LOL: Summoner of Goddess Janna

Chapter 397 Future Rival (2-in-1)

Soon after, Ionia.

Through Janna's "Blue Bird Radio", Levi, who was supervising the land reform work on the front line, finally received the good news from Swain and Queletta:

"Darius, have you decided to surrender anyway?"

"Yes, Levi." Janna confirmed: "Dreaus has become the leader. Perhaps we can no longer call him the Hand of Noxus, but should call him the future Noxus. Vice president of the Leaders Association."


With one thought, Darius threw himself into the wind and suddenly felt that the world was wide.

Now he has completely let go of his obsession with the empire and is immersed in enjoying the joy of family love that he has never felt before.

With one move of his "affectionate iron hand", he pulled his long-lost biological children into his arms. He held a little son in his left hand and a little girl in his right hand. He was so happy that he couldn't care less about it.

I just regret that I have been wandering for half my life, and only today I can see the bright future.

Therefore, when faced with the position of vice-president of the Noxus Leader Association promised to him by Swain, Darius naturally accepted it happily.

De Laiwen was a little at a loss.

The eldest brother Swain and the eldest brother Darius have both taken risks, so he will definitely have to do so too.

But his hobbies and ideal job seem to conflict with the leader's values.

After joining the leader, wouldn't he be unemployed again?

"It doesn't matter." Li Wei had already prepared a way out for the future glorious executioner: "The leader also needs an executioner."

"Noxus is so huge that there won't be enough street lamps to hang on the streets. Will there be a lack of job opportunities for him?"

"It's just that...his working methods need to be changed. The process should be simple and humane, and don't be too violent."

In fact, today's oppressed people are completely able to accept this kind of violence. After all, the violence and terror that those vampires are experiencing today were inflicted on them ten times a hundred times in the past.

They hang vampires on street lamps because in the past, those chaebol businessmen, alchemy barons, pirates, bandits, and warlords used this violent method of hanging street lamps/masts/city gates to intimidate those who dared to resist.

This is all taught by the masters step by step. No wonder they will follow the same example after they turn over, and treat others in their own way.

It’s just that Levi is far-sighted.

He knows that the current group of people support it.

But after the world becomes peaceful in the future, their sons and grandsons may not support it.

Small citizens who grew up in peacetime would never see such violence.

Hanging street lights after the shooting will frighten them.

If Delaiwen, a "pleasure criminal", is allowed to mess around and be recorded by literati, the future leader will 100% have a dark history that will be criticized.

"Moreover, once the enthusiasm of the masses is aroused, it is easy to develop out of control. It is also necessary to prevent the extreme and expansion of the liquidation work." Levi did not forget to emphasize this point.

Because the leaders have developed too fast, the number of grassroots cadres who have been leaders has been in a state of shortfall for a long time from the beginning.

Without enough reliable grassroots cadres, leaders will not be able to smoothly lead the grassroots masses, and the progressive struggle movement may degenerate into blind actions like ancient peasant uprisings.

When they liquidated the Alchemist Baron and the Comprador Plutocrat in Zaun, the out-of-control masses of Zaun not only took the opportunity to engage in zero-dollar purchases, but also regarded the small business owner who opened a hardware shop on the street and the street vendor selling Demon Marsh Frogs as " The "conglomerate lackey" was captured.

Now the leader is trying to carry out land reform in Ionia, and similar chaos occasionally occurs.

In summary:

Out of the need for united front work, the leader is willing to leave a "Storm Executioner" position for Delavin.

But his way of working must be a little bit rough and not too extreme.

As for whether De Laiwen is happy or not...

Li Wei can only say that if he likes to do it, he will do it.

Even if you don't do it, there are still people who can do it. The most indispensable thing for leaders is people who can put vampires on street lights.

"With the help of General Darius, the situation in Noxus will become clearer." Levi recovered his distracted thoughts and sighed for the further victory of the leader.

But his voice was not very excited.

After all, ever since Swain took over the Immortal Fortress, the balance of victory has begun to tilt.

LeBlanc never expected that Swain would betray the country and join the enemy. She never expected that a person could give up the position of "Emperor of Noxus" that he had already obtained to pursue his ideals... From this point on, it was impossible for her to make a comeback. .

"LeBlanc's failure is doomed, but..." Levi's expression still couldn't relax.

He knew that after LeBlanc and Black Rose, the Wind Leader had more terrifying enemies to face.

"How is the situation over there in Shurima?" Levi couldn't help but ask Janna.

"I have found Du Cecao Cassiopeia and her mother Sole Anna," Janna replied.

"As you predicted, the mother and daughter seem to be troubled by the recent drastic changes in the empire's political situation, and they have the bold idea of ​​preparing for an adventure to find Shurima's ancient relics."

Cassiopeia, sister of Caterina, youngest daughter of Du Cecao, sister-in-law of Galen.

At the same time, she and her mother are both members of the Black Rose organization and have been secretly serving the interests of the Black Rose.

In the original world:

Swain will still successfully launch a coup, and the power of the Black Rose will still suffer a heavy blow.

The temporary loss of power of the Black Rose will stimulate Cassiopeia and her daughter, causing them to make an extremely risky decision - to find and excavate the lost tomb of a mysterious ascendant, and to explore the legendary person who can rival the gods. Ancient power.

Then, by chance, Cassiopeia hired Sivir, who was working as a mercenary in Shurima, as a guide.

And this person is nicknamed Wheel Mother... Ahem, Miss Sivir, known as the "Goddess of War" in the world, happens to be the owner of this tomb, a direct bloodline of Azir, the last emperor of Shurima.

Then, [Desert Emperor Azir] was resurrected due to the blood stimulation of his descendants, and fortunately completed the ascension ceremony that he failed to complete before his death, and became an official warrior of the gods.

In the end, Azir, who was resurrected with full health and strengthened a hundred times, used his divine power to rebuild the sun disk, and vowed to make the lost Shurima Empire great again——

The ancient Shurima Empire was reborn.

And following this story, it is not difficult to find:

"The probability of Azir being resurrected and successfully becoming an Ascended One is actually very low."

"First of all, we must ensure that Sivir is in the expedition team; secondly, Sivir must follow the original script and use her blood to awaken the sleeping Azir."

"And only Cassiopeia and her daughter know the approximate location of the cemetery... If anyone else leads this expedition, they may not be able to find Azir's grave in the vast desert."

As long as there is a slight mistake in this process, the plot direction may change.

The emergence of the leader has already brought a huge butterfly effect to the world.

Swain launched a coup in advance, the Ionian War was ended prematurely, and the Black Rose suffered a more fatal blow.

Du Couture did not join Swain, but followed Catalina to directly lower the leader.

Levi couldn't guarantee whether Azir could be resurrected successfully.

"Levi." Janna also heard Levi say these "prophecies."

Now seeing Levi's serious thinking look, she realized: "You asked me to find Cassiopeia, it seems... you don't want to stop her expedition and prevent the resurrection of Emperor Azir?"

"That's right." Levi nodded.

The fact was completely opposite to what Janna had guessed at the beginning. He didn't want to stop Azir from cheating, but he wanted to help Azir return.

"Why?" Janna didn't understand: "Azir and his Shurima Empire should be our enemies."

Shurima was a slave-feudal empire, more reactionary and backward than Noxus.

And Azir sounds like a firm advocate for the restoration of Shurima. He doesn't look like the leader's friend.

Not to mention, the Shurima Empire had a feud with Janna more than 3,000 years ago.

At the beginning, Janna's followers were mainly fishermen and sailors along the coast of Shurima. Her faith also flourished as Shurima expanded overseas.

However, the Shurima Empire destroyed her temple and banned her faith, causing her to step by step from the guardian of the wind across the world to a useless bird in Vazuan.

"This time, that time." Levi said with a smile.

The Shurima Empire has been dead for 3,000 years, and it has been destroyed to the point where not even the dregs are left.

Back then, Shurima was full of Ascended Ones. Gods were everywhere, and demigods were no better than dogs. Goddess Jana had to suffer and be beaten there, and she didn't dare to fight back even after her temple was destroyed.

But now Shurima has long lost its former glory, leaving only a ruins hidden in the desert.

Those who ascended died, and those who were sealed were sealed. Even if Azir is resurrected, he will never be able to make Shurima great again on his own.

"In fact, in the future as I know it:"

"Even 10 years later, the colonies on the northern shore of the Shurima continent are still firmly in the hands of the Noxus Empire."

"Noxus could even maintain their rule on Shurima's northern shores while launching a second invasion of Ionia."

This shows that Azir's resurrection is the resurrection of loneliness.

He simply has no ability to make Shurima great again.

Don’t say anything else. Just his old enemy, Xerath, who swindles corpses with him, can make him miserable.

Not to mention...

"The faith of our leader is like a spreading flame, spreading rapidly throughout Runeterra."

"Last month you were just a 'false god' comparable to Vladimir, but this month you have returned to the realm of demigod. What about next month, and the month after that?"

"We are fully capable of ignoring the threat posed by Azir's resurrection and talking to these ascendants on an equal footing."

So Li Wei is not afraid of the resurrection of the Shurima Empire. On the contrary, he also needs Azir to come back to life and enhance the overall strength of Shurima.

the reason is simple:

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Levi knew how dangerous this world was.

Void monsters, undead black mist, rune crisis, Mordekaiser's resurrection...there are too many world-ending crises that can destroy mankind.

"No matter how reactionary Azir is, he is still a member of our orderly side of humanity."

Moreover, Livy also knew that he was a progressive emperor who opposed slavery. He may not be that reactionary after all.

"It's entirely possible for us to cooperate."

"If he agrees to cooperate, then we will have a powerful ally when we face the future crisis of annihilation."

"And if he doesn't agree to cooperate, that doesn't matter..."

To the south of Zaun is Shurima.

To the south of Shurima is Icathia, which has become a hotbed of the void.

Levi knew that sooner or later the next round of void invasion would break out here.

The resurrected Shurima Empire is a natural strategic buffer stuck between the Void Explosion and the Northern Wind Leader.

To put it harshly:

Regardless of whether Azir surrenders or not, when the void crisis breaks out from Icathia, he will be the first to be unlucky.

At that time, even if he is unwilling to cooperate, he can only follow the leader and fight desperately for the fate of all mankind.

"I understand..." Janna understood Levi's intention.

The enemies that the leader will face in the future are too terrifying, and he must do everything possible to get powerful enough helpers for him.

Therefore, Levi welcomed Azir's resurrection and even supported the temporary restoration of the Shurima Empire.

"But..." Janna thought of a more serious question: "If the Shurima Empire is resurrected, will the people of Shurima suffer more as a result?"

"No. You are wrong, Janna." Levi shook his head.

Janna has been the leader of the wind for a long time now, so she subconsciously thinks that slave-feudal empires like Shurima are extremely reactionary and backward historical garbage.

It’s not wrong to think so. But the problem is...

"Now those tribal warlords in Shurima are more reactionary than the feudal empire!"

Since the demise of the Shurima Empire, the civilization of the Shurima continent has completely regressed back to the primitive slavery tribal era.

Those tribal chiefs were both warlords and slave owners.

Even after the Noxian Empire invaded, many of them became the comprador lackeys of the Noxians.

"This bunch of insects does nothing all day long. They only know how to attack each other every day, grabbing money, food, and territory."

"They sold their compatriots captured in the war as goods to the Noxians as slaves; then they took the money, food and weapons exchanged from Noxus, and turned around to provoke more wars and sell more The compatriots were kidnapped as goods..."

Letting these insects rule Shurima would be worse than restoring the Shurima Empire.

At least, the living standards of the people in the Shurima Empire 3,000 years ago were much better than they are now.

" true." As a 7,000-year-old comrade, Janna quickly recalled the grand occasion of the Shurima Empire.

At that time, the Shurima Empire was peaceful and peaceful. Although the civilians were not all living a prosperous life, they were generally able to eat and drink well and live their lives in peace and stability.

Although the lower-class slaves lived a miserable life at that time,...slavery has not disappeared from Shurima now, has it?

Not only did it not disappear, it was also promoted by the Shurima warlords.

When the Shurima Empire existed, the slaves only had to serve the Shurima master. Now they not only have to serve the Lord of Shurima, but also the Lord of Noxus in the colony. Moreover, in this chaotic world of endless fighting, they often starve to death or are killed before they die of exhaustion or illness.

In's really worse than that. The Shurima Tribe Warlord is the runner-up now, and I'm afraid no one in the world can win the championship.

"But..." Janna still had doubts.

It is true that the warlords of the Shurima tribe are insects, but the Shurima Empire is only a slightly better insect.

If we let good insects replace insects, wouldn’t they still be insects?

"Why don't we just take over Shurima?" Janna asked concerned.

"Well..." Levi explained slowly.

On the one hand, of course, it is because as mentioned before, he needs allies to fight against the crisis of annihilation and needs Azir's resurrection.

On the other hand:

"We are still too weak." Levi said.

He is not talking about weakness in military strength, but weakness in administrative strength.

"We have expanded too fast, and the number of cadres has been seriously insufficient. Now we are only carrying out land reform in Ionia, and we are only trying to carry out it in some areas, and we have already encountered such great difficulties..."

"Under such circumstances, if we rashly take over the entire Shurima continent, then..."

The grassroots transformation work on the Ionia continent will take at least a few years for the leader to slowly advance.

The situation on Shurima is much more difficult and complicated than in Ionia.

"Ionia is at least still a feudal agricultural society. As long as we try to break the feudal land ownership system and destroy the backward personal dependence on land, we can quickly achieve results in governance and bring a better life to the Ionians. .”

"But Shurima is still stuck in the tribal era... If the theories and policies of the Wind Leader are copied unchanged, it will only be counterproductive."

Shurima's arid climate, barren land, and extreme lack of natural resources naturally restricted the development of civilized society.

There is no industry here at all. The combination of improving welfare, labor protection, restricting labor rights, and reforming state-owned enterprises that the pioneers practiced in the Twin Cities has no place here.

There is also little agriculture here. The land reform and personal liberation policies implemented by the leader in Ionia cannot be copied.

This is still a tribal society.

An oasis is a tribe. And there are endless deserts between oases.

The closed nature of geography leads to the closed nature of tribal society.

The scarcity of resources forced people to unite to form a small and medium-sized political entity, that is, a tribe, based on blood ties and family and clan units.

There is no personal attachment to land here.

In this case, if the leader comes here to fight against the local tyrants and divide their fields... then the tribal people will only wonder why you want to kill their "parents" and give them their fields.

"If we mess around there, we might do worse than the Shurima Empire."

"This is just like the Baru tribe we met in Bilgewater. If you want to truly liberate them, you must first help them develop productivity instead of blindly changing production relations unrealistically."

Shurima's backward production relations are ultimately determined by backward productivity.

If leaders want to transfer the experience of struggle between agricultural society and industrial society, they must first help others develop agriculture and industry and increase productivity.

"This is not something that can be accomplished overnight."

"And we still don't have the ability to transform Shurima. We don't even have the ability to end the chaos and maintain Shurima's internal stability."

Not to mention Shurima, Ionia is still in chaos.

The Noxians have withdrawn, but the various warlords, bandits, and local forces that emerged during the Anti-Noxian War still exist vigorously throughout Ionia.

Although they are destined to perish, this result requires countless leaders to personally promote it.

The Wind Leader doesn't even have enough manpower to pacify Ionia, so how can it have the ability to govern another continent?

"So it's better to resurrect Azir and let him integrate the chaotic Shurima first."

It is easier to deal with an integrated empire than a group of scattered warlords.

It's like...

You can't catch 50,000 pigs in three days.

But 50,000 organized imperial soldiers could be annihilated by the leader in just one day.

In the same way, Li Wei would rather face a Shurima Empire than face 100 desert tribes.

"Anyway, we need Azir to be resurrected."

"If he is willing to make progress, we will have a strong ally."

"He is unwilling to cooperate. We also have a strategic buffer between us and the Void Explosion, and a 'Sufferer' who helps us integrate the Shurima Desert so that we can easily take over in the future."

Levi smiled and spoke of his plans for Shurima's future strategy.

Janna was silent for a while.

"What?" Levi looked at her suddenly serious expression——

Yes. After getting along day and night for the past year, he could read the goddess's emotions from Janna's bird face.

"There's...good news?" Janna said in a complicated tone.

Obviously, she couldn't tell whether this was good news or bad news.

"Levi, maybe... before facing the void, we have to consider how to solve the problem of the invasion of the underworld."

"What?" Levi looked over in surprise.

According to his understanding of the plot, the outbreak of the Void Crisis may precede Mordekaiser.

Because in the "future", even the Queen of the Void has begun to be active secretly, and there is still no movement from Mordekaiser's side.

"But the future has changed." Janna knew that what Levi could predict was only the future without the intervention of the Wind Leader.

And now...

"I heard the prayer—"

"A prayer from the underworld."

"Huh?" Levi was confused.

Prayers can still be transmitted from the underworld... Could it be that even after death, people can still provide the power of faith?

"Yes. As long as the soul still exists, faith will not disappear."

The power of faith is transformed from the spiritual power in the human soul.

As for what mental power is exactly, no one can tell clearly yet.

The scientific community has only various conjectures and hypotheses that cannot be verified.

In short, the current mainstream conjectures in the Twin Cities scientific community, represented by Professor Heimerdinger, are:

Whether it is spiritual power or the power of belief, they are actually magic power, a special form of magic power.

Magic power is speculated by scientists to be a kind of energy that exists widely in the universe and can be regarded as almost unlimited.

Every soul has the natural ability to develop this "infinite energy".

They can draw magic from the universe and store it in the form of spiritual power.

It's just that ordinary people have less reserves, and they don't have the ability to mobilize the power hidden in their souls.

But those warriors can, through continuous training and training, use a mechanism that is currently completely unexplainable by academic circles to convert mental power into magic power, inject it into the body, strengthen physical fitness, and even transform it into the so-called "sword light" that penetrates the body. "Sword Qi"——

These swords and swords are actually magic powers.

Mages can rely on their special souls to directly complete the transformation process of absorbing cosmic energy - transforming spiritual power - transforming spiritual power into magic - and outputting spells to the outside world.

The transformation process of leaders is relatively more complicated:

The soul absorbs the energy of the universe - transforms spiritual power - spiritual power transforms into faith - faith turns into magic power through Janna - and finally outputs it to the outside.

The human soul plays the role here of a "water pump" that draws energy from the universe and a "reservoir" that stores this energy.

The route of warriors and mages is to expand the flow rate of this "water pump" and the reserve of the "reservoir" through practice, thereby achieving more powerful output.

Janna's route connects countless such "water pumps" and "reservoirs" through faith, condensing them into a vast ocean.

And this kind of nearly infinite wonderful energy exists widely in all realms of the universe - including the underworld.

Therefore, even if the person dies:

As long as his soul is still there, his consciousness is still clear, and his faith has not changed, he can still provide Janna with a steady stream of faith power. It's just that this trust will be severely depleted when it penetrates the barrier between the underworld and the human world. If the power is too weak, it will be completely blocked by the barrier.

"And we have comrades who died and went to the underworld where Mordekaiser is after death."

"Levi, you know...weak souls will quickly lose consciousness when they get there, turning into souls lost forever, and eventually dissipated in the endless mist of the underworld wasteland."

Levi does know this.

Only a very small number of people with a strong will can survive the baptism of the mist of the underworld and maintain their consciousness and soul.

Mordekaiser is the most outrageous example among them - this guy not only retained consciousness in the underworld, but also understood the language and magic of the undead there without any teacher, thus having the power to "penetrate between different realms" Curtain" ability.

"Wait..." Levi suddenly had a bad feeling.

Could it be?

"Yes. Some of our comrades went to the underworld where Mordekaiser is. A very small number of them, the leaders among the very few leaders, maintained their souls and consciousness in the wasteland of the underworld with their tenacious will. The presence."

"Finally, the power of faith gathered by these people penetrated the curtain between different realms and reached the material realm."

"So, I just found out..."

"The Underworld Chapter of the Wind Leader has been established on Mordekaiser's territory."

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