Magic Punk

Chapter 714 Who of you can save my girl?

This is the longest journey that Xuan Yi has ever walked in his life.

Because of the elder's order, no one stopped him on the way.

Of course, no one dared to stop him. The boy's body was always burning with the purple flame that symbolized endless death.

On the broad road, every member of the Nihuang clan gave way to Xuanyi with a somewhat complicated expression. There was always a clear path in front of and behind the young man.

Every time he walked, Xuanyi would take out a bottle of Lotus Hidden Resurrection Potion from the Black Iron Ring, pour it into Yaoyao's mouth like water, and then drink up the rest himself.

Even the best potion in the world, such as the Lotus Hidden Resurrection Potion, which can even be temporarily suppressed by Qixi Zizhi, does not have a very good effect on Yaoyao, because Yaoyao's current situation is due to extreme blood loss and Xitian Clan Chief The dual effects are simply not the type that Lian Yin Rejuvenation Potion can cure.

The Lotus Hidden Resurrection Potion can cure blood loss, but the Lotus Hidden Rejuvenation Potion cannot lift the curse, let alone the current demon.

We can only let Yaoyao hold on for a while longer.

Xuanyi actually carries a lot of Lian Yin Resurrection Potion on his body, which can be poured into demons like water. Xuanyi never thought that he would have such a luxurious day, but the young man's current thoughts are only afraid of Lian Yin Resurrection Potion. not enough.

But even so, Xuanyi fell many times. Falling on the ground was not a skill that Xuanyi wanted to point out. It was just that he was too weak, so weak that even the monster in his arms felt heavy.

Yaoyao was also unconscious to the point of being unable to speak, but the boy still wanted to move forward.

Keep moving forward step by step, even if the oil is exhausted step by step.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, Xuanyi finally stood in front of the tallest palace in the Forgotten City. The tall palace door was tightly closed, majestic and towering.

Xuanyi dug out the last bottle of Lianyin Resurrection Potion, uncorked it and fed it to the demon in his arms. The girl was already in a semi-conscious state, but she still opened her mouth obediently and drank most of the potion.

Xuanyi drank the remaining potion in one gulp, then stretched out his hand and pushed hard towards the palace door.

The door suddenly opened, and dazzling light shot out from the door like countless sharp knives. Outside the main hall, countless Nihuang tribesmen were looking at Xuanyi, waiting for their supreme patriarch to inflict divine punishment on this rebellious intruder.

But nothing happened.

But there was a small gap in the palace door that was several hundred meters high, a gap big enough for Xuanyi to enter holding Yaoyao in his arms.

A bright golden light shone out from the gap.

Xuanyi walked into the gap with Yaoyao in his arms without any hesitation. The onlookers could not help but sigh slightly, and then the door quietly closed on its own.

Xuanyi walked into the hall, but the scenery in front of him was completely different from the last time he and Lin Weiyeya entered. When they entered last time, they saw endless towering steps. Xuanyi and the others didn't know how long they had to climb before they climbed to the steps. At the end, I saw the empty throne.

Then the patriarch killed them all in an instant.

As for this time, the stairs were gone, and what Xuanyi saw was a hall where a banquet and celebration was taking place.

People of different skin colors and body shapes sat on both sides of the hall. On the long stone table in front of them were a variety of delicacies that were rare in the world. In their ears, there was the melodious sound of music like the sound of nature. There were huge stars hanging above their heads. Like the bright moon, the chandelier illuminates the space in sight.

At the end of the hall, Xuan Yi saw a vague figure sitting on the throne.

The young man felt that his body was weak again, and he couldn't help but kneel on the ground again, groaning softly.

This moan attracted the attention of everyone nearby to him.

This young man, whose whole body was burning with eerie and terrifying purple flames, was holding a pale and dying girl in his arms as he stumbled into the hall where the gods were having a banquet.

Xuanyi laid Yaoyao flat on the floor of the hall and lowered his head.

The flames were still burning, and the boy's voice was low.

Please, can anyone save my girl.

In this hall are the most distinguished guests from this world, including envoys from the empire and members of the hermit tribe. They gather together just to celebrate the birthday of a mortal god.

But at this time, an unexpected intruder came here.

Then someone recognized Xuanyi's identity.

It's Xuan Yi.

It's Xingcheng's useless Xuanyi.

I heard that he has defected to the Os Empire and was taken in by the Os Empire.

Why is he here?

And looked like he was dying.

Who was that girl he put down?

Such sounds came and went in the hall, a pair of six-color light wings suddenly opened in the hall, and a light and shadow flashed at the end of the hall.

In this long hall, the closer you are to the Xitian clan leader, the more respected he is. There is no doubt that this person's status is extremely respected.

The blue-haired Ye Ya came to Xuanyi's side immediately, glanced at Xuanyi with worry in her eyes, then pulled Qianye Liubi from her chest and threw it to Xuanyi.

The boy's body was covered with traces of flames.

It's useless. Xuan Yi said softly, But thank you anyway.

Qianye Liubi's effect on the current Xuanyi is actually very minimal.

Even Xuan Yi himself doubted whether the poison in his body would completely pollute this jade soul, which was said to be able to cure all poisons in the world.

Ye Ya had already lowered her body and hugged Yaoyao on the ground. The girl was proficient in medical science, but even if she didn't understand it at all, she knew that her current condition was extremely bad.

So bad that he could die at any time.

As for the reason why he is not dead yet, it is because Xuanyi used some kind of medicine to hang Yaoyao's life.

Ye Ya knew that the name of the medicine was Lianyin Resurrection Potion.

Just - just how did it get to this point.

Xuanyi tried his best to come here with a perfect alibi and secure the attention of the Forgotten City.

But is this the result of Ye Ya completing her mission?

A dying Xuanyi and a dying Yaoyao were in front of him.

What happened? Ye Ya hugged Yaoyao and felt that her body was slowly getting colder.

Xuanyi bit her lip.

The phoenix remains are empty. The phoenix remains of the Nihuang clan should have been used by others a long time ago.

He got the only medicine that could save Yaoyao, and the medicine was real.

But Xuanyi didn't expect that what he got was just a medicine bottle, and the medicine in the medicine bottle had already been taken by others.

Looking back now, Xi Ya, who stood in front of the phoenix's remains but did not take action in the end, looks even more suspicious.

Because he most likely knows the reason for all this.

But there was no time to think about that.

Who among you can save my girl?

Xuanyi spoke in a low voice to everyone, his words almost pleading.

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