Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 573: This is not a rescue campaign, but a battle of interests!

"Are you crazy?" Takeshi Goda didn't even use honorifics, he just used "you", "You gave me a reason and purpose to protect animals, so I suspend the hunting season and arrest the second-ranked contestant. ?"

"Director Matsumoto, don't you know how popular this show is recently? Over 100 million people around the world are paying attention, and tens of millions of people in China know that more than 10 million viewers sit in front of TVs or mobile phones every day!"

"This is no longer a small entertainment program led by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department! It's our face, let alone suspicion, even if there is conclusive evidence!"

"No, Mr. Goda." Matsumoto Kiyotaka's tone was very serious, "The words just now are the purpose of Tiangra's publicity."

The company is unbelievably large, from the Americas to Europe to Asia, almost all over the world except Antarctica.

They use business as the purpose of protection. They buy hunting licenses all over the world and carry out a series of legal activities of wild animals. It is not that they cannot be bought and sold, but they must be legally compliant.

However, there are two practical problems in legal trade: one is high taxes and fees, and the other is a small number. Driven by huge profits, these people can develop regardless of what cycle.

Even this hunting season, Japanese officials have an intersection with Tiangra.

"Is there an intersection? Why don't I know?" Takeshi Goda was dumbfounded.

"This has nothing to do with the Metropolitan Police Department. It is an activity of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. They sold all the black bear carcasses from this hunt to Tiangra. Team Leader Goda didn't know if it was normal or normal." Chief Matsumoto explained. , "But it doesn't matter."

"Tiangra has many clubs, many auctions, maintains friendly exchanges with TNC (The Nature Conservancy), and organizes many events, claiming that hunting is also a means of ecological protection."

The only problem is that.

"Watch this again." Matsumoto Kiyotaka handed the second video to Takeda Takeshi.

The content of this video is relatively simple.

Tian Geli was blasted.

An undercover agent attends the annual meeting of the International Hunting Club in Reno, Nevada, for a trophy-incentivized manhunt where the wealthy can buy the opportunity to slaughter large beasts like elephants, lions, leopards or rhinos .

Once the incident was disclosed, it caused an uproar

This year, tianusGra suffered heavy losses. Although it promptly cleared the relationship between its clubs and fired a large number of employees, claiming to be "outsourced", "uninformed", and "neglect of supervision", it still suffered greatly.

"Look at this list again."

Takeda Takeshi already had expectations in his heart, and sure enough, he saw Berson Guy on it.

"According to what I've found so far, Berson Gay had joined Tiangra before the incident happened, but for a short period of time, less than half a year, and then it was pushed out because of this incident. Sentenced to ten months in prison."

"But I heard that someone saw Berson in the third month after the incident, but T'Angela explained that they looked alike, which triggered another wave of public opinion at the time, thinking that it was the bail provided by T'Angela."

Gang Tian Wu was speechless. He had no idea that the seemingly kind old man had such a rich experience. There are three major illegal trades in the world, the first is drug smuggling, the second is arms smuggling, and the third is wildlife trafficking.

According to data released by the State Council of the Ugly State, wildlife smuggling is second only to drugs and arms, with an annual transaction volume of 10 billion to 20 billion yuan.

According to relevant reports, the world illegally trades 50,000 primates, 140,000 African ivory, 10 million reptile skins, 15 million mammals, 350 million tropical fish, and 100,000 rhino horns each year. 10 billion ugly dollars.

Among them, the annual transaction volume of smuggling endangered animals reaches at least US$2 billion to US$3 billion.

The data given by John Scanlon, the former Secretary-General of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) of the United Nations, is that the illegal trade of CITES-listed species is worth about 20 billion U.S. dollars per year, but the illegal trade of all wildlife Trade can be worth about 200 billion U.S. dollars a year.

The amount is staggering.

These numbers undoubtedly prove one point: the wildlife smuggling trade has formed a complete industrial chain, by connecting people of different skin colors and cultures around the world, as simple as buying and selling ordinary products.

COBerson: Guy, was actually one of them, and even decades later, he changed his face and appeared in front of everyone in a way that no one expected.

It has been more than ten years since the accident in Tiangra, and no one remembers Berson: Guy, even if he remembers it, the changes of more than ten years make it difficult to recognize that the high-spirited hunter at the time has become the current one. An old man in his fifties.

Matsumoto Kiyotaka doesn't know whether Tiangla is innocent or not, and whether it is really ineffective supervision, but Berson Guy, this is definitely not a good person!

Even Matsumoto Kiyoshi suspected that Tiangla itself was not clean at all. Perhaps the tail docking was just to turn a group of men from the bright side to the dark side.

But there is no evidence, Matsumoto Kiyocho just think about it.

It is a pity that Matsumoto Kiyotaka and Goda Takeshi lacked some insight after all. If they can turn the name of tianusGra upside down. Gratianus.

Gratian, the eldest son of Emperor Valentinian I of the western Roman Empire, was established as Augustus by his father at the age of 8, and his teacher was the poet Desimus Magnus Ausonius.

He loved hunting all his life, not only a hobby, but also a life, and eventually he lost his empire because of it. "However, what does this have to do with Dolphin Bay?" After talking for a long time, Takeshi Goda still didn't understand.

Even if Berson really has a lot of black material, why should he arrest him, wouldn't it be better to turn a blind eye?

It is better to leave things like the messenger of justice to others, it has nothing to do with them.

Matsumoto Kiyocho gritted his teeth suddenly: "Because these people are helping Richard! We have been unable to catch them!

Matsumoto Kiyocho finally figured it out.

Obviously, this is what Berson and the gang behind him did.

The guy who started with wild animals, how could he forget the sweetness.

"Their ultimate goal is to make us condemned internationally. Under the pressure of public opinion, UUkanshu had to give up catching dolphins. Then, a large number of wild dolphins are left uncaptured and eventually become theirs!"

Matsumoto Kiyotaka was very loud, he was kept in the dark, and Richard was also deceived.

Interest is about supply and demand.

If no one catches it, does the demand disappear?

Impossible, the demand will only become stronger and the price of dolphins will be even higher!

This group of animal dealers sees this point, just like the merchants slander the quality of the products of their peers, they want to monopolize this market!

What Taijicho has to face is not a rescue operation at all, but a group of sharks that smell blood, a group of even more greedy monsters.

This is clearly a competition for interests!

"We have to defend the interests of Taiji, and we can't let them succeed!"

"Gada Takeshi, please, even if you don't suspend the hunting season, you must arrest Bosen and find out all the people behind them!

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