To the Forest of Peace

A forest fairy, Reeves hates quarrels and loves peace.

It has a long lifespan due to its slow metabolism, but recovery is slow once injured.

Because of this, Reeves hid in the forest when all races on the continent fought against the demons.

Lock the door tightly and do not allow the intrusion of other races.

It wasn’t just a story about demons.

Reeves is beautiful.

In order to enjoy peace, they have weak emotional ups and downs, so they always have an expressionless and helpless expression, which seems to be perceived as decadent beauty in human eyes.

That is why the existence of Reeves is indispensable for high-end entertainment establishments for the aristocrats.

Humans have invaded the Forest of Peace to make Reeves a sex slave.

It is not a story of 100 or 200 years.

The history of the continent, beyond 1000 years, has been going on since the days when there were no records of civilization for more than 2000 years.

In addition, because they possess both plant and animal characteristics, their tears and blood contain a large amount of glucose and are very sweet. Perhaps that’s why, in alchemy, Reeves’ tears or blood was considered a very special medicine.

the blessing of the sun.

It doesn’t age as time goes by, and if you can awaken the Auror, your metabolism will accelerate and the wound will heal in an instant.

From the point of view of alchemy towards a perfect life, their tears or blood had a very special meaning.

In addition to that, the beasts and the miners were also aiming for Hoshitamtam Reeves was no different.

There is a thirst for blood in the deep instincts of the beasts.

Of course, they are also intelligent races, so they usually live by suppressing it, but sometimes when they get excited through battles, they cannot control their instincts and impulses and they eat cannibals.

And among the beasts who had that experience, it was Reeves’ blood and blood that was considered the best meat.

Miners use the Reeves as a means of reinforcing the Oth River, the highest metal they believe in.

Precisely, such a superstition existed.

If the finished Osu River is heated until it turns lava, it is stabbed in the intestines of a living Reeves and cooled.

The Reeves were a special and pitiful race.

For them, there must have been no significant difference between the demons and other races.

Miners come to Veritas in pursuit of the Lint River, a metal that surpasses the Osu River, which they have prided themselves on as the strongest for thousands of years. The beasts are coming.

Thanks to this, the race with the fewest numbers in the Demon Kingdom Veritas, where various races from all over the continent gathered like a miniature world, was none other than Reeves.

Forest fairies, Reeves, treat their people who have once left the forest as outsiders and forbid entering the forest, so some Reeves, who were abducted by humans or other races and used as slaves, visited Veritas in search of freedom. will be.

And in the process of some of them learning magic, Leon couldn’t help but admire.

They are slow to learn, but once they master the magic, they were able to unleash more powerful magic with less magic than the wizards of the same level.

Being able to recover quickly and exhibit excellent physical abilities by the blessing of the sun was just an added bonus, so he had a great talent for magic.

Leon cited the quality of the soul as the cause.

When a wizard raises his state, analogically, he increases the size of his soul.

If you achieve a certain level, the circle does not increase just by increasing the quantity of the soul, so the area of talent called the quality of the soul is indispensable.

Of course, the quality of the soul was also a factor that could be trained with effort, but in the first place, the limit of the Reeves was strangely high.

In addition, nuclear fusion magic.

Leon properly mixes science with magic and imparts knowledge to the wizards of Veritas, but there has been no precedent for complete nuclear fusion magic except for Leon.

However, one of the Reeves, who was only in the 3rd circle, succeeded in deploying the fusion magic.

Even Leon needed a level of 4th circle of quantum magic to develop an atomic burst.

It’s probably because the Reeves are a race blessed by the sun.

Because nuclear fusion was a concept governed by the sun god.

Leon had no choice but to ponder deeply.

If the number of Reeves belonging to Veritas increases, Leon will be able to subdue demons more reliably.

However, considering the characteristics of the race called Reeves, there was no way normal interaction with them was possible, so I had resigned up until now, but the peace of the Reeves had been broken by the demons.

As soon as Leon heard the rumor, he gathered the Reeves belonging to Veritas.

A whopping 300 Reeves wizards from all over the world.

“···Yes? Are you saying that from now on, we will mobilize all the wizards of Veritas to go to the Forest of Peace?”

Even Reeves, whose emotions were weak at the news, were so excited that a blush appeared on their faces.

They were abducted by humans when they were young, leaving the forest and unable to find their home again.

Some of them had been wandering the world for hundreds of years.

The Reeves, who live in the Forest of Peace, already dismissed them as outsiders, but they never forgot their hometown for a moment.

I have no choice but to miss the land that I can never go back to.

Naturally, they were also suffering from the news that their hometown was being trampled and destroyed by the demons’ dirt.

“So, I plan to save Reeves with the power of Veritas.”

“That’s, that’s really…….”

Tears flow from their eyes.

It was a very rare sight to see Reeves weeping because their emotional ups and downs were weak.

The scarcity of those tears is so high that there are alchemists who repeat torture to draw out Reeves’ tears, but Leon knows that the tears are worth more than glucose.

No, Reeves have a high quality of soul, so maybe the ups and downs of their emotions release soul matter, and part of it can be in the blood or tears?

“Of course, the primary purpose is to subdue the demons, but the reason I have gathered you here is because there is a secondary purpose.”

No, maybe you could say that’s the main purpose.

“yes. I know. Are you planning to convince Reeves to Veritas?”

“Did you know?”

“Just because we’re always expressionless doesn’t mean we live without thinking.”

Leon got embarrassed and scratched the back of his head.

As she said, Leon may have been looking at them like that.

“You don’t have to be sorry. When everyone looks at us with sexual desire, appetite, and greed, the Lord Matthew found value in our ability itself. We are always satisfied with that fact.”

“I want to teach magic to other Reeves living in the Forest of Peace. They live in hiding in the woods because they seek peace, but true peace, freedom comes from strength.”

“I strongly sympathize.”

It was not that they did not try to learn magic or martial arts to protect themselves.

However, for some reason, it is difficult for Reeves to form a circle or awaken an aura.

Perhaps their souls are more developed than necessary, so the barriers to entry are absurdly high to achieve a state of being able to deal with them.

Thanks to this, most Reeves can barely learn magic or martial arts after 200 or 300 years of training.

This is a very long time compared to the magnificent lifespan of Reeves.

However, Leon solved that time with the knowledge of quantum magic.

Once you figure out what kind of wavelength their soul has, you can figure out the shape of the circle you need to make through the formula.

Although the difficulty of forming the circle itself does not decrease, it is possible to learn magic at a revolutionary speed for Reeves by reducing trial and error nonetheless.

“But I’ve heard that Reeves are stubborn. At least, the conversation itself with other races that are not of the same kind does not work. So, your role is very important in the process of conciliating them. Can you help me convince them?”

At that request, a faint smile appeared on the faces of the 300 Reeves, their representative, Pana Needley.

“We are the wizards of Veritas. Now we too are proud to be part of Veritas. So, as the ruler of Veritas, Lord Matthew, you can command us. to save Reeves. That’s your job.”

Leon laughed defiantly at Pana’s words.

“okay. Then I’ll give you an order. Save Reeves. And let’s save the world together.”

“Yes! I will obey your orders!”

300 Reeves at the same time knelt down on one knee and answered aloud.

* * *

Leon summoned the wizards of Veritas.

It was decided that 300 Reeves would participate in this operation, but it was difficult to fight the demons who invaded the Forest of Peace with only 300 people.

According to the information gathered by the information guild, it is known that the demons mobilized at least 500,000 demons.

The number of demons would never be too small to mobilize enough demons.

Therefore, Leon was planning to lead all the wizards to the battlefield, leaving only a minimum number of troops to protect the Grave Spirit, the capital of the Demon Kingdom Veritas.

Naturally, the scale had to grow, and the number of wizards arranged outside the walls of the Graves was over 50,000.

Half of the 100,000 wizards belonging to Veritas were mobilized for this operation.

Most of them were just beginners who had only achieved one circle, but that first circle was the first circle of quantum magic.

If there are 50,000 wizards who can fire fireballs, the 3rd circle fire magic, without a spear, there will be no shortage of troops.

But the problem was the number and the distance to move.

Leading such a number to the distant forest of peace was not only exhausting mind and body, but also the issue of supply and time.

Therefore, Leon unfolded a new 9-circle magic developed in front of them.

Quantum Dive.

Dip a part of the soul into the 5D concept in Dirac’s sea, going beyond the 4D concept of time and space and looking back at the past.

At the same time, a black hole was created by concentrating the magic of the vast 9 circles.

This will be the entrance to the massive space movement magic that will be unfolding from now on.

Setting the exit is a wormhole.

However, entering the coordinates of the space-time system does not create a wormhole.

The principle used here is quantum entanglement.

Due to the transfer of information beyond the speed of light, it was possible to create a wormhole only in a place that was directly quantum entangled with Leon in the 5D conceptual world.

To put it simply, you can only jump through space to places you’ve been to in the past.

The past that Leon looked back on was the moment when he was invited by the Holy Empire to go on a long journey.

Along the way, Leon had been told that the Peace Forest was only three days away.

Interact with Leon at that moment to specify the coordinates and create a wormhole.

“Create Portal.”

The black hole created in front of Leon expanded enormously and widened its entrance.

Even with the magic and mental power of the 6th circle of quantum magic, it was a magic that was incredibly difficult.

The black hole was shaking unsteadily as if it would disperse and disappear at any moment.

“All troops advance!”

At Leon’s call, the wizards of Veritas were nervous and walked into the deep, deep void.

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