"... it's a tent I don't know"

I woke up. There is no abnormality anywhere.

I don't know what I remember, but I remember doing it with General Melarda's regiment leader.

"Golan, are you awake?

"Is that a rig?

When I answered, the lieutenant's rig came into the tent.

"I slept for about a whole day."

Answer me sooner than I ask. I'm a lieutenant.

"I have confused memories. Where am I?

"It is a tent within our army. We are a little far from General Melada's formation. If Golan wakes up, I'm asking you to contact him, but let's do it."

"Then let him know. And tell me what happened yesterday? I can't remember much."

I don't remember.

I only remembered a little while I was talking to Rig, but I blew up the tent because of the fight fomented by Legion Commander Balthasar.

I tried to do what I had in mind because it was a good opportunity.

A general intervened along the way... and Balthasar and I were beaten up. I don't remember from there.

Could it have turned into me? [M]

Normally, even if I changed from "me" to "me," I remember seeing and hearing it, but I think I fainted quickly.

"Well, I'll tell you from where I brought the machete and the golden bars"


Hearing about the rig brought back memories of it being a fragment.

Even after General Meralda beat me up, I seem to have responded properly.

And I laughed bitterly as I listened to Rig. I'll do it inside, too.

That was Balthasar and my Tyman.

The General's lay goes in, but that doesn't change. The principle is so.

That's why I tried to take him down. If you look where the general hastily stopped, Balthasar is also an influential being, whether he is good at that or strong in parental power.

I'm glad you and I were in agreement on that occasion.

Anyway, I needed to disable Balthasar on that spot.

Other things like rematch. I even thought that if I could cut off my arm or my leg, I couldn't help it if I killed him.

Sometimes Balthasar's incitement was a ship on the crossing because he needed to fight with someone under the general to show the power of my army.

That was a fight you should never lose.

When the general stopped me, I was in a hurry, but eventually I was able to get to the battle with weapons.

If I let him down with a machete and admit to losing, I wasn't even going to see him again.

I didn't expect you to take it from a general to a fight ban promise.

"I did a great job."


"No, we're talking about this one. So you won't let me, not only me, but my men, yes, General Meralda said."

"Yes, I definitely said it"

Though to save the life of the Legion Leader, the General also does thoughtful things.

If I lost and my men were taken lightly, we might be doomed to be crushed by the war in this land. I mean, there's no other use for it.

I was going to show you my strength so you wouldn't think we were a scumbag squad, but I put it away.

I guess this is because I've been looking at how I've done it.

"Okay, Rig. Thank you. I can remember."

This soldier, my fine play, is good to go.

But I can't feel safe.

Nehyol is somewhere in the land.

And I can't read his thoughts.

Complete prediction, but I think it's dangerous (...) to be in any formation.

They may raid the troops and try to rush for backpacking. They may target them on the move, or they may only focus on the head of the troops.

"Or maybe Nehyol will just squeeze it into one."

Nehyol has a fear of not knowing what he's going to do.

Therefore, no matter how many defenses you consolidate and lay a robust formation, you may be attacked from a different point of view.

"The other Legion leaders won't be alarmed, but that's not all."

This battle is rough. That's what I think.

To survive, you have to increase the presence of me and my men. I mean......

First of all, basic training.

I hate it......

Apparently, the wake-up call was passed on to General Melada, who delivered the vows along with the items of sympathy.

The names of the respective Legion Leaders are noted.

The contents are that we have agreed that we are a guest army, that we will not give a hand, and that we will make the above thorough for our men.

It's a formal thing, but I guess I need it.

I asked Rig to tell him I figured it out and he lay down on the bunk of the tent again.

How dare you?

Because I didn't break out, I haven't had muscle pain, but no one would complain if I slept another day or so.

And I don't want to deal with the Commander of the Demon Kingdoms again.

With that in mind, I fell asleep.

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