We moved from unit to unit and arrived at the fort on the high ground.

It was Legion Leader Dyle who led it.

Dyle and I have traveled so far together that we are able to break it down to some extent.

"... it's supposed to be"

When I went to say hello because I decided to move, they said, "Please refrain, a lot of things". Tell me what?

The fort is situated on a small high hill with very good views of the surrounding area.

There is a river just below, and from there it is a high cliff.

This fort, which is difficult to attack, seems to occupy a strategically important position.

"After all, Balthasar was placed in a good place, wasn't he?

That's what I think.

This place is easy to rush for rescue anywhere and is strong in protection.

It can be considered a suitable location for the preservation of the rear packers.

We are sleeping here, watching the battle of the three units on the front line, and it feels dawn on training.

The expected duration is approximately six months.

It's been two and a half years, so it's a long time.

Before those two and a half years come, the situation in this neighbouring country will change dramatically.

"Start basic training with this. Even so, I just want you to run."

By the time we arrived, the training ground had already been completed.

I've never been trained in the military or anything, so I was wondering what it was like, but what a split up to do with the races.

So the Auga are all in.

I can't even skip because I get basic training even the way I don't fight.

Until now, he was on the training side, but he was in a position to be shitty.

"You remember the route. Let's start with ten circles. Run!"

I didn't even know why I was running.



All my fellow Auga tribes are dashing.

I'll circle ten times, but do you understand?

This training, it was also the one implemented in the armies of the world. Even the Japanese militia, of course.

I took it in high school too. He called it a "circuit".

There's an obstacle ahead of us, and it feels like we're getting over it.

The Auga tribe has a total of twenty.

He rushed away and was divided in the first mud mountain.

The scaffolding is slippery and the slope near the top is quite steep, so it rolls off.

Then involve the one below and straighten down to the bottom.

"What the hell is wrong with you!

"You can't avoid it."

Fighting begins downstairs to the condition that

Through it, there is a high wall.

They all slip because their hands and feet are muddy.

It's a wall with round-tails together, so you should climb carefully with your toes and fingers on the dent, but it slips anyway, so it's hard to go on.

"Out of the way! I'll do it."

"Hey, get out of the way!

and well, the fight begins under the wall.

At Round Tai Pass, Round Tai is connected vertically to the pond and floats.

If you don't run through well, you fall into the pond. If it falls, it's swimming back to its original place and starting over, but this goes off balance and the previous falls when someone rides right after the one who crossed first.

When the one behind proceeds, there will be someone behind it again, so that the one who is before will still fall.

"You rocked it!

"It's bad you don't cross fast!

It feels like, the fight starts.

In the end, it took them all till night to circle ten.

That night.

I didn't think this was supposed to happen, and I got them all together.

"It should have been done scattered today. Tomorrow will be the same as today. What are you guys going to do?

'Cause, you know, he gets in the way.

"I don't know if I can get in the way!

"Stop fighting!

"" Yes ""

You're usually a free dam, but when I say it, it gets quiet, these guys.

"Have you ever found out in today's training?

I dared to ask.

"It was hard to do"

"It was a hassle."

"I didn't know what I was doing"

"... yeah, forget it"

I wish someone had noticed, but it was just a little bit to get the right answer, and my head was allergic.

"Oh, my God, Goran. Look weird."

"Does it hurt even in my stomach?

"I don't think we're going to have enough troubles... so listen to me."

When I said it, they all stopped talking in private. That feels good.

"It was scattered today. There's a reason for that. Remember what I'm going to say. That's training for everyone to work together and get over it. Trying to get your people out on the way, kick them off, and fight is rhetorical. You can't just have yourself a goal. We're all gonna work together to score a goal."

"But then you won't know who won."

"Shut up, you wasting sister. That's not a race. There is no winning or losing in the first place. You heard it was over when we finished ten weeks, right? I wouldn't have ranked you today."

"Is that it? Is that right?

"If there is to be a win or a loss, if everyone is finished sooner than the instructor expected, we win. Otherwise, we all lose. Think so."

It seems so hard to understand that a group wins and loses, not individually, and Becca was twisting her neck tightly, but if we defeat the enemy general in the war, we win, right? When I said that, he honestly convinced me.

They understood that ending the circuit in a short time = winning the war, is the same.

"That's why I tell him how to do it tomorrow. Remember that, all right!

"" Ha!!

That's why I taught the brain-muscle guys how to prepare for the circuit.

The day after dawn.

In the first mud mountain, a few lay down at the foot of the mountain, and more and more lay down in one shoulder car after another.

And he that cometh later shall pass thereon, and when all that climbeth later shall reach the top, this time he shall pull up those that were at the foot.

By repeating it, everyone cleared Mud Mountain at once.

The next is Marutai's wall.

After all, someone scaffolds and crosses the wall in the form of a ride on top of it.

The scaffolders also gently cross the wall, as those who cross the wall snap up those below.

One Marutai falls into the pond before the first crosser reaches the second and supports the Marutai so that they do not move. The second person shall do the same with the second round too.

When you have thus finished fixing all the round-tails, everyone else crosses.

The rest will be clear if those who supported Marutai cross in turn.

In this way we focused on clearing all obstacles together.

Then he hit and changed from yesterday, clearing ten circles without waiting for noon.

If it's Becca style, it would mean "I won".

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