LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 398 Leader of the Underworld Branch (two-in-one)

Sean is a mage from Demacia and a leader.

he died.

Died on the battlefield of Baru'e.

Before his death, he only remembered the rain of blood that filled the sky, the endless tide of corpses and swarms of spiders.

The storm and the blood sea collided fiercely in the air, and the undead monsters were also frantically attacking the Wind Leader's defense line on the ground.

Finally, facing a scarlet dragon lizard roaring towards them, Sean subconsciously pushed away his comrades...

This was the last thing he saw.

"I'm...going to die?" In the last few seconds before his death, Sean reviewed his life like a revolving lantern.

For the first 18 years of his life, he was just an ordinary Demacia farmer. Hungry, tired, hungry every day, tired every day, these are his only impressions of the first 18 years of his life.

When he was 18 years old, his life finally turned around - he awakened his magic power.

Then he was quickly arrested by the lord, and was taken to the Forbidden Demon Tower in Xiongdu by the Demon Searchers Corps, where he lived a "good life" with food and shelter...

"What a bastard!" Sean felt that his death was a shame.

It took him a long time to realize that life is not destined to suffer, but that life is meaningful.

It took a lot of effort for him to have an ideal, a pursuit, and a hope.

Why did he die?


Whatever... Sean thought of his comrades who were pushed away by him at the last moment. At least, they should have survived.

Just die. No one can die in a war.

At least, he can still have a luxurious cemetery with tombstones in the Martyrs Cemetery in Zaun. No longer like his parents who died young, they could only be wrapped in a handful of straw and buried hastily in the wasteland donated by the lord.


Where do people go after death?

At the moment when the mystery was about to be revealed, Sean couldn't help but think about this question.

As for this question, the Ionians have the most reliable answer.

Because the situation in Ionia is extremely special.

This is where the spiritual realm meets the physical realm. After the death of an Ionian, the soul will directly enter the spiritual realm and stay there for a long time, eventually entering reincarnation and returning to Ionia.

And during the annual Soul Blooming Festival, when the barrier between the spiritual realm and the material realm is weakest, Ionians can still drink spiritual tea and talk to the returning souls of their ancestors.

The souls of the ancestors have come back to speak out in person, so this theory of the afterlife is obviously credible.

"I died in the battle in Ionia, so...will I also go to the spiritual realm of Ionia?" Sean was not sure either.

Regarding the hypothesis of the afterlife, there have always been various versions in Runeterra.

Some people say that the God of Death and the Underworld are different in each region, and the God of Death and the Underworld are responsible for where a person dies.

Some people say that there is actually only one afterlife in the world, and the spiritual realm mentioned by the Ionians is only a part of this huge spiritual realm.

If it is the above two situations, then he should go to the spiritual realm in the Ionian concept.

But there is another saying:

All kinds of legends about death and the underworld spread in Runeterra are actually true.

Whichever god of death you believe in, you will see that god of death; whichever underworld you believe in, whichever underworld you will go to after death.

For example, if you believe that the god of death, Kindred, exists in the world, then you will be guided by the god of death, Kindred, after your death.

And Sean...

He does not believe in the existence of any death god. Since he had never seen the Grim Reaper, he was suspicious of any Grim Reaper that existed.

And the story of the underworld that he believed in was - Mitna Rachen, Mordekaiser's territory.

Legend has it that this underworld is ruled by the great undead king Mordekaiser. All people will become his subjects after death.

As long as you remain faithful to Him, He will grant you eternal life in the afterlife and all the enjoyments you desire. But if you dare to disobey the wishes of the Emperor of the Underworld, you will endure endless torture in purgatory.

This setting is really terrible.

Everyone wants to go to heaven after death. Who would be willing to believe this kind of story and have to serve that tyrant with a very bad reputation in history after death?

Logically speaking, this story that does not meet the psychological needs of readers should not have any audience.

But in fact, this version of the story of the underworld, Mitna Rachen, is now the most widely circulated and the most popular "hot list" in Runeterra.

The reason is also very simple:

Because in the underworld described in other stories, no one has ever come back. So no one knows if those stories are true.

But Mordekaiser, this guy really climbed out of the underworld!

Mordekaiser said that the underworld is like this, and that his Mitna Rachen is the real underworld. Can you not believe it?

Language is cheap. No matter how well the story is told, it is not as good as the ancestor's corpse fraud.

Mordekaiser successfully grasped the pain points of users, found the right track, opened up the information barrier between different fields, and used B2C-style direct marketing to strengthen user perception, enhance brand reputation, and expand the customer base. ..

Faced with this combination of punches, the friends and businessmen couldn't fight at all.

Therefore, many people in Runeterra now believe in the existence of Mitna Rachen.

Especially in Valoran, which was ruled by Mordekaiser for a long time. The legend of the underworld left behind by this resurrected tyrant has now become the mainstream understanding of the underworld in Noxus, Demacia and other countries.

So Sean believed it.

"After I die, I won't really be sent to be a slave to that tyrant, right?" He thought with some worry.

Then, the next second...

Sean completely lost consciousness. .

When he opened his eyes again, he was already in a gray wasteland.

Disjointed whispers lingered in his ears, and a ghostly mist wrapped around his body. Occasionally, there are lost souls floating by - some tiny ghost figures, blurred by their own nothingness.

But the wasteland is not completely empty.

Through the diffuse ghost mist, one could vaguely see that on the plateau far away in the field of vision, there seemed to be a giant fortress with walls over a hundred feet high and a hundred miles wide.

It is so majestic and huge, even though it is so far apart, people can still feel its majesty.

This is not so much a war fortress as a completely fortress-like super-large city.

It is almost impossible to build such a majestic city in the material realm. And this wonder-like fortress city is almost the only place that can prove that intelligent life and human civilization still exist here.

" this place?" Sean's heart sank.

Anyway, this is definitely not the spiritual realm of Ionia.

It is said that the spiritual realm of Ionia is full of birds and flowers, and it cannot be such a desolate and desolate scene.

So, where did he go?

"Goddess Janna, Janna!" Sean tried to call the goddess Janna.

But he found that he could not feel the divine power of the goddess Janna at all.

Without the divine power of the goddess Janna, he would not be able to perform divine magic, and even his own thread of faith would not be visible.

In this afterlife, the connection between him and the goddess Janna seems to have been blocked by the barrier between the underworld realm and the material realm.

"Janna...she can't hear my prayers anymore?" Sean wanted to think, but he soon stopped thinking.

Because he soon discovered that he did not come to this underworld alone.

There are many spirits standing behind him - they all seem to be leaders who unfortunately died in the previous war.

"Sean, are you here too?!" There were comrades who knew him inside.

"Hey!" Seeing that he was not alone after death, Sean suddenly felt joyful in his heart.

However, surprise soon followed.

Sean was just about to have a good chat with these comrades who died with him, but found that he...forgot how to speak?

", that's not right!" Sean suddenly woke up.

As a mage, he quickly realized that his consciousness was gradually blurring in the cold wind of the underworld wasteland.

No, it's not just consciousness... it's his soul that is degenerating and dissipating!

If he continues like this, he will be like the tiny ghosts he just saw wandering in the wasteland - completely lost in the degradation of his soul, eventually disappearing into the mist, and disappearing into time.

Sean's instinctive reluctance to dissipate.

But he couldn't resist.

Not only him, but the souls of the Wind Leader warriors who appeared here with him were also gradually lost in the mist of the underworld wasteland.

"No, everyone! Hold on..." Sean called hard to his comrades. He didn't want to be alone.

But even the souls of the leaders seemed unable to withstand the baptism of the mist of the underworld.

Finally, someone gradually lost consciousness and became a wandering spirit wandering aimlessly in the wasteland.

One, two, three... more and more lost souls. Sean watched helplessly as they wandered away, their souls gradually disappearing into the mist, heading towards the end where they would eventually dissipate.

He himself could only try his best to concentrate and fight against that terrible soul invasion.

Then, I don’t know how long time passed.

And I don’t know since when, Sean is the only one left here.

He's held on long enough.

But his soul was gradually heading towards chaos after all.

The impact of the mist of the underworld made Sean feel extremely tired... No, it can't be said to be tired. This kind of weakness and weariness originating from the soul cannot be accurately described in any language.

"I..." Then, a thought came to Sean's mind: "Why does it exist?"

Yes, why should he persist?

He would have been dead. Shouldn't a dead person disappear?

What's the point of resisting dissipation, in order to gain eternal life?

But he is just an undead now. He couldn't eat, drink, sleep, or... all human material needs and enjoyments seemed to have nothing to do with him.

Sean felt like a thinking stone. What is the meaning of such eternal life?

What is the point of him continuing to "live"?

"Maybe I really should dissipate." Sean murmured to himself. He suddenly realized that his persistence was meaningless.

His struggle as leader ended at the moment of his death. This wasteland of the underworld, where almost nothing exists, does not need the existence of his leader.

So, Sean decided to accept his complete death.

He was too tired and wanted to rest.

"Farewell, everyone." Sean said his final farewell in his heart: "Kevin, Oak, Felix... you should still be alive and well, right? Just stay alive. I didn't save you in vain."

"I really want to ask you, did we win this war? Did we defeat that vampire? We..."

Suddenly, Sean fell silent.

"Wait!" He suddenly realized that he still seemed to have a purpose to live.

As long as he lives in the underworld, he hopes to see the souls who died later than him, and then get news from this world from their mouths.

And this is important for a leader.

"Yes, I have to live," Sean thought.

He wanted to know whether the leader had won the war for which he had sacrificed his life.

Are the comrades he saved who sacrificed their lives doing well now?

This is not enough. Sean also wanted to know when Demacia would be liberated. When will the tenant farmers and serfs who have suffered the same oppression as him be able to stand up?

Will the leader's cause of liberating all mankind ultimately succeed?

When will the ultimate goal of a harmonious society, the leader, which seems to be out of reach, be realized?

"I want to live!" Sean's "ambition" is getting bigger and bigger.

He even wants to exist forever, until the extremely distant future, so that he can see with his own eyes the completion of the Great Harmony Society.

This was something he would never see while he was alive.

Human life span is too short. The reality is so far away from the harmonious society that the leaders want to build.

But after his death, he has the hope of witnessing the realization of the distant ultimate goal - even though it is almost impossible for him to persist for that long, the hope is so slim that it can be completely ignored.

But Sean wanted to seize this glimmer of hope.

He wanted to survive, one more day at a time.

If he lives one more day, he might hear the news of victory in the war;

If he lives another year, he might witness the liberation of Demacia;

If he lives for ten more years, he may see the Bluebird's flag flying throughout Runeterra.

If he lives for a hundred or a thousand more years, he can smile and ask his successors:

"Dear descendants, our era is very interesting, and your era must be very interesting too."

"We are still building the Janna Lord. You should already be living in the Janna Lord, right?"


Sean found the meaning of his existence.

The biting cold wind in the wasteland of the underworld is still howling.

The fog of the undead kept attacking Sean's soul, as if calling him to step into this fog and obediently accept his destined dissipation.


"I refuse to fade away!"

"I refuse to fade away!"

Sean's roar echoed across the wasteland.

He did it.

He has not lost, nor has he dissipated. He has maintained his soul!

"Keep your voice down, friend!"

"By yelling where you can see the Immortal Fortress, are you trying to lure Mordekaiser's undead knights over?"

Something Sean never expected happened.

In the almost empty wasteland of the underworld, in the seemingly endless mist of the undead, human voices actually came out.

And... the Immortal Fortress?

Does it mean the city in the distance?

How come it has the same name as Noxus' Immortal Fortress?

"Yes, you heard it right. That is the Immortal Fortress." The visitor seemed to have guessed his doubts.

The other party approached him quietly from the fog and told him: "The immortal fortress of Noxus was originally built by Mordekaiser. Now, he just rebuilt his empire in the underworld."


Sean's heart sank when he heard the name.

It turns out that he really came to Mitna Rachen, the underworld empire controlled by Mordekaiser.

"What about you?" Sean finally saw clearly the appearance of the visitor.

What emerged from the fog was not just one person, but a team.

There are about dozens of people in this team, including men, women, old and young, humans and vastaya orcs... But it doesn't matter. After all, in the underworld, everyone is a soul.

The important thing is... he can actually see dozens of conscious souls in this underworld full of lost souls in one breath?

"Who...are you?"

Sean looked warily at the leader of the team, the middle-aged man who had just reminded him to lower his voice through the fog.

"My name is Montero, I don't have a last name." The man smiled and said, "A Zaun worker."

"Died because of fighting fires." He did not forget to mention the cause of his death. It seems that this is how the undead say hello.

"As for us..." Montero looked at the companions around him: "We are the Wind Leader, the underworld branch of the Wind Leader Association."

"Huh?!" Sean's eyes widened when he heard this.

Leader, return to the underworld branch? In the underworld?

"Yes." Montero said to himself: "Friend, you must have heard of the Wind Leader, right?"

"This..." Sean was completely confused.

He did not expect that a leader had arrived in the underworld a long time ago, and had tenaciously maintained his soul. In this endless mist of the undead, he had persisted from more than half a year ago until now.

Even, the other party even pulled a team of leaders out of the underworld?

"These were all leaders in life?" Sean was a little unbelievable.

"No." Montero replied casually: "There is only one other comrade and me here, who was the leader during his lifetime."

"The underworld is too big. I wandered in the wasteland for a long time and never met the third leader."

"But..." He looked at his companions: "Leaders never fall from the sky, but come out of the masses."

"If I don't have companions, I can develop them by myself; if I don't have a team, I can build a team myself - didn't President Levi establish the Leader Association by himself?"

Sean was stunned when he heard this.

Could it be that these undead leaders standing in front of him are all...

"You developed them from the underworld?" Sean was even more unbelievable.

"Yes." Montero explained: "They are all souls enslaved by Mordekaiser."

When ordinary souls reach the underworld, they will gradually dissipate into the mist of the dead.

Only a very small number of people with extremely strong will can persevere and maintain their own existence.

But Mordekaiser gave a third possibility - as long as you give everything to him and accept the slavery of his undead magic, you will be eligible for eternal life in the underworld.

But this kind of eternal life is by no means a benefit.

"There is almost nothing in this underworld wasteland, except for the immortal fortress of the capital city built by Mordekaiser using undead magic for him and his elite army to live in."

"Of course Mordekaiser will not bother to build a city for the weak souls enslaved by him."

In other words, there is nothing here except the Immortal Fortress.

"All human material desires cannot be satisfied here."

"For those souls who cannot find the meaning of existence, eternal life is just a prison. And this boundless underworld is just a prison from which they can never escape."

Therefore, for ordinary people, letting the soul dissipate with the mist is a kind of relief.

"But Mordekaiser would not allow them to escape."

"The undead knights under his command will always gallop tirelessly on the endless wasteland of the underworld, searching for fresh souls who have come here from the human world."

"Once bumped into by these undead knights, the souls will lose even the freedom to dissipate. They will be marked by these knights with undead magic and become eternal slaves who must serve the tyrant."

"You're lucky." Montero looked at Sean curiously: "You didn't meet those undead knights. Moreover, you survived with your own strength."

"This..." Sean still couldn't understand.

If they can remain in this underworld, most of them are souls enslaved by Mordekaiser's magic.

So how did they get rid of Mordekaiser's control and become the leader?

"They have not escaped Mordekaiser's control." Montero explained: "But they still have free will. So, this does not prevent them from becoming the leader."

Mordekaiser almost wiped out Valoran. And those who were killed by his undead magic later became the souls enslaved by him.

Later, Mordekaiser returned to the underworld and continued to hunt for fresh souls in the wasteland of the underworld to expand his slave army...

Over the past one thousand years, he has accumulated countless undead slaves in this underworld.

And these billions of undead are all prepared by Mordekaiser to counterattack the world. He usually has no need for these slaves, and he doesn't want to bother with the placement of these cannon fodder, which is more numerous than ants.

In addition, the entire underworld is Mordekaiser's territory. It is a giant prison from which the undead cannot escape.

Therefore, the daily life of these immortal undead slaves is no different from those of lost souls...

They were all driven out of the Immortal Fortress by Mordekaiser, and wandered aimlessly in the boundless and empty wasteland of the underworld for thousands of years.

And their only mission is to wait for the elusive counterattack order.


"Devoured by Mordekaiser."

Mordekaiser can strengthen his various core attributes by devouring the souls of his enemies.

So as long as he is "hungry" and his "skills have cooled down", he will send his men to the wasteland to get some souls for him to enjoy, just like he would fish out rice in his own rice cooker.

"But the undead are not afraid of Mordekaiser's devouring. On the contrary, they will squeeze desperately at the gate of the Immortal Fortress, begging the undead knight to choose them as tribute to the tyrant."

"Because it's a relief for them too."

"This..." Sean felt chilled after hearing this.

Sora has a sober soul, but he can only face this wasteland of nothingness in eternity... He cannot survive or die. The only way to escape is to become the food of the tyrant.

And for this opportunity to become food, you have to queue up to grab it!

What a hopeless life this is!

"So, can you understand why they become leaders?" Montero said: "Because they need hope, even a little bit of hope."

"I just told them that Goddess Janna can help everyone."

"They are willing to believe in me and follow me - because fate can't get any worse for them."

Although Montero's voice is low, it always carries a fighting spirit.

But Sean only felt despair: "They are willing to believe in the leader, but what's the use?"

These souls are still controlled by Mordekaiser's magic, and they are unable to resist Mordekaiser's orders. Even if they become spiritual leaders, they are unable to take any practical actions to resist Mordekaiser.

They can move freely now, but Mordekaiser usually doesn't care about these miscellaneous ants wandering in the wasteland.

"But we have the goddess Janna," Montero said.

"Goddess Janna?" Sean just sighed: "Comrade, I am also the leader."

"You too?" Montero was overjoyed when he heard this.

But Sean didn't care about the comradeship mentioned above. He just questioned: "The power of the goddess cannot reach the underworld at all."

"And without the goddess's power, I can't even summon the thread of faith."

"This is only temporary." Montero said firmly: "Our souls are still there, our beliefs are still there, and the connection between us and the goddess Janna will never disappear!"

"I believe that as long as we develop more leaders in this wasteland of the underworld and unite the power of our faith, we will surely convey our prayers back to the world and receive a response from the goddess Janna!"

"This..." Sean was silent.

Montero said he was just a Zaun worker. Everything he knows about the underworld and Mordekaiser probably comes from Windleader's free popular science books.

All of this is obviously his unverified speculation.

"What if you guessed wrong?" Sean asked: "What if no matter how many leaders we develop in the underworld, we still don't get a response from Janna, what should we do?"

Fighting in a world without the blessing of the goddess Janna... Sean couldn't even imagine how difficult it was.

"Wrong, it's just a failure." Montero smiled: "And we are already dead."

"We have unlimited time now, and there are countless tortured souls in the wasteland of the underworld——"

"Don't forget, Mordekaiser was also a human at the beginning."

"He can find a way to resurrect from the underworld. We have so much time, so many people, and so many intelligent souls, why can't we find a way to defeat him?"

Montero's tone is relaxed and upbeat.

Others may not be able to imagine that this man is challenging the invincible tyrant of the underworld, the ruler of this world.

"You..." Sean said in a complicated tone: "Are you really just a Zaun worker?"

"Yes." Montero nodded proudly.

"You are the most powerful person I have ever seen. You are too powerful to be a mortal."

"You underestimated mortals." Montero looked serious: "Gods can beat mortals in any condition, only will."

"Also, you underestimated the Zaun workers."

"Old Ancestor didn't kill us, so what does hell mean?"

Sean: "..."

He finally understood why this weak soul in front of him, who was not even a mage, could persist in the mist of the underworld for so long.

Then, he spoke: "Comrade Montero, have you officially established the Underworld Branch of the Wind Leader Association?"

"Yes," Montero said.

"Leader Demacia Chapter, Sean." Sean held his hand tightly: "Apply to join the team."

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