Mages Are Too OP

Chapter 26: Famous

Time and space are still ... today's game time is up.

After climbing from the virtual cabin, Roland felt quite relaxed and comfortable. He felt that it should be due to his good habit of going to bed early and getting up early every day.

After all, he didn't sleep until midnight.

Now, I go to bed at ten o'clock in the evening and get up at six o'clock the next morning, exactly eight hours. The body rests comfortably.

It's just that he is not in a good mood now.

Falken said he was going to die, which caused him a certain impact.

In reality, he has never seen such an indifferent treatment of life and death.

Isn't it a big horror between life and death? Why is this old man able to treat such leisure things as eating and drinking. As if it was time, it's time to take a bath and relax.

Believe this kind of thing, really so powerful?

Roland sat in a chair for a while, then turned on the computer and entered the game forum.

It's a large list of rewards ... estimated to have two or thirty thousand. The two posts he posted before have been set as the essence and hung on the forum sub-section

These sand sculpture netizens gave rewards if they didn't agree with each other, making him want to go to work and just want to play games.

Compared with Shuke Beta's two cousins, Li Lin feels that although there are not many silver coins earned in the game, he also earned about 100,000 yuan in soft sister coins with these two posts.

Not bad.

On the forum, the discussion about whether the magic power of his self-explosive small fireball is too large has already covered thousands of floors, and many netizens have posted another post to fight again.

The contradiction is mainly concentrated on both the warlock and the wizard.

A master of strategy listed the talents that the warlock can choose when building a number, and the talents that can choose when building a number. A long list of talents and data shows that it took a lot of thought. Finally, he said at the end of the post: "From the comparison list, it can be seen that the magician's magical power should be higher than that of the wizard of the same level, but after Roland's small fireball change, the power is too exaggerated, covering about half The range of a football field is still low-level magic. If it is high-level magic? Imagine that if the guild war starts, Roland will come back with such a hand again. He can estimate that he can completely destroy a small guild.

A large number of followers followed, and most of them agreed to be warlocks.

It means that you have eaten too many lemons, most of them are playing the mage.

And chopper professionals and agile professionals are among them, and they have felt a certain amount of pressure. If the masters are so strong, how can they mix these professions.

Some mages also think: Roland's spell range is too large, is it open.

Immediately after the result, some people refuted: the world's first virtual reality online game, and now other game companies can't understand the basic operation principle of this game. I don't believe anyone can plug in so quickly.

If someone is so powerful, he can independently start a similar virtual real online game.

Roland also felt a little wrong. The power of the self-explosive small fireball was indeed too great.

Did you find the place where the game is not perfect?

He went to the homepage of the official website and found no latest news about the matter.

The latest announcement on the official website was still a week ago.

Having said that, the official website of the game "French World" is very salty.

The official website's UI is simple and simple, and there are two blocks, one is the announcement area and the other is the video area.

There are a few recent messages in the announcement area, and a promotional video before the game test in the video area.

It's like the official website of a web game that is about to fail.

He sighed, looked at the dim light outside, and after washing, went to the company.

Roland went directly to the human resources department and put the resignation letter on the manager's desk.

Looking at this letter, the manpower manager's face was a little unsightly: "I disagree."

"It doesn't matter if you disagree, and I won't come to work again." Roland said softly. "Actually, I didn't want to do it for a long time, but I didn't find a good way for the time being."

The manager pushed his flat glasses: "The company treats you well, if there is no reason, it just goes away. Is it worthy of the company's training and care for you?"

"You can say this too." Roland chuckled lightly: "The 996 working system, there is no overtime pay, there is a small mistake and you have to pay back wages, which is also called us not thin? Is the wages paid can be kept to a minimum The standard of living, working hours of 12 hours a day, is what suits your heart. "

The manager didn't speak anymore, but his expression was awkward.

Roland sighed and said: "Manager Li, I also know that you don't think so in your heart, just for work. Everyone knows each other, let's get together."

Manager Li smiled bitterly, and both sides held out their hands and gave them a light grip.

Some of his own stationery and small items were moved out of the company. During the period, several familiar colleagues came to inquire and learned that he was envious when he resigned.

Who does not want to live a relaxed life, who wants to be an adult 996, is not forced by life.

If there is a better way, everyone who can walk will go.

Roland just made a choice to follow his heart.

He has very few things and it just fits in the bike-sharing basket.

Stepping on a bicycle, the breeze blew his bangs, and his thoughts.

After resigning, I felt relaxed, but I also felt more confused about the future.

Quite a contradiction.

I stepped on my bike and went home first, and when I was almost at my door, the phone rang.

Shuke's voice came from the phone: "The official website has a new announcement. It is related to your mage, and you have specifically clicked on your online name. Now you are a celebrity."

Roland looked at the question mark.

Then he hung up the phone, opened the official website homepage with his mobile phone, and saw the latest official announcement.

‘Regarding the recent power of the mage ’s small fireball derivative spell. ’

Tap the title gently.

'We conducted a very comprehensive game system inspection, tracked the game records of Roland players for more than a month, and then conducted a three-day conversation and transcript with the game development team. The final result was: All actions are in line with the basic concept of the game. All manners are also in line with the normal operating range of the game. As for the power of spells, it is purely a matter of personal talent. If you are dissatisfied with your current profession, you can go to the Temple of Life to pray and apply for a reissue. Also reiterate again. The professional ability in the game is linked to the ability in personal reality, but also linked to talent, please do not blindly imitate. ’

Um ... the official website's reply is still so stiff.

It's just that he felt a little stomachache.

The official said that although there was no malicious intention, it almost put him on the fire.

He opened the forum, and as expected, the forum exploded. Most of the discussion is related to him.

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