: A Major Report from the Civilian Science Corps

Jiang Zhe entered the interdimensional space room.

I inspected the base work as usual.

Seeing Jiang Zhe’s arrival, Connor, John, Hacker and others immediately gathered together. Wait for his order.

At the same time, their smiles could not help appearing on their faces.

Everyone realized that Jiang Zhe must have brought good news: travel to the moon.

Facing the crowd standing in front of him, Jiang Zhe took a glance, but did not announce the good news.

Instead, he took the lead in asking about the recent status of the base project.

John stood up straight: “Report boss, the quantum satellite transfer station project has been completely completed. A quantum satellite has been successfully launched in low-earth orbit. Please tell us the next work!”

Hearing this, Jiang Zhe nodded encouragingly: “Good job. Next step, you will be in charge of the cloud plan.”

Hear “planning in the cloud”.

Not only John, but even the rest of the people were dumbfounded.

“Didn’t you tell me to give up earlier?”

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay. Jiang Zhe had said before that the cloud plan had been abandoned.

How come it has to be re-implemented now?

Without waiting for anyone to continue asking, Jiang Zhe replied seriously: “You have also seen what happened in the metaverse.”

“Don’t hide it from everyone, in fact, during the 4 hours that disappeared, Jiang Ming and I stayed in Yanxing for 3 more years.”

Hearing this, all the members were dumbfounded.

Jiang Zhe continued to explain: “You don’t need to understand why time passes so slowly, you just need to know that I lived 3 years longer than you.”

“And during those three years, I met enemies big and small in the universe.”

“Some enemies are existences that we cannot imagine or understand at present.”

“And some enemies can be easily killed with one blow!”

“Some enemies…”

Having said that, Jiang Zhe frowned slightly and did not continue.

He couldn’t help but think of an experience he had previously explored in the Rockstar universe.

Once through the gate of time and space, I arrived at an unknown galaxy in that universe.

People there have only 60 days to live.

From infancy to death, there are only 60 days.

Although their lifespan is only 60 days, they don’t have to work hard every day, they only need to eat, drink and have fun.

Enriching the spiritual life almost all the time.

At first he envied this kind of life, until one day…

He walked out of the area, only to be surprised to find——

It turns out that it’s not that they only have a lifespan of 60 days, but…

That planet has a special device that accelerates the flow of time in that area.

Once out of the area, the device no longer works.

Slowly, Jiang Zhe found out who was behind the scenes through clues.

And that ethnic group that eats, drinks, and has fun is the existence that is kept in captivity by another race in the universe.

From birth to death, only 60 days.

It takes at least 70 years of a person’s life to be buried in the ground, and their 70 years… are just being manipulated by the black hand behind the scenes and stealing their life energy.

Until now, Jiang Zhe has not found out which race is capable of stealing people’s life energy without knowing it.

“What’s wrong? Boss?”

Seeing that something was wrong with Jiang Zhe, John asked curiously.

Jiang Zhe shook his head: “It’s nothing. The cloud plan continues.”

Regarding his style of work, even if the members of the science group don’t ask, they still know the importance of the matter. So the cloud plan was immediately put on everyone’s mind.

Jiang Zhe looked at Connor and asked, “Konnor, how are your creatures doing?”

Connor spread his hands, and said embarrassingly: “It feels like I don’t have any work. Since human beings are not sick, plus the fund share of the decomposer, the funds of our laboratory have reached an astonishing 317 trillion! There will be no me in the future.” work in the biological domain.”

Actually unconsciously.

Jiang’s Science Corps has thoroughly resounded throughout the entire earth at home and abroad.

All groups, countries, no one knows, no one knows.

But they never thought that this laboratory only has a team of no more than 10 people.

Hearing the report, Jiang Zhe was indifferent: “I see. Of course you still have things to do. Next, you start to study neurology and accelerate the steps of human soul evolution.”

After all, abandoning the evolution of the physical body, there is indeed nothing to do with Connor.

It can only be recreated in the biology of the soul!

Hearing this, Connor’s eyes were burning, and he slapped his head: “How did I forget this, I know the boss, let’s start!”

Jiang Zhe nodded, and looked at the hacker again: “Is there any news from the Illuminati recently?”

The hacker took out the notebook from behind, tapped the keyboard quickly, and reported:

“In the past period of time, the Illuminati has attacked the person in charge of Jiang Xiao on the Internet. They tried to pull back the capital chain, but failed!”

“In fact, it also comes down to John’s frequent upgrades for Jiang Xiao, so their artificial intelligence has gradually been unable to keep up with Jiang Xiao’s performance.. ”

Speaking of this, the hacker tapped the keyboard again, changed a data report, and continued to report: “You are busy for a while, and Cheng Shen from the Kyoto Weapons Department has secretly contacted us. There have been battles with the underground lizardmen in many places.”

“Known from captive lizard populations: their populations are imperfect!”

Hearing this, Jiang Zhe understood it at a glance, and said directly: “Get to the point!”

The hacker nodded: “The point is…the strength of the Lizard Clan is actually a disguise. They used to dominate the earth, but now they are lonely. Three weeks ago, they were judged by Cheng Shen as a remnant party and not a threat to the organization!”

The voice fell.

The blond hacker was not happy, but frowning again.

He looked at John, Jiang Xiao, Connor and others.

I saw everyone nodded one after another, indicating not to hide.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Zhe realized clearly, and asked: “Speak, speak boldly!”

“Hmm! The remnants captured by the Falcon special team learned the news from the remnants that the lizardmen’s group is not only underground, but more batches are on the moon.”

“And I used the super-large telescope that comes with the quantum satellite to observe the moon during the period. I didn’t find the lair of the lizardmen…”

“So, I have reason to suspect that the lizardmen are not on the surface of the moon, but…”

Not waiting for the blond hacker to finish reporting.

Jiang Zhe directly expressed what everyone wanted to say: “Inside the moon!”

Hacker: “That’s right! The interior of the moon! You said that the hollow core of the moon that you have popularized before said that the shock effect was detected, which is correct! Later, I contacted Chengshen and transferred the satellite on the back of the moon through the quantum satellite signal. That’s why I was surprised It was found that although there is nothing on the back of the moon, there are entrances of different sizes!”

When the information was first known.

The blond hacker thought it was a crater on the back at first, but didn’t go into it.

When Jiang Zhe entered the kingdom of heaven, he remembered Jiang Zhe’s science popularization.

Then began to dig deeper into the entrance on the back of the moon.

It’s okay if you don’t dig, but once you dig, the whole world view will almost collapse.

Jiang Zhe was right about the hollowness of the moon…actually right.

Not only was he right, but Jiang Zhe also underestimated the existence of the moon! ! !

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