"You want to land?"

The next morning, Masjid tilts his head as if he didn't understand the Persian ambassador who called him from the bridge.

He also doesn't understand that the universe itself is the best defensive wall to protect the jihad, so he wants to scatter it on his own.

Naturally, Perisha opened her mouth again decisively, expecting her to object for a number of reasons.

"Then let me ask you one question. Teleporting from Earth to the other side of the Earth, teleporting from Earth to space, which is more energy consuming?"

"Of course it's space on the ground."

Even if it is far from the extreme within the Earth, it will be shorter than a battleship in space in an impossible location on Earth.

"That's why. This is the goal after landing on the rare surface and camouflaging it, to provide resources."

She swallows the horse for a moment and cools her tongue, then opens her mouth again.

"Seeing what happened yesterday, it's absurd to say that we can't teleport anymore because of the goods Noah's group bought."

'Do you know how much that amount was!!'

Masjid gives out a quiet aura and has to endure the wanting to vomit about how much stuff Noah's group had bought.

By the way, the god of Nam-gu said that teleport was no longer possible, so it was' yes, 'and I can't imagine how much it was.

"That's why we are going to gather as much resources as possible before the Japanese conquest to produce machine soldiers. Can we at least move more than when we were in space, even though we can't do that much?"

"… yes."

With a satisfactory smile on Masjid's part, Pericia moved on to the next question.

"Can this ship still dive underwater?"

"Yes, but only 6000 meters deep. If we go deeper than that, the ship itself cannot withstand it."

It was deceptive to think that a ship of this size would descend to 6,000 meters in depth. I don't understand what it takes to build a ship so deep.

"Then that's a relief. It's 2,000 meters deep where we're going."

"What is your destination?"

"It's where Japan and Korea claim to be each other's land."


"Wow... so pretty..."

The young women were distracted by the underwater landscape unfolding in front of their eyes, with their faces tucked close to their windows on the ship.

"By the way, even deep down, a battleship this size would be easily detected. Why did you come here as a poisonous poison?"

As God has said, jihad now sits at the bottom of the poison.

It was impossible for jihad itself to find out its existence in the usual way by jamming, but he thought it was too much to hide in areas where Japan and Korea were interested.

"Don't worry. Korea doesn't usually care that much about poison, and Japan doesn't know when it's going to attack, so they can't just go exploring poison."

Like he said, Korea didn't care much about poison. No, because Japan keeps picking on us, does it feel like we're taking it against our will?

Since politicians aren't that important in the beginning, there's not much support, at least Korea won't be exposed.

In contrast, Japan is greedy for a resource called hydrate under poison.

The idea of going up to the top is very wrong, but fundamentally, leaders of going up to the top are actively striving for hydrate, which will be a great wealth for the country.

The problem is that the risks of destroying Israel and the Vatican in just one day make me unable to afford to pay attention elsewhere.

Using this subtle situation, Jinwoo is located in a poison that is close to Japan, but not easily seen.

"Then why aren't there many windows in the battleship? Plus, it's invisible because of the gloves on the opening and closing doors."

"The windows are like the weaknesses of a battleship."

For some reason, Jinwoo's voice did not conceal his curiosity that there were not many windows on the battleship, and Masjid, who appeared somewhere, replied with a dull voice.

"Oh, my God."

Jinwoo said she was already surprised by her appearance and said she was surprised with a soulless voice. To be honest, his question was the same as that of Masjid.

"But the window is the Battleship's weakness?"

"Yes, no matter how hard the reinforced glass is, it's different from gloves made of glass and metal. Because of the weakness of glass, the impact of the explosion can be swept inside the battleship, and if it's under the sea like now, there's a fire hydrant coming in. That's why windows are a weakness for battleships."

"If you look at SF movies or whatever, they all have windows on their battleships."

"A cinematic gimmick to show that you're in space. In fact, if there are so many windows, one enemy artillery strike will shatter the reinforced glass, causing a commotion to close the entire interior of the battleship. But we were mentally overwhelmed when we were in a closed space, so we had to keep the windows to a minimum in order to be open. Whether the aliens knew it, or at the time of the hijacking, there were no windows."

'Quite a few Silly aliens.'

Indirectly, we decided to keep that part in mind, with a slight understanding of the aliens' propensity.

"Heheh heh heh heh! What should I play with you for today? How about a tour of Japan?"

Yesterday, I was able to understand the geography of Tokyo, so I thought I would take a week off and try different kinds of Japanese ramen.

The others had already joined forces as to where they were going, and there was also Cecilia, who was drawn to Noah.

'Well, sometimes it's not bad to be alone.'

Today, I decided to go on a tasty restaurant tour in Japan, so it was much easier to enjoy the trip by myself than to hate ramen or to force someone to follow me without being full.

"Honey, today...."

"Yes, it's okay. I tried to be alone today."

Iscilia, who had decided to spend the day with her daughter, wanted to offer to spend the day with herself with an apology that she was sorry for leaving Jinwoo alone, but she sighed relieved to hear that she wanted to be alone today.

'It is mandatory to teach masjids, but I still can't give up the taste of travel.'

Masjid's assistant can do it at any time, and all the slaves know that he betrayed them through the Divine Voice.

Even if Iri is lured into a trap, there will be no immortality that can be easily defeated.

"Here! Let's play another day! But there's only one condition! Sleep here! Just protect it and I won't touch you no matter what you do! Let's play!"


The long tail echoes with answers, as the majority of the party is women, and the military-style weapons are not forced except in combat.

Encouraging him to sleep on a battleship is because sleeping in Japan, as long as Iris's betrayal is confirmed, means placing the consciousness where the blade may reach her throat.

And they know that, so they accept it without any discomfort.

Swook - Swook -

Later, when everyone teleported to Japan with the sound of the wind, the god who was left alone without a destination made an uncomfortable look on his neck.

'I don't know much about Japan……. Now I can't even tangle to one side. I have to play by myself.'

Well, it's not bad to find out about Japan by yourself. Since God judged that he has a lot of money, he decided to go around and enjoy the atmosphere of travel by himself.


When members of the Tritiac were scattered, enjoying a trip to Japan, Iscilia was enjoying a date with Noah.

"Mom, you couldn't afford to live with your master around you yesterday, right?"


Iscilia smiles bitterly at the sound of her stabbing daughter.

"Women's shopping is usually 2-3 hours, right? If it was her personality, she would have finished shopping in 20 minutes to notice."

"I've felt it many times, but Jin-woo's personality is... easy to understand."

The more I saw Jinwoo, the more I felt that she was really too easy to know.

Shopping was originally a fun act for women to enjoy just checking things that were of interest to her, so she had to wait in one place without any reason to pay attention to Jinwoo as much as torture itself.

Noah had an understanding of her situation, and decided to spend some time together as an excuse for a date between mothers.

The current time is around 10: 30.

Most citizens walked the streets after going to school or going to work, mostly running salespeople and women who came to shop.

"I found a lot of good stuff in the department store yesterday, so come with me."

"… Chuckle……."

At that moment, she thinks of something and then smiles pleasantly.

"What's the matter?"

Noah wondered,

"No... I like shopping with Noah. I pushed you so hard by mistake, you turned your back on me and ran away. Since then, my wish has been to do anything with Noah again."

"Now we can really 'do anything' together."

In the reality that 'anything', which she said, really changed to 'anything,' the two mothers looked at each other for a moment and smiled at the woman who became in love with a man.



"Oops!? Sorry!"

Thanks to this, Isaiah, who could not see the man coming from the front and could not escape, apologized to the woman who hit her shoulder.

And the fact that the woman she bumped into was already a pregnant woman who swelled up like she had been eight to nine months old made me even more sorry.

"No, I just bumped my shoulder... I'm fine... Huh...?"

"… eh…?"

At that moment, the two women who saw each other's faces couldn't keep their mouths shut, making a look of horror and surprise.

Do you know each other? '

Noah sees the face of a pregnant woman with a frightening look on her face.

The long torn eyes with the egg-shaped slender face, slightly darker eyelashes and long eyelashes felt crude.

And because of its distinctive yet discreet shape and thin lips, it had an overall agile look, and because of its sleek hair tied together in a ponytail, its black and shiny legs, it was able to reveal a cool scalp with a tender skin.

"That's odd. I wouldn't know if my mother knew. Especially with that kind of beauty. '

If Ycilia is a western beauty, then the other woman is an equivalent Asian beauty.

The two women who looked as frightening as the end of the world, when they wondered, because Noah could not have known, of course.

"Iscilia...? How did you...?"

"Aki...? Why are you here...?"

Aki!? '

The name Aki comes from the mouth of her mother, Isilia.

When I was serving for Jinwoo, I once heard the name of a Japanese world-class talent from my mother's mouth, and Noah also looked at the woman who accidentally bumped into her with a frightening look.

"I heard you were definitely missing. Why are you here...?"

"That's what I'm talking about. I must have hidden myself since the Jihad subjugation, but now this is...."

After looking at each other for a while, Aki opened his mouth as if he wanted to avoid annoying work as much as the eyes seemed to look at them around him.

"I guess it's hard to say 'Bye, then' since we're connected, huh? Besides, they're gonna want to ask you a lot of questions."

Aki soon thought of something.

"Just when my husband and kids went to school with the company, no one was home."

Her words are empty at home, so if you want to talk slowly, it makes sense to come with you, but Ycilia's interests are not your own.

Husband and kids? '

Did... Aki... marry Aki, who was like a ferocious wolf when he fled? And by "children," I mean more than one child!

Not only did she flinch her tail to Yoo Chang-ho, but to other men, she cautioned her ferocious molars. She married and gave birth to more than one child, but soon she regained her mind.

"Good. Our relationship isn't that shallow to say goodbye like this."

Although the fate was unfortunate, Isaiah's personality became rounder compared to when she was a very sharp young man, and Aki also showed a deep thought when the fierce personality that he showed when he gathered for jihad subjugation disappeared.

'… I'll have to set some settings while I'm on my way.'

Perhaps, Aki's first question almost started with 'Why is your missing mother in Japan?' So, while she was going to Aki's house, she desperately rolled her head and began to set things up.

It would have been unimaginable for her to be an old woman, but living with Jin Woo, looking at him, Iscilia seems to have learned how to wrap a lie like this.

'I never thought I'd meet Aki like this...' Life isn't necessarily just about moving. '

Unexpectedly, by this coincidence, she secretly sighed a sigh of relief, gazing closely at Aki's inflated stomach.

"About eight to nine months, considering the size of the ship. No matter how perverted Jin-woo is, she wouldn't" do that "to a pregnant woman. '

If she could not do the 'thing' she thought, of course, she judged that Aki's acquisition had gone too, and it became a much lighter expression.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Mmmm! I can feel your cheer and scream mixed in.

And the screamers are probably thinking,

Reader: Are you crazy!? You're going to beat up a pregnant woman!? Manshak's pregnant wife!?

For the record, for me, the most beautiful body in the world is not the perfect S-line body, or the body that comes out in a bathing suit.

A pregnant woman with a full stomach. It's the most beautiful and fascinating creature in the world.

The dignity of the existence of a mother who is conceiving another life, and the beauty of life with a swelling stomach where life is growing to be reborn.

There are a lot of people who occasionally ask me to point to a naughty site, and when I give you a site that I own, I get an answer like this.

"Is there no due diligence?"

"Why is there only 2D?"

Yes, I only have sites with 2D image formats. Because due to due diligence, it's hard to find maternal sex.

On the other hand, 2D drawings show relevant images when you type pregnancy into the search box, thanks to the mindset that writers are fictional.

I was a novelist (appendectomy was my first debut. I pointed at a writer and I heard, "If you're so frustrated, you can try it." And I got angry and I started writing impulsively, so my settings were very poor. I didn't really digest the feeling of having sex with a pregnant woman.

But it's different now. I got enough experience as a writer to write a third piece called Limitless 48577;

I'll tell you why Aki is the anti-Lysians.

PS: Well, there were a lot of answers as to whether she was pregnant or not, but to be honest, she wasn't that hot. I gave you a clear hint, but if you can't match it, I'm rather disappointed. Heh heh

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