Limit Breaker

Chapter 11

The Cali Empire declared war on extraterrestrial space because of the tremors of Tai Lung alone.

Of course, that was Earth's position, and it wasn't just insects fighting amongst themselves to see who would fight better than the Empress.

Moreover, by stopping the hacking of the three Taiji Dynasties, which has been helpless until now, he allowed people to indirectly experience the skills of the Kali Empire just by saying what he had to say.

This caused a panic around the city, and the apocalypse caused great social confusion, such as seducing weak-minded people and taking money because the earth was doomed.

There was an annual meeting on how to do what the heads of state should do, and it was shorted to a series of measures, first of all by preventing the presence of imperial slaves.

At a time when the world was so confused,

"If anything happens, it'll be the storytellers and the apocalypses and the cults who play the game."

"Hehe. That's what I think it is."

"But what are all the other kids doing?"

"I couldn't rest because of the training, so I discussed it with Perisha and gave her a vacation."

"Yes, well done."

It was not peaceful, so it switched to blind mode across the river.

She lies comfortably on a king-sized bed with her head resting on Aki's knee pillow, eating the fruit she cuts like a baby bird.

He raises his arm, surprised to see if his hands are getting bored, and grabs it under her chest.

"Gahang ~ ♥"

Suddenly, I was surprised by her breasts, but I thought it was a joke from my beloved husband, and a cute groaning came out of her mouth.

"Oh dear, I'm chopping fruit, but I can't play with it."


However, Jinwoo bends her waist with both hands, burying her face toward the lower stomach and smoking a childish glow.

"Haa! Akira and Iscilia's scent is good because it relaxes the body and mind."

"Jin-woo really is a big baby..."

Aki smiled and gently stroked his forehead.

While feeling each other's body temperature, Aki suddenly opened his mouth as if he suddenly remembered.

"By the way, Jin-woo."


"The Kali Empire seems to be stronger than I thought. Perhaps we should work with the Earth first?" "

However, he did not answer the question.

No, he didn't answer because he was burying his whole face in Aki's lower belly, and he hated that he had to fall off the belly with a soft, pleasant smell to open his mouth.

Aki, who knew his mind, asked all the questions at once.

"The other kids just don't show up on the outside, they're worried. Besides, the hack using jihad technology didn't work because of the walls of the Kali Empire, did it?"


Jinwoo briefly asked the opposite question with her face buried beneath her, and Aki stroked his head and smiled at his wife for her loving husband.

"You can fight the Earth, the Cali Empire, both sides, if you want."

An answer without hesitation.

Even though they could die, I felt a sense of pride that I could throw my life away for the one I love.

Hearing her answer, Jiwoo, who was thinking about something for a moment, lies comfortably on his knee pillow, dropping his face from his lower stomach.

"Actually, I already talked to Perisha."

Honestly, Jinwoo was greatly embarrassed by the Empress showing her face at the time she was about to declare war.

However, Jinwoo, who had learned that fighting is the first to lose, cursed as if he was not afraid of the Kali Empire at all.

After fighting like that, after finishing the communication, Ferrissa has discussed confronting the Kali Empire.

'[Even if the Kali Empire comes, the ambition of world conquest will not end, but rather, the U.S., the Kali Empire, and the Triumph against the Three Taipei].' But now that we've arrived at this ambiguous time, we might as well change our countermeasures accordingly. '

Perisha also said she didn't know when the Cali Empire would arrive, but she didn't expect to show up at this time to declare war.

Moreover, even though they arrived a month ago, they did not get caught up in jihad surveillance, which means their ship's ability is better than jihad's technology.

There are many anxiety factors in dealing with such opponents alone.

Of course, because he had said something before, he had to make a plan to use other countries to benefit only from the Three Tai Gyeong, because he suddenly connected the United States with the United States to become a target of ridicule.

"What did Perisha say?"

"We don't have enough information on the Kali Empire at this point, so they want us to deal with the slaves they captured first." And keep our forces from harming the minority unions. "

The Minority Alliance was not only able to escape China's rule because of the Taipei Pole, but also to avenge the peoples.

Now that he's dead, I've arranged for Kiyo, God's slave, to feel that Samtaegeum is still helping me.

Thanks to this, the minority union, the Turkish and Tibetan people who had suffered all kinds of hardships in China, had the most enthusiastic loyalty, saying that they had to repay their kindness for the triathlon.

In particular, Turkish fighters who fought with China in support of the Taipei Dynasty were armed with the strongest weapons left behind by the Taipei Dynasty, making it easier to control the Minority Alliance.

In any case, it was beneficial for Samtaegi to listen well and to show the world that the strong force of the Minority Alliance available as a supply city has become stronger, so Perisha must protect them for the Minority Alliance and for the world to see that surrendering makes them more comfortable.

"But what will you do about Korea?"

"They'll eat well and live well."

In other words, the situation in South Korea can only be expressed as Gungeung-bak San.

When presidents, politicians, and large enterprise presidents all fled overseas and the existing system collapsed by the Taipei Dynasty, they were literally divided into various forces in the three kingdoms or the Chuncheongchu Dynasty.

Ambitious people fled South Korea, came up to North Korea to gather power, someone built a mercenary army, or someone just farmed and built a self-sustaining people in rural places.

And where the doll armies of Samtaegi are guarding were used as a kind of neutral zone or as a place where people don't like to fight, and when metal was the only way to buy weapons, metal became the new currency.

He's completely anarchized.

Despite this, Jinwoo laughed and watched, saying, 'I'm finally going to become a true fighting nation.'

In any case, all the three Taiji can do right now is deal with the slaves of the Kali Empire who say they'll be back in three days.

I felt bad because it seemed to swing the other person's intentions, but I couldn't help but notice that it was suicide without any information about the enemy.

Knock, knock.

"Come in."

Jiing -

At that time, when someone knocked, Jinwoo told him to come in without hesitation for a second.

Well, if anyone was supposed to knock on Jinwoo's room in this jihad in the first place, it would be obvious, but still.

"Huh? Aki is so...."

The person who came into the room was Noah, and when he saw Aki making the master a knee pillow, he almost called her "ma'am."


I wish I didn't have a fruit cleaver in the wall next to her face.

"Hoho. My hands slipped without me knowing it. Are you hurt, Noah?"

No, that was too hard for me to see my hand slipping.

Jinwoo, who was watching, was silent because he thought the target would change for him.

"Th-that's okay, Aki."

Seeing the transition fly towards him, Noah, whose face had turned white, changed his title in a hurry.

"Oh my, why are you saying that in the part where you're my sister?"

"Y-you scared me and I-I panicked...!"

The last thing you need is to be young and back in the prime of your life.

The thought of her desperately making excuses in her head, and fortunately, Aki returned with a smile from a lifelong smile.

"Oh, you'd be surprised what a 'accidental' knife could have done to you."

Aki emphasized the mistake, but as Jinwoo and Noah knew the reality, she was eager to question what was wrong.

"But what brings you here? She was hanging out with Jin-woo."

Aki was filled with a blatant notion that 'I'll fucking kill you if anything else,' and Noah frowned at his figure.

"Th-that was because the owner said you can come to serve......"

It is true.

Jinwoo dug his penis into Noah's chest and summoned Noah to feel good about his service.


"Um... I'm sorry, but could you just give it to me today?"


"I want to stay a little longer with Jin-woo today. I'll give you a chance later, so ask me to concede today."

"Th-that's ……."

Aki's exquisite voice - sprinkled a powerful energy - insisted that she would do her service.

As Noah, this cannot be easily turned back, because Noah also loves his master, just as Archie and Iscilia love Jinwoo.

"… Sorry. I can't... give up that much."

Noah replied as if he would not support it.

It's his right. Even though Aki and her mother's breath is big, there is no reason to take away the rights she deserves.


Aki smiled as she smiled.

"I'm joking. Now, I'm going to get rid of you. Have fun with Jin-woo."

Aki, who calls herself "sister" for the first time to the end, lifted her neck gently and got up from the knee pillow position and headed out.

Ziing - Tak


After Aki's disappearance, Noah took a deep breath of relief and almost sat down empty-handed.

That's how much pressure she was under.

"I never thought I'd be so bold about Aki, Noah. Come here, I'll compliment you."

"I'm the owner!"

Noah falls flat on his bed, clutching each other's bodies while having sex, just as if he had just lied to himself.

"I was scared!"

Noah, who was also a specimen of the beauty who made her eyes look fierce, became a female and rubbed her face in the bosom of the herd.

"Suck it. Good job. Good job."

Jinwoo praised Noah as he stroked his head like that.

The goal between Aki and Iscilia was relieved a lot when she took care of one husband, but Aki felt a bit uncomfortable every time she saw Noah.

Every time I saw Noah, I kept thinking, "That child could have been my child." I don't think anything's gonna happen. Let's not spit it out. '

Towards Jinwoo, who had asked Noah if he was too picky when he called Aki apart before, she said that she felt strange because she felt like she was seeing her "who could have been my child."

That's why he kept saying that he wanted to play hard to get or to get, but instead he gave up his worries.

"Ahh... Aki Ajumm..."

Noah replied, "Very," then circled around, making sure there was no popularity, then exhaled again.

"It's a problem between you and Aki these days. She insists on calling you" big sister "when you're younger. Besides, my mom says I should call my sister when I'm around! Aren't they both really old enough to be clumsy?"


When I remembered Iselia forcing me to call her "sister," Ji-woo almost burst out laughing without me knowing.

Noah continued to gossip about the two of them, confirming that the owner was the same.

"I'm not really the sarcastic type behind me, but you two are too harsh. I'm going to be friends with my mom later."

"Phew! Oh, shit. I can't argue with the reality."

A smile burst from Noah's emotional joke, and he smiled as he gently touched her hair.

"Well, as you get older and older, you force them to do that. If you wake up later, you'll be feeling shy and shy, so bear with it."

"Phew! I've never thought she was so immature."

On the bed, Jiwoo, who was so complaining, began to feel a tingling in her lower back, lowering her hand as she patted her head down, riding on her shoulders and touching her crooked waist.


Noah, who felt Jinwoo's hand, lets out a pleasant groan and moves like a cat enjoying a human hand, asking him to touch his body more.

"Your mother really isn't as bored as one breast. Serve my penis with those breasts."

"I'll make my breasts cheaper."

Noah decided to appeal to his charm as if he would never lose to his mother or Aki.

"Hmph. The fact that you're young means that the conditions have been equalized on the outside. I'm going to beat you here! '

Noah, who had studied how to serve with his heart, wanted to overcome his mother and Mrs. Aki, who had given up her advantages by giving up her enlarged penis with her big breasts.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

This is a short description of the surrounding situation and a side story.

And as I got younger, the tears of the sisters trying to be called sisters somehow.

By the way, you're a real player.

Once a week it goes all the way down? But for the rest of the six days--

This really makes you wonder who's messing with you?

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