Magic Punk

Chapter 290 Sister’s Secret

Chapter 128

Xing Lihua listened quietly, without saying a word to interrupt the whole process, even in the most dangerous and thrilling plot.

She has fully demonstrated her skills as a listener before. When listening to Xing Luoheng's story, it is only this time that Xing Lihua can remain so calm in a story that is closely related to her, which makes people feel even more calm. Incredible.

When Xuan Yi reached the end of his story and the beginning of her story, the girl sighed quietly.

Turns out this is my future.

She is not so obsessed with herself being fake, nor is she obsessed with the world being fake.

She just sighed that this was her future.

Then Xing Lihua looked at the scenery in front of him and spoke to the person behind him.


By the way, let me tell you, in a sense, I can say this answer on behalf of your real sister.

You have come this far, I have never been disappointed, only satisfied.

Saying this, Xing Lihua quietly held the bronze key on his chest, and then placed it in Xuan Yi's small hand.

My story is all in this, by the way.

I believe that my future self will not let me down.

Xuan Yiyi smiled and did not take away the bronze key, but said softly: Sister, I choose to tell you this because I believe that you and my idiot sister in reality have nothing to do with each other. Essential difference.

Saying this, Xuan Yi stood up from the ground, turned to the girl in the silver-haired short dress, and then stretched out his hand to the girl.

I told my story to my sister, now it's my sister's turn.

Xing Lihua lowered his head and smiled, and said softly: Yes.

Saying this, she reached out and put her slender palm on Xuan Yi's small hand, then raised her head and showed a grand smile.

Silver-white wings of light slowly opened on the Tower of Heaven.

The world began to collapse inch by inch, and the entire Star City was shattered bit by bit.

When Xuan Yi told his story to Xing Lihua, it was as if he was casting a spell of destruction on the world.

It is like a city made of sand. At this time, these sand particles are falling one by one and then disappear.

Centered on the Tower of Heaven where they are located, the entire Star City is slowly falling. Those people who were originally flexible and lively are like puppets whose souls have been extracted, standing there blankly, and then collapsing with the world. bad.

Xuan Yi was held in his arms by his sister, and huge snow-white light wings spread out on the girl's back, like a flying bird.

And like an angel.

After the city collapsed, there was a deep and bottomless black hole. The two siblings soared above the black hole, flying all the way to the small cabin that belonged only to them.

When Xing Lihua fell lightly and placed Xuan Yi next to him, their small wooden house was the only one left in the originally vast world. In his field of vision, he could see the endless darkness in the distance surrounding it. .

Xuan Yi knew in his heart that if he didn't tell the truth about all this, then this world might still exist for a long, long time.

But he revealed the reality of this world, so she was instantly like a beauty whose painting was uncovered, and could no longer deceive the world.

But Xing Lihua didn't care about this at all. She walked forward quietly, walked to the door of the wooden house, and then looked back at Xuan Yi.

Xuan Yi quickly followed.

The door of the cabin closed gently.

This has once again become a world that only belongs to two people.

Xuan Yi held the bronze key that was already warm in his little hands and looked at the heavy wooden box in the living room that he had never been able to open.

Involuntarily, he looked back at his sister.

Xing Lihua nodded quietly, indicating that he could open it.

Xuan Yi straightened his mind, then slowly inserted the key into the metal keyhole, and then felt each lock ruler being slowly bitten.

Then when I gently twisted it off, I didn't feel any stagnation at all, as if the lock had just been closed. Every lock core was lubricated, and everything was as smooth as silk.

Then the mechanism was running, and the sound of gear friction slowly came from the wooden box, as if it was a box wrapped in wood on the surface, but actually made of steel inside.

In the next moment, the entire wooden box began to slowly disassemble and rotate in front of the boy's eyes, one piece after another, and finally the entire wooden box slowly opened outwards, revealing everything inside.

Xuan Yi looked at the wooden box in front of him. No, it shouldn't be called a wooden box at this time.

It looked - like a coffin.

Xuan Yi swallowed lightly, then took a step forward and stood on tiptoes.

Just as he thought, inside this exquisite gold-wood coffin, there lay a young man with pure silver hair.

His eyes were closed, his face was delicate and handsome, his hands were clasped together on his chest, and his whole body was wrapped in icy mist, as if he was sleeping in the ice and snow.

But only Xuan Yi knows it.

He is dead.

And has been dead for a long time.

Xing Lihua spoke quietly behind the boy.

The words are calm and peaceful.

He was my parent and mentor.

[Abyss of Ice and Snow] Star Ancient Abyss.

Just three days before I rescued you.

I killed him with my own hands.

Turns out this is the answer to everything.

Xuan Yi smiled bitterly in his heart.

It is simply a spiral of fate.

Why would a sister with such a high status suddenly choose to give up all this, and even try to cut off all ties with the world?

It turns out that she herself was once a humble link in this fateful chain.

Xuan Yi reached out and took hold of the key, then turned it gently.

The entire structure of the coffin began to slide again and slowly closed. In the blink of an eye, the entire originally exquisite coffin had turned into a tightly-fitted heavy wooden box again.

Xing Guyuan relied on the delicate structure of the wooden box itself and the cold air left by itself to preserve his body intact. If he was exposed to the air for too long, the body would probably be completely destroyed.

This is something neither I nor my sister want to see.

Now that the box has been opened, the last piece of the puzzle has been found.

Combining what he knew, he had almost guessed his sister's true identity and origin.

But Xuan Yi still hopes that his sister can tell him what happens next.

Even though he has now solved all the puzzles of this illusion, the illusion itself is approaching collapse.

But Xuan Yi still hopes to stay with this sister for a while.

After all - he understood that if they left this time, it would be an eternal farewell to each other.

Although Xuan Yi does not regret it, it does not mean that Xuan Yi is willing to give up.

Xing Lihua nodded, and then calmly spoke behind the young man.

Like you, I was once a weapon trained by ANBU.

If there is any difference, then it should be that my level was a little higher than yours.

as well as--

The girl's voice was calm.

My code name in ANBU.

I believe you are very familiar with it by now.


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