Magic Punk

Chapter 622 I rescued you from the snow

Xuanyi stood in the rain and looked at Luo Yan's departing red figure, like a red fish swimming in the water.

The late spring rain gradually intensified and turned into a torrential downpour. The young man held the slightly warm vermilion jade tablet in his hand. The flames all over his body were finally extinguished, revealing his black hair and eyes again.

He held Yaoyao's little hand and walked in front of Hyacinth. Just now, the loyal captain of the guard was forced in front of Yaoyao, fighting for a moment for Xuanyi, but he was already lying on the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

Xuanyi stretched out his spiritual tentacles, checked Hyacinth's whole body, and confirmed that the messenger of the Nihuang clan named Luo Yan did not kill him. Hyacinth was really just knocked out by the opponent, so he felt more at ease. The breath of Chinese Valentine's Day turned into silver needles and pricked the acupuncture points on Hyacinth's body several times. Hyacinthia slowly woke up, then knelt down in the rain and begged Xuanyi for punishment.

After all, he didn't protect Yaoyao well.

Xuanyi shook his head and told Hyacinth that he did a good job. Only then did Hyacinth have the opportunity to look around and found that the incredibly powerful girl had disappeared, so she couldn't help but ask.

Xuanyi didn't answer, just hugged Yaoyao hard, held the girl's thigh with his right hand, let her sit on his arm, let Yaoyao hug his neck, and then walked towards the road back to the palace in the rain, walking After a few steps, Xuanyi turned back to look at Hyacinth.

You haven't seen anyone today.

Hyacinth nodded, turned around and walked away thinking about her residence.

The martial arts arena suddenly became empty, with only rainwater flowing on it.

Summer is approaching.

Xuanyi carried Yaoyao all the way back to his dormitory, placed her on the big bed where he usually slept, and wiped the water stains on the girl with a towel. Ever since Xuanyi said the sentence She is my girl Yaoyao, who had been silent until now after the declaration, finally spoke.

The voice is a little weak.

I think you did something wrong. Yaoyao said.

You know, I don't want to cause you any trouble, I don't want to be a burden to you.

So now that I have become a burden to you, it is time for me to leave.

Xuanyi rubbed Yaoyao's wet red hair with a towel, looking at the girl's stubborn little face, the corners of her eyes were red from crying.

That's why I said you were stupid. Xuan Yi said calmly: I came to this position not to give away the people I care about.

It's because I want to protect the people around me that I get to where I am today.

do you understand?

Yaoyao nodded, but then shook his head: I once thought I was qualified to like you.

Xuanyi sneered: Don't listen to that bitch's nonsense. I am a hybrid of the Os and that clan. I once thought that I was an unwanted child born of a drunkard and a prostitute. My sister is also from the Hidden clan. Mixed race, so what.”

I have never cared about the so-called pure blood, and I don't think mixed blood is an inherent sin.

You are still young. Xuan Yi reached out and gently stroked Yaoyao's cheek, the side with blue-gray scales.

“No one is born with original sin, and no one is responsible for things that happened before he was born.”

I can't like you just because you are too young, no other reason.

Yaoyao understood this time, then nodded and continued: But in this case, doesn't it mean you can't go to them to choose a concubine?

This is a very critical issue, and Yaoyao actually hit the key to the current issue in just one sentence.

Yes, choosing a concubine for the prince is a very, very important matter, so it is very unwise to offend Luoyan, a messenger of the Nihuang clan, especially when the other party has already taken the initiative to take a step back.

So what do you want me to do? Xuan Yi looked at Yaoyao with a smile: Tie you up and catch up with Luoyan and give it to her. Apologize to her and say I was wrong.

Xuanyi's tone was joking, but Yaoyao nodded seriously: Well, I think this is the right thing to do.

It was as if the person being sent out was not herself.

Xuan Yi stared at the other person's self-sacrificing face, smiled and said, Do you still remember what I said?

You are my girl.

When I picked you up at that snowy intersection, I didn't intend to give you out as a gift one day.

I saved your life, right, so before I set you free, you have no right to decide your own fate casually.

Yaoyao bit her lip gently: I'm afraid, I'm afraid you will regret it.

I'm afraid, I'm afraid that one day you will regard me as your burden.

Because I am now.

Xuan Yi gently stretched out his hand to hold Yaoyao's head: You know? Humans are animals that like to be relied on. When people rely on them, they think they are still useful. If you can rely on me, then I will be very happy. If one day you can live freely in this world without relying on me, I will be even happier.”

No one is born to be useful, just try to make yourself useful to others.

Xuanyi said calmly.

Yaoyao listened this time and looked at Xuanyi's unfamiliar face that had gradually become familiar.

Xuan Yi.

For the first time, she called out the unfamiliar name of Xuanyi.

Are these things you have experienced?

Xuanyi nodded, turning his head and showing a warm and bright smile: Yes.

After temporarily appeasing the frightened Yaoyao, Xuanyi asked the kitchen to give the girl who had been caught in the rain brown sugar ginger soup and sweaty refreshments, but did not let her go back to her residence. She planned to stay with Yaoyao tonight. Sleep with yourself.

After all, after such an incident, it would be cruel to leave the girl alone in the palace.

After doing all this, Xuan Yi walked out of the palace and sighed when he saw the pouring rain outside.

He didn't want things to come to this, but Yaoyao was indeed his reverse scale.

As he said, when he rescued Yaoyao from the snow, he didn't do it to let her die because of him one day.

But now he actually wants to ask his sister what he should do now.

Because the intermarriage with the Nihuang clan is not his business at all, but is related to the survival of the Os family race.

Xuan Yi thought like this, reached out and picked up a big black umbrella from the waiter beside him, opened it and walked into the rain.

This matter was so important that Xuan Yi couldn't make the decision alone. No matter what, he had to seek the emperor's opinion.

If even the emperor asked Xuanyi to hand over the demon to settle the matter.

In this case, Xuanyi probably knows what to do.

The rain pattered on the surface of the black umbrella, and Xuan Yi suddenly heard the whisper of a girl beside him: So your specialty is causing trouble, right?

Xuanyi turned her head and saw Aos Jiaoyue wearing a black short skirt and high heels stretching her calves into a straight line. She was looking at him with a half-smile, holding a small black lace umbrella on her head.

Walking side by side with him in the rain.

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