Limit Breaker

Chapter 11

Eastern Pentagon Rest Area.

- Hey, bitch! -

Blah, blah.

At the same time, there was a misunderstanding that sounded like someone's body was breaking apart, so everyone's gaze gathered toward Evel without their knowledge.

It's because her face was stiffened with a strange expression stained with horror, fear, anger, and hatred that rested while repelling the villains from the Pentagon.

At first, when Qiu tried to declare war again, she was filled with horror when the Empress of the Kali Empire appeared, pleading to kill her on this occasion.

'Why is the Empress already coming?'

No wonder she didn't expect to show up so soon. She was shocked and shocked without even knowing it, but she thought she had to use her arrogance in her head somehow.

However, before her introduction was over, she almost cried out without even knowing it.

"You son of a bitch! Let the Empress be careless! '

Given her normal nature, which is rarely profanity, it was devastating, but it was also a rebuttal that fears of the Empress remained.

- You ain't got no fucking morals, bitch! I warned you! If you came to Earth, I'd rip your fucking jaw off! Marjoya!? You pervert!? If you say you're going to fuck me, it's so good you've been crawling all the way to Earth!! -

As a woman bursts out with a blasphemous blasphemy that can only feel shame and anger, Evel unwittingly wants to sit and cry.

"Please don't provoke the Empress! The Earth's only chance of winning goes away!! '

Throughout the universe, Earth is a civilization that has just fallen out of primitive times from the perspective of the Cali Empire.

They have a variety of weapons that can bombard the Earth on the Moon, and there is little resistance that Earth can do just bombarding orbits outside the orbit.

Will the anti-aircraft cannons reach orbit? Is there a fighter that can play outside of orbit? No, it's not an exaggeration to say almost nothing.

The only answer is to load an intercontinental missile like a scene from the SF movie, and Goi and Julie are the only ones to whom the Cali Empire is slowly (in their shoes) flying.

No, a priestess wouldn't have ended the war without so much fun in the first place, but isn't there one in the first place?

After decreasing the number of enemies as much as possible in a gap of caution, however, it is the best way to defeat the Empress by overwhelming her number.

It may be said that it is too abstract without clear measures, but other than that, there is an empress who has no real answer.

While she was stiff-necked, the Empress shook her head and asked if the Earthlings had a dirty mouth, and in her reply she sweared again.

It looks like…….

- Is that what your mother teaches you? What's your father doing? Ugh!

"This... 'That'...?"

"… Yes……. No matter how you look at it...?"

The heroes gathered in the break room, and the general agents who supported them, came to their minds without even knowing it.

Greetings from the other person's parents and take pictures of swearing.

This was a typical Internet kibble, by the way. Kibae in space.

"Oh shit……. I'm so embarrassed that he seems to be the representative of Earth...."

Usually, when the Empress of the Cali Empire, the ruler of the universe, arrived, she had to be nervous with cold sweat all over her body, but this became a shameful situation when the presence of cleaning up was so low as to represent the Earth.

In a movie, novel, or Annie, the appearance of the final boss is a situation where the crisis of the beginning of a real fight should be conveyed. Internet aggravators interfere, revealing profane profanity to the final boss, and cannot convey a serious atmosphere.

Problem is, I'm even more embarrassed that that son of a bitch is our son of a bitch.

- Stay where you are! I'm driving a battleship to smash your heads in...! -

Dental -

= It feels pretty fresh to have someone making sarcastic remarks at a woman. I hope that progress remains intact. =

I fought back and forth for control, but in the end, the winner was the skill of the Kali Empire.

Clearly, the empress who put the Earth's satellites under control got back to the point after it completely blocked Chiu's intervention.

= At first, I thought this little planet would amuse her, but in my own eyes, I saw the beautiful landscape and the favorable people of Earth making it into a vacation home planet and confirmed that it was worth coming here. =

Then she smiled at her mouth.

Her appearance creates a sinister atmosphere that leads to something interesting, rather than her appearance as the ruler of a planet's civilization.

= For the record, we arrived about a month ago in your time zone. That means I've been gathering information about you for a month. =



The shocking fact that they had already been here a month ago made everyone's eyes white in the break room.

= I liked your savagery and savagery even more because there are more than 200 tribes on this narrow planet that are unwilling to kill each other. =

The Empress who insulted the entire planet.

However, she, whose territory is a planetary unit, and her Earthling's values, whose territory is a cluster of planets, were polar and dramatic, and this was an understatement.

= Savagery and violence that can kill the same people without guilt just because their skin color is different. The unified aesthetics of not recognizing each other. It is a typical structure of a typical primitive tribe that has not gone into space. =

The Empress said so with a natural smile without any ado.

= These primitive tribes use each other as shields when a crisis comes, or they sacrifice someone as a scapegoat and beg for their lives. I like to watch them like that. =

Everyone in the break room felt a chill on their backs because no guilt was seen by the empress who hesitated to reveal her scent.

= Don't curse because it's a bad habit. Overwhelming strength is so boring that I have to develop my hobbies like this. =

This means that if you stand up and take over this planet simply, you will enjoy the human image of struggling to live among yourselves.

= Well, then I'll explain this tactic. Three days from now, I will dispatch slaves from the Earth's primitive tribes to the most powerful of the Imperium's planets. Oh, don't worry. It's not fun to launch a surprise attack, so I'll show you and tell you to launch the attack in 3 minutes. Of course, if you attack before then, you will strike back. =

The Empress who lays down the plates by herself and introduces her enemies to face alone reveals a fierce cruelty, like a young child who puts animals and insects at each other's throats, rather than looking at Earthlings as civilizations.

= I want to show you the location, but I want to give the slaves a fair chance to fight you. In other words, if the slaves who will be sent after three days can rule this planet by their own power, they will acknowledge this planet as their territory. In other words, for those who have lost their home planet and become slaves to the Empire, this is their best and last chance, so they will fight to the death. =

She leaned comfortably against the chair and smiled at the absolute relaxation.

= Be prepared enough for 3 days. If you make the women have a lot of fun, even if they become slaves, I will show them mercy for taking over the responsibilities of managing my home planet instead of dragging them to a system beyond this place you call the Solar System. =

I thought I showed tremendous mercy, but this metabolism was enough to provoke the people of Earth to anger.

= Oh, and just in case. Whatever betrayer comes out of you, it would be better not to surrender because you do not intend to let the open betrayers live. If you are not united and you are suffering from internal betrayal, isn't it so boring? Then let's make sure everyone is prepared. =

Her words were different from the original prophecy.

In the absence of Qiu, Azura surrendered to the Kali Empire as the first traitor and persistently attacked China as the first of its kind.

But now they say they do not intend to accept the traitor, because they put it away.

Since it worked so well that Qiu declared war on the Empress, the people of Earth felt the improvement was so strong that they could make the most of their progress.

Placing the board unilaterally, declaring war unilaterally... No, the empress who started the play disappeared like that, and those who knew the existence of the Kali Empire finally felt that the battle for Earth's destiny had begun.

- Son of a bitch! -

However, Zhuge later revealed himself in a rage.

When she finished communicating what she was going to say, she suddenly regained control.

- Let's see where this bitch is unilaterally declaring war! -

Until now, the purge that had not provoked the public broadcast has been stained with fury, even the eyes that revealed beyond the mask.

- I'm declaring it right here! Jaylah pokes that cunt in the jaw until she spills something precious! I'll use her as a trophy to take over the universe! I'll make you regret doing that in front of me!! -

Purging the original declaration of war disappeared, raising his voice as a trophy to conquer the universe. Otherwise, he became dizzy because his head was dizzy because of the Empress, but he hovered around with her, so he became dizzy.


The appearance of the Kali Empire.

To be honest, the Pentagon warned us that the Cali Empire was coming, but people could not easily believe that it wasn't an SF movie or that astronauts were coming from outer space.

Evidence that the Pentagon and the U.S. government had a falling out.

But when alien monsters appeared, everyone was appalled by the realization that alien beings really existed, and the news that a huge empire ruled the universe attacked the Earth.

In addition, NASA sensed that there were dozens of vessels outside the Earth, and the video was transmitted to all the leaders of each country, informing them that there was a huge crisis on Earth.

The leaders of several countries who were in an urgent meeting in one place came up with several options in the current situation when they faced foreign nations directly.

Let's talk about this through a conversation.

No, they don't seem to want to talk to us. We should develop weapons that can strike out of the globe at any moment.

We'll have to deal with the raiders who say they'll be here in three days.

More than that, from the stability of the people......

There were many voices that could not be united, and the world became even more chaotic because of the existence of the Kali Empire, which caused the head to ache due to the problem of the Three Tai Poles.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Now that the final boss force has arrived, the next episcopy will be on level 5, 3 for the scene, and 2 for the rest (literally everything else).

When we're done with the 900s, we're going to take a break and make some stockpiles.

But you can't make many. I want to write harder after people read my paper! It makes me think. "

For the record, the next epidural has made the genre so damn difficult to think of as a "dark hard core dungeon."

It may not be the trend of modern radar these days, but I don't doubt that if I'm good at it, I'll be able to go on my own.

Abstract: So why don't you guys unplug?

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