Live Wilderness Adventure

Chapter 572: Arrest Burson Gay

The cicadas screamed desperately, the outside was full of scorching sunlight, and the shadows of the eaves fell on the ground as sharp as knives

Takeshi Gangtian stood by the window and pulled his collar. The air conditioner repairman hadn't come yet. It was only ten minutes before he was too hot to bear. His saliva was sticky in his throat like glue. " in the monster steaming the big fat monk steamer.

There was a knock on the door, and the team members stood at the door and said, "Team Leader Gotian Takeshi, someone wants to see you."


"Director Matsumoto Kiyocho, Taiji Town."

"Do I know him?"

"Two days ago, Director Matsumoto asked us for hunter information for the hunting season."


As soon as the team member said, Takeda Takeshi recalled some memories, walked back to his seat quickly, cleaned the office table briefly, then wiped his sweat and nodded: "Please come in, Director Matsumoto."

After a while, Takeda got up to welcome: "Oh, why didn't Director Matsumoto tell me in advance, how about it, have you read the last document? Is there any problem? Nagano, pour a cup of tea for Director Matsumoto."

Matsumoto came all the way from the subway station. He didn't have time to rest, so he went straight to Goda Takeshi. He didn't even have time to drink water. He was sweating. He poured his thanks to Nagano and drank a whole glass of water. Slowed down: "I'm sorry, Team Leader Gangtian. I won't say more if you are polite. There is no problem with the information, but how much do you know about Bosen?"

"Oh, it's the second-ranked hunter, do you have an impression?"

"Yes." Takeshi Gangtian nodded. He confirmed the list of entries in the end. Of course, he was impressed, not to mention the second place. He was almost recited.

"Berson: Guy, born in the ugly state of Minnesota, has a professional hunter license for more than 30 years, enlisted in the army when he was young, performed well, retired after ten years, worked as a truck driver, hunter, archer, actor, singer, Sailors, engineers, farmers, hunted black bears and brown bears add up to more than fifteen heads, quite a good resume."

Berson's career is extremely diverse, and the span is so large that it makes people wonder if it is fake. This old man in his fifties has extremely rich life experience.

After signing up, it quickly attracted the attention of the reviewers and included it in the list. After seeing it, Takeshi Gangtian readily agreed.

Thinking of Matsumoto's previous behavior, he came in a hurry, and he would definitely not aimlessly, Goda Takeshi thought for a while: "Is there something wrong with him?"

"I can't be sure, but there's a high chance." Matsumoto Kiyotaka didn't dare to say it to death, he asked Goda Takeshi, "Do you know Tiangra?"

"Tiangra? What is this?"

Matsumoto Kiyo took a long sigh of relief, and sure enough, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department didn't know this either, and he explained slightly proudly: "This is a multinational company...

At this time, Nagano brought a second glass of water, and Matsumoto Kiyocho took it with a smile. This time, he did not drink it all, but held it in his hand and took a sip.

Without utilization, there is no protection.

It is the company purpose of Tiangra, and it has always been their external declaration.

From this point of view, it is even similar to what Bi Fang said in a talk show half a year ago.

Commercial hunting is protecting wildlife.

This point of view was briefly expounded by Bi Fang, and behind it is a systematic relationship chain.

Matsumoto Kiyocho took out his mobile phone, clicked on a video, and showed it to Takeda Takeshi.

In the Paleolithic Age, when the human species was just born, agriculture had not yet appeared. As an omnivorous species standing at the top of the food chain, human beings survived and developed by hunting + gathering. Like other powerful species at the top of the food chain, only part of nature.

In the process of hunting, intelligent human beings invented spears and bows and arrows, which led to the emergence of the living habit of group cooperation and laid the foundation of modern civilization.

Just above this node, human beings have completely become the hegemons of nature, and their relationship with wild animals is a very direct food chain relationship.

Upper species depend on predation for lower species to survive and survive.

In the Paleolithic Age, human beings absolutely did not have the concept of wildlife protection.

But through repeated trial and error, human beings instinctively learned not to hunt and gather too much.

One is that there is no good storage conditions to preserve the excess harvest, and the other is that it will bring unnecessary trouble to the next hunting. At this point, there are two most intuitive evidences.

First, humans can see domesticated species such as pigs, horses, cattle and sheep today. They were formed during the Paleolithic period. This process of domestication is a way of "protecting" animals.

Domestic animals such as pigs, horses, cattle and sheep have become the most numerous mammals in the world, because their value makes humans willing to keep them in captivity.

Second, after studying the Paleolithic tribal civilization that still exists in contemporary society, it is found that they consciously protect the healthy reproduction and continuation of the population in their habitat.

This awareness of not overutilizing is the germ of animal protection awareness. This approach is to create conditions for better sustainable utilization in the future.

If it does not violate the agricultural season, the grain cannot be eaten, and the fish and turtles cannot be eaten without entering the sandalwood pond. Grain and fish and turtles cannot be eaten, and wood and wood cannot be used.

There is no regret in health preservation and death, the beginning of the kingly way.

Mencius explained this truth thousands of years ago.

After a series of more complex changes, the animal husbandry-agriculture model replaced the hunter-gatherer model, and human survival could no longer depend on the direct use of wild animals, and the direct relationship between the upper and lower levels of the food chain began to loosen.

After that, the emergence of metallurgical technology made metal agricultural tools begin to be used on a large scale, and the agricultural efficiency has undergone qualitative changes. More and more human groups have begun to completely get rid of the direct use of wild animals.

Humans have completely become the only species at the top of the food chain, and there is no wild animal that humans cannot kill

Humans began to pay attention to the efficiency of obtaining meat, and large-scale animal husbandry replaced hunting, and the main purpose of hunting was no longer just for food.

The wheel of history continues to roll, UU reading www. From the 15th to the 17th century, the era of great voyages came, which gave birth to great geographical discoveries and great exchanges of species. Potatoes and sweet potatoes appeared, and the more efficient animal husbandry-farming model further squeezed the remaining hunting-gathering model, and the relationship between humans and nature became blurred.

Humans began to be separated from wild animals. Humans lived in cities and towns, while wild animals occupied the jungle. The food chain relationship between the two disappeared, and they no longer thrived in the same area. The boundaries between the two sites were clear. Intersections no longer occur.

The wheels stay modern.

Humans are already a species that depends entirely on the economy and society for their survival and development. With the development of modern agriculture and animal husbandry, ordinary people no longer need to use wild animals, so their existence value has dropped again and again, and they have completely become rich. stimulative pursuit and aesthetic hobby.

Ordinary people can take concrete actions to increase the price of pork, but they will not pay any attention to what the rich like.

The words in the video came to an abrupt end, Goda Takeshi pressed the pause button, and he was very patient: "What does Director Matsumoto want to say?

Matsumoto Kiyotaka sat upright: "I want to ask you to agree to suspend the hunting season and allow me to arrest Berson: Guy!"

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