Limit Breaker

Chapter 10

Contrary to comrades who still haven't lost their cool, the world has once again suffered a great confusion.

In particular, the global economy began to rise once again, after the collapse of China and the emergence of Necromancers and simultaneous bank robberies in mainland United States created an atmosphere of recession.

- Damn it, damn it, damn it! We don't know when the Cali Empire is coming, but we're all fucking dying together! -

In order to discuss the situation at the Pentagon headquarters, Lehman Jeffrey, one of the five Pentagon leaders who saw each other through a video connection, vomited outrage in a distinctive, holistic voice.

That old man you saw, Delek Yonvara, is that right? -

Beth Carnell, a woman with a violet-haired love pump, opened her mouth to Scott, and Scott, who met Asura during the battle with Necromancer, replied with a slightly depressing voice.

The man who introduced himself as Delek Yonbara helped the Necromancer when he hacked the satellite and declared Turkish independence around the world. The Necromancers were too big to handle, so I waited for backup... Damn... It's my fault... I had to tie their feet to the end... -

It was Scott who did not recognize Azura at first, but it was only a temporary confusion of surprise that an unexpected person appeared from an unexpected place. After a moment of calmness, he remembered that he was an old man who revealed his face in the name of Delek Yonba at the time of Turkish Declaration of Independence when he surrendered to the Tritia.

Scott blames himself for missing their religion, but others do not hold him responsible.

He would, too, have been unable to restrain the Necromancers in support of the area at the same time as Asura, because of the Zombie attack.

If he hadn't helped, the soldiers who were blocking the area would have suffered tremendous damage, and there was a very high probability that the damage would increase even to the civilians by breaking through one of the walls that the military was blocking.

Of course, you didn't just swoop in like a fool, but you instructed the teleporter who was hiding and assisting you to continue monitoring.

Even when I heard from the Watchers that they disappeared as if they used teleport abilities, I thought I could track down the remnants of the teleport and defeat the Necromancers, but strangely enough, the Necromancers found the teleport difficult to track.

They say it's a completely different kind of ability than the one they use.

Eventually, the Necromancers missed it, and Scott was depressed about it.

It was Evel who supported him.

"I had no choice then. Scott was desperate to save one more person. More importantly, a member of the Tritiac helped the Necromancer."

Previously, it was a little immature, but now Evel has been defending Scott with a soft yet robust voice, which resolved some of the questions that had been stirring in her mind by burying her own blood, and others were aware of his situation, so it didn't create a particularly absurd atmosphere.

"It turns out there are simultaneous bank robberies going on all over the United States."

At that moment, Griffin opens his mouth as if he had remembered something.

At first, I thought the villains were getting together to deeply quarrel, but the police were cooperating with an interrogation that a blonde woman with a unique atmosphere approached them in a mask.

- Wait, blonde? -

Blonde hair is not uncommon, but it is also not very absent.

However, in this situation, there was only one blonde woman who came to mind.

I can't help but think of her as Saladin's clone and Chief of Staff. -

Beth's right.

Moreover, if you think Japan and China have come to take on the next target, the United States, the anglers are perfect.

"Collaborate behind the Necromancer, use the villains to cause a bank robbery… Samtaegeum is starting to move again……."

Griffin's voice seemed to have finally come, acknowledging that Samtaegeum was behind all of this, and others began to take his voice seriously.

"Purging, the leader of the three Tai Poles, as we know it, seems simple, but it is only apparent and has the face of a realistic schemer. Remember what happened in China."

That's why I'm afraid of prejudice.

At a secret meeting, the removal disappeared with a very simple look of ignorance, but the subsequent incident that plagued ethnic sentiment in China led to a temporary demolition by the U.S. military dispatched to help China.

At first, I thought, "Is it the work of the Three Tai Drama?" ',' how could he have used such a complicated tool? 'The Pentagon leaders disagreed once.

"Since the act has begun, everyone should handle whatever happens calmly and calmly. Especially if you don't feel well, don't hesitate to help...."

Beep, beep, beep, beep, beep.

At that moment, a red light came from one side of the conference room table.



Just around the corner from Evel, Griffin calls out her name in a voice with many meanings.

Jiing -

As Evel touches something, a person's face rises from one side of the conference room table in holographic form, like the other Pentagon's leaders.

- Khh... This is bad!! -

That's a frightening look.

"What's going on?"

- Heh… I got the face of the guard with the makers of the Hellgate! -

The man in the intelligence department used to be a very egotistical and well-articulated man, but now he's almost half as eloquent.

However, Griffin and others' expressions became more serious.

The Pentagon's ability to acquire inside information was extremely difficult, as the manufacturer of the Hellgate discovered and moved to a Hellhound production facility was of greatest interest to President Jacob.

Especially if you get caught digging up information, you'll be more careful because the president's wrath will continue to pour out on the Pentagon.

The U.S. government was unable to protect the identity of the Hellgate creator, purposely exporting dummy information and identify him through a powerful intelligence manipulation, but instead changed the target to identify the security guard who came with him with the feeling of a phew.

At first, the government was able to dig in smoothly because the security of the guards' identity was modest, but lately, his intelligence engineer has suddenly gone up to the level of producer.

Fortunately, we were able to extract information about the security guard quickly before the information control was complete, but the intelligence agency was shocked to see the guard's face.

Now, these are situations that they must also embrace.



- Wh-what! -

- No way...! -

- Oh my god……! -

Next to the hologram with the agent's face on it, everyone in the Pentagon screams in horror as his data is transmitted.

Known as the bodyguard of the makers of Hellgate, it was because they were a man they knew well, a hero of prophecy, and the face of a man who should have been the hope of humanity.

I don't even know the face of the creator, but if the man turned to protect the creator's identity, he would also be a member of the organization.

- Currently active under the name Kim Gun-ho. -

Later in the informant's report, Griffin thinks about something for a moment and gives you a false sense of humor.

"Huh. The name of the man who bullied you before the Hero of the Prophecy awoke. You're playing with us pretty well."

At this point, it's obviously just an attempt to make fun of them.

- We have to d-tell them right now! I wonder what they'll do...! -

The government doesn't trust us anymore! In that situation, even if the creators of Hellgate are the characters of the Three Taiji Dynasty, they will think it's a peacock trying to prevent them from producing the Hellgate! -

Leyman opens his mouth in a hurry, but Beth shakes her head and rests him.

"Necromancer… bank robber… Hellgate…. What the hell is Sam Tai drama up to...?"

Ibel didn't understand what he was trying to do with the appearance of the intervention by creating various events like an octopus.

"First we need to trigger the highest level of boundary level. If there seems to be a conspiracy of the Three Tai Drama, we must deal with it immediately."

Griffin decided to take a look at the situation while being alert rather than clumsy, because he didn't know what to do.

And since moving the villains has created a problem called bank robbery, we should also be wary of the activities of the villains that can be used for money.

All Pentagon leaders made that decision and informed members of the Pentagon that the plot had begun, instructing them to prepare for war.


"Sis, why did you spray the Pentagon's face on purpose before you changed it? You don't have any reason to change your face, do you? and we have to be more vigilant on the other side and less mobile on our side."

Harin could not conceal his curiosity that Perisha had deliberately informed him that the Three Tai Poles were behind it.

It was something else, but I didn't understand why the Reaper deliberately sprayed the Pentagon with photos of God's skeleton changes.

Moreover, it was not just sprayed, but also collaborated with Masjid to make it look like he missed it by mistake.

That is, the original face of the god of the South Palace was unknown to the US government, only the Pentagon entered it, and even though the Pentagon accused the god of being a member of the Three Taipei Pole, the skeleton was changed to an empty skeleton. In fact, the Pentagon had a completely different relationship with the face in the photo.

Perhaps the Pentagon would be embarrassed if they met the true god of the South Palace, because the photo is different from the current face.

"Necromancer and bank robbery aren't enough to put the Pentagon at risk. The Pentagon must be a hedgehog by now. If I have any doubts, I'll try to stab him."

"Then in the future, if we conspire..."

"You don't have to pretend."


Harin tilted his head as if he didn't understand, but Ferrissa smiled and solved her curiosity.

"Now the Pentagon will doubt even people's breathing. We don't know where we're going to do the Duke. However, those illiterate billons will cause trouble by behaving the same way they normally do."


"The problem is the Pentagon is not the old Pentagon. Suddenly, if the Pentagon's behavior becomes active, the government will be equally active to deal with the Pentagon's talents, and the more frequent the two forces will be."

"Ah! The Pentagon needs to be more active because of us, and the US government is just as active as the Pentagon is because of that superregistration bill! In a word, that's it!"

However, Perisha smiles strangely that it doesn't end there.

"Is that it? Think about it. Where's the Pentagon? There's a lot of people working in the center to stop them, right? Who's going to take that shit when these talents come at each other like that?"


Harin answered Ferrissa's obvious hint, and he felt a chill on his back without knowing it.

"I told you, there's still less gunpowder in America. All I'm doing now is piling gunpowder to cause a massive explosion. When the Pentagon found out what my true purpose was, it must have been after the high explosion of gunpowder."

Those who don't know her well think they are making the best answers for themselves.

Those who know Ferrisha well look for 2-3 moves to prepare for her plans, but she plans to use that part to make sure she notices at least five more.

"Well, in the meantime, we can enjoy the fact that they're stockpiling gunpowder on their own. Hehehe."

Harin swallows his thirsty saliva, confirming the appearance of Perisha by his side with a sneaky laugh.

At first, I didn't understand what she had planned, but after checking the lining, it was creepy.

"Ahh! I hope you can be complimented by the master for this, right? I feel like a fool if my master's penis is deep... I can't stand it..."


Harin, who had seen such a foolish face when such a smart Perisha was associated with Jinwoo, understood a little bit of why it was said that a woman loses money when she loves.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Your brother is going on vacation tomorrow.

During squad leader training (I don't know what I'm doing without my squad leader because I've been twisted), I was rewarded 4 nights and 5 days for taking the overall rating.

Shit, I heard the army's going crazy lately, but it's not a joke.

How does my little brother use it to take a prize vacation?

And then we take another vacation on February ninth, using it as our original vacation.

Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.

Plus, it worked out pretty well, so I'm already a lifeguard.

I called him yesterday and he said, "Dude, I'm sick of weekends." Aren't you full of grudges?

You son of a bitch?

Anyway, my brother's on vacation tomorrow, so I need to make a plan to harass him.

Good night, everyone.

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