: This is interstellar diplomacy, not cheating

Hear the hacker explain.

This made Jiang Zhe even more curious about the moon.

The previously decided trip to the moon, I am afraid, will become a lunar adventure.

Jiang Zhe nodded: “Is there any more?”

The hacker pondered, and suddenly thought of something: “There is another one, but I didn’t discover it. During the period, I received the signal information from the No. In a word, they said that the time agreed with you is coming. What did you agree with?”

Jiang Zhe stroked his chin in thought.

The South Pole ten thousand years ago that was previously visited by a geomagnetic pump.

There he met the remnants of the Atlanteans.

There are several people among them, Yi, Karp, Kong people, and not only that.

He also stayed in the body of a woman’s son.

Thinking about this, Jiang Zhe had an idea.

It should be the light of Atlantis talking about cooperation with himself!

Even if he didn’t go to Atlantis in person, Jiang Zhe could guess the leader of Atlantis: Guang, the cooperation discussed must be the way to eradicate the undead.

However, according to the current progress, he is not allowed to go to Atlantis.

Because it is inferred from the popular science situation on the earth——

It needs to convince 7 billion people, that is, 90%, and it will take at least some time to complete.

What Jiang Zhe needs to do is to control the time in 2024.

It is still more than a year away from 2024…

At this point, he couldn’t make up his mind: “No need to go back, the time hasn’t come yet.”

Hacker: “Yes!”

Jiang Zhe: “Is there anyone else who wants to report?”


“And I!”


Time flies.

This night, no one fell asleep.

Instead, he reported all the recent situation of the laboratory to Jiang Zhe one by one.

By the time all the reports were finished, the sky outside the window had already lit up.

In the end, Jiang Zhe didn’t hide it, but told the life of Yan Xing in those three years one by one.

After listening, all members had endless admiration for Jiang Zhe.

Unexpectedly, in countless cosmic wars, Jiang Zhe saved himself from danger many times.

He has driven spaceships in time, driven warships, destroyed flying saucers, and even used the superpowers of the soul, which obviously exceeded the limits that people on Earth could think of.

In all of this, Jiang Zhe didn’t rely on weapons!

Rather… interstellar diplomacy!

Of course, most of the alien technologies that Jiang Zhe exchanged were obtained through interstellar diplomacy.

As a result, the experiment of different dimension space also started the next stage of development:

Delve into alien technology.

In order to prevent the people of the earth from facing terrifying alien attacks faster.

Jiang Zhe did not leak any offensive alien technology to various countries.

He just told Anyang of the Kyoto Weapons Department about the energy principle of X-1.

Before the meeting was about to end, John asked curiously: “So Boss Jiang, you have deceived so many aliens to obtain so many cutting-edge black technologies?”

Hearing this, Jiang Zhe was unhappy, and his face darkened: “Are you sure what you said is right?”

John reacted immediately and nodded again and again: “Yes, yes! It’s star diplomacy, not cheating!”

Immediately afterwards, there was a roar of laughter in the conference room.

With the end of the conversation in the space room.

In the early morning of the next day, Jiang Zhe received a meeting from Zhengfu, the city of Kunming.

Because Jiang Zhe belongs to Kun City, regarding the plan of lunar exploration, he just wanted to find qualified people from all over the world.

But after careful consideration, the meeting was rejected by Jiang Zhe.

He knew that yesterday’sHuaxia Manor Villa, in my hands, always feels uneasy.

It turns out that the purpose of the city’s ax is exactly this!

But he also went to a press conference about the right people for a lunar expedition.

After a unanimous decision, Jiang Zhe gave a suitable competition rule.

There is only one: [Must be a person who can release abilities at the soul level! 】

As soon as this rule came out, it immediately caused an uproar on the Internet.

“Fuck! Isn’t it too outrageous?”

“Impossible! It’s only been two days, right? Is there someone who can release the soul?”

“My special forces cousin told me that they can’t release their souls through targeted training every day. Even the top special forces can’t do it. Can the rest really do it?”

“Brothers! Didn’t you watch Jiang Zhe’s video? Didn’t he use the teleportation brought by the soul combination field to kill the students who cultivated immortals in the dead net world, so that he can kill smoothly!”

“He is him, we are just ordinary people, there is no comparison! Who else can do what even the special forces can’t do?”


The audience on the Internet all advised Jiang Zhe to take a step back.

After all, the whole world, except Jiang Ming, and Jiang Zhe can release their souls.

For special forces… can’t do it!

This is equivalent to letting an ordinary person living in the normal technological age use the fireball technique with his mind.

How is this possible?

It’s just a trip to the moon. As for such a big battle?

This matter is gradually fermenting in countries all over the world.

Gradually, think tanks around the world also noticed the clues about Jiang Zhe’s motives—the moon is in danger!

Ordinary special forces, going to the moon, even if they wear high-tech, are still dead!

At this time, the world fits perfectly!

It was agreed at the first time that within 14 days, strive to develop a strong man who can release the soul.

In fact, they can also understand that Jiang Zhe is personally responsible for the people who explored the moon.

the next day.

Kyoto Arms Department.

Anyang brought Lao Xu and others just back from the Stargate Base.

For a while, Anyang has been inspecting the progress of Jiang Zheqiu’s plan at the Stargate base.

From beginning to end, Anyang is guiding.

Jiang Zheqiu’s plan has also gradually entered the right track.

The big headache: money!

To manufacture a small satellite, even if the cost is the lowest, it costs 30 million.

For the subsequent continuous function, there is a nuclear fusion reaction device to absorb the sun with a high probability of transformation and supply energy.

Coupled with the satellite-level electromagnetic shield, it must not only resist the cosmic high-energy particle flow, but also resist small meteorites, including comet-level…

Thinking of this gave Anyang a headache.

Three questions –

One: Funding. Two: cost. Three: Doubt!

Not only Xia Guo, but even the beautiful country that can print money send diplomatic missions to Xia Guo from time to time to complain: “Is this reliable? With so much money spent, the world will enter an era of no money available!”

Anyang, who returned to the weapons department in Kyoto, immediately reported the situation to Chengshen.

When Cheng Shen heard this, his whole head went numb.

Give up, it is impossible to give up!

Implementing… Difficult to implement again!

In the beginning, there were no problems with the raw materials, the technology, and everything.

The point is…the world doesn’t have enough money to make a meteorite-resistant shield.

Once you choose the next level of cost, you will be irresponsible to the whole earth, let alone the people!

It is this time.

Chubby Old Xu suddenly yelled outside the meeting room: “Fuck! It’s solved, it’s solved!”

“Everyone, come here quickly! The funding problem has been solved!”

“We can make the most of it!”

Upon hearing this.

Cheng Shen and the others got up immediately, curiously opened the door of the meeting room and came to the office area.

I saw Lao Xu scattered the emails he just printed out all over the office.

“Jiang Zhe sent three techniques!”

“Every technology can change the world, and it will go against the sky!”

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