Mages Are Too OP

Chapter 27: Treat differently

Back home, open the forum, and sure enough his name was repeatedly discussed by a lot of posts.

The posts he posted about self-explosive small fireballs have covered more than 4,000 floors.

This is not just a problem for warlocks and mages. Even the players with the entire game participated. The official announcement of this wave of operations has really made Roland appear in front of all players in "French World".

Most of the comments revolved around the point of "Roland is sacred".

Because the official said, the ability in the game is linked to the ability of reality, and Roland can put all the magic into a small fireball in the video, which is not what ordinary people can do.

Many mage players said that at most they put an extra 10% -30% of their magic power into a single magic. If more, the magic cannot be formed at all, and it will cause the magic to bite back and explode its own head.

This raises the question, what traits in reality, or what kind of expertise, will show such potential in the game?

There are many guesses, but a sticky post caught Roland's attention.

After clicking into it, it was found to be a video.

In the video, a one-handed sword warrior walks among a bunch of green-skinned monsters, the sword light dances, the pace of the dragon is erratic and chic, looking pleasing.

And those little green-skinned monsters, who couldn't even touch the edge of his clothes, were turned over one by one.

At the end of the video, the author explained that he is a disciple of Wudang Mountain, who has practiced the dragon swordsmanship since he was a child. In reality, with a wooden stick, he can reluctantly overturn four or five heroes, but in the game, he mainly adds physical and agile attributes, with the dragon swordsmanship, his strength has risen, and the npc of the same level is not his opponent. Since he can achieve this level, people with other abilities should also be able to achieve similar levels, so Roland can have all the magic in one magic, and it should have similar abilities.

According to his personal guess, Roland should be a big jumper.

First of all, the God of Dance is also called the “Mage” in reality, and when the God of God is danced, the Master has to chant the scriptures and dance. Finally, he has to take the time to perform the technique of fire escape. It is impossible to become a qualified 'jumping god'.

This guess has been approved by a group of netizens.

Then the post became a neat queue.

‘God knelt down to Lord Roland who jumped. ’

‘God knelt down to Lord Roland who jumped. ’

Seeing this, Roland's expression was a little green.

What kind of **** is it? It's really abominable that this group of sand sculpture netizens.

Just when Roland was furious, the phone rang.

"Come to the old place and you will be alone now."

You do n’t have to look at your phone number, just listen to the voice to know who it is.

Roland stepped on the bicycle and hurried to the panda box of the cold drink bar. As soon as he entered the door, there were six people sitting in the room, talking to each other.

When he came in, several people greeted him at random, and Roland found a place to sit down.

As soon as he sat down, Shuke said, "Okay, don't talk anymore. I will say a few important things first."

After everyone's eyes were on him, Shuk said: "The status of the paladin in the Light Church is quite high. I used the authority to get the military map of the Light Church, and then wrote it down."

Then he opened a printed drawing and tiled it on the table.

"The seven points marked on the map are our birthplace." Shuke sighed. "The scale of the map is about 1: 50,000, and the seven of us are almost in different positions, and the distance between them is terrifying. "

A few people do n’t understand what a map scale is, but of course they can understand the size of the map. After a few glances, all of them frowned.

"It might be a matter of the year of the monkey to wait for the five of us to get together," said the thinnest Hosere: "And this game is extremely unfriendly to our wanderers, I have all been in prison three times, **** , The group of city guards caught me as soon as they saw me. No matter if I had stolen anything, did the hate value be so high? "

Looking at the complaining Hussere, everyone couldn't help laughing.

It may be because of personality. In too many games, Hussere likes to use stealth occupations, or heroes. He is indeed the best person to use such occupations.

In most games, even if the rogue occupation steals something, it is possible to eliminate hatred by walking to the shadow and crouching down to hide.

But this trick doesn't work at all in "French World", those npc are no different from real people.

Whoever stole his things, remember clearly.

Raphael pressed the cigarette into the ashtray and said: "For more than a month, we barely understood the basic language of life, but the biggest problem is that we have no information at all, and the nobles in the city do not know why they are extremely Hate us players, always come to us for trouble. "

Rafael's words immediately caused Li Lin, Hussere, and the three Brazilians to join forces. For more than a month, they were more or less bullied by the little nobles.

"There is no such thing." Luo Lan froze for a moment. "I'm in Red Earth Town, and the mayor is also a little noble. When I saw me, I said hello."

Shuke also nodded: "The nobles I have seen are more polite."

Everyone looked at Beta who had been eating watermelon.

Beta spit out a few black seeds, and then said: "My settings in the game are nobles, as long as the visit post is sent in accordance with the rules, you can visit most real power nobles."

Hmmm ... distinct treatment.

The thin and tall Brazil said angrily: "It's not fair. Why are you so friendly at the start!"

Roland also felt a little strange. Is there anything in common?

He looked at Shuke, then Beta, and then a sharp flash of light flashed in his head. He clapped his hands hard: "I probably know what's going on."

"Say." Li Lin was short-tempered and said angrily: "Don't sell the key."

Roland pointed to himself: "Pure caster."

Then pointed to Shuke: "Religious people, can cast spells."

Pointing at Beta: "Noble, also spellcaster."

Then he pointed at Hussere and smiled, "Rogue!"

Pointing to Li Lin: "Furious barbarian."

Pointing to Raphael: "The barbarian playing the shield."

Finally, pointing at Brazil, could not help laughing out loud: "A barbarian playing a bow and shooting birds."

The four physicists froze for a moment, and then cursed in unison: "Austria!"

The background of the game "French World" is a bit similar to the medieval society. In this foolish world with few cultural exchanges, religious people, nobles, and spellcasters are symbols of cultural people. Those who understand spells are first-class and civilized. This is already a consensus.

And Li Lin, these physics professionals ... can't even understand the words, it's not rude mental retardation!

Civilians may not dare to talk about things to professionals, but those nobles with their noses on their foreheads face physics professionals, but they are not so good at speaking.

With this in mind, Li Lin and other four physics professionals showed an uncomfortable look like constipation.

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