Magica Technica Chapter 226

Book version Magica Technica Volume 1, released on 5/23!

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"I'm back"

"Oh, oh Tired. I was able to hear some information here, too. "

Alice returned from the carry-in entrance to the shantytown side a little earlier than the one hour that had been announced.

Well, the residents don't seem to like the name "poor town", but they call it "outside the wall".

I don't know how it feels, so let's call it the outer section of the wall.

When Alice returns, the boy-Yu screams astonishingly.

"What about your sister !? How was your sister !?"

"Calm down. After all, it seems that people who can use recovery magic are treated politely. "

" Oh, that's right ... "

Maybe I was relieved for the time being, Yu exhales deeply and weakens.

Looking at him like that, I screamed at Alice again.

"I want to reconcile the information. I had heard a little from this kid, but I didn't know the exact information inside."

"Okay. But you haven't investigated it so well?"

"It's enough to know the outline. What kind of devil is the other party?" Well, if you know that, you can do it. "

At present, there is almost no information.

Defeat is inevitable if you rush into it as it is. The importance of prior information is well understood.

Alice, who gave up her shoulder lightly to my words, exhaled a small sigh and then screamed.

"The devil who conquered this city is a count-class Baldred. That devil seems to make humans defeat monsters and make them stronger, and on the 7th It seems that I'm challenging myself once. "

" ... What is the intention? Take the trouble to kill humans on top of that. "

"Something ... it sounds bad, but it looks like you're harvesting."

Open up.

The word was just a correct expression of the current situation.

"... Scarlet. Maybe your idea is right?"

"What do you mean? ? "

" Until now, the devils had prioritized killing humans who could fight. I thought they were crushing the opponents who resisted, but they bothered to train humans. If you are killing above ... It has a high probability of finding some value in the "trained human being" itself. "

It is strange to say that it is a" harvest ". They are just collecting and consuming what they have grown.

And that's what--

"They, the devils are collecting resources and stuff ... it's a strong human being. I have so much, so I think I'm killing it after training it? "

" In other words, killing an ordinary untrained person gives almost no resources. Isn't it possible for the devils to hunt monsters on their own? "

" The efficiency may be different. But ... when I knew that, I didn't have anything to do at the moment. "

When I knew that a strong human being was being targeted, I was already attacked and destroyed. There is nothing I can do in the current situation.

It's just a story that I could guess their speculation to some extent.

Well, that level of recognition should be enough for now. The important thing is-

"So when is the next'harvest'?"

"It seems to be three days later."

"When it comes to tomorrow for us. It's a level up today."

Take a look at this situation. I have to have itchy teeth, but when I get in right away, I don't know the position of the enemy and it takes a lot of time.

Let's try to improve the level in a remote place without any strange stimulation today.

It would be more convenient to fight the devil.

"Okay ... kid, we'll come to defeat the devil in this city three days later. Keep quiet until then."

" ... Is that true? "

" Oh, the devil here is going to cut it. "

That's a definite matter. .. From the beginning, I'm not going to miss it just because it's a devil-I don't like the devil's way of doing it here.

The way humans are treated like domestic animals or something, and the way they are arrogant, was unacceptable to me.

Therefore, slash. Be sure to kill. The devil named Baldred will surely hold his breath with my hands.

I smile at Yu while suppressing the sword that overflows from my heart.

I have to put up with this boy who is thinking about his sister for a while now.

"... Please. Please help me. Please help me."

"OK. I'm looking forward to it three days later. ”

Lightly stroke the boy's head and return his heels.

While lightly waving at the boy who sends a gaze with expectations and pleading, he moves toward the outside of this outer section of the wall.

Well, the policy has been decided, but the time is limited.

You will have to train as much as you can today.

"Well ... I'll raise the level. I don't have time, so I'm moving in a hurry."

"That's good, but where Do you want to do it? "

" That's right ... Is it going to the northwest for the time being? "

There is no particular reason, but this Considering the tendency up to, the probability that the enemy becomes stronger as the distance from the south increases is high.

There is also the probability that new enemies will appear, so training is just right.

I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of enemies will appear, but it's a pity that I can't fight so brilliantly.

I call Ceylan again from the demon crystal and jump on its back.

I can't go too far, but there are no strong monsters in the vicinity.

Let's try to practice by determining the distance that can be moved quickly.

* * * * *

"The skill level of" Sword of Death "has increased"

"The skill level of" Sword of Life "has increased"

"The skill level of" Combat Skill "has increased"

The hills that I saw after moving northwest and slightly west.

Immediately after landing there, we were immediately attacked by a new species of monster.

Giant Mall

Type: Demon

Level: 45

Status: Active

attribute: Ground

Combat Position: Ground /Underground

A huge black monster that rushed through a hole in the ground. After all, it's a huge mogura.

I was surprised because I had never been hit by a surprise attack from the ground, but the movement speed on the ground is not so fast, and if I hesitate to hit the first attack, I will struggle. It wasn't.

It would have been a bit annoying if I was out of balance because I had a decently sharp claw-well, that wouldn't be too much of a problem.

"What is a mogura monster ..."

"I was lucky. I got off to a lot of places. "

No way, I thought there were monsters even in the invisible place.

This is a field that seems to be convenient.

What I could see from the sky was a monster like a sheep and a monster like a black dog.

The scenery was like a ranch, but I couldn't see the village where humans lived around.

Apparently, they are purely wild monsters.

Black Hound

Type: Demon

Level: 48

State: Passive

attribute: Darkness

Combat Position: Ground

Land Sheep

Type: Demon

Level: 46

State: Passive

attribute: Earth

Combat position: Ground

Dog and sheep. Is it a sheep dog? It looks like a quiet scene.

Well, the fact that the classification is a demon may be a harmful existence.

For the time being, let's try to attack appropriately.

"Okay, let's try it for the time being. Maybe you can get the thread material from the sheep."

"Get it I don't think I have time to make new equipment, but let's do it again. "

If I could collect the thread material, I would use it as a cloth and equip it. It takes some time to create.

No matter how good Iori is, it can't be helped.

I'm a demon opponent now, as I'm looking forward to the next opportunity.

First of all, let's approach the black dog that is wandering around.

Then, it seems that the dog also noticed this, and he started to groan in a low position.

I wondered if it would attack as it was, pulling out the hungry wolf circle and waiting-the next moment, the dog turned around and started running backwards.


"Oh, do you run away suddenly?"

"Defeat Then there is a bonus ... or ... "

The voice of Scarlet with a question mark becomes smaller in the dent.

The reason is clear. Because-the Black Hound's retreat was by no means an escape, but an offensive action.

Blackhound rushed backwards, joining other friends and starting to drive away the Land Sheep around him.

The land sheep driven by the Black Hound form a group and start running with the sound of the earth.

Although it is a sheep, it is quite large unlike the sheep I know. Perhaps the height alone is a meter and a half.

Sheep of that size rushed into us in a huge flock.

"Hey ... is this an ant?"

"Oh, I'll run away to the sky"

I turn my half eyes to Alice who got into Ceylan's back in a hurry. I won't stop.

Alice can't avoid the assault of a swarm of this size.

For the time being, Lumina and Ceylan are instructed to evacuate to the air, waiting for the sheep to assault alongside Hishin.

"Don't you know, scarlet?"

"I'm scared of this flock, but ... oh, do it already. I'll do it! "

It was half-baked, but he seems to have decided.

I laugh at the appearance of Hishin and drop the center of gravity while holding the blade aside.

Let's greet this flock head-on-and then control these monsters.

Avatar name: Kuon

Gender: Male


Race: Human ( Human ) ruby>

Level: 52

Status (remaining status points: 0)

STR : 37

VIT: 26

INT: 37

MND: 26


AGI: 18

DEX: 18


Weapon Skill: <>


Magic Skill: <

《Devil Magic: Lv.8》

Set Skill: 《Dead Point Shooting: Lv.37》

《MP Automatic Great Recovery: Lv.7》

《Death Sword: Lv.16》

《Identification: Lv.31》

《Sword of Life: Lv.17》

《Sword of the Soul: Lv.17》

《Tame: Lv.35》

《HP Automatic Great Recovery: Lv.6》




《Infight: Lv.28》

《Recovery aptitude: Lv.23》



Subskill: 《Digging: Lv.13》

《Saint's Blessing》

Title Skill: 《Sword Demon Rasetsu》

Currently SP: 34

Avatar name: Scarlet

Gender: Female


Race: Human ( Human )

Level: 51

Status (remaining status points: 0)

STR: 39

VIT: 24

INT: 33

MND: 24

AGI: 20

DEX: 20


Weapon Skill: <>


Magic Skill: <

《Enhancement Magic: Lv.10》

Set skill: 《Fighting spirit: Lv.7》

《Spell Enhance: Lv.10》

《Fire Attribute Great Enhancement: Lv.8》




《High-level combat skill: Lv.7》

《Three-dimensional running method: Lv.7》

《Skill loading: Lv.29》

《MP automatic recovery: Lv.27》

《High speed Chant: Lv.27》

《Zanma no Sword: Lv.15》

《Magic Manipulation: Lv.11》

《Delayed Magic: Lv.10》

Subskill: <>



Title Skill: <>

Currently SP: 32

Avatar Name: Ali Shera

Gender: Female

Race: Demon Tribe ( Darks )

Level: 51

Status (remaining status points: 0)

STR: 25

VIT: 20

INT: 25

MND: 20

AGI: 39

DEX: 39


Weapon Skill: 《Dark Swordsmanship: Lv.22》

《Bow : Lv.8》

Magic skill: <>


Set skill: <>


《Poison resistance: Lv.27》

《Associate: Lv.11》

《Recovery suitability: Lv.31 》

《Dark attribute Great Enhancement: Lv.7》

《Stinger: Lv.11》

《Detection: Lv.34》

《Be Nom Edge: Lv.6>>

"Silence activation: Lv.26"

"Acrobatics: Lv.8"

《Throwing: Lv.27》

《Running: Lv.23》

《Scratch: Lv .9>>

Subskill: <>


《Camouflage: Lv.27》

《Saint's Blessing》

Title Skill: None

Currently SP: 36

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