It’s a counterattack

The distance from the Graves to the Peace Forest was more than 3,000 kilometers per month by horse-drawn carriage.

The black hole created by Leon directly linked the distance to the five-dimensional conceptual coordinates, allowing it to transcend four-dimensional space-time.

Of course, since the Create Portal can only travel to places that Leon has visited in the past, the Peace Forest is still more than 300 kilometers away.

Nevertheless, the 50,000 wizards who jumped over the space were all aware.

The fact that the forest of peace is not far away.

The whole world was dyed red and red as if the end of the world had come.

A huge fire rising from the horizon.

Because the huge forest destroyed by the demons who served the Demon King of Destruction was constantly burning fire.

He succeeded in jumping over space by opening a dimensional rift known only to the gods.

Of course, the principle will be quite different from the general dimensional crack.

Leon took the lead and led 50,000 wizards toward the forest of peace.

The place where the wormhole was created was said to be 3 days away from the Peace Forest, but that is the story of when it was moved by carriage.

All the wizards of Veritas were basically learning prayer magic, and the body strengthened by origin magic was able to show higher performance through magic response.

If the sword follows where you want it to be the ultimate meaning of the martial arts that have reached the 12th star, origin magic is magic that allows you to manipulate matter as you wish.

300 kilometers was a short distance that took only three hours for the wizards of Veritas.

Of course, for those who have not yet reached the level of Quantum Magic Circle 1, the amount of magical power was insufficient to maintain their movement speed for 3 hours, but there was a mana potion in Veritas of the Magic Kingdom.

It might be a little full, but by running while drinking mana potions without a break, it was possible to reach the battlefield with minimal consumption of magic.

And what unfolded before him was a devastated forest full of only charcoal and ashes.

There, numerous demons were wielding the power of destruction with bizarre expressions that the demons did not know whether they were laughing or not.


A destructive substance that can exert more power than a nuclear bomb with only a mass of 0.4 g.

Not all demons were able to generate that much antimatter, but it was not enough to blow away the entire forest with Reeves living in that forest, so they were able to demonstrate their overflowing power.

It takes hundreds or thousands of years for forests to be created, but destruction is instantaneous.

There was nothing the Reeves could do in the coming of destruction.

Reeves who have awakened very few auras resisted the demons and raised their swords, but their bodies continued to melt, burn, and regenerate by the burning forest, and their swords broke and melted before reaching the demons. I couldn’t do anything down.

They simply sacrificed themselves so that the powerless and helpless Reeves could escape, becoming a plaything for the demons.

The Reeves, who had fallen with all their might, were being devoured by demons under the law of the weak, strong, and weak.

The demons showed them the twisted smile that appeared on their faces, and while they were alive, they chewed and swallowed their arms and legs, and they were enjoying the despair they felt.



“Tell them the order.”


If the order they follow is the rule of respect for the strong and the strong of the weak, order is created only with stronger power.

Flames rushing through the forest began to form a huge vortex.

As it is a common natural phenomenon for flames to coalesce and form huge pillars of fire by the updraft that the flames create, the demons did not find it strange.

And when all the flames of the forest came together to form a dragon, they realized that something was wrong, but it was already too late.

Holding Reeves’ forearm in his hand, the dragon of fire attacked the demon with its jaws wide open, and the demon was devoured by the dragon and disappeared without a trace.

Reeves, who had lost an arm and had no choice but to watch the spectacle of hell where his arm was eaten by other creatures, wondered if he was dreaming at the terrifying sight.

Not only that, but the fire that had tormented her no longer caused her pain.

All the thermal energy generated by the burning of the forest reached thermal equilibrium and stopped spreading, and was processed into a dragon shape and smashed towards the demons.

The demons also tried to destroy the Fire Dragon by creating antimatter against it, but to no avail.

The greater the energy generated by antimatter, the bigger the Fire Dragon, and the number only increased.

“Come on, wizards of truth. It’s a counterattack.”

As Leon’s soft voice spread and whispered in the ears of 50,000 people, that hell no longer belonged to Reeves.

Hell for the demons has unfolded.

When the sun settled in Leon’s hand, who flew to the sky first, the sword of the sun was also held in the hands of the 10 Reeves wizards who jumped up behind them.

When a total of 12 suns rose from the sky, including the sun that watched the destruction, all the suns exploded on the demons.

11 swords swept through the ranks of demons and demons alike, and the magical resonance caused by 50,000 wizards at the same time created a flame even greater than the flames that burned the forest, converging and reconciling with the fire dragon’s breath and sweeping the demons. .

Did I say that the 9th circle was only allowed for dragons?

Then, at this moment, the wizards of Veritas were dragons.

By resonating with each other’s souls and souls, they combined more massive magic than dragons and sublimated them into a single magic.

Most of the 50,000 wizards possessed 1 circle of quantum magic, and 3 circles of magic based on the existing state, but when 5 people gather, they get 4 circles, when 30 people gather, they get 5 circles, 150 people get 6 circles, 1000 and 5000 players can develop 7 and 8 circles.

So what about 10,000 people?

50000 people?

The reason this is possible for the magicians of truth is that they all have learned the magic resonance that only magicians who are born with natural talent are allowed.

It was the power of resonance magic that was allowed only to the wizards of Veritas, who could resonate each other’s magic and harmonize into one.

Of course, the demons weren’t the only ones to be attacked.

A demon with a strong aura that clearly corresponds to the duke’s rank rises up against the fire dragon’s breath and comes out and cuts it apart.

It was shining black, absorbing the light around it.

The power of destruction, it was a sword made of antimatter.

In terms of quantity, it weighs about 2 kilograms of antimatter.

Far from the forest of peace, the amount of antimatter that will destroy the whole world causes a pair of annihilation and disappears with the matter that comes into contact with it and the particle itself with kinetic energy that is the source of thermal energy.

With the power of annihilation appropriate to the name of destruction, the particle itself that caused gravitational radiation was eliminated and it was against the power of Dragon Breath.

“But even with that much power, you’re not a Demon King?”

If so, how much power does the Demon Lord of Destruction and Melite Flare Farostel have?

But now was not the time to worry about that.

Demons holding up their swords of destruction attack Leon.

Read at

Just touching the sword and it’s over.

No matter how much Leon’s body drank the god or elixir and was reborn as a new race, there was no way he could survive if the material itself that made up his body was destroyed.

It cannot be stopped by any substance or magic, and the only correct answer is to avoid it.

But nevertheless, Leon headed towards him and struck the sword head-on.

[It’s stupid.]

When the demons ridiculed Leon’s judgment, Leon’s magic met the sword of destruction and deflected his sword as it was.

If no matter in this world can stop the sword, you can fight it with antimatter instead of matter.

Modern science on Earth has already reached the realm of artificial production of antimatter.

The principle is to forcefully collide two particles accelerated through a particle accelerator.

When the energy generated by the collision of the two particles crosses the dimensional wall and transfers energy to the 5D concept, and the negative energy is canceled out and converted into positive energy, antimatter pops out of our material world.

To put it simply, the wave that bounces off the surface of Dirac’s sea is the antimatter.

Then the story is simple.

By applying a quantum dive that can directly interact with Dirac’s sea, powerful energy is applied directly to the surface.

Thus, if the bouncing wave is controlled with Leon’s overwhelming magic response ability, a sword made of anti-matter is completed.

[…how, how can you wield the power of destruction?]

Even the antimatter sword created by Leon was bigger and louder than what the demons in front of him had created.

“Well? Is it magic?”

Leon replied roughly and teased the sword again.

Antimatter causes pair annihilation with matter and converts the mass of matter into energy as it is, but in the end it was also matter.

When antimatter and antimatter collide, there is no difference between matter and matter collide.

In the end, the difference is the ability of the person wielding it.

Leon’s body, which had reached the state of deep thunder, moved like lightning, and the demons responded to it with their transcendental movement abilities and blocked the attack.

However, the energy of the antimatter sword that caused the annihilation of the particles in the atmosphere generated in the process of swinging the sword jumped over the two swords and inflicted direct damage to the body of the sword.

The skin peels off and melts away.Read at

Judging by his movements, he was also an unmanned man who had reached the level of 12 stars, but an enormous amount of energy that could not withstand even the defense walls formed by the 12 stars was being generated in the process of swinging the sword.

It was the same with the gnome’s sword, but there was a crucial difference between gnome and leon.



The existence of Dice, the spirit of order that has acquired the divine deity.

By controlling all entropy of energy generated by the annihilation of matter and antimatter, the effect on Leon is negated, and the direction of all energy is shifted toward the demon.

The energy emanating from Leon’s sword is processed into a dragon’s form and bites the limbs of demons.

The attack ripped his flesh and spurted blood.

In the process, the left arm of the guy who couldn’t block Leon’s sword was cut off.

The guy who used the resulting explosion to keep his distance from Leon muttered as if he had realized something.

[Right. That was it. You, you are the son of the Demon King.]

“Can I just say that?”

Until now, the identity of the Demon King of Destruction was a secret that only Leon knew.

Leon also had no physical evidence, only heart disease, so he did not tell anyone except his closest aides.

Of course, I don’t think that hiding that fact will bring back the human life that Melit Flare Parostel originally enjoyed, but the question remained whether the demon king himself could reveal what his subordinates were hiding.

At Leon’s question like that, the guy shed a smile of madness.

[Does not matter. You’re going to die here anyway.]

His words were not nonsense.

The gnome was handling antimatter by processing it in the form of a sword.

Because the antimatter’s power of annihilation, its ability to convert mass into energy, was more than enough to destroy all of the Radiant Continent.

Therefore, in order to deal with it without harming itself, it has no choice but to control the power of antimatter’s dual annihilation as much as possible.

But what if we release all those powers on the premise of sacrificing ourselves?

[You are obviously strong, but will you be able to survive in the face of true destruction?]

He puts the sword out of his hand.

And the sword of antimatter slowly unraveling.

However, when Leon reached out his hand, the annihilation of antimatter stopped as it was.

“You think I didn’t expect it?”

With order magic, the atmosphere around the sword is created in a vacuum and a strong magnetic field is applied to isolate antimatter.

Since it’s not antimatter that Leon created himself, he can’t control it with magic response, but Leon was already familiar with the properties of antimatter, which they call ‘destruction’.

It was not difficult to isolate antimatter to prevent the annihilation of the pair.

Of course, it would be an incomprehensible phenomenon to demons who did not even know that dealing with themselves is called ‘antimatter’.

Facing the expression of the demons stained with embarrassment, he smiled at Leon.

“I gave up my sword, so now I must die.”

[Oh, no!]

Leon’s sword fell towards him.

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