As it was late at night, the members of Samtaegeum returned to the battleship and spent the rest of their time doing their duty.

There was a small problem saying that Masjid couldn't teleport anymore today, and that he couldn't teleport a large quantity until the next day. However, Noah's group bought a lot at once and decided to play the next day, so they ignored it.

Basically, members of the organization in Samtaegeum have free time until Jin Woo gives an order. During this time, they are enjoying training, relaxing, and doing what they want to do.

Of course, the slaves were immersed in the cultural life they had enjoyed, because they could not just send them off the ship.

"Hey, what do you think of this?"

"I don't think they match your shoes a bit. How about this?"

"I don't think this is bad either."

In particular, the girl torque made up of Noah Harin-Perisha-Selli, whose personality was very active, was louder than usual, but not particularly intense in touching them to create a liquorice role that gave them a moderate vibrancy.

"Gaaah! Riellus looks good on you!"

"Ugh... Ugh..."

Harin coded against the human-shaped Riellus, and just like skinny-style jeans that emphasize angles and hips, Riellus, fitted with a white shirt that emphasizes the chest and waist, had a sophisticated urban girl look and image that changed the mood to reveal its appearance.

The only problem is that Riellus himself has never worn such a clingy outfit, so he's very uncomfortable.

When Lilith felt uncomfortable because of the clothes that she did not know that she had become a doll to change into, and when she was surrounded by girls in her early 20s, she quietly went to Jinwoo, where she wore shoes.

'Hmm... This is quite interesting.'

After all, women were all enjoying the girls' torque, so I just came up with a question of pretending to eat together in a rare restaurant.

You said one of your past lives was dark magic, right? Then is there any way to use those souls with dark magic? '

- There are many things.

Soon, the voice of God resounded directly into his mind. These two were now able to talk to each other with magical power, connected to each other's thoughts.

Once Masjid hears this conversation, he doesn't know what kind of interference will come.

For those of you who are unsure of the type of magic, God gives you a concise idea of only the outcome that he can produce, rather than naming spells that he does not understand.

- Because the power of the demons in the Ecoma tunnel is so great, you can use the curse to use it and summon it as an undead……. -

'Okay, that's it.'

- Yes?

There are still many ways to use the power of evil spirits, but God could almost shake his head without even knowing what he was going to say when he said he would be able to summon them to the Undead.

'Our weakness may be our resource, but it's our weakness because we can't produce any more troops. If we summon those demons to enhance the power on this side, that weakness will be resolved.'

- Hmm……. -

But for some reason, God sounded a little uncomfortable.

Is there a problem? If I need anything, I'll get it for you... '

- It's not like that.It's just... my dead ancestors. Should I use them like this...? -

In the world of Canberg and Luo, making the dead undead is considered to be a crime far more sinful than murder and rape.

That is why God was reluctant to summon the souls of his ancestors to the undead and to be defiled.

"Are you stupid? '

However, even this time, Jinwoo, who had cut off the word of God, sent his thoughts toward him as if he didn't understand.

What do those evil ancestors want? You're killing Japs, aren't you? Even if there was a way to cleanse the souls of your evil ancestors, do you think they wanted to be cleansed without revenge? You're giving those ancestors the best chance they have of taking on the Japanese with their own hands. If he had the form to kill the Japs, he'd be happy to be exploited. '

- Is that right?

'Otherwise, for decades, your ancestors would have been demons on that land and hated the Japanese. We're happy to have the power, and our ancestors are happy to have the opportunity to avenge themselves. Isn't this a win-win?'

- ……. -

Obviously, they had remained evil spirits from the day they died as Jinwoo had said, and those who had broken the trains that had passed at all due to the closure of the ecoma tunnel were already losing at least some reason because of the hatred that continued to boil.

The vengeance for their death there was so great that they became commandments in the Ecoma tunnel (a ghost who died unfairly in a certain place and could not escape from that position) that they could not leave, so the dark magic of God is a vengeance for them.

And, thanks to Jinwoo, God, who realized the joy and true meaning of revenge, agreed with his opinion.

This would be the best way to relieve your ancestors of their miserable lives of being dragged away without sin. -

'Speaking of which, since you can summon evil spirits to the undead, I want you to go to Harbin, China.'

-... 731 Maruta Squad. -

Maruta Unit 731.

A unit that has conducted merciless biological experiments on living humans, essentially without anesthesia, and has conducted all kinds of cruel experiments.

The unit's experimental site is Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, China, where thousands of souls who have died recklessly by the Japanese will be under orders.

'There will be many soul seeking revenge from the Japanese.'

- But if you kill the Japanese enough to get the grudges of all the demons out there, the entire archipelago will be completely extinct. -

Really? It's a little awkward when everyone's dead. Then I want you to get rid of hundreds of evil spirits with just the right amount of grudge. Mostly Koreans, 'cause no matter how we die, it doesn't matter to us.'

Although many of the Chinese were also killed by Maruta troops, Jinwoo said that it would be beneficial for the Chinese to reduce the number of Chinese people.

- Yes, sir. Then tomorrow... right now... -

'The reason I took a week off was because I had to fight a war for a while, so I told them to rest early. You're a Korean village born and raised in Korea just like me, right? Let's enjoy the world globally, hillbilly.'

- … Thank you, sir. -

Though he still spoke roughly, God was thankful for the consideration of Jinwoo who took care of his people in this way.

Honestly, Jinwoo told me to get ready right away if I could reinforce the forces that would win the war, but Jinwoo encouraged himself to enjoy the holidays despite his greed.

Moreover, because they were connected by magical power, God felt even more thankful, even though he had a human desire to increase his power immediately.

'By the way, Iris has regained her memory as expected.'

All the other slaves returned, but not one of them returned.

If God had not warned him, he would have thought he was just doing his duty diligently, but when he listened to his warning and checked her status window, he had already prepared his mind to see the enormous descent of love and loyalty that had been stamped 100 times each.

- Almost certainly. All that's left is how to use it. -

This is Iri who knows that she betrayed him, and Iri doesn't know that they've noticed.

"Heheheh. If you can't make a proper dish with these extravagant ingredients, you should retire while you're sleeping and conquer the world." '

Preventing a traitor's plans in advance is the right answer, but if you are a true schemer, you can use this situation against your opponent's organization.

'Well, it's too late now, so let's think about it slowly. There's still plenty of time. I have to go.'

- Yes.

There's still plenty of time. Jinwoo, who decided to enjoy the operation without haste, left the restaurant finishing his meal appropriately, and he also decided to enjoy the landscape of Japan from tomorrow and expected to enjoy it from where.


"Space Battleship with free materials in space……."

"Moreover, if you have the resources, you can build anything..."

"It may sound far-fetched, but everything I said is true."

Yamato Heisei, the prime minister of Japan, is responsible for one axis of Wok-Il-sungcheon.

Lijin Fujimi is a big hit as Japan's leading talent.

Both of them were appalled by the power of the Three Tai Poles flowing out of Iri's mouth.

I was even more shocked because I knew that Iri was currently sane because she had been thoroughly examined for a long time without any signs of cerebral brainwashing.

"The problem is that when you say it like that, it's front and back. All the more reason that a battleship in Israel suddenly appeared above the Vatican, and then suddenly hid its tracks again."

Heisei accepted Iri's insistence because everything made sense under the assumption that she believed it, although it was hard to believe.

"It's hard to believe, but it has to be explained by the Prime Minister... I'm confused, but I have to believe it."

Fujimi also took time, but I had no choice but to believe her, knowing how loyal and sincere she was.

Both Fujimine and Heisei believed Iris, and she opened her mouth with a smile of relief.

"Well said, Masjid."


- Of course, it's the decisiveness and understanding of an organization that wants to make an enemy of the world. -



At that time, a holographic video appeared on the beacon that was hanging from the chest of Iris.

"What the hell...?"

"She is the masjid, the artificial intelligence that manages everything in jihad. And this is a copy of a savior who gave me my memory back, who offered me an alliance between the heavens and jihad."

In answering Heisei's question, Iris adjusted the position of the beacon so that the masjids could see both Heisei and Fujimine at a glance.

Fujimine and Heisei yelled at Iris with a pressing glance as if to explain the situation.

He should, too, because it should never be known that Heisei and Fujimine are behind the rising tide.

If two of Japan's most prominent celebrities are found to be leaders of the rising tide, Japan will become a public bully and a global bully that the government has led to the rise of the terrorist organization, UKil Il Chun.

No, I'm just glad I was bullied. Japan is being suffered diplomatically because Uk-Il-shoon is working with Across, but if the Japanese government finds out that it was behind the Uk-Il-shoon, punitive forces from all over the world will come to Japan.

- Don't worry about what you think. because if I wanted to, I could hack and send this video around the world, as Sam-tae would have done. Please think that I am serious that your stature is still intact. -

Although he was polite and polite, Fujimine and Heisei made a somewhat uncomfortable look because they were half threatened by the threat of spreading this video around the world at any time.

- And I don't want you to blame Iris too much. If she didn't accept my offer, she would have to keep her mouth shut because of my threat of spreading the identity of Wok-Il-Seong. -


Masjid was right.

Masjid, who brought back her memories by telling her about Iri's past, offered to ally her with the UKY Ascension and Jihad, but suggested that she not speak of herself first, because she wants to see the qualities of the leaders of the UKY Ascension.

- Accept unbelievable testimony to understand unbelievable phenomena. You have to have this judgmental ability to be in an alliance with a jihad. -

"... if you are the artificial intelligence in charge of a space warship called the jihad operated by the Three Tai Poles, there is something naturally suspicious."

- Why do you betray the Three Tai Drama? -

In Heisei's question, Masjid answered in a voice that seemed natural.

- I didn't betray Sam Tai drama. I had a different owner in the first place. The head of the Samtaegeum is nothing more than a correction crop using my master. -

"And the purpose of the corrective ship is to destroy it with our power?"

In Fujimine's reply, Masjid smiles.

- I see you're having a good conversation. If you cooperate with me, I will use the power of jihad for your ambition. At least half the planet I'm proud of, and I'm going to leave you with a weathering diary here. -

What if the cosmic battleship that wiped out Israel in a heartbeat and even the Vatican helped in the rising tide?

"... How can I help you?"

"I'll do my best to help."

Two men, women, Fujiminey and Heisei, who were practically behind the ascension, decided to join the masjid, tempted by the coveted condition that jihad is a bit suspicious but powerful power.

For the day when the Great Japanese Journal, which failed in the past, will be plunged into the entire world!

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Ugh! You rest well!

I've driven all the games that have been pushed around, but it's open in a while.

Let's celebrate 3000 coins for the 2nd round.

Bird-coloring! I didn't slap you with my spare time while playing for three days!

PS: By the way, is there definitely 40 to 50 more players than before the break? I didn't write anything. Why...?

Sometimes the world is full of things you really don't know;

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