Magica Technica Chapter 227

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Sheep rushing in a group.

If you get a rush of a giant sheep, you'll be blown away with me, and then you'll just be trampled by other sheep. A group is just horrifying.

That's why I dare to face it from the front. I understand that there are enemies to defeat only after passing through this flock.

The movement of the sheep is linear.

In the first place, we are not trying to attack us, we are just running by being chased by the Black Hound.

It would have been dangerous if all this was going to attack us-there's something we can do about it.

Breathe deeply and concentrate on your consciousness. Then, read the movements of the sheep approaching and step forward.

Walking method-Ao.

A walking method that reads the trajectory of the opponent's attack, finds the safe zone, and moves.

It can be said that it is especially easy to read for opponents with such linear movements.

One thing to keep in mind is the probability of having a sheep rushing into the area you avoided.

You will have to grasp the whole movement, not just read the movement of the opponent in front of you.

In the midst of such an assault, I shook my blade while activating magical enhancement.

"Huh ...!"

While hurting the sheep's bodies one after another, they pass through the gaps between the flock.

Only a few seconds in time. However, in a feeling that I feel several times as much as I am focused-we finally succeeded in sneaking through the flock of sheep.

And what I saw beyond that was a few black hounds that were driving the sheep.

The dogs stiffen themselves in astonishment at the appearance of us appearing among the sheep.

At that moment, Hishin and I immediately approached the dog--



"" Spell Enhance "," Skill Loading "[Flame Strike]"

The wielding blade puts the black dog's body under one sword. Cut down.

Unlike the sheep, these dogs are not much different in size from normal dogs. At best, it's about the size of a large dog.

It's an easy target if you stop moving-our blade cut the dog's neck exactly halfway and killed it.

However, only one enemy can be cut at one crossing. The other dogs just pass by us and start moving to control the sheep again.

However, once you see it, it's easy to read the movement.

The idea seems to be the same for Alice and others in the sky. Lumina's magic and Alice's arrows are pouring down from the sky.

If the dogs slow down, the sheep will naturally slow down. Seeing the movement, I put the Hunger Maru in a sheath.

"" Sword of Life ", [Ichijin Seimei]"

The gap between the sheaths and the golden light spilling from the carp mouth.

Twist your body a lot and hold it in a forward leaning position-shoot the blade with all your might.

Slashing method-Tsuyoshi's type, thunderstorm.

Iai of God speed released. The blade of the life force that was shot at the same time hits the sheep that were slightly moving, and slashes them greatly.

And not only that--


Scarlet The loaded [Flame Strike] was shot from the blade that Makoto swung down from the upper stage.

The flame that burned the sky in a straight line hits the sheep that had been slowed down by my attack, causing a huge explosion.

The two shots now seem to have almost wiped out the sheep in the center.

At the same time, the sheep's legs are also stopped due to the slow movement.

Now it shouldn't be difficult to beat the rest.

"Let's go, scarlet!"

"Yes, teacher!"

Walking method-a tremor.

Run side by side together.

I and Hishin split into left and right, and started attacking the sheep that had stopped moving at each position.

First of all, the sheep that was protruding forward and was weakened by the aftermath of the attack.

Even though my physical strength is decreasing, it is still a high-level monster.

You should attack firmly without waiting.


With my declaration, Hungry Maru wears gold and black light.

The blade that was swung down was sucked into the neck of the unbalanced Land Sheep-the giant fell down, spewing blood.

However, this feeling is--

"Chi ... it's hard to cut"

This sheep's hair seems to have a difficult property to pass through.

Slashing will not pass much from the top of the hair.

Is it a piercing or a face with no deep hair? In any case, the blade attack seems to be a difficult opponent.

Well, that's what you can expect to make equipment, but ... it's awkward right now.


Strike method--Small.

While sneaking into the next sheep's side, press the fist against its torso.

The sheep whose viscera were crushed by the impact of being struck collapsed while spewing blood from its mouth and eyes.

Apparently, the blow seems to pass properly.

However, I can't keep defeating them all with a blow.

"《Sword of Life》 ―― [Ichijin Seimei]”

In that case, it is troublesome that there is not a very effective hand. However, there is no choice but to use it well.

I muttered in my heart, distorting my mouth with a smile with a bitter smile and joy, and holding the blade as if I was swinging.

Slashing method-Rigid pattern, rotation.

The blade with a large swing increases the speed with the help of centrifugal force.

The blade shot by the flash hit the sheep around him directly, slashing himself and blowing it away.

It seems that the damage has been reduced to some extent, but

Apparently, these guys have no control of the dogs. I can't seem to move very quickly.

However, it doesn't mean that it doesn't attack at all. Roaring curse] ”

A sheep rushing to stop this.

It is a black wind that spreads like a wave.

This technique, which affects a wide range, works by ignoring the opponent's defensive power.

Absorbs life force from the sheep caught in the area of effect, and recovers the HP consumed by "Sword of Life"-and reverses the blade that has been shaken off. I let you.


I blocked my view with a black wind and shifted the axis, so I stepped forward to cross the sheep.

The wielding blade pierces the sheep's torso at the counter and slashes herself deeply.

Don't worry about the sign of collapsing in the back, go further forward.

The aim is the sheep in front that has collapsed due to weakness due to the [Burning Curse].

Strike method-a mallet leg.

Jumping while trampling on the collapsed head, the destination is another sheep in front.

I swing down the blade I have in my other hand to the sheep who haven't been caught yet.

Slashing method-soft type, attacking fangs.

If it is a human opponent, it is a blow that originally aims at the gap of the clavicle, but it does not go so much against an animal opponent.

However, if it is a piercing person, it is a person who can communicate well. The tip of the hungry wolf-maru that was swung down pierced its back and cut out the viscera.

Jump off the dead sheep and take a step forward from the spot.

At that moment, it was a sheep that jumped in from the side.

I hesitated with a single sheet of paper when I pushed out my head and rushed violently, and I slammed my left elbow while turning my body.

Strike method-turning bone.

"Veeeeee !?"

The feeling that was transmitted clearly shows that the ribs of the sheep broke and pierced the internal organs. I will tell you.

Ignore the sheep that fall down and check the surrounding situation.

There are still many enemies-apparently, the dogs around them have been driven out by Alice and others.

The defensive power is not so high there, and it can't be helped.

Anyway, the people who had escaped to the sky are now in a situation where they can move freely.

If that happens--

"Light iron mallet!"

From the sky The falling light hits the center of the flock of sheep and explodes.

It's really exciting to see a giant cow-like body blown away. Apparently, it has some resistance to magic, but it has a lot of damage to the stone.

Some sheep lose their HP completely due to the impact of being struck on the ground, so it should be attacked with a blow or magic.

After all, it's a partner that doesn't go well with me--

One team] "

Slashing method: Tsuyoshi's pattern, rotation.

For the time being, there is no choice but to launch an attack that is easy for damage to pass through.

The cool time is over, and the [Life Teru Ichijin] is released, and the sheep who have lost their physical strength due to the magical aftermath released by Lumina are exhausted.

I don't like relying too much on skill, but it's certainly the most efficient.

I don't have much time to spare now, so I'll have to crush it efficiently.

"《Death Sword》, [Burning Curse]”

The black wind unleashed again swallowed many sheep. Absorbs HP.

Some of the crumbling sheep look like mummy withered.

It seems that if you smoke too much, it will be like that, but you can hardly get any items from that corpse.

You don't have to worry too much because there are so many, but be careful not to smoke too much.

"Well ... <<《Soul Sword》, [Soul Sword] ”

Absorbs MP from a sheep that was barely alive and stabs the end while recovering.

There are still some living guys left, and I'm sure they won't have any trouble recovering-is they still there?

I was wondering if I had cut a good number, but there are still about half left, and some are about to start the rush again with the remaining dogs. ..

It seems that Hishin and Lumina who sensed the movement are preparing magic.

"... Well, can you make a decent amount of money?"

Let's think about efficiency after annihilating it for the time being.

Anyway, all the sheep around here seem to have gathered and will need to move.

With a bitter smile, he runs toward the enemy who is still alive.

The opponent you have to fight is a count-class demon. A little training will not be enough.

Now, defeat as many monsters as possible and increase your strength-that's what we should do.

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