Magic Punk

Chapter 713 The road is long

The purple monster flames flashed away, but everyone could detect the undisguised dark malice blooming in the entire street at that moment.

It was a strange poison in the world with the purpose of crushing life. As long as you felt a trace of its breath, you couldn't help but feel chilled to the bone.

Chinese Valentine's Day. When the old man said the name of this poison, the whole street whispered the name.

With fear, curiosity, apprehension and surprise.

As the Yin tribe, as the dependents of the devil, the education they received since childhood was completely different from this world. What they have learned since childhood is about the history and development of each Yin tribe, the glory of the war of hundreds of tribes and the dormancy of the dark age. , and now his independent status.

Compared with the Guijian clan, the Nihuang clan is between the time of birth and entry into the world. Although they also ignore the world, they have a very close relationship with the Os family. They are not completely complacent, but they are also opening their eyes to see. While watching the world, I closed the other half of my eyes.

But they know much more about Qixi Ziwei than Xuanyi.

Because Qixi Ziwei was originally a major event that this world could not avoid, because it related to the Xingche clan being demoted to dust and losing their status as the demon's dependents.

Later, Qixi Ziwei caused the blood of the royal family of the Aussie Empire to be contaminated, and they had to rely on intermarriage with the Nihuang clan to complete the continuation of the bloodline.

Both of these events had a profound impact on the Nihuang clan, so the Nihuang clan introduced the Qixi Ziwei far more than any other clan in the world.

But no one has ever seen the real Chinese Valentine's Day, because this poison was once used by the golden humans as a weapon to challenge the gods. After successfully swimming to the other side, they destroyed most of the Chinese Valentine's Day and only handed over The only remaining one of them was given to the Xingche clan for safekeeping.

The Chinese Valentine's Day plant was stolen by Saint Xiao, causing an uproar. Later, the remaining plant was used to poison Emperor Shuhua, the founding emperor of the Os family.

Since then, Qixi Zizhen has never appeared in time, and it has only been spread through the mouths of everyone and the blood of the Os family.

But now, the purple flames that instantly burst out from the body of the red-haired boy in front of them made everyone feel the fear of being dominated by Tanabata Ziwei again.

Coupled with Xuanyi's cold and sinister words, there is no doubt that it is better to eat.

Are you from the Os family? The old man asked in a low voice, looking at Xuanyi who looked as usual at the critical moment when the strong man cut off his wrist and cut off the connection with his own domain to avoid the further erosion and spread of Qixi Zizhen.

Because everyone knows that the last Chinese Valentine's Day in this world is preserved in the blood of the Os family.

Xuanyi was able to purify and burn Qixi Ziwei of such quality that one could not imagine how rich the poisonous blood in his own body was.

More importantly, he may be a member of the Os family.

Judging by the time, it is indeed almost the time when another generation of Emperors of Os came to the Forgotten City to marry their bride.

If Xuanyi is really a representative sent by the Os family, then there is no doubt that he is the most distinguished guest of the Nihuang family.

But the girl in his arms is the most unwelcome type of person in this city.

I'm not. Xuanyi said calmly. I just want to wish Clan Chief Xitian his birthday.

Saying this, Xuan Yi took another step forward.

His flame seemed to be weakening, but it was still burning brightly.

Everyone could feel that this young man was squeezing out the last bit of energy in his body.

The old man's face finally became serious: If you continue like this, you will die before you get to where you want to go.

Moreover, the current situation is that Xuanyi is provoking the residents of the entire city.

And he still provoked during the most grand festival of the Nihuang clan.

I don't want to die. Xuanyi said softly.

He is always soft-spoken now, because the young man wants to save every bit of energy that can be saved.

I want to live, and I beg you to let me live.

Xuanyi used words like pleading.

He continued forward step by step, his feet on solid ground, each step leaving a burning footprint on the street.

The whole world is an enemy.

So you insist on not letting go of the girl in your arms, right? The old man looked at Xuanyi and said, Put her down and let us take her away. You are our most distinguished guest, and we will give you what you want. Everything, you can take away the most beautiful daughter of our tribe.

A daughter ten thousand times more beautiful and noble than the girl in your arms.

Xuanyi finally raised his head and looked at the other party: I don't want it.

He said this and stepped forward like this.

The old man sighed, and the people around him began to shout loudly. Some were shouting to put her down, and some were shouting to kill him.

Xuanyi provoked their dignity and honor. Xuanyi was sorry, but this was the only thing the young man could do.

The purple flames burned, and the Qixi Purple Fire ignited the young man again, and then completely enveloped his whole body.

He represents death itself, stepping on the steps of death every step of the way.

But again, he will let anyone die if he dares to stop him.

The angry young people wanted to crush the arrogant young man to death, but the old man stopped him with his hand.

If there are too many ants, the elephant will be killed.

Moreover, it is impossible to describe the Nihuang clan as ants.

And Xuanyi is not an elephant.

Let him go, the old man whispered.




Everyone is whispering the old man's title, hoping that the other person can change his mind and position.

But the old man shook his head: Let him go.

For a person who is willing to die to prove his will, we are still willing to give him enough respect.

Besides, this road is so long, and he may not be able to reach the end.

When the old man spoke, everyone spontaneously made way for Xuanyi. Xuanyi glanced at the old man in the purple flames, wriggled his lips, and said softly thank you.

All respect is earned by oneself, there is no room for thanks. The old man said lightly.

You still have a long way to go.

Xuanyi nodded silently and tightened the Yaoyao in his arms. He did not extinguish the Qixi Ziwei fire on his body, because once it was ignited, there was no point in extinguishing the flame.

Moreover, as the old man said, Xuan Yi still has a long road ahead, not only the road in front of him, but also the road in life.

Xuanyi raised his head and glanced at the tall palace at the highest point of the Forgotten City. During the time that was erased by the sunset, Xuanyi and Ye Yalinwei had climbed there once.

It's just that this time I have to walk again, but it's a pity that I am alone.

The boy walked forward, his feet feeling extremely heavy with every step he took.

The Yaoyao, who was originally as light as nothing, began to become heavy in Xuanyi's arms, and the scenery in front of him began to float and sway, like a scene in a mirage.

In the next moment, the young man's feet softened and he knelt on the ground.

But he still hugged Yaoyao tightly, stood up from the ground, and continued to walk forward.

The road is really long.

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