
  After listening to this, Lu Ziqiao became even more confused, and said in a loud voice, "This is all a mess! You guys think that Mika isn't enough to be miserable, right?"

  While talking, he flipped through the scenarios prepared in this emergency manual, and turned to a page: "Forget the previous one, look at this, what if there is a big outbreak of loss during childbirth?"

  Lu Ziqiao looked at Hu Yifei: "Are you serious?"

  This is too fantastical, isn't it?

  At this time, the curry paste appeared and said, "This is what I mentioned."

  "Scientific research shows that in the past 100 years, the possibility of human infection with the virus mutating into loss is quite high."

  Lu Ziqiao was speechless and turned another page: "And this!"

  "Joe, the son of the emergency plan for childbirth, is not in the chapter?"

  "What is this?"

  Yifei explained: "If you get drunk at a critical moment, I have to prepare in advance!"

  After finishing speaking, Yifei started talking about the scene she imagined.

  The following is the emergency plan for childbirth: Ziqiao is not in the article.


  "Help, I'm dying!"

  "Oh no!"

  "Mei Jia is about to give birth! Sister Mei Jia!"

  The crowd was in a hurry.

  "Don't panic, calm down!"

  Curry Sauce reports: "It's bad, there's a heavy traffic jam outside and it's raining heavily, and there were zombies in the water just now!"

  Hu Yifei said to herself, "Don't panic, we still have an emergency plan!"

  Su Ye appeared: "The rickshaw and the kayak are in place!"

  "The driver is on standby!"

  "The boatman is on standby!"

  "The maternity package is on standby!"

  Yes, in this scenario, Su Ye is both a coachman and a boatman, and he also has to carry the maternity package.

  That's what Hu Yifei thinks, it's hard work for those who are capable.

  Besides, Su Ye has so many luxury cars worth millions, but he still can't solve this problem.

  Immediately afterwards, Yi Fei appeared, holding a chainsaw: "Lost Terminator Standby!"

  Zhang Wei appeared, and the substitute Ziqiao comforted Meijia: "Meijia is fine, Yifei prepared so well, you can definitely give birth to the baby safely!"

  Hu Yifei gave the order: "The whole army strikes, rush rush!"


  After listening to this passage, Lu Ziqiao was completely Spartan.

  He asked in shock, "Why is it Zhang Wei who comforted Mei Jia?"

  Hu Yifei immediately said, "You don't like Zhang Wei? Then I'll replace it with Su Ye."

  Lu Ziqiao was speechless again: "I didn't mean it that way. Each of your plans has a record of my absence. Am I so unreliable?"

  Hu Yifei explained: "Just in case, I also made a plan for my absence."

  Then, he started talking about his plan.

  The following is Hu Yifei's plan: Hu Yifei is not in the article.


  "Help! I'm about to give birth!"

  "No, Mika is going to give birth!"

  Curry Sauce appeared in a report: "Oh, bad, sister Yifei is not here, what should I do?"

  Zhuge Dali also sighed: "The dragons have no heads!"

  Lu Ziqiao appeared and said loudly, "Don't panic, everyone listens to me!"

  Then, he was knocked unconscious by Zhuge Dali and fell directly to the ground.

  Zhuge Dali, who was regarded by Hu Yifei as his successor, appeared and said loudly to everyone, "I'm the new commander-in-chief, everyone will listen to me next!"

  "Sister Meijia is fine. With me, you will be able to give birth to a baby safely!"

  Zhuge vigorously comforted Mei Jiadao.


  After listening to this paragraph, Lu Ziqiao was completely on the verge of crying, but was she so miserable?

  Helplessly, he said, "It doesn't matter if the commander-in-chief is not me, why are you still knocking me out?"

  Hu Yifei said as a matter of course: "I'm afraid that if you care about such a big thing, it will be messed up, and no one will be able to restrain you!"

  Lu Ziqiao was speechless: "You look down on me too much!"

  Hu Yifei showed a hint of contempt and hummed: "Looking back at the apartment for so long, whenever there is a major incident, which time are you not a scumbag!"

  "For example, when Zhanbo confesses on Valentine's Day, you pretend to be Zhanbo to pick up girls!"

  Lu Ziqiao defended: "It didn't happen that he hit right, he made a confession, and I have the credit!"

  "Then when Zhang Lei is engaged, you take him to drink and make him miss the wedding?"

  Hu Yifei was angry.

  "Then, isn't Zhang Wei doing well now?"

  Lu Ziqiao defended.

  Hu Yifei continued to give an example, digging into Lu Ziqiao's black history: "On New Year's Eve, you went to release yourself in Optics Valley, but the two of you were detained together, and there was a random party in a bar, which caused Zeng Xiaoxian to lose the right to operate, and I wanted to list them one by one. ?"

  This time, Lu Ziqiao is completely speechless. He has too much black history, so he can only say: "I have changed a lot!"

  Hu Yifei explained: "What I'm doing is an emergency plan, although it's a bit cruel to knock you out, but I'm also doing it for your own good, for the sake of the overall situation, right? New inventions like the remote-controlled screaming chicken!"

  After speaking, he patted Lu Ziqiao on the shoulder and sat in the wheelchair again.

  Lu Ziqiao had no choice but to continue to practice pushing the wheelchair.


  On the side of Su Ye and others, the competition of exposing embarrassing things to each other is still going on.

  "Su Ye is currently leading at 15:12!" Chen Meijia said happily clapping her palms.

  "Come on Zhang Wei!" Curry sauce also cheered on Zhang Wei.

  It can be seen that the two iron buddies Su Ye and Zhang Wei have already made a real fire.

  Zhang Wei's eyes were red with a mysterious smile: "Next, let you know about Su Ye's egg hair care incident!"

  "Yes, yes!" Curry sauce immediately complied, she knew this too.

  Su Ye: "???"

  Zhang Wei then began to tell: "It's like this, there was once..."

  In Zhang Wei's narration, the scene of the incident was completely described.


  At one point, the curry paste was separating the egg whites and yolks.

  At this moment, when Su Ye saw it, Su Ye thought it was interesting, so he joked: "Have you been so poor in curry sauce that you have to eat egg yolks and egg whites in two meals?

  Curry sauce glanced at Su Ye angrily: "Don't talk nonsense, there are split ends on the hair in the seasons recently. Egg whites can maintain hair, which is much more useful than conditioner!"

  Su Ye was surprised: "So divine?"

  Curry sauce proudly said: "Of course, this is the secret of my hair Dangdang, I don't tell him to ordinary people!"

  As a result, while Zhang Wei and Curry Sauce were watching TV in the living room, Su Ye appeared.

  The egg white that was scalded by boiling water on his head was like a head full of snowflakes.

  Zhang Wei asked in surprise, "Hey? Su Ye, why are you so full of dandruff?"

  Su Ye said lightly: "I wiped egg whites, it is said that this can maintain hair."

  As soon as these words came out, Curry Sauce and Zhang Wei burst into laughter.

  "Who told you to wash your hair with hot water... the egg whites are cooked!"



  After Zhang Wei finished speaking, Chen Meijia and others who heard the story burst into laughter at the same time.

  It's so funny!

  Su Ye also looked helpless, well, he does have funny things too, the love apartment, without any sand sculpture deeds, can't be integrated into everyone.

  After he finished speaking, Curry Sauce said excitedly, "I remember that Su Ye's head had a sad smell of eggs for several days!"

  Su Ye's face was as black as the bottom of a pot: "I will tell you an embarrassing thing if you want curry sauce."

  Curry sauce suddenly panicked: "I'm not allowed to say anything embarrassing!"

  "Hehe." As soon as he finished speaking, Su Ye started to speak: "Curry sauce once pulled out an old ice cream from the refrigerator, it was as hard as a brick, and it couldn't be digged no matter how hard it was, and then he was on top of it. It's full of sticks, like a hedgehog, and I'll show you the pictures!"

  Immediately, Su Ye pulled out the photo at that time.

  Everyone gathered around to watch.

  That ice cream, which used to be full of spoons and sticks, made people laugh!

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