Limit Breaker

Chapter 12

“I got permission from Cecilia. Permission to kill you painfully. ”

“Don't be ridiculous! I will never be defeated by a whore stuck to a scumbag like you! ”

Arthur, who sold Iscilia and Aki as prostitutes, went blind, but his movements were slowing due to Aki's injuries.


“Ahhh!! ”

Moreover, as only the screams of his allies are heard around him, Arthur grits his teeth, checking the appearance of his deeply colored allies.

"You must kill her here!" We must create an opportunity for reversal! ’

Cancan cancan cancan!!

He swirled dizzily, leaving only two men with black flashes and fiery stools, and Arthur struck Aki's ninja with both hands, wielding a large swing of Excalibur.


The hand of Aki holding the ninja dodo rises to the top, thanks to the full power of the spirit.

“Die!! ”

Arthur swings his sword forcefully at the thought of finally having a chance to cut through her abdomen.

Aki, a teleporter, simply dodges, but remains silent with a smile.

Smile? Why? ’

Arthur is embarrassed that he missed something.

But since it's hard to retrieve the sword now, when you're full of heads with the idea of swinging big and exploiting the recoil,


“Cough...! ”

A bullet pierces King Arthur's armor and sticks it deep into Arthur's side.

I turned my gaze in the direction where the bullets were struggling to fly, and I confirmed that Noah with a long barrel, a large bullet hole, and a smoking revolver in the barrel, was staring at me harshly.

“Th-those whores...! ”

Arthur was furious at the thought that the whores who betrayed his country and attacked Jinwoo would attack him.

* Cough, cough *


Aki cuts Arthur's arm and leg off in a heartbeat.

Movement was slowed down by pain and injury, and selling a single eye to Noah led to a terrible result.


Aki stepped on Arthur's head, where his arm and leg had been cut off, and King Arthur's armor had disappeared.

Perhaps Jin Woo would gladly smile, ignoring the humiliation on his head, looking at the axe marks between his tight ninja coat and his crotch, but unfortunately Arthur is so broken (?) was not human.


Arthur screams at the pain of his limbs being cut off.

He is suffering enough to shed tears in his eyes, but his bitter eyes do not sink.

“I'll curse you all to death!! ”

“I've heard that curse dozens of times. ”

As soon as Aki took a grenade-shaped object made of reinforced glass from her waist dance, it was cut off below her knees and thrown toward the place where the moist blood was soaking red.

Tsk river!!

When the reinforced glass broke, a black, rotten, green water produced a small puddle.

Tsk, tsk, tsk!

“Shhhhh!!! ”

Arthur's knee began to melt.

An ultra-concentrated acidic solution made by Aki asked Riellus.

He struggles like crazy to somehow try to flank himself, but his severed limbs melt down from underneath by Aki's feet, trampling on his head and forcibly securing him.

“You almost caused me a big problem because I couldn't help Jin-woo. ”


“Shhh!! ”

“If I had protected Jin Woo a long time ago, none of the other children would have been hurt or killed, and most of all, none of this would have happened if my baby had just been set in place. The fear of losing Jin Woo, my pain of losing a baby. It all started because of you. ”

Others threatened Jin Woo's life, and the destruction of the fertilized egg from the fist of the Grand Arc that was meant to take its place in the womb, were all occurring because Arthur and Liman were holding on to themselves.

If Aki, who was the commander of the military in jihad, had captured the center of his rich years and experience, other young slaves would have been able to perform as usual.

Aki caught the two 10th graders, so Noah's group had some time to spare, but on the other hand, they didn't have an Aki, so they didn't have anyone to take care of the center and front of them.

While she was saying that, Arthur's legs melted, his back and intestines began to melt, and Arthur's screams mixed with cruel agony enough to appear in a horror movie.


“Shhhhhhhhh!! ”

Aki gazed mercilessly at Arthur, who struggled with the pain of his whole body melting away as he vomited blood.

“Shhh!! Ugh... Ugh... ”

As I melted to his heart, I removed the foot that had been placed on his head only after checking that his whole body had cooled down.


Arthur died without even a corpse, and the only thing left was Excalibur with a spectacular mark.

Since Artifact weapons can be used by allies and, above all, they can be thrown into the core that powers the artifact, Archie, who recovered the Excalibur, turned to help others.

“F-damn it! Wrong!”

“I don't want to die here!! ”

However, as Arthur died in a unilateral struggle and the buff he hung on these Allied Talents disappeared, these Talents began to scatter and flee.

The precision bombardment was halted to ensure that all the missiles on the Aegis were exhausted, and these talents were able to escape without any bombing concerns.

To be honest, the condition inside Izzies was a mess.

Once stamped, a few missiles on board and the rest is just a lump of scrap metal floating in the sky.

However, because the force of the ordnance almost destroyed the Navy, its deadly power was very great, and other forces were slaughtered unilaterally and the number was visibly reduced, which led to a drop in morale.

“Fall back! ”

If Leyman survives here, he considers it a dog's death, and orders the others to retreat.

If we give the order to retreat now, we can retreat systematically.

Fortunately, there were no oppressors who insisted on fighting in the current situation, and everyone began to retreat safely as they had been trained.


“You're running from me? How dare you? ”

The god of the Southern Palace, who hates the Pentagon so much that he unknowingly grits his teeth, licks his tongue and steps on the steps.

“Ahhhh!! ”

However, Leyman throws himself in front of the god of the South Palace and swings his fist intimidatingly.

Pazik, Pazik!

As his fist swings, the artifact weapon's effect rips the air apart, and God pauses for a moment, flinching at Leyman's attack on defense.

“Oh. You'd risk your life to stop it? ”

By telling others to retreat, he stands in front of himself, which means he is prepared for death.

“ ……. ”

Leyman, who stood in front of the god who was trying to track down the Pentagon's rear, said nothing and positioned himself, and his gaze was fixed on him for some reason.


“Lehman. Lehman Leffrey. ”

The god who knows Leyman's name poses himself with a steel sword in his double-edged sword.


God and Leyman rush forward with a short mechanic.

Liman quickly pushed into the air with his jab, then dug in and tried to blow up the Body Blow.


“Cough!! ”

Dual swords pierce his heart as he digs in.

With Leyman gone, I couldn't defeat the god who had become stronger than the prophetic hero.

“Khh... khh... ”

In Leyman's appearance, even groaning with pain pierced through his heart, God drew his sword and put it to his throat, thinking that God would somehow ease the pain.

“The last will and testament. ”

Lyman knelt helplessly with pain pierced through his heart, looking up at God and answering with a squeezed voice.

“Please... spare my men..." ”

“ ……. ”

Mwaaak -

God slashes Leyman's throat with no answer. He looks back at the Pentagon's powered men who are running far away, then draws his sword and turns back.

There were already many talented women with blood all over their bodies, and God instructed them.

“The pursuers ignore and attack other allies. ”


Even though I had fun exploding through numerous human bodies with a minority swordsman, I did not conceal my curiosity.

“The other Allies are almost running away, too. Wouldn't it be more beneficial to attack those with abilities in the short term or the long term? ”

She's right.

Soldiers can train again in a matter of time, but since this is the area of talent, it's best to take care of at least one person here.

“Kill or save here anyway, the result is the same. In the end, they were destined to die in despair, one by one, accepting the Lord's wrath with their whole bodies. It's better to kill the other soldiers and take the loot. ”

“But……. ”

Of course, it makes sense to kill soldiers and capture their weapons and equipment and use them as resources, but it's still not enough to leave a potential enemy behind.

One, the commander of this unit was the god of the South Palace, and others accepted it because his command had its own benefits.

Since the "retribution" of Samtaegeum is not the end here, he thought it would be better to collect resources by defeating the fleeing soldiers, armored vehicles, chariots, and guns.

Although not everyone accepted God's persuasion, executives in the three Taipei Dynasty chose to attack soldiers for their resources, thinking that the isolated resources should be collected when they can.

‘... Strange. Why do I feel sorry for this man's death? ’

God feels curious about the strange senses emanating from his mind toward Leyman, whom he killed.

To be honest, I tried to kill all of these abilities at first, as Doyun thought, but I stopped pursuing the excuse of resources with Leyman's desperate request.

In the original history, Lehman of good character made it easy for God to melt into the Pentagon, and now he acts as the left and right arm of God with the Brave Warrior, Kivan, who was taken from his future wife Selly and died in the desert.

Though the Jinwoo intervention was destined to turn against each other, God felt hatred sinking in Leyman's desperate request, even though he had hatred for the Pentagon, whether he had felt the fragrance of the future that was destined for him.

After Leyman's death, who was destined to be his best friend and ally, he fled to the Allied forces for whatever resources he needed.


Now the Allied Forces can no longer strike a threatening counterattack, judging that the scattering is better, they give orders, and everyone scatters toward the Allied Forces.

Confederate warfare with the Tritiac.

The allied forces were defeated at the level of 'Devastation’, although they almost lifted their spirits with the infamous Samtaegeum initially, but the group's counterattack completely ruled out playfulness in anger.

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I have nothing to say today.

because nothing had happened.

I've been having such a day of fantasy 46945; suddenly I'm having a peaceful day with nothing.

I wish it was another day like this.

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