I'm so lucky! '

When all the passengers were anxious, there was a man acting strangely insecure alone.

No, actually, I'm trying to be insecure, but I'm just about to burst out of laughter.

The identity of a white man who appeared to be in his early 30s, who appeared to be above the reference point of a fair red-brown hair and a moderately handsome man, was a hero named Benny Horis who had the nickname "Glory American," the official "A rank hero" in the United States.

The name makes him feel proud of his country, but the reason he lives as a hero is only because of the fame of wanting to be welcomed and respected by people.

Of course, even though the fame is strong, there must be some degree of justice under it to be able to act as a hero. Even though it is hypocritical, we can live a hero's life only by hiding the desire to be respected by helping people in trouble.

However, he had one fatal weakness: he was definitely strong for an enemy weaker than himself, but definitely weak for an enemy stronger than him.

His ability is a combination of Body Strengthening Grade 5, Regenerative Ability Grade 2, and Psychic Ability Grade 3. He was a person with no weaknesses and balanced abilities, but because he had a reputation for wanting to be respected by people, he valued his life and did not have the courage to risk his life against his enemies, who liked to fight as if they were weaker than himself, but in the end, he preferred to fight in a manner that showed generosity.

The reason why he wants to go to Iraq is the same as now.

Each has his own ideas and ideals. Moreover, if given the power to achieve it, it is natural to focus more on it.

Therefore, an army that suppresses such ideas and ideals with rules and forces tends to avoid them.

Of course, there are special forces of abilities called the X-Force that ensure the freedom of those with abilities, but those who feel oppressed by military forces tend to avoid it.

After all, as an official A rank hero, he came up with a plan as his reputation increased and the ranks of the fighting villains increased.

There are many enemies in the United States, so there is a lot of terrorism, which is why Americans do it.

Among them, he decided to go to Iraq and destroy al Qaeda because the terrorist organization in Iraq, Al Qaeda, was so powerful.

He quickly came to Korea and boarded a plane directly to Turkey, realizing that the military was also exhausted from the intensity of Al Qaeda's endless guerrilla tactics.

He went to Turkey, told the American Embassy he was Glory American, went to Iraq to help the army demolish Al Qaeda, and became the leading American hero, honored by all Americans, but he didn't realize how foolish his actions were when he saw that he had no interest at all in the military.

The work with Iraq is not already a matter of organizations, it's a matter of state and state level.

In that situation, a man who is not a soldier is a hero. Send him to Iraq. If they insist, who will let them go?

Moreover, the bigger problem, if you have formally proposed to the Pentagon in Mainland America, is that it was foolish of you to go and inform the embassy in Turkey.

If he had been in the military once as a Korean, he would not have made such a mistake, but this happened because he was born in the United States and was not even interested in being a soldier.

No, it is a contradiction if you think about it, that you are not interested in soldiers using the nickname "Glory American."

After all, Horis decided to make the most of the best fortune given to him, thinking about defeating the terrorists who tried to hijack the plane by chance and boosting his reputation again.

'Terrorists are all women except one man. I know I'm wearing power suits, but this much!'

Wearing power suits means that the base is just as weak.

Horis quickly devised a plan in his head, looking at the widespread images of terrorists to spy on more than a hundred passengers.

'What if we take out nearby terrorists in melee combat and take their weapons with impulse?' '

He is clearly weaker than himself, so he is good at fighting criminals who use guns.

'The most annoying thing is a spider with eyes on her forehead....'

In the United States, there are various heroes and villains, the most common of which are also opened for a variety of reasons, but occasionally for a variety of reasons (mostly radioactive), there are also mutant types that look like animals or insects.

They were reluctant to take their appearance outside, so the average person didn't know it, but he was identifying the characteristics of Riellus rather than surprising because he had occasionally had the opportunity to meet a mutant profiler around A rank in the United States.

Looks like they don't have any weapons. Are you a type of access fighter? We need to reduce the number of terrorists, so we should deal with her later. '

Horis quickly flew over the side of two Japanese fighters carrying two Japs who thought he had to defeat five terrorists here before they could join him.



"If you're going to ambush me, learn to hide your eyes first, scum."

The two-bag Japanese terrorist, Kiritani Iri, was good at reading the face and eyes of the opponent because of the characteristic of the approach battle.

Unlike the other hostages in fear, fear, and panic, she passed by him deliberately in preparation for an ambush when she had a confident look.

The location and timing of the attack are not surprises from that moment on. It's no less than a suicide squad running toward the gunpowder depot with their backs on fire.


Hurriedly dodging backwards, he pulls out his sword as quickly as a claw, and slashes Horis' shoulders, frowning and frowning if he doesn't like the screams coming from his mouth.

"Keep your eyes peeled. Keep your position."

As the other slaves draw their attention toward you, the herd from the waiting room turns the attention of the slaves towards the border and turns to Iris.

"What's going on?"

"This man was going to ambush me."

I didn't need to say anything else.

"I told you before, right? My men won't kill a woman once they say she's a woman. You're a glorious first date."

"Rrrrgh! My arm! Napaaal!"

Then Jinwoo grabs Horis' head with one hand, rolling the floor, gushing blood from his shoulders.




Horis, a fifth-grade physically enhanced powerhouse, lit up with power, but Jinwoo never let go of his head and punched him in the side with an unprotected fist.


Wood Duck!


He then began to rotate his wrist slowly, forcing his fist into his side.

The actions of the right to break the bones with a punch, and to turn the punch and crush the bones in that state were not the end there.

"Crush, crumble, crumble."

"Shhhhh! Sh-ghhh!"

Puff! Puff!

"Crush, crumble, crumble."

"P-please... save me!"


"Crush, crumble, crumble."

"Phew... Phew..."

Just two words of muttering, his work of turning all the bones in Horis' torso into dust has only halved.

"What? You're dead."

Horis' face was frozen with horrific pain as the tip of the bone pierced his heart as his ribs were broken, so the hostages who were looking at him could not even breathe in fear.

"I'll lower my strength a little more painfully from now on. Damn, that was supposed to be the most painful day of my life."


Then, as Horis's body was thrown out, his body on the ground began to twitch and wriggle, his postmortem stiffness spilling from his severed shoulders.

Jinwoo flips over the corpse, pulling out his wallet and chins dry toward Iri.

"Hey, throw this guy's body in the cargo hold."


Iris drags Horis' leg to the cargo hold, and the path to blood continues.

"Hmm! Let's see! Where did you come from and ruin the most peaceful hijacking ever." "

Despite the death of three hostages, it was disgusting to offer peace, but the hostages not only found out that other terrorists were excellent.

"His name is ~ Benny Horis. I am an American citizen... …. You have an official merit certificate? 5 Ranks of Strengthening, 2 Ranks of Regeneration, 3 Ranks of Stamina? You have this ability, and you're getting killed by yourself and your peers? That's so lame."

However, Benny Horis' death in vain was a big difference in experience.

The difference between Iris, who was curious and enhancing to fight those who were stronger than herself, and Veris' ability to fight only those who were weaker than herself, was equally powerful.

"This is what happens when you cross my people. I killed the first one easily because I couldn't control my strength, but I'll do it right from the second one, so if you want to open it again, open it as much as you want!"

Jinwoo smiles at the hostages, but he doesn't know their faces are frozen with fear.

"Oh, and there's a game I've always wanted to play when I hike, and I don't know if you know it's 007 bread."

He pulls his pistol out of his holster and smiles even brighter.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Ah... I just want to write there for the rest of my life if someone feeds me...

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