Marco Bentos, an old man in his 60s, quickly scans for dark red power suits and a dark, evil red mask.

I was wondering if there was some kind of a pattern of tissue somewhere in the Power Suites, but Bentos was thinking of doubting other organizations besides that one.

It's like a blatant heterosexual in a raid like this.


However, Jinwoo ignores Ventos' words and throws away what she holds.

Coupon Tang -


At first, I thought it was a weapon, but after confirming that it was a person and 10 heads, not a weapon, he instinctively checked the face of his face while embarrassed.

"Oh... my...!"

and the frightening scream of a fat man who appears to be in his mid- to late 40s.

Underboss of the Bentos family, he revealed a slight malfunction that seemed to deny reality, knowing that the owners of his head were the strongest talents in the organization, and he also had to rub his eyes open with both eyes.

But the strange thing is that he is the only one who is shaking with his hands and feet tied.

The fat man, Bentos and Underboss, quickly rolled his head to see who the author was, but no matter how hard he rolled his head, his memory did not come to mind.

He will, too, because there's a giant mafia organization that rules Rome... You can't possibly remember the Associate.

"I can feel the atmosphere at first glance. You must be Bentos."

You don't know me? '

At first, I thought it was an elaborate sneak attack by an organization.

He thought that a more dangerous organization was attacking him than any enemy he'd ever faced, because of the disruption of his enemies wearing the same dark red power suits and decisively destroying the majority of the warehouses for the destruction of the Bentos family without thinking of smuggling or pillaging.

An unidentified intruder broke into his mansion and said, "You must be Bentos." 'Until I say so.

"What are you? No, what was the point of doing this before?"

Like the mafia that dominates Rome, Bentos asked Jinwoo in a calm, intimidating manner, like a carnivorous animal roaring at one another without embarrassing or exploding his emotions.

"Huh? Hey, you can't tell me that. Rather, I want to say," What's the point? ""



The beneath bosses of Bentos and his family do not understand momentarily and do not conceal their confusion.

"I'm enjoying a tour of Lululah Rome, and he stole my wallet? You were pretty pissed, but you still came here to play, so you're just gonna pack your purse? And then he drags me into an alley and beats me up, and if I squirm like a yellow monkey, I'll give you back some of my wallet money. You know what he says when he blows up and knocks him out?"

Jinwoo pointed to the pick-pocket he threw with his fingertips, modulating his voice to the pick-pocket's voice as much as possible, and following his line.

"Y-you think you attacked someone...!? He's a member of the Bentos family, the ruler of Rome!"



At the same time, Bentos and his Underboss, who have heard so far, come up with the worst results they could not have imagined.

"So I tried to find you, the boss of the men who attacked me, but he doesn't even know where you live? That's why you asked for the location of the man who knows where you live, smashed all the warehouses you've managed, and you kept telling him until he found out where you live."

Jinwoo points his finger at the floor and opens his mouth again to Bentos.

"Here's another question I asked you before. Guys, what the hell? What. Purpose. Against me. Did you walk?"

"... Is... that all...?" "


"That's all...!"

Bentos stares at Camphor with a volcanic look, but instead, he looks as if he is worthy of being outflanked.

"Of course. I've tried to be as humane and civilized as possible, but you're the ones who put up a fight and insulted me. I'm gonna ask you a third time. Give me a satisfactory answer as to why you're picking on me."

"Khh... khh... khh... khh... Hahahaha!"

Marco Bentos, the mafia's refusal, explodes the minefield.

There was a lot of smuggling, weapons and drugs that could be converted into astronomical money, and there was a lot of great scouts and a lot of anger that destroyed the organization that he had spent his life building.

However, the fundamental anger that was there was the minor issue that only the lowest member of the Pickpocket organization had caused because they couldn't touch a single person well.

"What? Smile!?"

If it was a common novel or cartoon, Bentos would have to blow up the mines and recite the next line, but unfortunately he was a small-time villain who put his emotions first.

Boom! Wave!

Jinwoo clenches his fist at the face of the Bentos family's underboss, a fat man in his nearby mid-40s. When his whole arm does not appear to have been severed and he reappears, the head of the underboss dislodges without screaming, along with the sound of bones and flesh breaking off.


The bones, eyes, flesh and bribes that flew in the direction of power turned grotesque as they collided with fairly old-fashioned art, and Bentos bent his face like a devil toward the Jinwoo who killed his minions who had plotted underneath him.

"Son of a bitch……!"

"Fourth question. Why are you picking on me? I just warned you about your stooges, but your arms and legs start next."

"Don't bullshit me! That's the only reason you attacked our organization!? Then why did you blow up the warehouse?"

"I'm going to cut off your roots completely."

"You want to wipe out the mafia just because you've been robbed! You want me to accept that nonsense!"

Clearly, in the world behind us, such trivial things can be corrupted by pride and war, but they are committed by third-grade breeding groups who cannot even kill their temper.

Biggest players in the world don't go to war over this sort of thing, but drink it up by brutally executing only that member of the organization.

Moreover, pick-pockets have been instructed to return their wallets and not resist if they are known to be targets of pick-pockets, to be dragged into a fury, to go to prison, or to temper the wrath of the incapable.

Even the Mafia has these abilities, but they have nothing to gain by friction with foreign capabilities who will leave in a few days. Instead, it is difficult for fellow capabilities to attack their families.

However, after being beaten and humiliated by a pick-pocket, the destruction of a warehouse managed by members and organizations in the name of revenge gave Bentos a decent and deliberate look.

However, Jinwoo opened his mouth and explained to him, blowing the stench into his ambassador.

"Let's just say I took that pickpocket and left. Then I'm sure he'll report to the top, right? Of course, more than just pickpockets, they're gonna want to find me, right? And I must have fucked them up again, right? That way, the higher ranking members will come in, and it'll be an infinite loop to crush them. So before you tried to kill me, I tried to kill you first. I destroyed all the warehouses, I killed as many people as I could, I cut the power to wipe out the Bentos family."


What kind of brute force is this? You did this just to wipe out the mob behind the pick-pocket?

However, Ventos does not react very strongly to that because frankly, if he had just knocked down a pickpocket and left, he could not deny that it was a future that would surely happen.

He must have suffered considerable damage when he heard it, and sent even high-level talents to defend the Bentos family's pride that ruled Rome's backworld.


However, the Bentos family suffered enormous damage before they were able to stand up again because of their ability to attack first.

Since the damage to astronomical property and the organization members who would become the pillars of the organization were overwhelmed, if they survived, they would only be swallowed up by other families inside the mafia.

Who would have guessed? The Bentos family in the underworld, which even Italian politicians can't believe, is facing an end to this ridiculous nonsense because of the actions of its members.


At that time, I heard the police arriving outside the mansion, and Jinwoo, who seemed to be doing well, approached Bentos.

"I... will... repay you..."


Bentos raises his brightness in his approaching actions, as his instincts as he rolls around in the back world reach the extreme of anxiety, even feeling fear.

You can't die here like this. At the very least, the Bentos family must build a foundation for the next generation to survive. There are still some remaining funds and organizations overseas, so if you pick them up well, you'll be able to settle as a middle-aged family inside the Italian mafia.

"Why all of a sudden... hmm!?"

Bentos, who had just vomited his anger and asked me to kill him, suddenly gave a weak voice, smiling sinisterly, and approaching the wall of the unbroken office across the wall from where he had pierced himself for a reason, punches out.





"Heh? Right next door? I thought he'd be a few blocks away."

A small figure and a cute boy who looked like he was between the ages of 15 and 16 who was crouched in the corner when the wall broke, and a Western beauty who was in her mid-20s with orange wave-like paws who hugged such a boy.

Originally, they tried to run away, but Jinwoo moved so fast and massacred the members of the group that they could not get out easily and were terrified and stuck here.

"Suddenly, I thought there was something there. I can't get out of my head. Hehehehe!"

"W-wait! Don't touch those kids! I'll pay you whatever you want!"

Bentos, who saw his son late, once again emphasized the rewards for his late daughter and son.


At that time, the sound of police gathering at the Bentos' mansion rang out, and a very good idea at first was to lick his tongue and reveal the end of the Bentos family that had dared to attack him globally.

And when the world is buzzing about what he is, he acts magnificently, destroying Israel and the Vatican.


"Dammit. Some lunatic touched the Bentos family."

Politicians who were taking money from Bentos were rapidly using their power to report that his mansion and warehouse had been attacked, and police and armed with shotguns and pistols surrounded Bentos' mansion in high-end homes.

Perhaps if he had been contacted, he would have mobilized an army, but unfortunately, his intentions were lost when he was ambushed before he could contact us.

Since the situation was so dire that he had to draw his own pistol and take command of the front, the police chief, who had just jumped into the scene, grumbled at the fool who grabbed a slight prowl of the belly and crossed the Bentos family.

The Bentos family has dominated for a long time, so the police chief expected either Bentos or some lunatic to be captured and killed in a long torture.



Kwadang Tang!




As an unidentified assailant protruding out of the mansion by a booster spewing fire like a jet engine, Bentos his and his children roughly to the ground, it becomes clear that the incident is flowing in a completely different direction than he expected.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

The reason I said "extreme compression of two sheets"

A stooge strikes the protagonist fearlessly - > reports to his superiors with vengeance - > attacks the protagonist with a higher or larger number - > breaks - > reports to his superiors - > attacks with an assassin whose superiors are more capable - > breaks - > reports to his superiors - > endless routes until the final boss appears

Because we blew up the propaganda before this intermediate process -_- ㅋ

Anyway, second year.

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