However, there was one and only one holding hands.

In less than three seconds, he ended up being forcibly thrown away.

After that, he went to wash his hands for at least ten minutes.

When she came out, Jiang Yilin's eyes cried and turned into peaches.

"What is it called falling in love?" Su Yanyun contemptuously.

She knew that nothing in Jiang Chengxi's mouth was true.

"I don't want to hide it from you," Rong Linyi stared at Su Yanyun with a serious look in his eyes. "Although I have no substantial relationship with her, she is indeed the girlfriend I have admitted, and I plan to have it with her. Married. Now, you are my other half, if you want to ask, I will be honest with you."

"You, you can't even touch her, how do you get married?" Su Yanyun couldn't imagine Rong Linyi's logic.

"Just go through the marriage formalities." Rong Linyi replied lightly, "I just promised to accompany her. As for how to accompany her, I can only do what I can."

"Then she doesn't mean marriage, widowhood?" Su Yanyun even more disbelief, guarding such a handsome husband, can only see that it can't eat, it is so internally hurt, she does not believe that Jiang Yilin willingly.

"On this point, I have repeatedly warned her, but Jiang Yilin has also repeatedly answered me, saying that she only wants to stay with me, even if it is just a platonic spiritual love, she is satisfied."

Su Yanyun does not believe it, absolutely not!

That Jiang Yilin must be fighting a plan to occupy the position of Madam Rong Shao first, and then to attack the city step by step.

But she didn't say this, she just said quietly: "It turns out that there is a pure, noble and indelible spiritual love between you..."

Rong Linyi heard the sourness in her tone.

He couldn't help but laughed, raised his hand helplessly, and rubbed the top of Su Yanyun's head: "Go to his spiritual love. I am a layman. Can my untouchable lover use it to advertise that I am impotent?"


It was the first time that Su Yanyun heard Rong Linyi say this style.

She couldn't help laughing.

She hugged Rong Linyi's arm, her tone a little coquettishly: "Then you say you don't like her, and you admit that she is your girlfriend and want to marry her, don't you contradict it? Or are you men both That’s the way, if you have a new love, you must deliberately belittle your old love."

Her coquettish appearance is the most charming and cute.

Rong Linyi's heart was too soft to form.

...The throat tightened, and there was a tendency to raise his head under him.

He squeezed her chin, and rubbed her delicate skin with his fingers: "The reason why I have never met is because I haven't met the right person, and I don't know what love is."

"Then... now do you know?" Su Yanyun raised her eyebrows, a seductive charm in her smart charm.

Rong Linyi didn't answer, but slowly lowered her head, covering her small mouth.

He left her lips only after the delicate mouth and fluid lingered, and said dumbly, "This is my answer."

Under the soft quilt, the long legs of the two were entangled, and Su Yanyun could feel the hardness of her hair sending out an eager invitation to her.

She ignored the ambiguity and straightened the topic: "I heard, you went to North America this time and saw her?"

Rong Linyi's face is completely cold...

Not because Su Yanyun interfered with his "privacy", but... how did she know?

Who can speak so much?

"Rong Xuelong told you?" He looked terribly cold for a moment.

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