Rome's atmosphere has changed.

It's because members of the Capo di Copy and Bentos families dominate Rome.

Of course, since it was an age, it was not a two-eight-year-old ceremony that created an atmosphere of horror, threatening citizens openly, but a way of blending in with citizens and tourists to find someone.

However, some tourists who were good at reading other families' pickpockets and atmosphere were uncomfortable enough to notice something unsettling.

Just in case, I paused and quietly checked the situation, but there was a small incident inside the Bentos family, so I was instructed to act as usual.

"Oh, fuck! Where the hell are those bitches?"

The man who had first besieged Noah and Harin began to focus on a group of Asians, uttering profanities.

That's what all Asian faces look like to the Westerners, but the man who thought they would be easy to find because they were eye-catching beauty couldn't find their shadows, no matter how far they looked in Rome.

Wook Sin!


Noah's kick is punched straight into his side, and he goes out and grabs the cracked ribs and squeezes out a painful groan.

"Dammit... I'm going to kill those bitches today and become Maid Man."

Men's rank within the Bentos family is Associate.

It is a sub-division of the organization, and quite frankly, it is the bottom quarterback.

As a terminal member who made money mainly through pickpocketing or other crimes, the man had been in the Bentos family for quite a long time, but he did not kill anyone, so he had to be in the semi-agent position.

Made Man, right above the Associates, is a legitimate member of the organization that must be killed.

The man was satisfied with his current life even though he did not become the Maid Man and became a formal member of the organization, but he was furious enough to live on because of his disfigurement that flew to an Asian woman.

'Let's rest until the wrinkles calm down a bit.'

The man decides to take a break, because the pain is so severe, and he sits on the stairs and manages the pain.


While resting like that, he was about to move again with some relief, and a man who was an Asian in his eyes was noticeable.

As if he had come to Rome for the first time, he decided to steal his wallet as an accessory to the angry man who had been beaten by an Asian woman.

The Asian man was walking in the direction of a rare slum on his own, and when I looked closely, I was doubtful how such delicious food could survive until now.

Moreover, the man who saw that he was a delicate young man decided to steal the Oriental wallet by mistake because he was stressed out.

After raising his body like that, he approaches a young Asian man.


An arm that swings in a straight line, unseen by cunning and stealth.


Of course, the Asian man looked back in surprise at the hands of another person who felt it on his butt.

"W-what are you doing!?"

An Asian man raises his voice at him, as if it were his own, as if he were a cruel man who steals his wallet from his back pocket.

"Gasoline, why don't you speak up?"

Despite the protest of the Asian man, the pickpocket ignores him, opens his wallet, admires the thick Euro, and continues to move toward the slum.

"W-wait a minute! What the hell……!"



When the Asian man grabbed the shoulder of the pickpocket, the pickpocket turned around and hit the Asian man's abdomen.


"Whose shoulder is that yellow monkey on right now? You want to die?"

"Th-that's... my entire property...!"

The Asian man leans over in agony, but does not place his arm on the shoulder of the pickpocket.

Perhaps, if he were a normal pick-pocket man, he would have just run away or hit me one more time and gone on my way, but he grabbed the man's head and dragged him to an alley adjacent to the slum, symbolizing that he should unravel the humiliation he had tasted to the Asians.

"You caught me when I was feeling really shitty. I'll make you a memory you'll never forget."

Some locals saw it, but there were no courageous people to stir up trouble with the mafia for tourists who would disappear in a few days.

The pickpocket pushes the Asian man to the wall with all its might.



The Asian man grunts as he smashes against the wall, but the pickpocket brutally clenches his fist against the Asian body.



When the Asian man couldn't cope with the pain, he fell to the ground, and then the angry pickpocket slapped the Asian man's face with his toes, spewing out a rough cough or something.


"Yes… yes…!"

I've beaten a few too, so I'll get my own respect.

"Give me a monkey voice."


A Asian man raises him as if to ask what he is talking about, and the pickpocket slaps him in the chest with a slight force.



"What's wrong with yelling at a monkey? You make a monkey laugh, I'll pay for the hotel, so try it."


At the request of the pick-pocket, the man's expression was overwhelming.

Does it make sense for you to make monkey noises to people?

"Why? Are you scared because you don't have the same herd of monkeys that used to hang out together? Can't you be embarrassed to be alone when the world is so noisy that you're moping around in droves?"


"Let's see……."

Pickpockets were pale in front of an Asian man, pulling out 200 euros from his stolen wallet.

"The monkey makes a noise for 200 euros. The hotel bills, the meals tomorrow."

"* Sobbing *"

The Asian man shyly shrugged his head and shrugged his shoulders, and the pickpocket tapped the man's shoulders and urged the monkey to sound.

"What's so hard? Why don't we just squawk like we always do? It's 200 euros if you do what the yellow monkey did. Is that so hard?"

"… Yes… I will…."


At that moment, the Eastern man who shrugged his shoulders stopped and began to mutter something.

"What are you talking about..."



At that moment, the Asian man's body closes the mouth of the pickpocket like lightning and pushes his body against the wall.


Pickpockets spit out a frightening groan in pain that would shatter your spine, but even more surprisingly, the Asian man, who was just making a disdainful look, distorted his face like the devil.

"Oh, my God! He's fucking crushing me."


A distinct look and feel from what I just saw.

Pickpockets roll their eyes around with a look of pain and embarrassment, wondering what's going on, but Asian man, Jinwoo, drags him deeper into the alley.

The dark man who dragged him into the passageway behind the building that appeared to be a warehouse grabbed and lifted his chin to prevent him from opening his mouth, and slammed the body of the pickpocket with his remaining hand.

Puck! Puck! Pufferpuck!

"Did you have fun? You felt stronger and greater than this one, didn't you?"

"Knng! Knng!"

The eerie screams of the pick-pocket that did not scream properly rang out, and I wanted to beat him to the brim, but I tied his ankles together with two or three large cable ties to prevent the man from easily escaping for his future plans.

If we leave them alone, we can't run away.

"Just remember one thing. If you scream or do anything suspicious to call your colleagues, I'll" shrug "your fingers off one by one, so you better not do anything nonsense."


After capturing the stone nearby and demonstrating the power to make powder with grip, Pickpocket nods.

After suppressing him and then releasing his mouth, the pickpocket spewed out a painful groaning and stared at him with a poisonous face.

"Cough! Cough! Y-you think you attacked someone...!? He's a member of the Bentos family, the ruler of Rome!"

"Why? Are you scared because you don't have the same group of white gorillas that used to hang out together?"


A pick-pocket with a red face makes me want to curse, but I can't open my mouth easily because I just crushed the stone with my grip.

"I'm going to ask you a question now. When did that happen? There will be a peaceful future waiting to be forgotten, and if you don't answer, I will make you a fool to regret why I resisted in vain at that time."

As he grabbed hold of the man's finger and slowly began to exert power, his pick-pocket face turned pale.


It sounds obvious, but Rome is vast.

It is the capital of Italy and the centre of Rome, once a glorious empire.

In addition, there are numerous businesses controlled by the Capo di Copy and Bentos families of the Mafia organization that dominate Rome, the Italian capital, and numerous warehouses that control drugs, illegal weapons and contraband.

A warehouse area situated in a slum with wires all around it.

The barbed wire fence had a ban on access and electric shock, and inside it were several maids armed with handguns and SMGs, and Soldato, a group of professional fighters, in case other mafia organizations or foreign mafia organizations were attacking.


In addition, a white man with a great build who appeared to be Caporegime who could be called the Action Captain or Middle Boss, but who was trained inside, sang a nostril and was managing his fingernails while sharpening.

I'm in charge of the warehouse's security and responsibilities, but frankly, no matter how reputable a criminal organization is in Rome in a foreign country, there's no way that the Bentos family manages the warehouse.

That's why not only did other members of the organization stand guard, but they were spending time at a relaxed boundary thinking that someone would attack here.



At that time, a firestorm erupted from one side of the warehouse.

"What! What's going on!"

A massive man who was managing his nails in the maintenance room building ran out, and one of the huge warehouses was throwing up black smoke.


With dozens of kilos of drugs and contraband swept through the storehouse, he unknowingly screamed as if he didn't know who was attacking the Bentos family storehouse.

Bang, bang! Tutatata...!!

At that time, he heard the sound of the group reacting from where he found the enemy, and he was moving so thinly that he could not see the size of his body that he found the source of the sound.

"Shhhhhhh! Kieeeeeeek!"

"I knew it was best to grill meat!"

What he saw was the corpse of dead tissue members vomiting blood and an intruder of Dark Red Power Schutz, who was wielding a flamethrower attached to his arm, waving it up and down, training it evenly from head to toe.

"Son of a bitch! How dare you!"


As I said before, I ran at a speed unlike my great figure, towards the intruder in the dark red power suits and tried to attack them with enormous destructive power.



The sword that the intruder pulled out of the sword raised a white sword and cut a man of great stature in half.

Bang, bang!

He simply dealt with members of the late-running Bentos family behind the heavy waist and upper torso using a plasma cannon to blast them out of the warehouse.

After destroying all the warehouses, the intruder of the Dark Red Power Suits approaches a white man who was stuck in the corner to keep his blind bullets from dying.


The intruder in the Dark Red Power Suits, Jinwoo, opens his mouth, spreading a flamethrower across the floor, threatening to pick a pickpocket that looks at him like a monster.


"Here's the next question."



In the lavish mansions and classy art and interior decor offices, Bentos Marco, the boss of the 60s and Bentos families, vomited outrage at his desk.

"What the fuck is he doing?!"

Bentos vomits furiously and asks for the identity of the enemy, but the man protrudes from his mid-40s belly standing in front of his desk to report, sweating and unable to open his mouth.

He only knows the unknown enemy in the dark red power suits, because he doesn't know why he's attacking them.

First reported to have been attacked by the warehouse, Bentos has increased the number of members guarding the warehouse and allowed them to wear smuggled power suits, but he continues to send word that a small number of survivors have perished and that their entire warehouse has been destroyed.

If only ordinary members of the organization were allowed to guard the warehouse, they would blame their incompetence. However, each warehouse is guarded by five to six talents who received a scout offer from the country. Some of the Soldato members below are also grades 2 to 4.

However, they were nearly annihilated, and all of their warehouses were destroyed, resulting in astronomical costs.

"Call the senators now! Dispatch an army to kill terrorists!"


The fat man in his mid-40s understood Bentos' words.

The assailant is clearly attacking only the Bentos family, but he intends to turn Rome into a terrorist and force the army to march.

In Bentos' words, the senators who take his money will prepare the troops quickly at the speed of light. All that's left is to stay alive until then.

"Stay away from the boss, too. I'm here..."

That's how he tried to evacuate Bentos Marco.






Along with the sound of the collapse of the exterior walls of Bentos Marco's mansion, the sound of gunfire and guard screams erupts, and the sound of a thrombus made by high-level men guarding the mansion is slightly later echoed.

"Boss! Now…!"

Quam, quam, quad!

However, before he finished speaking, several of the sounds of the walls inside the mansion began to ring, and as the sound began to close, Bentos Marco and the fat man in their 40s quickly took out their handguns.


As soon as they took out their handguns, the intruder, the dark red power suit, protruding from the right wall of the office, opened his mouth as Bentos flickered his tongue at a glance at the scene of the boss.

"Found it!"

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

I'd like to call this and the next one "extreme compression of two panels."

The reason will be explained by Jin Woo on the next side. But it's not an alliance.

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