Limit Breaker

Chapter 12

A city in a European country.

Vong - Vong -

Recently, the economy that had frozen over the Cali Empire and the three Tai Poles began to melt slightly, knowing that the Allied forces had defeated the three Tai Poles.

Thanks to this, the phenomenon of making bunkers, food, daily products, etc. to survive was getting a little restrained, and there were also a lot of people going to and fro the streets.

However, in spite of these media plays, there were some who felt anxious because they had previously known that the people who appeared to be Sam-tae had attacked the heads of each country.


Johnny, who was returning home with a lot of conservation food in a cart that looked like a shopping cart, was also one of the latter.

Johnnie, who remembered that he had won the Great Triumph, but that the raider who appeared to be a human being attacked the heads of most European countries, noticed something strange there.

He deals with the video, confirming that the face line of the person attacking the location where the head is located is different from the face line of the person arrested.

Moreover, for injuries or mental shock, I did not conduct any foreign activities for a few days, and after a while, my face was revealed.

Almost simultaneously.

Face shape of another offender when entering and when leaving.

Raided captains who started their activities almost simultaneously after issuing two doors for several days.

There's something he doesn't know, and it's definitely not an ordinary problem, and Johnnie has been afraid of the crisis on Earth by the Three Taipei and Cali Empires, so he's begun to buy conservation food.


At that time, one of the cartwheels knocked something over.

Turning your head to the side, you see a 007 bag that fell into a landscape.

You can see no one who looks like the owner of this bag.

‘Well, I can't believe you left things here carelessly. Just stop for a second... ’

I didn't want to get caught later, so I grabbed the handle and tried to lift the bag.


His sensitive sensation triggered a rejection response.

Danger! Danger! Danger! ’

When I used to watch work near the construction site, I felt the instinct that it was dangerous, and I avoided the fury, and the safety net of the construction site was torn, and a rod hit where he was.

Items falling from more than a dozen stories can be scarred even if they are eggs that break well.

Thanks to this, his sense of trust has been shouting the loudest ever.

This is untouchable.

Johnnie stops trying to grab the bag, pushes the cart and starts moving as if he were fleeing to his own house.

‘Let's run. We have to run fast. Let's go home and hide in the basement. ’

I was going to report it at first, but I didn't know what was inside, so I decided to go back home and stay in the basement for a few weeks because I thought, "My senses tell me this is a very dangerous thing."

A job, a social obligation? What's the point of risking your life?

However, his plan went wrong from the start.

By a good citizen.

“Hey! Hey! Isn't this yours? ”

“!!! ”

An unknown man grabs the 007 bag and shakes it, shouting as if he didn't know it himself.

“Touch that…!! ”


However, regrettably, before he finished speaking, the 007 bag was opened, and the grey smoke spread everywhere.

“Cough! Cough! ”


The people who drank the heavy smoke spewed out rough coughs, and the people who opened the car door and drove the car to drink the smoke, panicked and turned the steering wheel, and the car rushed towards the street, smashing the entrance of the Hop House, and about half the car went inside.

Fortunately, those who closed the windows and drove did not see anything, so they secured their seats while pressing the brakes rather than Excel.


The car that opened the window behind them and drove a car that stopped, but the car that drove from 40 to 60 kilometers an hour on the road crashed into another car did not result in death.

“What? What the hell is this? ”

When the grey smoke made the area invisible, the man in the driver's seat, who stepped on the brake, twitched anxiously around.

However, as the clumpy smoke continued to make it hard to recognize, the frustrated man took out his cell phone.

I thought I'd call an ambulance or a cop because something's not right.

However, no matter how many calls you make, it doesn't matter.

No, not until I get to the right answering machine, but then I don't move on.

“What is this? Why aren't you answering your phone.... ”


“Gaaaah!! ”

“Ahhhh!? ”

At that moment, the blood vessels from the side of the driver's seat popped out and shed tears in the blood, revealing the man who was trembling like a man.

A moment ago, the man, Johnny, started waving his hands at the driver and breaking the windshield for the car, and the driver fled into the jewelry in a frenzy.

Fuck off!!


The hand with the brown light broke the glass of the jewelry and grabbed the driver by the shoulders and neck.


Foul! Foul!

“Shhhhh!! ”

The driver pushes his head in and screams by the woman who bites his neck, and a scream like this erupts from everywhere.

In addition, these incidents began happening all over the world simultaneously.


“It's about to start. ”

Eugene returned to jihad after taking Ibel captive, opened his mouth while dipping himself in hot water in the bath with Cecilia to wash the blood on his body.

“What... oh, you mean ‘that’. ”

After sitting next to Jinwoo and enjoying the sensation of hot water, Iscilia tilts her head for a moment, then shakes her head as if she remembered later.

Zombie virus.

It is a chemical weapon that seals itself because it is too powerful to use properly and destroys it, not conquer the world.

Horses are, of course, zombies, and they actually lose Izzie and they're aggressive enough to make her look like a hungry carnivore for three days.

After all, the saliva is contagious, so the biters become the same monsters, and those with abilities are mutated into special monsters that go around killing people.

Jinwoo produced as many zombie viruses as possible for two weeks and a day, and when they were spread around the world for a period of time or acted on externally, they were automatically allowed to spread the virus.

Using a biochemical weapon that sealed that the fun of conquest was lost, directly or indirectly told us how great was Jinwoo's anger.

- My Lord.


At that time, the Perisha hologram appeared in front of Jinwoo in the steam.

- The Alliance has actually collapsed completely. This led to the victory against the whole world. -

“Obviously. And?”

-God killed more soldiers than the runaways, turning the pursuit into soldiers to volunteer armored cars, chariots, and other weapons, which led to more loot than he expected. -

“Clearly a lump of metal is more important than a man who can kill at any time. Besides, Izzie has to fix it. God made a good judgment call. ”

Now we need a little more metal to repair and use Aegis, who is our ally, and God's actions give us more loot to spare.

- Oh, and the Turkish troops attacked the Allied rear supply troops, allowing them to seize what they had. -

“Hmm? I haven't heard anything about this. ”


They are a minority of China's so-called Uighurs, who first volunteered to surrender and become part of the Tritiac and become independent with the Turkish name.

I've been so busy lately that I didn't care about them, why did they suddenly show up?

- I thought that was odd, too, but when Harissen Mukham, the president of Turkey, heard of our defeat, he created a Self-Defense Force and ran a petty force to attack the enemy's rear. When I asked him about this, he explained that if we knew about it, we would not have contacted them separately, assuming our unit operations would have noticed it. And they told us that they would give us all the supplies they captured from the Supply Squad. -

“Certainly not without our orders. ”

You have no contact with the establishment of defensive forces in Turkish, a domestic country, and attacking the Allied forces behind them.

This is like denying authority to the front.


“But even after we have been defeated, we will not surrender to our enemies, but we will strike them high. Plus, he gave us all of his supplies, including the addition point. ”

When Harithen Mukham heard of the dangers of Samtaegeum, he burned his resolve on the side of Samtaegeum until the end, rather than running away or surrendering.

Just as Guddy said he cheated his allies into fooling them, Harithen Mukham managed to get more loot by sneaking up on his enemy supply troops without shouting.

Moreover, after attacking the Supply Squad and looting a huge amount of loot, they all said they would pay for the Great Triumph.

If I feel bad about attacking an enemy unit without saying anything, I can confirm that no matter how powerful I am, I cannot conquer the world by myself.

“Oh, right. Perisha, if you fix Aegis, give it to Harishen. ”

- Izzies?

“Izzies, unlike jihad, is 100% functional if you have to ride it. So it's better to let them operate. ”

Only a few Artificial Intelligence missiles and cannons can be used in Aegis.

All other weapons had to be operated by human hands, and for a minority elite, Samtaegeuk, the number of the hundreds for Aegis could not be filled.

Of course, you can make and use unmanned weapons, but it was like carving a tree with a prosthetic sword and using a wooden spear as your primary weapon.

It may take an enormous amount of time to master, but once it becomes available, it will be used as the final stage of Turkey.

“And spread my pre-recorded footage around the world. ”

- Yes, I'll do it right away. -

“Well, take care. ”

Pericia hung up her head to Jinwoo, and he embraced Iselia's shoulders while enjoying the sensation of hot hot water.

However, even though she was close to her body and did not show any reaction, Jiwoo turned to look up at the sky and enjoy the hot feeling of heat.

“What's the matter? Something's wrong inside? If it's too hot, don't overdo it... ”

Jinwoo asked for her greetings, furious with her dark expression, but her concerns were elsewhere.

“No... that's okay... I just think the queen is going through a lot. ”

Of course, while British politics represents the Prime Minister, the British royal palace has a moderate international stance.

Despite the British government's efforts to make the crown of England a culture and a content, Ycilia's anxiety about Queen Elizabeth made her face darkened.

Although she betrayed her for love and enjoyed a happy married life with her husband, she was worried that her friendship with the queen might be the truth, so that no matter if she became a zombie or was attacked by a zombie, a painful death would occur.

Besides, Round Knights had to defend the British Royal Court.

“If you're so worried about the Queen, I won't attack England. I can't help the zombie virus that's already spreading, but it's a long way from London, so we should be able to respond. There is also a characteristic of islands, so there are few additional concerns about importing from other places. ”

“Thank you, my dear. ”

After hearing Jin Woo's words, Iscilia hugged herself and kissed Bud on his cheeks. She smiled at her mouth and took her baby with a smile while feeling her soft body and chest.

Though he was furious with the betrayal of the Alliance and the Grand Arc, Jin was much more cruel than usual when he heard that his child (fertilized egg) had been destroyed in Aki's belly.

However, since there is still Iscilia, if she had lost her child, she would have become a madman who would lose her mind and completely destroy the Earth.

‘Empress, it's your turn now. ’

With the zombie virus itself spreading, the world is in disarray, and we don't even have a chance to attack three Tai Poles anymore.

As the world focuses on catching zombies, it relaxes and defeats the Empress to become the loser of Earth and the universe.

Jinwoo's anger rises towards the Empress who scoffed at herself, accepting Iscilia's pet.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

That's a shame about Rifles. What, before the storm?

What kind of Korean drama is life? That's how it works?

In total, there are five brothers of my father, the eldest is farming, and the second eldest is farming.

Fourth, my little father used to work for KT, retired full-time and started homeless.

My youngest father was a housekeeper and couldn't make it.

If you guys are farmers and you manage crops, can you find the time and value to look for Internet novels?

Besides, they're all married and independent. Blah blah blah blah

Haaa! I feel so bad seeing the readers jump on my legs. I'm going to sleep tonight.

So good night everyone! I'm going to bed now!

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