Lucky Pregnancy & Sweet Marriage: Hubby, Please Turn Off the Lights!

Chapter 279: Are you not afraid to step on two boats?

Su Yanyun sighed slightly.

He didn't answer Rong Linyi's question directly, but asked rather thoughtfully: "I guess she must have found you on purpose? She still wants to rehabilitate with you, right?"

Rong Linyi raised his eyebrows: "Do you want to guess how I answered?"

"I don't guess!" Su Yanyun curled her lips, dismissing it, "Isn't this nonsense? You are still here."

A small smile hung from the corner of Rong Linyi's mouth, which contained her tender face.

"You are so confident?"

"Huh huh~" Su Yanyun hummed, just so confident.

"Aren't you afraid that I will step on two boats? Hanging her while comforting you?" Rong Linyi asked again.

Su Yanyun seemed taken aback: "You have such a scum?"

Rong Linyi grabbed her hand and kissed: "Probably."

Su Yanyun sat up abruptly, put a pile of quilts on Rong Linyi, and was about to get out of bed with anger.

Rong Linyi hurriedly reached out and dragged her back, without saying a word, to kiss her on the neck.

"What are you doing?" Su Yanyun shouted.

"Let you see how scumbag I am..." As Rong Linyi spoke, he had already raised her leg and was about to attack the city from behind.

"You, did you make a mistake!" Su Yanyun scolded angrily, but her delicate voice was not convincing.

Why don't you say anything, it's going to war again.

Although the doctor said that four months can be appropriate for sexual intercourse, but it should not be overly indulgent.

"My husband, please don't," Su Yanyun hurriedly gave up his morals and begged for mercy, "I haven't confessed to you yet."

"No interference..." Rong Linyi didn't intend to accept the little woman's begging for mercy, "You can explain at the same time."

In fact, every time she sighed for mercy weakly, it made his blood boil faster.

Such a reaction to a woman is unprecedented.

Yes, before meeting Su Yanyun, he couldn't imagine that there was a woman who could come in contact with him in such a distance.

Every time he saw her, he had a desire to integrate himself and her completely, as if she was originally a part of him, but was accidentally missing, and finally returned to his side.

"So, then my husband..." Su Yanyun wanted to stay awake, ignoring the soft feeling in her heart, she said with difficulty, "Since I don't mind if you are forced to meet Jiang, you can't mind others. Be careful to see... Jiang Chengxi..."

Rong Linyi stopped suddenly.

He pulled away, pulled Su Yanyun over, let her face him.

The passion just now was like a sudden falling tide, and only the foam of the sea was left on the beach.

"He, how come I saw you?" Rong Linyi bit every word, "What did he say to you?"

Su Yanyun's eyes flickered: "It's Chu dating... I met him on Chu dating... He, he said, you are going to North America to meet his sister, you are the real couple, let me quit..."

For the rest, Rong Linyi didn't wait for her to finish.

He suddenly stood up again.

"Ah!" Su Yanyun whispered in surprise.

"Don't mention other men in front of me," Rong Linyi's offensive is fierce, and she is not allowed to breathe. "Have I not warned you before?"

Su Yanyun couldn't answer, she could feel that Rong Linyi was angry.

She could only cling to him tightly, biting her lips tightly, like a vine hanging on a cliff, in order not to be blown off by the strong wind, she had to grasp every inch of soil under her body.

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