Magic Punk

Chapter 621 She is my girl

Xuanyi looked at the girl with cold eyes, but she lost all her initial ease and ease.

The rain slid down the girl's smooth cheeks, and finally condensed on her chin and dripped.

She should look embarrassed, but she is not embarrassed at all. The flames all over her body are extinguished, the invisible barrier is lifted, and the red skirt is gradually soaked, but she still stands there, standing between herself and the demon. Hyacinth was knocked aside by the opponent's blow and fell into a coma, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

This is the martial arts arena of the Taiwong Palace, but after such a long time, no one has come to check on the situation.

What is filthy blood.

After a long silence, Xuanyi looked at the other party and asked.

Luoyan raised her eyebrows slightly: You really don't know?

She looked at the other party's stern expression and looked back at Yaoyao who was standing there looking at her. After this incident, Yaoyao's feet were shaking a little, but she still resisted taking a step back.

Because Xuanyi didn't let her run away.

She won't run.

Rain fell on Yaoyao's hoodie. She had fiery red hair and clear eyes similar to Luo Yan. Except for some remaining blue-gray scales on half of her cheeks, they didn't look fundamentally different.

The so-called filthy blood is the product of intermarriage between the Xia family in the Nihuang clan and foreign clans.

Luoyan gently said the name of the forbidden race. There were sparks of thunder and annihilation on her body, but she was immediately annihilated by the vermilion jade pendant.

Xuanyi knew that it was divine punishment.

If the names of the Seven Hidden Clan are pronounced correctly in the outside world, divine punishment will come, and most people will die on the spot, unless you have special protection.

Obviously, Luoyan has special protection.

The Xia family is the foundation of the existence of the ethnic group. They only allow internal marriages and cannot leave the Forgotten City for a lifetime. However, there are always some people who are greedy for the prosperity outside and do not want to stay in the Forgotten City. If they leave the city without permission to marry a mortal, they will Give birth to such filthy blood.”

Our clan does not allow the existence of filthy blood. They are born ugly and shameless, so every Nihuang clan member can be killed on sight.

Luo Yan said this word by word.

If the patriarch knows that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince actually keeps such a filthy blood in the palace, no matter what your relationship is, as long as you are unwilling to kill her to prove your innocence, then the Os family will not be able to continue to deal with Nihuang. A covenant for intermarriage between clans.”

Because to us, filthy blood is the ugliest and intolerable product in the world.

Xuanyi listened to what the other party said quietly, and for some reason thought of her sister.

Yes, aren't all the Yin people like this?

In order to maintain the purity of the ethnic group, they can do anything.

Even Star City, which has been actively promoting births, faced the prospect that the Star City clan members might intermarry with outsiders, causing the blood of the clan to be diluted and polluted, and even specially introduced an untouchable law, treating all mixed-race children as the most humble untouchables.

My sister originally existed as a pariah.

As one of the two most powerful hermit clans in the world, the Nihuang clan has been living alone for generations. While being isolated from the world, there is no doubt that they hate this kind of intermarriage even more deeply.

Xuanyi's knowledge is now different from what it used to be. He does not think that the strange diseases on Yaoyao are simply caused by intermarriage. He has met many Yin tribes. Star City has always been the hardest hit area for intermarriage between Yin tribe and ordinary people, and Xuanyi himself was, strictly speaking, the product of an intermarriage between the Os family and the Nihuang family. There was no reason why intermarriage would produce strange diseases.

Unless someone from the Nihuang clan has tampered with the Xia clan of the Nihuang clan, either through blood or a curse, causing their children to be born monsters through intermarriage, only then can we effectively prevent the shaking of the foundation of the clan and establish a new foundation. The rule that anyone with filthy blood can be killed.

It's just that Xuanyi didn't expect that Yaoyao would have this origin.

You know, Xuanyi is a demon picked up in the Lanye Empire. Although the location of the Forgotten City, the ancestral home of the Nihuang clan, is unknown, it is at least certain that it is within the Aussie Empire.

Therefore, there is at least a few kilometers distance between the two. Originally, Xuanyi did not associate Yaoyao with the Nihuang clan. After all, he himself has the blood of Nihuang, and he still has some special skills for the blood of Nihuang. understand.

However, when Luoyan revealed Yaoyao's identity, Xuan Yi even had doubts for a moment.

When he saved Yaoyao, was it possible that he was also unintentionally attracted by the blood of the neon phoenix in Yaoyao's body?

However, all this has nothing to do with the present.

I know. Xuanyi said calmly while looking at the other party's flowery face. you can go now.

He changed his words to the other party from rolling to walking.

So you insist on protecting this bitch? Luo Yan said calmly.

She no longer even felt angry, looking at Xuan Yi like a stranger.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince of the Os Empire.

Wait. Before Xuanyi could speak, he heard a crisp voice in the rain.

Yaoyao raised her head, and the rainwater fell from the bridge of her nose, and then slid down to her cheeks and chin, gathering together and falling. It looked like tears, but it seemed not.

I won't embarrass the prince. Yaoyao said calmly: I will go with you, but you can't kill me in front of the prince, otherwise he will be very sad.

Luoyan looked at Yaoyao's red eyes and was a little surprised for a moment.

Then she nodded: Okay, if that's the case, I can take a step back.

I can send you back to the Forgotten City and imprison you until you die of old age.

But until then, you won't die.

Luoyan said this and looked at Xuanyi. She thought she had found the best way to solve the current situation, and both of them could take a step back.

She doesn't have to kill this bitch called Yaoyao, but Xuanyi must also hand over Yaoyao to the Nihuang clan.

But Xuanyi smiled.

A very contemptuous smile.

He put away his sword, walked around Luoyan, stretched out his hands from behind Yaoyao's shoulders, and wrapped the girl tightly around her.

The crimson flames of the Neon Fire spread and completely enveloped the demon.

Xuanyi hugged Yaoyao tightly from behind and said softly: She is my girl. If I don't let her go, no one can take her away.

Not even herself.

Yaoyao lowered her head, and big drops of tears welled up from her fiery red eyes, and then fell on Xuanyi's hand that was hugging her chest, mixing with the rain.

Luoyan looked at His Royal Highness the Crown Prince in surprise, not expecting that there were such impulsive people in this world.

What will greet you will be the anger of the Nihuang clan. Luoyan said calmly: I will report all this to the clan leader truthfully. As a result, the Os family may lose the opportunity to be invited to the clan leader's birthday.

If that happens, the Os family will not welcome any guests from the Nihuang family for the time being.

Xuanyi said calmly, word by word.

Luo Yan laughed loudly and walked away in the rain. After walking a few steps, the girl turned around and threw the scarlet jade token to Xuan Yi.

Xuanyi reached out to catch it.

I forgot to mention it. Luoyan said calmly in the rain: I lost the duel just now.

Saying this, the girl re-expanded her domain, and at that moment all the rainwater in a radius of ten feet evaporated into colorless water vapor.

She was in the realm of vacuum, leaving step by step.

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