Limit Breaker

Chapter 10

"Hahaha. Seeing that look, I guess Shifu didn't introduce me."

The caution of Yoon is strongly weakened in the area to be cleared.

The eye is the butcher who killed as if he were breathing, but he also had a share in the way that he did not feel alive or dead.

"My name is Azura. I sent you on a solo mission for the first time, but Miss Perisha asked me for help with a little-known face. Fortunately, we've arrived at last."

Asura has lived a lifetime of hate, except for the literal time to eat and kill Chinese people, or have captured and bled to death for the ingredients of the bloodshed.

Moreover, as the PRC collapsed into a state of no longer viable sacrifice, its hatred was somewhat eased, leaving the butcher's eyes feeling like a cruel but kind grandfather.


He remembered that there was an elderly man named Asura among the executives in Samtaegeum, and that he could not meet now because he was on a long-term mission in China, so he became perfectly alert.

By the way, Scott, who knew the existence of Azura in the original prophecy, did not recognize his identity despite seeing his naked face because Azura at the time of the first prophecy was a completely different person.

Since there was no Jinwoo in the original prophecy, we had to fight alongside a small group of people against a powerful nation called China.

However, the overwhelming number of differences caused Asura's body to collapse over time, and his comrades who fought with him died one by one, and eventually everyone was subdued by the traitors.

In the process, the shape of his face was also devastated by injuries and injuries inflicted by this ability, and he hated China and its entire world of criminals over time.

At that time, he surrendered to the Kali Empire, thinking he was going to die like this, or like that. With the Cali Empire's modification technology, half his otherwise inhumane face was replaced by a machine.

Since Azura in the first prophecy was the one who had gone through all that process, the Pentagon leader did not recognize the face of Azura who had a normal face.

After all, Azura, who met Jinwoo and fulfilled his wish, opened his mouth to Yin with a monk-like impression.

"And I brought Perisha's message with me. As soon as the Pentagon's leader arrives, more talents will arrive. We must retreat before they arrive. The Battleship's teleport system can be used to track it, so use it when it's away by magic. That's it."

Although Doyun also had a beacon, Ferrissa instructed her to summon Asura during the battle with Scott, relaying her message and salvation, as Doyun was found to be part of the Tritiac while the Pentagon leader was communicating.


It's hard for the Pentagon's leader, but he realizes that attacking himself by sticking to the others won't bring him any chances, but he is sadly oblivious to this stunning sight he has created.

"Okay, I'll use teleport magic……."

"Ah, Miss Perisha said, Iri's the only one who's worried about this, so she's going to leave me in charge. So I'm gonna ask you nicely for a while."


Ferrissa did not communicate, but she was watching the situation through Doyun's beacon, confirming that someone with experience should stick together.

With sufficient strength and skill, but little experience, and a wizard's trait requires a warrior to completely defend against enemy attacks, the wizard captured a person who could serve as his experience and shield.

"Don't make that face. I'm here to advise and help you, and I'm not giving you orders or telling you what to do."

Asura also accepted the role of Manto without any resistance because she felt sorry for her revenge, but she was too neglectful about the situation in Taipei drama.


Doyun began to cast Mass Teleport magic with a furious snort, and the three men and women remained hidden.

Since then, Scott has joined forces with the other Pentagon's talents to strike back at Yu, but has been unable to find her and her group.

Angrily, he instructed the teleporter to find traces of the teleportation to the teleport, but the teleport magic and teleport abilities were different forces and failed to locate the Necromancer party.

Eventually, the Pentagon's capabilities were satisfied that they could cooperate with the military to deal with the zombies and the skeleton hordes at the graveyard and not escalate further damage.

However, it has become an enormous social problem.

If only zombies were made, you might think of it as the zombie virus used by the Taipei Pole or its variants, but the broadcast helicopter also shot a group of skeletons that appeared at the graveyard.

Now that I've lost someone who uses such power, it's clear that if someone like this happens in the right metropolitan area, even more people and property will be harmed.

The problem is that as China and Japan collapse, the economy will not be able to stop it.

In the end, the U.S. government had only to warn each state to strengthen its initial measures while issuing warnings.

A retired Asian woman who introduced herself as the Queen of the Dead, Necromancer, was sprayed all over the United States with an enormous bounty, but her makeup was transformed into an ordinary high school experience that was so different from that of the Necromancer of Monta.

Anyway, the Necromancer, who appeared at the same time and received a higher bounty than some prominent villains, hid his tracks by placing another terror all over the United States.


"Hook! Hook! Hook!"

Which tunnel.

There was a muscle-bound man digging a long tunnel, like a snake walking by.

Each length of the light bulb was connected to illuminate the light, and the pedestal was set up in various places in case of an emergency, so some would think it was a scene in the mine.

"Hey, take it easy."

"Easier than this? You want to live in this dungeon for a year?"

"You dig with your hands, not drills, anyway? Are you sure that vibration's gonna make it to the ground?"

There were two more men behind the man who was shoveling.

They were all competent, commissioned by a beautiful woman to rob the bank.

The target is a ring-shaped artifact located in a personal vault used by wealthy people located in a bank.

All the ancillary income in the process is acceptable to them, but they can receive millions of dollars.

Because the vibration is transmitted to the top when excavated with a drill-like machine, the enhanced teeth dig with shovels and pickaxes, and when they arrive at the location, the psychic force carefully performs the penetration.

And in case of an incident, the mind control was able to hypnotize the guards and buy time, and three of them clearly shared their roles.

The three men grumbled as they reached their target position.

"Good. If the distance calculations are correct, the bank is right above our heads."

"Then it's my turn."

As the man digging the dungeon moves aside, the psychic moves in instead, making a hole over his head with his mind.

It would be easier and less vibrant to dig a tunnel with just his mind power, so I think it would be better for him to dig a tunnel, but I couldn't dig a tunnel for a long time because his mind power is that strong.


The concrete floor was immediately noticeable as the calculations were quite good, digging up about 1m.

The two men behind the conceptual mind swallow only dry saliva with anticipated eyes, and the conceptual mind is carefully using its power to create a huge hole so that people can rotate their wrists and move back and forth.


Carefully punctured, the circular wall, which had been cut clean and fell over the head of the dynamo, was slowly dropped by the intangible force used by the dynamo and placed on one corner.

"Hehehehe! Now all I have to do is clean it up."

As you see the ceiling of the building through the hole, the group decides to take turns ascending in an excited voice.

The first one decided to go up the hole, so I started climbing with my arms spread out and left and right on the ground.

Why don't you just float yourself? Though you might think, if you can move around in a human body with free materials, you have to be at least a class 5 motivator, and you have to get used to it through your own training.

which means they're sub villains that haven't gotten to that level.

That's why we dug a hole in the ground and used our heads to rob the bank, considering that it was never possible to fight in a frontal battle.

The moment they cut a hole in the bottom of the bank, those who said their crime had succeeded saw hell.

"You… what are you…! Shhhhh!"



The first two men who instinctively felt that the situation had broken out screamed, and began to flee to the other side of Huddak.

Since the co-worker's consciousness was sparse in the first place, the two men who had more fear of the cops coming after them than worrying about the psychopath rushed to their hideout at the end of the dungeon.

"Hands up! Move and I'll shoot!"


The two men lost hope and had to surrender in the presence of police officers who had already occupied the stronghold.


"Y-you mean there are suddenly more bank robbers?"

"Criminals say a blonde woman commissioned a trio of major players to rob the bank. The problem is, over 700 crimes have already been committed by those triad women. It also happens in not one or two states, but in all states."

Jinwoo, who went out for a while and enjoyed an alleyway tour with Lillia and returned as promised, heard from Magnus about the recent bank robbery incident.

"And in Ohio, they call themselves Necromancers, and they say they have a zombie-making villain. The government is investigating what she has to do with the three Tai dramas, but the investigation is difficult. Phew... This is really going to be a problem."

Magnus frowns as he squeezes his forehead with his fingers, twitching his head and swiftly rotating in his head.

'They are both Perisha's plans. What's the point of blowing it up anyway?'

Jin Woo doesn't know everything about Perisha's plan.

Once we know the results are 'set things in a favorable way for the government', the detailed plan is only in Perisha's head because the situation requires a short-term response.

'Well, it's coming out of Perisha's head, so we'll have to go three or four times to find out.'

Similar to games like organs, chess and GO, Pericia specializes in inducing the normal flow of seemingly ordinary numbers and exacerbating the situation of her opponent by capturing the game to prevent the opponent from escaping further.

Of course, a being like this can't be explained by a game like chess or GO, but Ferrissa's aim is not a power gap, but the other person's idea.

Even though they are capable of exceeding the power of ordinary people, their values and ideas do not transcend the human category.

Perisha used her ideas and values to drive flow and clash with each other to shake hands with China's support of the United States.

Is this really how it's gonna go at first? Though he was worried, the more the case progressed, the more people admitted the head of Perisha who was really wielding the world as she intended, so Jinwoo confronted Magnus appropriately, thinking that she should just be true to her role.

"Then you'll need more of my weapons. All right, I'll look at your face and I'll make a few things for you from the government. Find out what you want first."

Jinwoo found out when he was out, that Magnus would take full responsibility if he didn't come back, and decided to create the weapon that the government wanted to make Magnus' breath a little bigger this time.

"Thank you. But... um..."

"Why? What?"

As Magnus moans, he squirms with an incredibly sorry expression, suggesting that a thick eyebrow should be raised and spoken quickly.

"Gun-ho Kim, who came with you, the government is offering a huge amount of money to recruit him. Besides, Lauren Rothschild seems to be trying to recruit him somehow. I'm really sorry to say this...."



"Oh, sorry. No, I'm not laughing at you, but I'm not laughing at you."

Jinwoo, who looks like he's making fun of someone he doesn't know, giggles alone and opens his mouth again.

"Magnus. What would you do if the government decided my technology was dangerous and ordered you to kill me?"

"I refuse. And I will give you the information and tell you to flee."

Magnus replied without even a little hesitation.

He is a person who values his beliefs and oaths so much that he feels guilty for betraying his belief in handing Hellgate over to the government that he must obey his comrade's orders to cut off his arm.

If he had ordered Jinwoo to be killed there, he would rather die with them than betray them twice. He had the strength to point a gun at the government.

"I saved his soul. I don't know about anyone else, but you know why he wouldn't betray me."

"… I see. Then you can give up the entire United States of America."

For some reason, Magnus felt a sense of empathy every time he saw the gun, and he finally understood the identity of it.

He was also saved through a man named Jinwoo like himself.

After confirming that he had nothing to worry about with Gunjo, Magnus said he would leave while getting up, and Jinwoo gestured at him and went out and bought a bunch of game machines and game titles.

'Now, why don't we leave the rest to Perisha and have a game explorer?'

Jinwoo continued to lie with the enemy, anticipating how Perisha's plan would work.

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37 cases of Friday, January 1, 2016

... fuck.


What's that! 37 sailors a day!? Are you kidding me? If you want to give me a New Year's gift, put a minus on it, you bastards!

Phew... Phew...

I'm going to calm down first. (Breathing deeply)

In the comments field, there is a comment that says the Nordic myth 236 is not a joke, and since it's written, the eyes are only higher, so I'm going to ask you about relationships where you don't even look at other novels.

Who the hell wrote 236 Nordic myths?

How did someone write something and get 37 shooters?! Aaaaahhhh!

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