reckless and angry face.

PS: The third update is under.

Chapter 117

Smog's saying that the five old stars go to eat **** is something that no one thought of.

The civilians didn't expect it, the navy didn't expect it, and even the pirates didn't expect it.

Unexpectedly, there are still such strong guys in the navy, and they don't even give face to the five old stars.

Smog's words "eat the five old stars" instantly gained a lot of praise all over the world.

It turns out that the navy still has a good navy.

Originally, they had heard that Smoker was the king of leaks. He took the credit for Luffy and the others and became the Commodore of the Navy Headquarters. He was just a lucky guy, and his performance in Alabasta was too bad.

It really makes people not feel good about it. Almost everyone who heard about it took Smoker as a joke.

And Smoker is the protagonist in this joke, and he doesn't have a good image all over the world.

However, for Smog's performance in the video, he argued that he refused to take credit for the Straw Hat gang's defeat of Crocodile, and even scolded the five old stars and made them eat shit.

The image of this upright tough guy was instantly established in the hearts of people who saw this scene.

It turns out that the navy still has the navy that they can do well, not all of them are cold-blooded and brutal like Akainu, and those who abuse their power like Aokiji.

Smog is very good. Repaying his gratitude, he is not a false name, and he is not afraid of power. One is one or two is two. Apart from being weaker, isn't his character better than those of the admirals?

If you don't consider strength, many people want this man to become a naval marshal, but this kind of thing is not something that ordinary people like them can do.

Thinking of this, they couldn't help but scolded the high-level corruption of the navy. They even threw such an excellent navy into the East China Sea instead of staying in the navy headquarters for training. Well cultivated, it is also the seedling of a naval admiral.

Everyone sighed with embarrassment. The navy finally became famous as a navy that they could admire, but it turned out to be the case, and the navy standing on it was so virtuous, it really made them feel helpless and regretful.

Smog's remarks, even the pirates couldn't help but praise him, this guy is a man.

Navy Headquarters.

Warring States and other navies were stunned when they saw this scene, and then Warring States raised their hands to cover their foreheads, a little headache.

Unexpectedly, after so many years, Smog still has this temperament, even the five old stars dare to scold you, whoever will be assigned if you are not assigned.

Sengoku originally wanted to transfer Smog to the headquarters, but after doing this, the Five Old Stars won't be blown up by anger.

After thinking about it, Sengoku still decided to support Smog in this matter, for no other reason than that Smog's character was more favorable to him.

Although he is rebellious, to be honest, apart from his strength, he is indeed stronger than the three generals under his command.

Akainu didn't dare to turn against the Five Old Stars, but Smog dared to turn against him. If he could become a Marine Marshal with such a trait, he wouldn't worry that the Navy would become a puppet of the Five Old Stars.

Yet he knew it was impossible.

It is a pity that such a navy is placed in the East China Sea. The headquarters needs such talents, and only such talents can be inherited and carried forward in the justice of the navy.

Not only Sengoku admired Smoker very much, and had the idea of ​​cherishing talent, other navies in the Navy Headquarters couldn't help but feel admiration in their hearts after seeing Smoker's performance.

Smoker said what they had always wanted to say but were afraid to say.

They have long been dissatisfied with the World Government and those old men.

Now the Navy will suffer such humiliation, basically half of it is to blame the madman Akainu, and the other half is to blame the old silver coins of the Five Old Stars.

If they hadn't been scheming behind their backs, it wouldn't have led to the situation where stealing chickens would not be worth the money.

In order to protect the face of the world government, he gave away his original face, and even the justice with the navy was shamed.

They were also shamed together.

They were all blushing and ashamed to hear that the government had forced Smoker to take down Crocodile's credit to the world.

Let these lousy old men eat shit!

Don't dare to do a single thing, so that they can't hold their heads up when they are in the navy.

All the navies felt more at ease because of Smog's scolding, as if the constipation they had been holding for a week was finally cleared up.

In addition to venting, they couldn't help but worry about Smoker's future, and let the five old stars eat **** in front of the whole world. This makes the five old stars not angry when they hear it, right?

Possibly... no, I would definitely be quite angry.

Mary Joa, Hall of Power.

The atmosphere here was stagnant for a while. How many years have they not been scolded by someone pointing their nose like this?

This sudden shit-eating completely blinded them.

Even when Luo Ke came to the Hall of Power to dismantle them before, they didn't feel so humiliated.

Because Luo Ke is their enemy after all, and he is a powerful and mysterious enemy.

However, what kind of thing are you, Smog, a navy, and a dog under their command dares to call them to eat shit?

You want the dog to bite the owner, can't you rebel?

The five old stars suddenly looked gloomy and angry.

After a while, the Five Old Stars spoke.

"These guys don't even know who they are if they don't give them some color. They really treat themselves as personalities, a mere branch colonel."

"I would like to ask Warring States, how did the marshal of Warring States teach him that such a rebellious navy came out, and he was a captain of the navy, and he was immediately dismissed from his post!"

"How come there are so many guys who can't understand the situation in this world, it's really a headache, since he wants to eat shit, give him it, the face of the world government is not something that can be insulted... …”



At the same time, on the warship heading for the great route.

The navy around Smoker were all dumbfounded.

Just now, Colonel Smog's privately scolding the Five Old Stars for death was already explosive enough, but I didn't expect that there would be even more explosive ones in the video.

This frightened them.

If this kind of thing was seen by the Five Old Stars, wouldn't Colonel Smog die miserably?

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