Magic Punk

Chapter 291 Seeing the fire clearly

Xuan Yi was actually not surprised.

From the first time Xing Jiu appeared in front of them, the attitude of the being who was considered the strongest in the Star City camp towards Xuan Yi and Ye Ya was quite interesting and strange.

When she was in the urban area, she found them before everyone else, and the comparison of strength at that time was truly astonishing. Xingjiu could kill or capture the two of them without any effort.

However, the other party only treated them to an ice cream hotpot, and then informed Xingcheng of their coordinates. At the same time, Xingjiu also told Jiaoyue the news, thus making himself a link between Starcity and the Os Empire. The fuse was the fuse, and it was only because of Jiao Yue's belated arrival that they could save their lives in front of the Star Dusk Crow.

Later, Xingjiu himself left the city realm alone and headed towards the sky realm without looking back.

It seemed that the reason why she stayed here was just to wait for Xuan Yi's arrival.

Now that Xuan Yi is here, she has seen it, and then she can leave.

Even though Xingjiu looks nothing like her sister, this behavior style is indeed her sister's style.

As for the subsequent meeting, it was the meteors that followed from the sky after the Golden Crow fell in the forest realm.

At that time, Xingjiu was in a real fighting state, which was completely different from the gentle and cold woman she had given him when they met in the restaurant.

But this time, the words she said to Xuan Yi seemed to contain more personal emotions.

Like the day I wait for the fruit to ripen.

For example, if you want to complete your own miracle, then please defeat me first.

It seemed that in her eyes, Xuan Yi was the only person in the entire Thousand Stars Trial who was worthy of her attention.

But Xuan Yi has never figured out how he could be so valued by such a super strong person who passed the Thousand Star Trial.

But when Xing Lihua revealed her code name in Dark Star, all this seemed to have finally been solved.

Xuan Yi couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Xing Lihua did not laugh.

She looked at Xuan Yi's background and said quietly: You should know that if I also choose to enter the Thousand Stars Examination, I will definitely not exist simply as my brother's nanny.

Xuan nodded and smiled: I know.

A sister will always be a sister.

If I'm just doing something out of wishful thinking and overestimating my capabilities. The young man's voice was extremely calm: Sister, you won't mind killing me for being so useless.

Xing Lihua looked at his back and shook his head: I never mind your uselessness, and I even hope that you can continue to be useless like this.

You should know.

The moment I picked you up, I knew I would be killed by you one day in the future.

But I don't regret it even for a moment.

What I thought at first was that I didn't have the right to commit suicide after killing my teacher.

I should face the fate like my teacher, being killed by the poisonous insects I raised.

But the moment I picked you up and heard you calling me sister in my arms.

I immediately understood how my teacher felt when he adopted me.

The idea that I once gave up on myself and believed that it was only reasonable for me to suffer the same fate changed the moment I hugged you.

If I die one day, I only hope that the person who kills me is you.

Xuan Yi bit his lip and said nothing.

He and his sister have never had such a candid conversation. Although they have been together day and night for eleven years, their relationship with each other is more harmonious than any biological siblings.

But secretly, they have always kept their own secrets.

Yes, they deceived each other and used masks to show others. Even though they were kind to each other, they still deceived each other.

Such siblings can actually be considered a joke.

Originally, Xuan Yi always thought that he was the one who deceived his sister the most, but when the mystery about his sister was revealed bit by bit, starting with Jiao Yue's note, Xuan Yi realized that he In fact, I know very little about my sister.

She has always been well aware of all her secrets, but she has always been ignorant of what her sister has done secretly.

When Jiao Yue stabbed Xuan Yi with this thorn for the first time, she looked calm on the surface, but the pain was in her heart.

And due to a twist of fate, after knowing this, he never had the chance to see his sister again, and was pushed endlessly forward by the tide of fate, all the way to the beach of Thousand Stars Trial.

It's just that at that time, even though it felt familiar to me, I didn't know that the mysterious woman who invited me and Ye Ya to eat ice cream hotpot was my sister herself.

It was not until in this illusion, with Xuanji's help and his own efforts, that he finally unveiled the mysterious veil of the past bit by bit and saw the reality underneath.

And a true sister.

Xuan Yi did not regret at all that he finally saw this and saw a more real and comprehensive sister.

But very happy.

I finally overcame this inner demon and embraced my real sister.

Xing Lihua looked at the silent boy and smiled. Although she had not been with Xuan Yi for a short time, in Xuan Yi's story, she had slowly understood the boy's past and future.

So she wasn't worried at all that Xuan Yi would be confused, but she still continued talking.

Do you know? What you call Jiu San.

She's my half-sister.

My father gave birth to filthy offspring because he failed to withstand temptation.

As a price, he will be executed secretly, and his children will be demoted to the ANBU and receive the most severe training.

Either die, or become a weapon of ANBU.

Is that why you look similar to Jiu San? That's why Jiu San is particularly concerned about Xing Lihua's information.

Not only because Xing Lihua is her sister, but also because Xing Lihua is actually her sister?

It's a pity that this is all an afterthought after all.

She and I had never met each other when we were young, and we didn't learn of each other's existence until much later. But by that time, I was already a very high-level selector.

But it doesn't matter.

The important thing is, we all like the same person.

Because in this situation, only this person as an idol can give us the motivation to move forward.

Xuan nodded.

Eternal glory to the supreme.

Only the girl who was once trained as a weapon, but finally broke away from all shackles and reigned on the throne of the world, can bring real courage and strength to people in the same situation.

And. Xing Lihua agreed with Xuan Yi's answer.

I am the selector who is considered closest to the Eternal Supreme Supreme in thousands of years.

That's why I was able to have so many privileges and even have the opportunity to escape at the end.

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